Nightwatch (Spiderman x oc)

By rosebudbloom

416 18 1

Dorothy never asked for superpowers, but that didn't stop her and her partner from saving Queens from time to... More

~~~Chapter 1~~~
~~~Chapter 2~~~
~~~Chapter 3~~~
~~~Chapter 4~~~
~~~Chapter 5~~~
~~~Chapter 6~~~
~~~Chapter 7~~~
~~~Chapter 8~~~
~~~Chapter 9~~~
~~~Chapter 11~~~
~~~Chapter 12~~~
~~~Chapter 13~~~
~~~ Chapter 14~~~
~~~ Chapter 15~~~
~~~Chapter 16~~~
~~~Chapter 17~~~

~~~Chapter 10~~~

20 1 0
By rosebudbloom

Liz continued to stare at me without saying a word. It was uncomfortable to say the least. Since I didn't know what to do normally at parties I was already at a loss, but since I'm at a party as a superhero I was even more clueless. Biting down at my lip and I began to look around from the doorway waiting to be welcomed in or asked to leave or anything honestly. Eventually I got tired of just standing there and snapped my fingers in front of Liz's face. That got a reaction. She blinked a few times before standing up straight and offering her hand to me. I shook it then spoke up.

"So, Is Peter Parker here?" i started "I'm kinda just here as a favor for a friend, the deal was i say hi to him then I'm good to leave."

The girl shook her head and smiled "Yeah, Yeah I bet you're busy. He went this way I think followed me."

Liz brought me through the party causing a few people to stare at us. I made sure to keep a hand on my sword the whole time so no one felt the need to play with it when i went by. After a minute of weaving through half drunk teens we made it to a back hallway. Standing in the hall were Ned and Peter who seemed to be arguing about something. Liz pointed over to them then hugged me out of nowhere thanking me for coming. I pushed her off gentilly and forced a smile before turning and heading to the boys. When I got close NEd's eyes widened and he turned Peter around.

"Y-You came!" he shouted

I raised an eyebrow at him as I crossed my arms "You think I wouldn't?" Peter began to stammer over his word when he tried to respond but I lifted my hand to stop him. "Look Parker, I'm here as a favor for Dotty. Parties aren't really my thing so I'm just gonna say hi and head out."

"Of course!" Peter said then grabbed my wrist "There is only one person who needs to see you Then you can go home or whatever you want to do." Peter brought me close to the DJ stand and gulped as we approached Flash.

Looking up from the music he was playing Flash made eye contact with me. Suddenly the music stopped as his jaw dropped. After a moment thought the boy recovered and had a smirk on his face. His eyes started between me and Peter for a moment then he opened his mouth. What came out made me wanna punch him in the face for multiple reasons.

"Would you look at that." the boy started "Penis Parker could only manage to get Spiderman's useless partner."

I looked at my shoes at his statement. A mix of sorrow and anger filled me. I could see green magic filling my hands as I tried not to react. Peter seemed to notice my magic since his hand quickly reached out and grabbed mine. I looked into his big brown eyes and sighed. He looked so guilty. I smiled at the boy and squeezed his hand before smirking and looking at Flash who was laughing. I forced myself to laugh along before lifting my free hand and catching him in my magical grip. With a smile I made the boy slap himself before taking my hand from Peter's and turning towards the door.

"Sorry i can't stay longer Parker." I told him with a smirk. "Tell Dorothy I said Hi next time you see her."

"I will. Thank you for doing this for me." Peter said as he waved at me, letting me leave the party with zero resistance.

Once I got outside I walked back to the park and sat on the swings. It was a bit far to walk home and I didn't feel like changing or hailing a cab. Spiderman was supposed to come to that party too so maybe I'll just wait for him. As I wait I swugn slowly back and forth watching the grass and the leaves sway in the trees. Suddenly my dream came flooding back into mine. I laughed for a second before deciding to try it just for shits. Holding my hand out I focused on a small flower that's blooming nearby. With a deep breath I began to use my magic. Green filled my hand and soon surrounded the flower. After a moment the budding flower began to bloom into a beautiful rose.

I gasped at the sight then looked down at my hands. Looking to an empty field in the park I held my hands out again. In my mind I just thought 'Grow'. I didn't care what grew, I just wanted to see something. After a moment my magic filled the ground where I was looking. In the center of a green sparkling circle a plant that looked similar to a giant beanstalk started to grow. Once it was about six feet high I ran over to it. Using my magic I caused it to bend and wave like one of these blow up men outside of car dealerships. Laughing and smiling to myself I made the beanstalk bend down as if to bow to me and I bowed back. I then just enchanted my magic through it and the plant began to move on it's own. It then shook my hand and I giggled. I had to tell Mr.Stark. Reaching down to my charm bracelet I click the mask. Once my notice was sent I looked at my bean stalk and bent it into a nice chair that I sat in to wait. Eventually Mr.Stark's suit showed up and I smiled.

"Hey FRIDAY!" I shouted to the suit knowing that Mr.Stark was most likely not in it.

The suit landed next to me and I jumped out of my chair. The stalk then unfolded itself and bent down to look at the suit and tilted a bit as if to look confused. I smiled at it and placed my hand on it then looked at Friday again who had remained silent.

"Hello Dorothy." FRIDAY finally spoke "Would you like to call Mr.Stark?"

I thought for a moment then nodded "Yes please, also please send him a recording of my plant friend here. I seem to have discovered some new bits of my power."

"Ok ma'am Sending the video. Once it is sent I will call Mr.Stark."

"Thank you." I then turned to my plant and hugged it. It, ok you know what I've decided my plant is a he. Anyways he wrapped himself around me as if to hug me back and I smiled "I'mma call you Jack and everytime i summon a beanstalk It will be you. Sounds good?"Jack seemingly nodded to me and I giggled. A moment later I heard Tony's voice and it caused my to turn towards his suit and smile.

"Hello Night, I got that video." Tony's voice said "I told you you aren't useless."

I giggled a little bit and nodded "Mr.Stark meet Jack, Jack this is Mr.Stark."

"You named him?"

"Of course I did! He's a sweetheart." Just then Jack nuzzled into my side causing me to giggle "Could you imagine how helpful It'll be if I'm able to summon Jack while fighting. He could pick up and throw people!"

Tony chuckled at me a bit "I'm glad you're happy. After you were so down on yourself it's good to see you confident." It was silent for a moment but then Mr.Stark spoke up "Oh i did make a minor upgrade for you. It's just your mask, It's in your studio at the tower. A new mask and an earpiece. It's your own personal AI like FRIDAY."

"Really!" i shouted my eyes getting big "Thank you Mr.Stark!"

"Oh and the earpiece. I kinda borrowed one of your designs for it so it looks like a decorative piece of jewelry. Meaning you can talk to your AI all the time even without your mask on."

"That's Amazing!" I said with a smile. Suddenly I heard screaming and saw something land in the lake near the park. "Oh my god! Mr.Stark someone just fell out of the sky into the lake!"

"Don't worry I got it!" Mr.Stark replied before the suit took off and rocketed to the lake.

As he flew away I said goodbye to Jack and he shrunk back into the ground. I then sprinted over to the jungle gym where I saw the suit land with spiderman in its arms. As I got closer my head was suddenly grabbed and I was turned so my back was to Spiderman but I could still hear them talking. I'm assuming the turnaround was because my partner had his mask off or something. It didn't bother me much because I could still listen in. As I listened Jack suddenly sprouted from the ground, being small and timid. I put a finder to my lips to show him to be quiet but then helped him grow a little bit more so that I had someone to interact with.

"And then he just dropped me!" Spidey said, explaining himself to Mr.Stark "How did you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit or something?"

"I put everything in your suit. Including this heater." I heard spidey sigh happily then looked down at my suit then at the empty Ironman suit. Suddenly my suit became warm as well and I smiled "yes you have one too Night."

"Dang this is awesome!" I cheered "Jack come feel this!" Jack leaned against my body for a moment before staining backup and nodding to me causing me to smile.

"What are you thinking?" Mr.Stark suddenly said again

"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons. I gotta take him down."

"Take him down now huh?" Mr.Stark commented "Steady Crocket there are people who handle these things."

"The Avengers?" Spdiey asked and I shook my head knowing this wouldn't end well.

"No this is a little below their pay raise."

"Anyways Mr.Stark you don't have to come all the way out here i was fine."

I snickered a little bit and spoke before Tony could "Um Spidey the suit is empty."

"Your partner is right." He mumbled "Thank god this place has wifi or else you would be toast."

"Hey Jack and I could have saved him." I argued and the suit turned to me.

Jack stood up straighter when we were looked at "the plant doesn't count as back up." Mr.stark replied causing Jack to seem almost shocked, I just patted his head.

"Look kids forget the flying guy please!" Mr.Stark urged and both of us yelled 'Why!' "Because i said so!" the man shouted back and mumbled something about teenagers. "Look guys stay close to the ground and build up your game. Help the little people like the lady with the currios. I mean Can't you just be like friendly neighborhood heros."

"But I'm...I mean we are ready for more than that now!"

"No you're not!"

"That's not what you thought when i took on Captain America."

"Listen if Cap wanted to take you out he could have."

I giggled a bit "Nah Steve is too much of a teddy bear for that." my voice was babish and I squeezed jack's 'face'.

"Listen to you two if you come across these weapons again, call Happy." suddenly a car started in the background.

"Are you driving?"

Tony sighed and spoke up again "Look it's never too early to be thinking about College. I have connections at MIT. end call."

"N-no wait Mr.stark!" Spidey yelled before FRIDAY told him that the man was no longer connected and flew away "That's awesome."

I giggled to myself "Yeah it is now put that mask on so i can turn around I want you to meet someone!"

"Night my mask is all wet can't it wait?" Spdiey complained, causing me to crinkle my nose at him.

Jack looked at me then over my shoulder at my partner and shook his head. I tiled mine at him towards Peter and Jack nodded. With a smirk I watched as Jack descended into the ground. A moment later I heard Spidey curse and scream. A second later I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Jack. Behind him was my disgruntled partner whose mask was forced onto his head sideways. With a small laugh I held my hand out and Jack slapped it.

"What the hell was that?!" Spider Man yelled as he adjusted his mask and turned to me and my plant buddy "Since when did you have a magic plant friend?"

Leaning over I hugged Jack and smiled "I made him! Isn't he adorable!" I cheered and spidey mumbled something "Anyways. Where were you tonight? I went to that stupid party like your friend Peter wanted and you weren't there." Spidey looked down so I continued "Seriously Spidey! I was made fun of, Peter was made fun of for me being there. Everyone sees me as the weaker half, the back up. When I was theri it looked like a failure for your friend. Like he couldn't get the best so he had to downgrade. Everyone always thinks that Spidey! It doesn't help that you go off on your own like you did tonight!"

Now I am getting off topic. I couldn't stop though. Something lit a fire in me. Maybe it was the fact that I had my partner's full attention. Maybe it was because I was upset about what happened at the party. Maybe it was because I was upset that he went after a villain without me. He still wasn't responding, but his eyes were locked on mine as I spoke. I could tell he was listening to me.

"When you go on your own it proves to everyone that they are right! You don't need me. I know I'm weak compared to you. I can't shoot webs or swing through the air or have some fancy spider sense or walk on walls. I understand all of that. I get it. I'm just a healer who can apparently animate plants." I felt myself beginning to talk faster as my eyes watered slightly "I know Mr.Stark saying we had to stay partners was the worst thing to ever happen to you. I'm holding you back, I'm just so useless and I ruined your life!"

"Stop!" Spidey suddenly yelled and gripped my shoulder hard "Stop talking! You're not useless. I love being your partner and i guess it was stupid to not go to that party when you were there and I know it was dumb to fight the valture alone. That's why I need your help Night. Together we can take down that guy. Please."

I sniffed and looked at Jack who shook his head 'no' "I don't know Spidey. For tonight let's just go home. It's probably best."

Spider man looked at me concerned for a moment and pushed my bangs out of my face "O-okay." He said to me then started walking "Come on. I can't swing us til we get closer to the city. So I guess we are...Staying close to the ground."

I giggled at him as we started to walk. Most of the trip was silent with my partner mumbling under his breath about how he wanted to get involved and such. Occasionally i would say something to him to Jack who looked kinda like a dolphin moving in and out of the ground next to us. I watched my plant friend with a smile then suddenly tripped over something and face planted. As I cursed under my breath Jack helped me to my feet and Spidey looked at what I tripped over. It appeared to be some weird tech that was glowing pink.

"Night come look at this!" he shouted at me as i got closer and bent down.

"What is it?" I asked as I grabbed a stick and poked it "Did it come from that flying guy?"

Spidey grabbed the tech to look at it closer before responding "No it came from his buddies, the weapon dealers."

"Wait so this is some kinda illegal weapon?"

"Basically yeah." The boy responded before standing completely, and action I soon mimicked "I'll take it and try to learn more."

I looked at the boy like he had thirty heads before using magic on the ground under us. "No we should take it back to the tower." I told him as the ground lifted up in the shape of a wave. I smirked at it and stepped on before offering Spidey my hand "Hop on, This should help us get out of the suburbs."

"I-Is this safe?" he asked as he stepped onto the loose dirt trying to keep his balance

I laughed at him for a minute before replying "I have no idea." Spidey's eyes got big and he gripped my waist with his free arm tightly "Calm down I'm just experimenting with my powers. Once we are in the city we can go back to webs ok."

The boy sighed and refused to loosen this grip "This is crazy and stupid."

"Whatever scaredy cat." I smirked then looked at the wave of ground below us. Using my magic I tried to command the wave. As my arms lifted the ground rose. CArefully i moved my arms behind me in a pushing motion and we jolted forward. "It worked!" I cheered as Spidey hugged me tighter. "Jack wrap our feet to keep up planted."

Suddenly Jack rose out of the movin ground and wrapped around my ankles. Next he did the same to Spidey causing the boy to look down. His eyes met mine again and I lit up.

"He came with us!" Spidey shouted then winced.

I assumed Jack wrapped tighter around him to hurt him a little so I just giggled. We rode the earth silently for a few minutes then made it to the city's edge. Once there I stopped our ride and lowered the earth. Jack unwrapped himself from our legs and waved goodbye to me. The plant then sunk back into the ground and I looked at spidey who was regaining his balance. I then indicated to the city and my partner grabbed my waist pulling me close.

"Thank god!" he whispered "Where to?"

I looked back at him with a smile as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders. "The tower please, I need to go to my studio and pick something up. And you really should turn in that weapon."

"Nah, I'll keep it and do a little research." the boy said before shooting a web and taking off with me in his arms.

Spiderman seemed significantly more comfortable with swinging around than he did with my moving earth, but i guess that's to be expected. It didn't take long to get to the tower this way and that was good. Spidey placed me on the ground with his web still in hand. With a quick hug he took off again to head to his house I assume. Once the boy was out of sight I made my way through the tower doors and up the elevator to the design studios. When I made it to the floor I walked silently to my studio, happy to be the only one there. Using my pin number I entered my personal space and sat in the black spinny chair I had. Carefully I took down my hair and removed my mask, setting it on one of my desks while rubbing my eyes.

After a moment of just enjoying the quiet I sat up and rolled myself over to my main desk. This table was filled with drawn designs and pictures. I had pictures of my siblings, Sarah and Zeke, my recently deceased parents, I also had a picture of me and Peter from band camp this summer on full display. Smiling at the pictures I continued to scan my desk until I saw something out of place. It was a small white box with a lavender bow and a note on top. I grabbed the box and read the note with a smile.

'Hey Kid, here's a small upgrade. I also did a bit of research on your powers, maybe try messing with some plants and see what happens. On your to do list is to design yourself and Spiderman some iron suits. Have fun and be creative. Also we still have time to add more to Spidey's suit remotely before we had access to his AI. Please don't doubt yourself anymore Kiddo, You're doing great ~ Tony Stark.'

I laughed to myself after reading the note before carefully untying the bow. With shaking hands I opened the box and looked in to see a fancy earpiece that wrapped around my whole ear as well as a navy blue sparkly mask that had the eye holes covered with gray tech lenses similar to Spider Man's. Taking out the Earpiece first I examined it with a smile. It was one of my designs. The metal was silver and it twisted around my whole ear decorating it with small sapphires. Carefully I put it on, followed by my mask. Once my mask was tied I heard a male voice and jumped back.

"Hello Nightwatch." the voice said to me. "I am your new assistant, You can communicate with me all times through your ear piece. With your mask on however I can provide many upgrades for you to use while fighting."

"Nifty." I replied with a smile then thought for a second "you got a name mystery suit man?"

"You can call me whatever you'd like."

I thought for a second then smiled as I removed my mask "How about Wesley? I've always liked that name."

"You can call me Wesley." the voice responded.

I smiled then changed into some extra clothes I had laying around my studio. I was just some leggings along with a T-shirt from Spidey's room and a hoodie that Tony brought me once while I was working late. Everything fit except the hoodie which was a bit big. Shoving my suit into a drawstring bag that I had I quickly left the tower and hailed a cab to get home. When I got back Felicity was awake waiting for me and asked how the party was. I told her it was ok then went straight to my room. Laying down on my bed I cuddled under my blanket and heard Wesley's voice in my ear as I started to fall asleep.

"Goodnight Dorothy."

"Goodnight Wesley." I mumbled in return before letting sleep take over. 

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