Baby Boy Henry (Complete)

By Selahmassage

29.1K 861 493

Marne lived alone, she lives a controlled neat and ordered life. The only time she diverts from this is when... More

Introduction (Edited)
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24 (Edited)
Chapter 25 (Edited)
Chapter 26 (Edited)
Chapter 27 (Edited)
Chapter 28 (Edited)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter Part 31
Chapter Part 32
Chapter Part 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 14(Edited)

703 20 35
By Selahmassage

Chapter 14

Murphy's law was playing against Marnie, she had wanted to sleep had hoped the two of them could rest but as if the fates were against them on arrival home a furry friend was there to meet them. The 3 adults and Henry were greeted at the door by Nikki's wife and Kal Henry's Akita. On seeing the dog he had ran full steam tackling Kal, then running into the house. The pull on her arm made Nikki's wife lose the dog who was now running around the living room with the tall toddler. Giggles and laughter could be heard as well as crashing sounds as furniture was being leapt over or pushed aside in his game. She was glad he was happy and loved seeing the joy on both the dog's face and her boy's but she was also spent. The last straw was when he started jumping on the arm of the sofa playing keep away from Kal who was jumping up at his master. Just the sight of the 6ft man standing on the edge looking down at his dog reminded her of the highchair incident.

Stern faced she voiced as calm as she could "Henry!!" surprised at her tone he looked over to her. Schooling her features, trying not to show her anger she said "Get down from there right now!" what she didn't anticipate was that he had an audience now of 4 adults which spurred him on to entertain. Instead of just stepping down he turned and somersaulted headfirst into the couch landing flat on his back giggling with triumph at executing the perfect manoeuvre. What he hadn't seen was the look of fear or the anger that had filled his Ma's face at his hijinks.

They had yet to talk rules, yet to talk punishments but Marnie could not let this one slide. She walked over and stood finally able to tower over the man from this vantage point.

He looked up at her pleased until he saw her face, it was red and her eyes looked glassy "Henry, what did I say to you about climbing on furniture?" he tried to think and wanted to say the right thing to make her red face disappear so his princess would come back. "ouuu says ask for helwps if needing tings up high ifs I's too wittle" he watched her thinking for a moment. Then as if exasperated she just walked away. Not sure what had just happened he looked at his brother who was just shaking his head. Mummy had a small frown on her face too. But he had said the right thing, hadn't he.

Marnie did not want to show her frustration, she had worked so hard to not lose her temper, but right now. Well, he had been right, she had neglected to give him directives to not climb the furniture, instead, she had just instructed him to ask for help. But the fear of seeing him once again putting himself in danger of being hurt. It was all just too much, so instead, she had removed herself from the temptation of yelling at him. Knowing that would cause him to lose trust in her. She lay on the bed in the dark, hoping the other adults would look after him while she took some well needed time out.

Her mind was fuzzy, aware she must have fallen asleep she wondered how long she had been out. Opening her eyes she was startled at the blue eyes looking back at her. Over his head, she could see the digital clock blinking  3 am. The silent man just continued to watch her, eyeing her which was reminiscent of their arrival at his home. She could see the others had changed him into his nighttime onesie and she was glad they had let her sleep. Remembering the Dr's words she said softly, "Hello Henry, do you know who I am?" hoping this time he would remember her somewhat. His deep voice softly floated to her as he continued to stare "you're the lady that bought me home the other night?" it was a statement but ended with a slight questioning glance. "Yes Henry, my name is Marnie, do you remember anything after we arrived home?" he struggled thinking hard, "maybe, it's quite fuzzy. Just images, brightly coloured rooms." Scrunching up his face his voice softened even more asking "Is there something wrong with me? Have I lost my mind?"

All she wanted to do right now was pull him into her arms and give him a warm hug. Knowing that might be too much and Wondering how far to take it, she stayed calm and still. Grateful that he remembered her she decided to fill him in gently on some of what was happening. "You haven't lost your mind, something happened that has caused you to feel safer in the mindset of a toddler." She watched as his face grew nervous "It's ok, we have gone with your brother to a Dr and he is working with us together to help you. The brightly coloured room you remember is where you met Dr Nolan." His brows deepened trying to remember instead they looked back to her wide and tears brimming "I can't, I don't know..." at this point, she knew he needed something more and lifted her arm in a gesture of invitation.

In a gentle voice, she said "Come" she watched him hesitate then as if remembering something he moved into her arms. He rested his head into the crook of her neck as she wrapped her arms around his large torso. "Your safe, your home and until you no longer need me I will always be here when you wake" as if those words were the last straw his dam broke and she felt his shoulders heave and the wet tears soak her neck. She continued to soothe, with her voice and her hands until he settled and promptly fell asleep.

Unwilling to move, Marnie ignored her pangs of hunger and instead snuggled down into the covers. Henry resting comfortably in her arms his gentle snores filling her ears. Hoping she had done the right thing she closed her eyes and willed herself to go back to sleep.

She was awoken by a squirming body, shifting and wriggling in her arms along with a soft moan. Groaning she whispered "pumpkin, stop wiggling" an urgent voice replied "Ma I's gots to go potty" awake now she opened her eyes his face only inches from her own scrunched up in concentration. Seeing the urgency, she quickly jumped out of bed, she watched him scurry out and run into the bathroom. She followed at a quick pace and helped him out of his onesie and night-time diaper. He had been getting better more dry nights and soon she hoped that as he aged up they could get rid of the diapers altogether. Her happy boy hopped over to the sink to wash his hands looking at her in the mirror he asked; "Wats we doing today Ma?"

Turning to start running his bath she answered: "you have some visitor's coming today, some of your friends from the Witcher" continuing in their normal routine she found the basket of bath toys she had bought from home and placed them on the sink. "You can have 4 toys today Henry" she helped him undress as he picked out the dinosaurs and the ducks. He had been sitting in the bath for a few minutes as she washed his back before he asked with a tentative voice "Will day still wike me if day sees me wike dis?" she continued to wash his armpits and shoulders as she said "yes sweetheart, they care about you and that's why they are coming by. They want to make sure you are safe. We are also going to play some games of pretending today. Would you like that?"

She began washing his hair as he questioned "wats ouuu means by pwetend?" picking up a cup she instructed him to close his eyes and tilt his head back as she washed the shampoo out of his hair. His soft curls kicking up around his face as she answered "Well you're going to pretend to be Geralt and Joey is going to pretend to be Jaskier. Won't that be fun, and you get to pretend your in a story like the ones you tell me about your cities." His face scrunched up, he looked like he was thinking hard. While he did this she washed his beard and then put everything away. His deep voice pulled her back to him after she had turned to the bathroom cupboards "I tink dat will be wots of fun Ma." His face now open and happy. Wondering what had taken him so long to deliberate over, she was just happy he was ok with their plans.

The morning had been uneventful apart from having to rewash Henry's face after his strawberry preserve had again found its way all over his face and beard. While Marianne had gone shopping with Nicks wife and Nick had been working on his laptop at the kitchen table, Henry and Marnie had sat talking through some rules. Using bright colours to write on a large piece of paper, they had agreed to 1. Always be polite to others using Yes and Thank you's, 2. To not climb or jump on furniture, 3. To always ask Ma, Mummy or Nick for permission if you want to do something, 4. No biting, hitting, throwing things or swearing 5. Only Ma, Mummy or Nick can change your diaper or touch your prince parts. And to tell Ma if someone else tries to without permission.

Henry had added two rules for Ma 1. To always tell Henry if she is feeling sad or icky, 2. To be kind to Henry and never to hit Henry. After writing those down she smiled at her big boy "I think those are very good rules Henry, now with that in mind, there will be only two punishments if you break the rules ok, 1. Will be time out in the corner and 2, Will be the removal of something you were planning on doing that day, do you understand?" Not sure he liked the idea of punishments he set his mouth in a hard line. Until he really thought it through, she had not mentioned hitting or anything that might cause him pain like his previous mummy had done, just sitting in a corner surely that couldn't be too hard. With that in mind, he smiled and said "otay"

Henry was now happily playing with his blocks when Marnie heard a knocking. Getting up both Nick and Marnie walked to the door, they greeted their guests and had them follow them into the living room. Lauren, Anya, Freya and Joey stood looking slightly awkward. Marnie smiled at the four putting her hand out in greeting "Hi my name is Marnie, I'm Henry's carer. I first have to say thank you for coming I know this an awkward situation but your willingness to come shows how much you care about Henry and for that I am grateful."

Lauren was the first to speak smiling as she said "He is a special person and we have all been very worried about him. Nick shared some of the situations with me and I just want to thank you for all you have done." The two women smiled at each other before Joey spoke up "Can we go play with him" Marnie looked at the lanky tall man with slight apprehensions not sure if it was a good idea. Anya and Freya, in turn, nodded their heads with Anya saying,"please, we have missed Henry so much" she turned and looked at her boy as he absentmindedly placed another block down creating a new house in his city completely missing the new people in the room. "Sure, you can all go, but be kind he was really worried you would all not like him this morning, so be gentle and also be aware he gets caught up in his mind when he's playing so he might not acknowledge you at first." She watched as the three walked over to where Henry was playing, they sat down cross-legged and asked him a question. It took a moment then he looked up from his city a bright smile filled his face as he began explaining what he was building.

Feeling at peace that Henry was safe she turned back to Lauren "Would you like some tea?" the older woman smiled at her and nodded, together they walked towards the kitchen. The kettle boiled and tea steeped the two women now sat on the couch tea in hand whilst watching the 4 actors playing cities. "It must be hard looking after him like this?" Lauren mused Marnie thought about the question before answering looking into her tea then back at Henry. "It's not been easy being a 24/7 carer but the thing that has been hard is how to look after the grown-up Henry. He has begun to make an appearance every now and then. It's easy to look after little Henry he is just like my Nephew and as long as I see him like that its easy. But when I talk with the older Henry I don't know how to react. I have never been in a relationship and I have only raised my sister." She sighed unsure why she was being so frank with this stranger.

She looked at Lauren who had a soft smile on her face, "look I've known Henry for some time now, he works hard, is passionate, and wears his heart on his sleeve. Just take it day by day and he will guide you. I can already tell your protective of him and that is really important. I am glad he has someone who will look after him during this unusual process." The two women smiled at each other just as a commotion came from behind them "Nuuuu oey don do dat, It doesn't go der" Turning back to see what was going on she heard joey respond "But it looks better there Henry!"

At that comment, Henry snatched the block from Joey's hand and threw it across the room "Nuuu dis is my citi not youws. I say it doesn't go der" red-faced Henry had stood up and was glaring at Joey who in his excitement was now challenging Henry in the same way. The two men caught up in the argument did not hear Marnie until she stepped in between them facing Henry she said: "Henry, that's enough." He looked down at her his eyes welling up "but Ma, oey was a meanie." Softening her eyes but keeping the same firm tone she responded whilst taking his hand "That might be the case Henry but you broke a rule, you threw the block and that could have hurt someone. For that, you are going to have time out." His face now red with embarrassment and frustrations he grumbled "Its all oeys fault"

Marnie placed a chair in the corner of the room and directed Henry to sit, kneeling in front of him she placed her hands on his knees "Look at me pumpkin" he huffed and looked at the wall instead refusing to look at her. She sighed and stood "Ok Henry, you have 10mins time out then I will come back and talk to you." At that, she turned and walked back to the stunned group.  

A/N Hello Everyone hope you are having a good week Selah 

As always I love comments and votes if you like this chapter

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