The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Read...

By simoni_kim

39.5K 1.3K 123

"Hybrid..." This is a new version of my first Melon x Reader because I'm re reading the manga and I know how... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 17

740 31 4
By simoni_kim

Eh? My what? I stayed silent knowing exactly where this was going. But I asked just in case. I just hoped that I heard him wrong.

"My biggest what?" I ask as I feel the stare of both Melon and this... guy on me. "You heard me, I'm your biggest fan. You know, black market. The stripping thing." He reminded.

"I... it's nice to meet you." I awkwardly state. A smirk appeared on his face as he looked over to Melon then back at me before saying, "Your boyfriend looks mad right now."

I shook my head viguroisly before quickly saying, "No no! Nothing like that. I'm single. He's... a friend of mine..." was he my friend? Was I his friend?

"Well then I guess it's fine to do this." The leopard said before slipping in next to me. His hands were firmly placed on my thighs as he sighed with pleasure.

"I um..." I started before he cut me off my saying, "Woahh! Is that history you're studying? Didn't really expect that from a stripper."

I- how was I supposed to respond to that?

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect an idiot like you who makes assumptions to know what history was. Maybe I should treat you to a big carnivore meal as a reward?" Melon politely stated with an eye smile.

"Eh?! You've got some guts talking to me like that little gazelle."

"Guys, please don't start a fight here. I um... is there anything I could do for you sir? I'm kind of busy right now." I said with a nervous and almost awkward smile. All I wanted was for this man to leave right now.

Melon didn't seem too happy with me stopping them. He clearly was disturbed by this man.

"Well, I saw you and had 2 things to ask." He said, as his hands started moving up  my thigh.

"First question being, will you come to the black market again? I've been going all week but haven't seen you. And the second question is, how much for a night?"
I gulped back as I heard his questions. His hands were moving further up. "Well... I um.. I am coming tonight... and I.. the other question... could we discuss that privately. I'm not really comfortable right now."

His hands wouldn't stop moving up. "Sir, I'd like to ask you to remove your hands. This is a public area. Would you mind keeping your full manners in check, at least here." Melon asked politely again, this time, irritation clear in his voice.

"What are you? You aren't even Y/n's boyfriend. Screw off man!" This guy spat.

I gently grabbed this leopards hand and moved it away from my thigh and said, "I'd like to ask you to leave now. We'll discuss this tonight. But for now, I need to study. Could I have your name before you leave?"

He leaned over to me and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him and planting a forceful kiss on my lips. My eyes widen at the sudden actions as I try stopping him. He was really too strong for me to push off. His other hand suddenly grabbed onto my breast and I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment, as tears started to prick in my eyes.

It was bad enough that Melon, my professor, witnessed all of this, but this guy made things worse by kissing me in the lips.

He was too strong to push off, but suddenly this filthy bastard stopped. I looked up with my teary eyes and saw Melon holding the collar of this man's t-shirt, holding him back.

"What do you think you're doing." This guy demanded. Melon slowly took his mask off before revealing his teeth and saying, "Ah, it was really starting to get stuffy in that mask."

This leopard's face was filled with one of fear as he tried to break free from Melon's grip, but Melon seemed to be too strong. Big surprise there.

"Would you like me to lecture your dumbass on why what you did was wrong? Or are you incapable of understanding that either?" Melon stated. His eyes were the same as always when they were open. Full of intent to murder, cold and heartless.

"My name's Danny, not dumbass." This Danny guy stated as he grabbed onto Melon's forearm with full strenght. Melon looked down at Danny's hands and said, "Your skin could be a great addition to my carnivore skin collection."

Danny's spots were starting to travel to his hands. I was helpless. There was nothing I could do. Wait there was something.

"Danny. Let's go." I said as I stood up. "M-Melon... thank you... but Danny is right... I am a stripper nothing more or nothing less."

I started packing my supplies and getting ready to leave. Melon had let go of Danny and stayed still.

I could feel them exchange glares. I quickly tidied up and walked over to the counter to pay for my drink before walking over to Melon and saying, "Thank you."

Before I knew it I was hugging him tightly. Just as expectedm he didn't hug me back. I felt tears in my eyes slowly store up. I felt like I betrayed Melon, but... I was doing this for his sake... maybe for Danny's sake as well.

These would be the possible outcomes. 1. If I didn't stop them, they'd go ahead and fight each other, obviously Danny being he one to fall. 2. Melon could possibly get injured in the fighting process which I wanted to avoid at all cost.

And it wasn't new for me to sleep with someone. I could at least do something. Now, I needed to convince Melon from killing Danny.

After breaking our hug I said, "This is probably too much of a request, but could you keep my bag with you tonight and give it back tomorrow?"

His eyes stayed cold, and like always, showed no emotion. He grabbed my bag and said, "Have fun." Before walking out the resteraunt.

"What's the freak's deal?" Danny spat. I walked over to him and said, "He's one of my dearest friends and I don't want you talking shit about him. Understood."

His face turned one of surprise then guilt before he apologized and we left.

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