Soulmates? (Kyouhaba)

By _isa_isa_

26.7K 757 1.3K

First of all: All the characters don't belong to me! I'm just writing a fanfic about them. Second: The art d... More

I also suck at titles
Chapter one I guess
Yeah, here is chapter two, what creative title
Dam, dam, daaaam: chapter 3
2+2= Chapter 4
5, yeah, that's the whole title
Chapter 6
♥Thank you again
NINE \(^•^)/
Not a chapter
1×5×10÷5=chapter 10
Chapter 12001
Chapter 12
Kinda mad right now
y'all are crazy
I don't have stupid/creative titles anymore >•<
Not a chapter part two
current status: in spain without the 's'
Ok chill
Chapter sixteen
The heck?!
part 17
Untitled part 18
New story
( >ᆺ<)☞chapter 19
Weo, weo chapter 20
can I present? chapter 22
I'M BACKKK with chapter 23 °3°
Heyyyyyyyy *inserts nervous laugh*
Yup it's chapter 24 ;-;
*inserts drum roll* chapter 25
rule: 'creative title' me:'... *inserts creative title*' yes vEry creative

The nightmare (chapter 21)

439 12 21
By _isa_isa_

So yeah, this chapter isn't really important, but yeah, since Yahaba's mom is a bitch (his dad too, but I dislike his mom more) I really wrote this nightmare chapter, if you want you can skip since it isn't really important for the story. Btw it's not gonna be very brutal or some because, yeah homophobia and racism aren't good, but somehow I would still feeling bad for killing people in a brutal way, even tho they aren't real...




Bitch's PoV (we all know who is meant so let's begin)

TW: Suffocating, mention of death (maybe you'll ask why I put this there, but there are some people who fear it and the mention of the process, *coughs* my eight year old self *coughs again*, so we respect that because I know how it feels like how it was when you were afraid of it and someone mentioned it, to be honest I literally started crying and panicking. But no need for worries I'm not afraid of it anymore it was just in the age from 4 till 8 and now I am over it)

How did I get into this situation?

Moments ago I was at my home in my bed and now I'm here...

Looking around I saw nothing, literally nothing. Everything was white, the walls, the ceiling, the floor and this bright, white light that burned in my eyes and alighted the whole room. Nowhere was a window or a door, so how did I get in here?

Maybe I got kidnapped, but then the question is how did the kidnapper got me in here and how did he left when here is no way out... To be honest it's kind of creepy in here, even when here is no one else besides me. But I am sure, when my family sees that I'm missing they'll imminently call the police. Just would they find me? Am I even still in Japan? What if this room here is meters under the ground? And when here is no window or some, how will new air get in?

And that was when I realized that there is no other way for new air to get in, so if I breathe too much, at one point there won't be air to breath anymore and I would literally die! The worst of all is, it would be a slow and painful process I would feel if I don't get enough air anymore, I'll feel everything till my mind is so fuzzy and I pass finally away. But I don't wanna die, I've done nothing in my life to deserve to die like this! No one would deserve to die of suffocate! It's a hurting process if you're aware of it! Think, I always have been a good person so why would I end like this? I deserve to die like every other person because of old age!

While having this thoughts, I didn't realized that my body started shaking and my breathe getting heavier. Fuck, if I start panicking now with this not really existing air I would make the dying process faster! But who wouldn't panic in this situation? And besides that panic there was also this fear, the fear of death I always had. Yu don't know how death feels like, what if it's hurt, what if it takes your breath away and you just fall. It's scary to know that you're gonna die in a few minutes... Or would it still be hours?

How long am I even already here? I don't have a feeling of time here anymore. Not in this room where nothing is changing, except the air that is getting less and less every time I breathe in. Should I hold my breath? So I would have longer to live, but is it even worth it when I'll die anyway?

So I stood there in this room.


In fear.

The feeling of getting less air.

The fizzy feeling in my head.

A headache that hurt so bad.

The knowledge that death will take me over in a few seconds.

The tears streaming down my face.

My short breath.

The hiccups that left my mouth.

Till the oppressive feeling came.

I felt it everywhere, like pressing done my body, in the lungs so no more air could fill them.

My fizzy brain, my throat.

It hurt like hell, and it was how I imagined it, slow and burning.

And still I don't know why I got this kind of death.

When I closed my eyes I still could see white light everywhere.

It filled up my mind and all my senses.

I couldn't feel something anymore, just the damn hurt in my lungs that felt pressed without air.

It's over, your life is really over now...

Was the last though I had when it was finally over, all this waiting just for death, just for ending your life, horrible and yet I'm glad it's over and I don't have to suffer anymore in this room.

And that was when I woke up.

Looking around, my husband besides me.

While I was shaking and trembling and tears still running down my face.

"It was a nightmare, it really was just a nightmare, I'm so glad."




To be honest I really liked to write this chapter and giving this person fear, maybe because I had a similar dream like this and know how it feels like. But I wanted to portray the fear of death that some people have and yeah that's what came out. A mix of my own dream and the far of death. Still this is no reason to start to like his mother, even tho I know how terrible it feels to dream something like this...

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