Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's...

By devoncruz23

2.3K 340 237

Lexington Hunter, a cynical young man part of a Aeltonier mercenary band will have his world turned upside do... More

1: Awakening
2: Confrontation
3: Dreaded Maiden
4: Odd Day
5: Way Of The Flames
6: Hunters
7: Dance Of Wolves
8: Shapeshifter
10: Phoenix King
11: Academy
12: Blooming Friendships
13: Robin's Song
14: Family Matters
15: Wolf Prince
16: Cruelty
17: Brother and Sister
18: Magic
19: Learning Pains
20: Odd Mistakes
21: Blood of Lightning
22: Death's Omen
23: Legacy
map Rework
24: Knowledge
25: Plans
26: Bygones
27: Crowe
28: Survival Training
29: Shit hitting the fan
30: Nightmares
31: Reaper's Harvest
32: Doubts
33: Releasing Stress
34: Framing
35: The Three Lies
36: Athorazen
37: Battle of Griffin Island
38: Phoenix Queen
39: Wolf King
40: The Hunter's Call

9: Bloody History

89 10 3
By devoncruz23

1078 AP (After Phoenix)

The past two days have been chaotic as Lexington and Sigurd haven't been getting along which is often broken up by the others if it got too bad. Lexington is currently practicing some basic magic when he's approached by Aiden.

Aiden: "can I ask you something?" As Lexington jokes that he just did earning a soft chuckle from Elyria. "Two days ago you talked about the church in a rather negative manner calling them money grabbing zealots." He says as Lexington stops what he's doing and looks over. "Why do you have that opinion?" He asks with his arms crossed as Lexington turns to him.

Lexington: "cause that's exactly what the church is fire dancer, they're nothing but opportunistic snakes who prey on weak minded folk who believe their goddess is looking out for them and has their best interests in mind... It's fuckin hysterical." As Elyria notices that Aiden seems to be taking this personally.

Aiden: "you don't believe Aiglia exists?" He asks as Lexington shakes his head.

Lexington: "I don't believe in any of the gods like Aiglia, Úlfuris, or Rhaezyar. It's nothing but make-believe." As Aiden maintains a calm stare asking why he believes that. "Cause if they did exist then why have they allowed everything that's happened in the hundred years? Like the elves being slaves for a time after the Royal elf Purge or..." He says stopping himself as Elyria gets a feeling knowing what he's about to say. "Or my friend being burned alive by a tyrannical king?" He asks as Aiden takes a couple moments to process this question.

Aiden: "would you'd rather them be hands-on? Cause I'll be honest Lex, you're the last person who likes being told what to do."

Lexington: "that isn't... THE POINT!" He says raising his voice. "If the gods do exist then they don't care for us at all, for example I could've been raised by my parents but instead I was raised by a group of a fuckin mercenaries!" He says blasting lightning into the sky out of his fingers in anger. "And besides, I believe in something I can actually hold and use to protect myself... I don't need a false prayer." He says walking off as Aiden sighs heavily.

Elyria: "you okay?" As Aiden says he'll be fine.

Sigurd: "guy's got issues worse than me and I'm falsely blamed for a crime of murdering my own family." He says with sarcasm as Alec walks by catching up with Lexington and turns him around.

Alec: "you need to get a grip Lex, this kind of behavior is unacceptable at the academy." As Lexington scoffs with disapproval.

Lexington: "yeah but I'm at least admitting what I think." As Alec raises his brow as he worded that to be an insult. "You keep looking at me like you have something to say but keep avoiding it like the plague." He says with frustration filling with his voice. "Just say whatever you have to say." As Alec sighs while looking up at the sky.

Alec: "ever since your first kindred vision, I've been suspicious of who your parents were but after you mentioned Zachariah? My suspicion became true." As Lexington tells him to get to the point. "Your father is Simon Hunter III, Master huntsman and fellow friend of mine, your mother is Mary Hunter who used to be a nun... And Lexi is your younger sister." He says as Lexington backs away processing this.

Lexington: "and why should I believe this?" He asks trying to find an excuse to not believe this when Alec places his hand on his head chanting something as Lexington is blinded as he finds himself and Alec in a church.

Alec: "this is a vision from over twenty one years ago Lex... And that's your mother giving birth to you." As Lexington looks to his right seeing a his mother wearing nun clothing in the process of giving birth with other nuns assisting her. Lexington slowly walks over to his mother examining her closely as he is surprised by her beauty as he stops zoning out hearing her scream and eventually a baby crying.

Lexington gets a good look at himself as a baby who's handed over to Mary who coddles him closely as Alec stands next to Lexington.

Mary: "such a beautiful boy, I'll name you... Lexington." As she wraps baby Lexington with a red cloth as adult Lexington realizes something as he unties the cloth around his neck as it's the exact same cloth that was wrapped around him as a baby.

Lexington: "I had this... The whole time." When his attention is drawn hearing the doors slam open seeing a fire priest that looks familiar. "Ayden?" He asks with surprise as Alec sighs heavily at what's about to happen next.

Ayden: "Mary... Hand over the child now." He says calmly as Lexington can see the fear in his mother's eyes.

Mary: "Ayden please... I'll leave the church, you won't hear from me again." As Ayden forcefully takes baby Lexington out of her arms.

Ayden: "the child is an abomination Mary, it has to die." As he begins walking away as Mary tries following but collapses.

Mary: "he's just a baby! Please Ayden!" She cries out as Lexington can't believe what he's seeing.

Lexington: "no..." He says following Ayden to a cliff as there's a severe thunderstorm.

???: "Ayden!" As Lexington looks back seeing a huntsman in his early twenties that looks similar to him.

Ayden: "I'm sorry Simon! But the child of a vile Hunter and Aiglia's chosen cannot live!" As Lexington glares at Ayden.

Simon: "that's my child Ayden! He's just an infant!" He says with desperation with anger as baby Lex is crying from everything that's going on as Ayden chucks baby Lex off the cliff and into the ocean. "No!" He says diving trying to catch Lexington but is too late. "No..." He says as adult Lexington begins breathing heavily. "You... Son of a bitch!" He says tackling Ayden to the ground and begins wailing on him with stiff punches.

Alec: "I wanted nothing more than let Simon have his way with Ayden but... He was still a priest and we couldn't kill him." As a younger Alec pulls Simon off as Lexington looks off into the ocean when he sees something glowing but the memory ends before he could make out what it is. "I'm sorry Lex..." He says as Lexington drops to his knees letting it sink in.

Lexington: "I shouldn't be alive... But seeing that only makes me hate the church more." As he closes his eyes with tears streaming down his face. "What am I supposed to do with that information? How am I supposed to face them?" He asks as Alec kneels in front of him.

Alec: "Lex they're your parents... I saw what it did to them, they prayed that you were alive somehow and you are, you being alive will be a blessing to them." He says placing a hand on his shoulder as Lexington shakes his head.

Lexington: "they don't know me Alec, I may be their son but they haven't met the man I've become... They'll be nothing but disappointed... I'll still go but... I won't have faith that they'll welcome me." He says with honesty as he leaves while Alec sighs as that did not go how he wanted it to go. Lexington returns to camp clearly shaken by the recent revelation which everyone notices.

Elyria: "Lex?" She asks getting in front of him but he looks away.

Lexington: "just leave me be El." He says walking past her as she looks with remorse but respects his wishes as he rests in one of the tents as Elyria approaches Alec asking what happened.

Alec: "I told him that I knew his parents and showed him a vision of said parents." As Elyria can tell it clear bothers Alec to a degree. Many hours pass as Lexington exits the tent seeing that everyone else is asleep but notices that Elyria's tent is empty which confuses him.

Lexington (mind): "that's not right, Elyria never stays up this late." As he finds a couple footprints recognizing them as Elyria's and and decides to follow them as he eventually comes across Ryris trapped in a net. "Ryris?" He asks rushing over and cutting him free as Ryris barks softly trying to tell him something. Lexington looks around as his eyes catch a torn patch as he kneels looking it over.

Lexington: "this is the same patch from those mercenaries... Those bastards." He says looking over at Ryris and holds the patch next to his nose. "Let's go get your momma back boy." He says as Ryris sniffs the patch a couple times as he lowers himself as Lexington slowly hops on feeling very uncomfortable. "Okay boy... Give me a sec to get adjusted." He says looking back thinking of waking the others up and gets an idea.

Lexington: "Ryris I'm gonna need you to howl." As Ryris begins howling loudly multiple times which eventually wakes the others.

Alec: "the hell's going on?" As Lexington explains that Elyria was taken and also tells them to keep up as Ryris runs off with him riding. Alec and the others get on their horses with the exception of Sigurd who just turns into a hawk. Meanwhile Elyria slowly wakes up finding herself in chains designed to cancel out magic and sees who are presumes to be the leader of the mercenary group.

Mercenary leader: "hello she-elf, I would've put you in something more comfortable but can't have you performing magic now can we?" He asks with a smirk as Elyria glares his way. "Oh where are my non-existent manners, name's Duncan." He says as Elyria spits in his face.

Elyria: "I couldn't care less about your stupid human name, why am I here!?" She growls out as Duncan wipes the spit off his face.

Duncan: "well you're simply here to get me and my boys rich, you being an elf with not to mention with good looks, you'll go for a fine price."

Elyria: "slavery is outlawed in Aelton!" She exclaims with anger despite her being afraid.

Duncan: "who says we're selling you to someone in Aelton?" He asks rhetorically as Elyria remains silent.

Elyria: "well you better hope you sell me quick cause I got friends looking for me." As Duncan scoffs hearing this.

Duncan: "what that wannabe mercenary called Lexington? If this was the same blood thirsty Lex from a few months ago then sure I'd be scared shitless but he's become timid." He says as Elyria raises her brow hearing this. "So he didn't tell you? After his girlfriend was burned alive, Lex went on a killing spree, killing five Phoenix Knights which made him the most wanted man in Aelton." He says as Elyria scoffs to herself.

Elyria: "say what you will, Lex was justified and if Lex was that blood thirsty then... What do you think he'll do to you once he finds you?" She asks as Duncan doesn't respond but chuckles.

Duncan: "a very good question now be a good girl." He says smacking her as Elyria sighs from her cheek stinging. Sigurd as a hawk is perched on a Lexington's shoulder scouting where Ryris led them.

Sigurd: "well the big boy led us in the right direction, these are the same mercenaries." As Lexington nods but can't help but ask.

Lexington: "so you're able to turn into animals of your choosing yet you can still talk, how does that work?" As Sigurd flutters his wings.

Sigurd: "you're not that bright when it comes to magic are you? I'm literally a magical being able to turn into any animal yet that's what you ask?" He asks judging Lexington who scoffs.

Lexington: "okay fine better question, can you understand animals?"

Sigurd: "actually yes and Ryris is talking about how much of a fatass you are." As Lexington smacks Sigurd off his shoulder.

Alec: "as entertaining as this is, we need to get Elyria out... How many did you count?" As Sigurd replies saying thirteen. "Alright we got the element of surprise here so we'll utilize that." He says going more in depth with the plan as two mercenaries keeping guard as they're both bored and tired. Sigurd in hawk form harasses both of them allowing Lexington to slice both of their necks killing them.

Lexington: "not bad little chicken." As Sigurd purposely hits him in the face with his wings but they continue moving as Lexington eliminates any guards that get in the way when they see Duncan exiting the house and chuckles a bit.

Duncan: "Lexington Hunter... You know who I am?" As Lexington shakes his head which disappoints Duncan to an extent. "That so? Cause Alistair and I were actually partners for a time... Least until the bastard exiled me all because I didn't want you in the mercenary band." He says as Lexington is surprised when Alec and Roxanne get in front.

Alec: "we'll handle him, just find Elyria, go!" He says as Lexington, Sigurd, Aiden and Ryris run off as Duncan suddenly stabs his own hand and grows a smirk.

Roxanne: "oh you got to be joking." As the blood spewing from Duncan's turn to red spikes as Duncan slams his palm down sending red spikes their way as Alec stomps on the ground making a sturdy earth wall protecting them from the red spikes. "Out of everything we could've faced, we get a mercenary who knows blood magic." She says annoyed as she twirls her weapon around building momentum.

Alec: "it's nothing we haven't faced before Roxy." As he motions her to get going as they Roxanne whips her weapon out as it easily shatters the red spikes as Duncan rolls out of the way and blocks an attack from Alec. "You have no idea what you're dealing with!" He says as Duncan bloody tendrils violently grow out of his back. "Holy..." He says stunned but dives back avoiding the tendrils.

Duncan: "oh I know exactly what I'm dealing with." He says unleashing spikes all over as Alec stabs into the ground catching himself.

Alec: "do you? Blood Magic while powerful comes at price." He growls out as the tendrils rocket towards him but they are destroyed by the morningstar whip as Duncan grunts hoarsely from this. "It's killing you as we speak." Alec states tilting his head avoiding a tendril from stabbing his face. He touches the tendril as it goes ablaze ad Duncan wails in agony and is striked in the chest by Roxanne's morningstar whip.

Roxanne: "by the gods." As Duncan tries getting up but his flesh suddenly begins melting away and collapses till he's nothing but a skeleton.

Alec: "that's not normal... Phoenix Knights." He says as they both turn seeing Edmund with his men. "Great... Just what we need." He says they're on guard.

Edmund: "Alec good to see you in good health and Roxanne... The rumors do you no justice." As Roxanne scoffs while Edmund gets to the point. "where's Lexington? And don't lie I know he's with you."

Alec: "do you really want to hunt down the son of a huntsman?" He asks as Edmund raises his brow in confusion. "Oh you don't know? Lexington is the son of Simon Hunter III, a hunter nearly killed a fire priest." He says as Edmund sighs when they're interrupted.

Lexington: "Alec we got El and..." As he sees the Phoenix Knights and Edmund. "You." He says walking down the steps but Alec stops him in place.

Alec: "Lex let me handle it."

Edmund: "oh come on Lex, you gonna get another person killed?" As Lexington pushes Alec out of the way as he and Edmund engage as Lexington is actually holding his own against Edmund and elbows him in the face as Edmund tries stabbing him in the leg but Lexington counters and slices part of his nose off. "Oh you little failure!" He says but both him and Lex are frozen in place as they hear soft footsteps approach.

???: "That's enough you two, there's been enough violence." As Lexington looks in surprise seeing who it is.

Alec: "Princess Lyra you... Wow you grew up." As Lyra chuckles softly while touching her black braid and stares at Sigurd but looks back at Alec.

Lyra: "well I thankfully look nothing like my father, this is him Edmund?" She asks getting a good look at Lexington with her amber eyes.

Edmund: "yes your grace but can you release us please?" As Lyra snaps her fingers as Lexington and Edmund are free. "Now if you don't mind... I have a job to do." But he is frozen in place again. "Your grace?"

Lyra: "there's been enough violence and unlike my father I will judge Lexington fairly." As she notices Alec and the others reluctant about this. "Alec trust me." She says giving a friendly wink as Alec looks at Lexington.

Alec: "Lex..." He says hesitant but Lexington touches his shoulder.

Lexington: "it's fine... It's time I confronted my past and every little bad I've done." As he sees Elyria look at him with worry. "Don't worry about me... I'll be back." He says going to touch her face but doesn't as he walks up to Aiden. "Look... I'm sorry for offending you and your beliefs, it's not easy for me to accept something that feels so... Out there." He admits as Aiden thinks for a second and nods.

Aiden: "I get it... But there's nothing wrong with having faith... So I'll place my faith you'll walk out of this." As Lexington chuckles softly but nods in appreciation.

Lyra: "come on." As she and Lexington enter the building as Lyra sees the bodies.

Lexington: "they held my friend captive." He says as Lyra sits down with her legs crossed as Lex sits across from her. "I guess... Let's start at the beginning."

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