Discovering Catwoman ▷ Stiles...

By margolynnturner

357K 12.2K 2.6K

Jenna Felmore has had way more life altering experiences than she ever expected moving to the little town of... More

Chapter One >>
Chapter Two>>
Chapter Three >>
Chapter Four >>
Chapter Five>>
Chapter Seven>>
Chapter Eight>>
Chapter Nine>>
Chapter Ten>>
Chapter Eleven>>
Chapter Twelve>>
Chapter Thirteen>>
Chapter Fourteen>>
Chapter Fifteen>>
Chapter Sixteen>>
Chapter Seventeen>>
Chapter Eighteen>>
Chapter Nineteen>>
Chapter Twenty>>
Chapter Twenty One>>
Chapter Twenty Two>>
Chapter Twenty Three>>
Chapter Twenty-Four>>
Chapter Twenty-Five>>
Chapter Twenty-Six>>
Chapter Twenty-Seven>>
Chapter Twenty-Eight>>
Chapter Twenty-Nine>>
Chapter Thirty>>
Chapter Thirty-One>>
Chapter Thirty-Two>>
Chapter Thirty-Three>>
Chapter Thirty-Four>>
Chapter Thirty-Five>>
Chapter Thirty-Six>>
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Last Chapter
That's All Folks
Coming Back

Chapter Six>>

12.6K 360 59
By margolynnturner

"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another."
― Veronica Roth, Divergent


Chapter Six >> Jenna's POV

She remembers nothing. She couldn't.

Lydia sat across from me munching on an apple, checking her instagram.

I asked her what she did last night. Her reply: Nothing, sat at home, watched some lacrosse videos.

She doesn't remember a single thing. I tried dropping hints and everything but nothing seemed to jog her memory. I, however, remember almost every detail of last night and it's freaking me the hell out.

Being bitten and turning into a werewolf was one thing, but I actually morphed into a different animal! One that runs on four legs! How the hell does that happen.

Not to mention that I have a force that pulls me to my best friend who tells me to go save the others but doesn't remember a single thing about it.

Why did my life get so complicated?

Speaking of complicated, I look up from Lydia to stare right at it. Stiles was entering the lunch room scanning all the tables.

I've been successfully avoiding him all day even though he has on multiple occasions tried to corner me like some damn animal.

He wants answers, answers to questions that I'm having enough trouble figuring out on my own.

I have to get out of here. "I'll see you later Lyd."

Before Stiles's eyes could land on me I hurry out of the cafe and towards my next class...which has the gang in it...including Stiles...and it's gym...greeeaaaat.

I groan walking into the locker room.


It started out fine. At first I didn't think that he would notice me but he did. That's when coach asked for volunteers. Guess who was the first to raise their hand.

Me. That's right.

Stiles tried to volunteer next but Finstock already had Scott putting on the harness.

We both approached the wall and began to climb.

"You know you are going to have to talk to him right?" Scott muttered grabbing onto a yellow plastic rock.

I let out a sigh. "I know."

"Then why don't you just do it now?"

I glanced down at Scott giving him a glare. "Because he wants answer that I don't have."

"That's not only what I'm talking about." I was confused.

"Then what are you talking about?"

Scott chuckled. "The really noticeable sexual tension the two of you have every time you are together."

I scoffed. "There is no tension."

Scott smirked at me. "Oh yes, there is."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't know what you are talking about McCall."

"I know the basics. Enough to know you two are in love."

My heart stopped. I wasn't in love with Stiles right? I just really really liked him. "I don't love him McCall."

"Then say that to your heartbeat." I glared at him. "Say that to the ground." I kicked his foot down. Since he didn't suspect it he went flying down to the ground as I clanged the bell and slowly made my way down to the laughing students.

"McCall, I don't know why but your pain give me a special kind of joy." Finstock chuckled. "Good job Felmore."

I nodded at him as Stiles approached us. "Alright, next two. Stilinski, Erica."

Stiles passed me staring straight into my eyes. Then came a frizzy haired girl. Poor thing. I knew that she had seizures, I had even tried to talk to her once but she was so shy that she ran away.

I placed my hand on her arm. "You got this." She smiled at me before it dropped as she looked at the wall.

It was hard to watch her as all I could see was Stiles's butt and surprisingly muscular thighs skillfully climbing the wall. He caught me once, winking down at me. That seemed to give him confidence to make it to the top

He slid back down smiling at me but I was more focused on Erica, she seemed to be having a hard time.

"Erica? Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" I looked at Coach like he was the dumbest person ever.

"Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear."

He barely glanced at me before returning to Erica. "She's just freaking out." Lydia commented crossing her arms across her chest.

I nudged coach. "Maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic."

"Epileptic? Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?" He screamed.

"Isn't it your job to know?" I muttered receiving a glare from him.

Once coach got her down everyone was chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

Grabbing Erica's arm lightly I lead her back to the locker room. "Don't you have anything better to do?" I hiss at the laughing prospectors.

Erica, again, smiles at me while we walk into the changing area.

"Thanks for that." She motioned to outside. I shake me head smiling at her.

"It's no problem. You're a great person, people shouldn't laugh at you like that. It isn't funny." She doesn't answer me just sits down on the bench.

"Well, I'm going to go get changed. If you need anything, just holler."

I hear a faint okay as I walk down towards my locker.

Opening it up I fling off my t-shirt tossing it inside and reach for the other one. Right before I put it back on a hand goes over my mouth and I'm twisted around to face those amber orbs of the boy that makes me heart race.

"Don't scream."

I make a grunt noise before biting his hand. He hisses cradling his hand. "What'd ya do that for?"

"Probably because you are the dummy that scared the freaking day lights out of me."

He threw his hand up in the air. "Well it's not like I could get you to talk to me any other way! You seem hell bent on avoiding me."

"Stiles." I sighed and his head snapped towards me.

"No, don't do that." He instructed.

I rose an eyebrow. "Do what?"

"The Stiles sigh thing that you do." Again I was confused.

He blew air out his noise continuing. "You say my name with a sigh and then after it come some kind of excuse or something that I really just don't want to hear."

"I don't know what you want me to say?"

"I just want you to tell me what the hell went on last night after jumped out of the jeep."

I ran a hand threw my hair before I realized I didn't have a shirt on. Before a blush could rise to my cheeks I slid on the grey Henley rolling up the sleeves.

"Stiles, a lot happened last night that I have no idea how to explain." He was looking at me, but I don't think he was understanding me.


He pinched the fabric of my shirt together with his fingers. His face getting dangerously close to mine. "Is this my shirt?"

I glanced down. Well I thought it was Charlie's but now that you mention it....this could be the one that I stole from Stiles once.


"You look really good in my clothes." He whispered still playing with the piece of fabric between his digits.

That's when I noticed my shaking hands. Normally I would think that it was because I was nervous but this wasn't a nervous shake. This was some thing different.

It seemed to break Stiles out of his trance too. "What is that?" He wondered out loud grabbing onto my hand but it only shook more.

Light bulb moment. Erica.

"Erica." I muttered before running past Stiles back into the gym just before Erica could fall. Scott caught her, bringing her to the ground. Her body seizing in weird motions.

"On her side, lay her on her side." I commanded helping Scott with the process.

"How did you two know?" Allison questioned as Erica continued to seize.

Scott and I shared a glance. "I don't know. I just felt it."


Stiles and I didn't get to talk after that. Scott and I took Erica to the nurse and then headed off to our separate classes.

I was now walking down the hall to my locker. That was until a weird feeling, like a ping, hit my gut. A pressure started building in my head and then I was heading in the opposite direction of my locker.

Just as I turn the corner I see Jackson, pressing an uncomfortable, upset Lydia against the wall. My blood boils and my instincts kick on.

Grabbing Jackson by the back of his shirt I slam him up against the lockers. His eyes widen at the sight of me but I couldn't care.

"What the hell is your problem Jackass?"

He doesn't answer just continues to stare at me. In wonder and in fear.

"What? Don't have anything to say now."

His eyes turn an icy glare. "She ruined it. She ruined it for me."

"Ruined what?"

His eyes squinted like I was dumb. "You know what."

I once again slammed him again the lockers this time with a bit more strength. "I don't give two shits what you think she did but you better stay away from her or so help me God I'll tear you to pieces." The end of my sentence turned into a growl and I could feel my claws coming out.

He shoved me off of him after I let go and walked off. I turned my glance to Lydia. "Are you alright babe?"

For a second she seemed in a daze looking at my eyes. "Your eyes." She whispered. I glanced into the window of the door she was leaning against to see that they were bright green.

"You have to calm down." She placed her hand on my shoulder and relief flooded through me.

Then her hand was gone and so was she. What the hell?

I tried looking for her but it seems as if she just vanished so I headed back to my locker to get my homework for the day.

That was when Allison stopped by. "Hey girl."

"Hey." I replied back giving her a smile.

"What are you doing after school today?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I gotta work at the animal clinic until six, then I'll probably go home and catch the hockey game on TV."

She smiled. "Well, Scott, Lydia, Stiles and I are planning on going ice skating tonight. Doesn't that sound better than watching hockey?"

"Um, probably not." I answer with honesty grabbing out my chemistry notebook. Stupid Harris giving us a pop quiz.

"Why not?"

I face her. "Because Stiles and Lydia will be there. It feels like I'm fifth wheeling. No one likes to be the fifth wheeler."

She rolls her eyes.

"Why don't you come? It could be fun." She asked, I just gave her a scowl. But Allison being Allison just couldn't take that for an answer apparently. Some how I think that she knows something that I don't.

"What do you know?" As soon as I asked the question she turned her head so she was not facing me. And me being me knew that she only did it because she can't lie straight to my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about but Scott will pick you up from the animal clinic once you two get off work. Dress warm." She smiled showing off her dimples before wiggling her eyebrows at me. Yeah she totally knows something.


"Bye sweetie, see you later." With that she took off down the hallway before I could even get out an excuse not to go.

"Ugh!" I shout into my locker before pulling my head out and slamming it shut.

I make my way outside and head towards my car. Stupid Allison for making me go on a stupid date that I don't even want to go on. Who wants to watch the guy they like fawn over the girl that he's been in love with since grade school? No one that's who.

Getting into my car I take off towards my house blasting some song on my iPod.

"Tonight's going to be interesting."

Not edited...
Jenna's gym outfit to the side>> (minus the gloves)

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