The Ghost Playing Bass(Reggie...

By Sun53t_Curv33

189K 3.5K 3.2K

Have you ever been in love with someone? Imagine you find a ghost band with your little sister Julie and are... More

From Me :)
not a chapter


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By Sun53t_Curv33

How was this happening? One minute I'm just trying to make it through the day and then a ghost band appears in my garage?! And now I can touch one of them!? I felt sick. I needed answers, and soon.

"Erm... Maybe if you come with us and Willie tonight we can ask his friend for answers?" Alex looked around at everyone, one hand in his pocket as he itched the back of is neck with the other. 

"Yeah!" Reggie smiled over at me before looking back at Alex who was smirking knowingly.

"I don't think that's a good idea Reggie." Julie looked up at him, "She is already stressed, now you're going to take her to someone who is apparently going to answer her questions?"

"Jules, maybe I should. I can easily get there and I'll have the guys. I'll be fine." I stood up and put my hands on her shoulders. She looked concerned. "Are you sure?"

"I mean, how many times will you get the chance to travel with your ghost band?" Luke smiled.

"I'll be okay, I promise. Plus someone has to keep these guys in check." I signalled to the boys standing beside me and laughed. "I'll think about it. If- you tell me exactly what you're going to do." Julie gave Reggie a death stare.

"Erm- okay- so- A) we are going to see Alex's new friend Willie to see if we can get payback on Bobby 2) Willie is also a ghost- pretty cool and D) You guys need to be taken care of not us. We can't die." Reggie smirked.

"Because you're already dead, and from eating hot dogs may I add." Julie wasn't impressed but I managed to convince her to let me go with them. She never stops worrying about me because she doesn't want to lose me too. "Okay, you can go. But you have to promise that you'll be back in time for our gig."

"We'll be back in time." Luke smiled at her. I held Julie's hand as I walked away. Her holding tightly as I pulled my hand from her's. "I love you" I whispered to her. "You too" She whispered back with an almost pained smile.

"My lady" Reggie bowed, holding out his hand ready for me to take. "Dork" I laughed taking his hand and preparing myself for the dizzy spell that was about to come upon me. All of a sudden I felt a burst of wind, holding on tighter to Reggie so I wouldn't lose him. 

"Woah, I'm never going to get used to that." I stumbled as we landed in front of a grand hotel. "Alright?" Reggie looked over. I nodded and smiled up at him. Another ghost who must've been Willie, skated to a stop before us and his eyes immediately shifted to me. I still kept a tight grasp of Reggie's hand as I told Willie who I was, "I'm Julie's older sister, y/n. And before you ask how we can touch- we were hoping your friend could answer our questions."

"Okay, well what are we waiting for?" He chuckled, skating off as we ran behind him. 

We walked down a bright hallway to a big open room. Seeing groups of people standing around a gold balcony. Reggie walked in front of me and guided me into the room. I could feel my hands shaking as he looked back to me and smiled. There was something about his smile that calmed me. 

We all followed Willie and watched as he slid down the twisting stair rail. He looked back up to us and laughed, I could see Alex admiring him. "Give it a try!" He yelled up to me. "Okay!" I yelled back. I walked forward and waved at the boys before I slid down the rail to greet Willie at the ground. The boys walked down after me. "Pretty good for a lifer." Willie said, holding his hand out for a high five. "Well thanks... a lifer?" I smiled pretending to hit his hand."It's what other ghosts call the living" Alex looked amazed.  "I like this guy" I turned to Alex and he smiled.

Someone dressed in white took us to a table reserved under the name William.

This was amazing. The people, the dancing, the stage, the stage was amazing, the opportunity to play there would be incredible. I looked back at the guys and came back to my senses.

"Okay, so who's gonna help make us visible to confront our bandmate?" Luke asked Willie "And hopefully answer some of our questions" I added.

"Oh no, none of these lifers have the ability to do that-" Willie was interupted by the lights dimming and a spotlight coming from the darkness. "But here comes the guy who does!" His voice arose in excitement and he drummed on the table. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, back from the dead by popular demand: Caleb Covington!" A voice announced. Applause and whistling came from the chairs.

"Did you miss me?" A man dressed in a deep purple suit floated down from the ceiling, leaving us in awe. "I did too! Welcome to the party of your dreams. From the egyptians; to the druids, to the person sitting next to you. We've all wondered, where do you go when that final light is snuffed out? Allow me to show you" A smile spread across his face as he started to sing.

'Let me introduce myself
We got some time to kill
Consider me the pearly gates to your new favorite thrills
We could go make history or you could rest in peace
But here there ain't no misery
'Cause on the other side we live like kings

Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Let your body loose, let your body loose
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Show you a thing or two
'Cause you ain't seen nothing'

He stood on the stage, waving his hands and making 'lifers' appear in front of our eyes. I chuckled, astonished at the magic this ghost held.

'Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood'

He slowly walked to the dancefloor, dancing with performers while he continued his song. I looked at Willie and we locked eyes as we both let out a loud 'Whoo!', making the guys laugh.

'Everything has got a price but happiness is free
Just so happens, you're in luck
We got a vacancy
We can set the night on fire and break out of the scene
Your soul print on the walk of fame
On the boulevard of your wildest dreams'

He came up to our table and lifted the tablecloth to reveal a dancer dressed in pink. If this guy can create 'lifers' from air he can definitely know why we can touch.

'Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys?
Let your body loose, let your body loose
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys?
It ain't bragging if it's true
Now you ain't seen nothing

Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood

The rain don't blind the rising souls
They got too much to see
I got your glamour, got your gold
Got all you'll ever need
Let me hear you now

(I got your glamour, got your gold)
(Got all you'll ever need)

I said watch me make a move, watch me make a move, boys
(Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?)
I said watch me make a move, no, I don't disappoint
(Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?) Amen
Watch me make a move, I'm ya number one choice
(Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?)
Watch me make a move
Come one and give me that noise
A tomb with a view
Ain't it something?

Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of HollywoodAin't it the best?
Long live the dead!'

Two women lifted a curtain over Caleb and as he uttered the last words, the curtain was dropped and he was gone. We all stood and cheered.

"Man, I knew I recognized him! He's the guy who bumped into me outside the Orpheum." Alex told us.

"Wait- isn't he the magician that died that horrible death by one of his tricks?" Reggie looked shocked. I laughed, "I wouldn't really mention that when you meet him." I gently pushed his shoulder. 

"Yeah, you guys should come back when he does one of his movies, for Titanic he literally floods the entire place!" Willie waved his hands around, smiling and laughing.

"So... where'd he go?" Reggie then jumped, seeing Covington behind him. "Oh wow! There he is!" I said, a slight panic in my voice. 

"Hello! Caleb Covington. Welcome to the Hollywood ghost club."

"This is, Alex, Luke, Reggie and y/n" Willie signalled to us as Caleb went around shaking our hands. As he went to shake mine I pulled it out of his reach. "Human" I chuckled. "Oh? Interesting" He smiled. Looking at Reggie but looking back at me, almost like he recognized my face. 

"Yeah! It's really nice to meet you!" Alex looked at him, smiling.

"Pleasure is mine, nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends. Please, sit, sit." He sat at the head of the table and we all sat with him.

"Thank you for inviting us" Alex looked at Caleb. 

"Of course, of course. So, Willie tells me that you have some magic of your own." Caleb said making a motion with his hands. As Alex stuttered his speech, I stepped in before he could say something stupid.

"Yeah, they can be seen by 'lifers' when they sing with me and my younger sister." I nodded smiling at him. The way he looked at me was unsettling. It was like I had met his gaze before.

"Interesting, and... you're human, but how did you get here with them?"

"Oh" I held out my hand and Reggie put his chin in it, "I can kinda touch Reg" I took my hand away and he smiled. "Wow, it's not often you come across people and ghosts that have similar talents, we must stick together." The way he smiled felt like he was hiding something. "Well if you'll excuse me, I have to go pay the bills, if you know what I mean." He came to his feet and walked away. 

"I love that dude! Please tell me this party is never going to end!"

A couple of minutes later me, Reggie and Luke were talking to a couple about Star Wars. "You mean to tell the they made eight more Star Wars movies and they killed Han Solo? What kind of future is this?!" Reggie groaned and walked away.

Me and Luke looked back at the couple. "We found out a week ago and didn't have the heart to tell him. Just- please don't mention JarJar."

I saw Alex and Willie talking and I couldn't help but smile at the two. I approached Alex as Willie walked away and so did Reggie.

"Someone just told me they added a character named JarJar, what's a JarJar!?" Reggie exclaimed as I sat down looking at Alex.

Caleb walked up to the table, "I take it you guys are enjoying yourselves?" He asked as I examined him. Why did he keep looking at me like I was a threat. I didn't know this man, though it already felt I had made an enemy. I came for answers and only had more questions. I heard him mentioning us joining his house band but I could only think of Julie. I couldn't leave her. Never. All of a sudden, a feast appeared in front of us as I watched the boys stuff their faces. 

"I'll just have a little" I heard Alex mutter as he stuffed a whole pizza slice into his mouth. I was weak with laughter.


Hello again! Sorry for the lack of chapters, I haven't had the motivation to write in a little but I'm glad I'm back. I hope you liked this chapter explaining the Hollywood ghost club and another familiar face...


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