Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - Recovery

205 8 5
By ScammerOne



(Wakaba's Room) 

After hearing what Shouichi said at the hospital, Wakaba returned back to her room to find herself on the lost with what she should do. 

Wakaba: Stress fractures caused by inflamed joints. I can't go back to battle training just yet.

Inner Wakaba: I'm just giving the Vertexes their just rewards. That was the principle behind my actions. Giving a taste of their victim's anger and grief. That was the reason why I stood on the battlefield. If I am being denied of this revenge then........ How could he hold it back? What is he fighting for? Why is the one who should be most clouded by revenge could say with pride that he's not blinded by revenge? (Wakaba said as she saw the light from Hinata's room is still on) Is she still awake? 

Wakaba: I have to make sure of it. (Wakaba said as she exited her room and head to Hinata's room) 

(Hinata's Room) 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan? What's wrong? 

Wakaba: I'm sorry to bother you this late but I need to talk to you. (Wakaba said as she entered Hinata's room while carrying a pillow) 

Hinata: I'm a little bit busy right but...... if it's for Wakaba-chan I don't really mind. (Hinata said with a smile) 

Wakaba: What have been doing? 

Hinata: I'll leave this dormitory tomorrow. 

Wakaba: Eh?! But why?! No! What has!!!! That's!!!!! (Wakaba said in a surprised tone and at the same time worried tone) 

Hinata: Ahaha~~ You're panicking way too much. I've just been called to Taisha's office. 

Wakaba: I-i see...... Phew...... (Wakaba said with relieved tone) 

Hinata: And....... I got some things that I also want to make sure of. (Hinata said as she remembered the moment where Shouichi's hand began to wrinkle from his transformation) 

Wakaba: Some things? 

Hinata: No, it's just something trivial. (Hinata said with a smile back on her face) But, what about you, Wakaba-chan? 

Wakaba: Eh?! Uhm...... You see,...... uh that's....... It's just! 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan, come here for a bit. (Hinata said as she gestured Wakaba to sit beside her at her bed) 

Wakaba then sat beside her and laid her head on Hinata's lap. After laying down on Hinata's lap, Hinata took out a cotton bud and began to clean Wakaba's ear. 

Wakaba: You're a master of the craft when it comes to cleaning ears, Hinata. 

Hinata: Thank you very much. Did it calm you down a little~~~~? 

Wakaba: Yeah......... 

Hinata: .......... Wakaba-chan are you still worrying about what happened at the hospital with Shouichi-san? 

Wakaba: Please tell me....... I don't know what should I do...... I don't know what I should fight for if not for revenge....... If he, the one who has lost everything and should be the one obsessed with revenge but is the one who told me that revenge is not the thing I should fight for. Please tell me I just don't know........ Then....... Then........ Why should I fight for?! What should I live for? I don't know what I should do......... (Wakaba said as she began to cry) 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan....... You have to find that answer yourself...... 

Wakaba: But why?! Whenever I was stuck or at a loss, you would always give me a helping hand, and yet....... 

Hinata: Don't make such a face....... I'll take a photo of you crying you know~~~~ 

Wakaba: Hmph!! Do as you please. 

Hinata: Click. (Hinata said as she took a cute picture of Wakaba crying) I've obtained some extra Wakabachanium for when we're apart. Haha~~~~ (Hinata said with a playful tone) 

Wakaba: Uaah...... You really took one....... (Wakaba said in a comically depressed tone) 

Hinata: The reason what you fight for...... The reason you live..... You can't let anyone decide that for you........ but....... I believe in you...... You are definitely able to find the answer. You can come over this, Wakaba-chan. I believe you can...... (Hinata said as she hugged Wakaba) 

Wakaba: Yeah....... Thank you, Hinata....... (Wakaba said with a little bit of confidence in her voice) 

Hinata: But....... the one who will able to help you find the answer maybe...... is him...... 

Wakaba: .......

Hinata: It's because he understood it more than anyone. 

Wakaba: I-i know........ I'll go meet him...... (Wakaba said before exiting Hinata's room) 

After heading out, Wakaba made her way to Shouichi's room which was around a five-minute walk from the girls' dorm. 

Wakaba: *sigh*........ I definitely going to get mad again if meet him right now....... (Wakaba said as she saw the lights on Shouichi's room) 

Wakaba then opened the door to Shouichi's room to find that nobody is home. 

Wakaba: Huh? Shouichi.......? (Wakaba said in a confused tone) 

Not long after that, Wakaba heard the sound of rocks breaking and rocks falling from the nearby forest. Wakaba walked towards the direction to where she heard the source of the sound. 

Wakaba: What's this sound? Is there a battle nearby? 

As Wakaba continued to walk on, she saw the signs of damage in the trees and the area around her. After walking for a while, she saw Shouichi in his transformed state destroying the rocks and trees around the area. 

Shouichi: Looks like this is fine...... (Shouichi said as he punches the rock and destroying it into small bits for the last time) 

Wakaba: Shouichi? 

Shouichi: Who's there?! (Shouichi said as he bound Wakaba using his tentacles) 

Wakaba: OW! (Wakaba said as Shouichi's tentacles lifted her up into the air) It's me, Shouichi! 

Shouichi: Oh, it's you....... (Shouichi said as he released his tentacles and put Wakaba down) Sorry, I thought you were somebody else. (Shouichi said as he helps Wakaba to stand up) Are you okay? 

Wakaba: Yeah...... (Wakaba said as she calms herself down) 

After Shouichi helped Wakaba to calm down, Wakaba opened her mouth, asking Shouichi what she is dying for an answer. 

Wakaba: Shouichi.......

Shouichi: Yeah? 

Wakaba: What were you fighting for? What is that you're living for even after everything that happens to this world?

 Shouichi: So that's how it is...... Is Hinata the one who told you to come here? 

Wakaba: Eh?! 

Shouichi: If you really want to know then I'll show it to you. Meet me tomorrow after school. 


(The Next Day) 

(After School)

Wakaba: Say, Shouichi. Where are you taking me to? (Wakaba said as she walked along Shouichi in a straight path) 

Shouichi: You'll see when you get there. 

As they continued to walk on, they arrived at a normal neighboring district. 

Wakaba: Where are we, Shouichi? 

Shouichi: It's just a normal district. With normal people living in this place. 

Wakaba: Eh?! What do you mean?! 

As the passing through children realized who they were, they immediately ran towards them. 

Children 1: It's Shouichi Nii-chan!!!! 

Children 2: Shouichi Nii-chan is here today!!!! 

Children 3: Let's play today, Shouichi Nii-chan!!!! 

Around five to ten children ran towards Shouichi and Wakaba before begin pulling their shirts. 

Children 4: What should we play today, Shouichi Nii-chan? (The child said as he began to pull Shouichi's shirts. 

Children 5: Who's this Onee-chan? 

Children 6: It's our esteemed Hero!!!! (One of the children said with an excited tone)  

Shouichi: Hey! Why is she treated with respect while I'm not?! (Shouichi said in a dissatisfied tone) 

Children 7: Eeeeee....... Shouichi Nii-chan is someone that we can still see every day. 

Children 8: Besides, Shouichi Nii-chan is not really that rare to see around here. 

Shouichi: What do you say?! Come here you brats!!!!!!! (Shouichi said as he went after the kids who ridiculed him) 

Children 7: Shouichi Nii-chan is angry!!!! 

Children 8: Everyone run away!! 

The children then began to play around with Shouichi as Wakaba watches Shouichi chasing after the kids. Suddenly, another child pulled on Wakaba's shirt. 

Children 9: Is Onee-chan's name is Wakaba? 

Wakaba: Y-yeah..... What's wrong? (Wakaba said as she bowed down to the children) 

Children 9: Amazing!! My name is also Wakaba. Mom used to tell me the story where she was saved by a hero called Wakaba! (The children said with an excited tone) 

Wakaba: Eh?! 

Children 9: My mom was from outside this island but managed to escape thanks to you! That's why she named me after you! 

After hearing that, Wakaba let out a relieved smile on her face. 

Inner Wakaba: During this tragedy that took so many lives, there were a few lives that I managed to save. And from this, new lives were born. (Wakaba thought to herself with a smile on her face) 

Children 9: Thank you for saving me, Onee-chan! (The kid said as she bowed down at Wakaba)

Inner Wakaba: I didn't see anything. Not this city and everyone that lives here. Nor the people around me. I was shackled by the memories of that day and lost sight of it all. I sought revenge for the dead to the point that I lost myself in rage. I finally found the answer, Hinata. The burden that I need to bear is not from the past but from the present. 



All Children: Thank you for playing with us!!! Onii-chan, Onee-chan!! (The children said as they waved their hand at Shouichi and Wakaba)

Shouichi: Yeah! Be careful when going home! 

All Children: Yes!!!! 

Shouichi: All right then, do you found the answer to your question. 

Wakaba: Yeah, it's all thanks to you. (Wakaba said with a smile) 

Shouichi: The reason to live or fight is not something that hard to find the answer for. Sometimes the answer is right under your nose but it's small that it's not visible if you don't open your eyes. But, if you open your eyes and look at it directly it is something very small and yet very beautiful. 

Wakaba: Yeah, you're right. It was really beautiful. 

Shouichi: Now that's settled, let's head back to the Marugame castle. I'm worried Tamako will devour the food at the cafeteria before we get back. 

Tamako: What's that about Tama?! (Tamako said as she pounded Shouichi and Wakaba right in their back) 

Shouichi: Urk! 

Wakaba: Wah?! Tamako?! What are you doing here?! 

Tamako: Both of you left the school together making those serious faces. So I thought that both of you want to fight it out and left looking for both of you. 

Shouichi: Of course that's not true!!! It'll make a very bad image!!! 

Wakaba: Looks like I made you worry too. Sorry, Tamako, Anzu. 

Tamako: It's not a big deal at all. Ah! Hey!!!! Stop hiding there and come out already!!!!!

Chikage then came out from hiding behind the electricity pole. 

Wakaba: Chikage....... 

Chikage: I'm just here because Tamako dragged me along. 

Tamako: Good grief, though you were all fidgety before. 

Chikage: I wasn't!!!! 

Shouichi: Hoooooo How did that go? Tell me the story. 

Tamako: It went like this-

Chikage: Don't go telling that around!!!!!! (Chikage said as she choked both Tamako and Shouichi) 

Anzu: Chikage-san!!! You're killing them! You're killing them! 

Wakaba: Everyone! (Wakaba said before bowing down towards all of them) I'm sorry! I was trapped in the past and lost myself in the thirst for vengeance. From now on, I'll no longer fight this way. Now, I shall fight for those who are living. (Wakaba said with a determined tone) So, I ask you. Will you fight by my side? 

Shouichi: Geez........ Do you really have to say that? 

Wakaba: Eh?! 

Shouichi: Even if you didn't say anything about it, I've already made up my mind. 

Anzu: Of course, Wakaba-san is our leader after all. 

Tamako: Hell yeah, just leave it to Tama! 

Chikage: Words alone are meaningless. So, make sure to follow up with your actions. I'll be watching from the sidelines. 

Wakaba: Yeah, I'll take it to heart. 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and a synopsis of the story.

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