
By TheMrs_Bae_Dallas

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[OG POST DATE: 02/22/15] Charlotte Henson. She was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on. Her wavy loc... More



2.4K 67 6
By TheMrs_Bae_Dallas

| | C H A R L O T T E   H E N S O N | |

Cameron pulls up into his driveway at about eight o'clock sharp, and though it was early I couldn't help but feel a bit tired after this eventful date.

"You tired?" Cameron asks quietly as we get out of his car and walk to the front door of his yes, nodding silently in response I wait patiently for him to open the door before following him inside.

"I'm home!" was all it took from Cameron for two maids to come flying into the foyer, desperate to greet him. "Hi Cameron." the blonde sweetly while the brunette beside her stared down Cameron like he was going to be her last meal.

"Hi love, can I take your coat." the words purred from her chest. The girl didn't even wait for an answer she just began stripping him of his attire which made me roll my eyes, of course Cameron didn't notice since he was too busy being pawed at.

"Can I take you coat, miss." the mousy blonde crept closer ignoring my date's assault. This must've been common if she didn't even flinch.

Yup that's definitely needs to change.

"Miss?" the blonde said a little louder snapping me back to reality, "Of course." I quickly took off my jacket and handed it to her just before Cameron wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm gonna get some snacks for us --while I do that, Sarah, show her to my room."

He instructed before smiling at me and walking off.

Taking a page from Cameron I slapped a warm smile on my face and gave a small 'hello' to the brunette named Sarah but my warmness wasn't returned, a smile didn't crack across her stone face like it did with the blonde, she just stared.

Well more like glared. 

"Soo.." I rocked on my heels and continued to wait but Sarah was quiet. "Sarah." the blonde nudged her shoulder finally provoking words.

"Ugh why can't you show her Maya --I refuse to show this whore to my baby's room. Who knows what she's carrying!"


"Whore?" my arms crossed.

"Yes, whore, as in the definition of you... and the worn out definition of your vagina." She snapped in an annoying tone. "First of all bitch you don't know me because if you did you'd know to watch your mouth." I hiss.

"Sweetie I don't need to know you to know that you're just a money hungry slut, who needs attention and dick to feel okay about herself." Sarah shot back.

"You must've been looking in a mirror just know because that statement was the exact definition of you... ya know the bra showing, hair too curly, make up caked on, no class having slut you are." I growl through a clench jaw.

This chick was seriously rubbing me the wrong way.

"Bitch, don't test me --I'll end you!" She threatened and I laughed.

Stepping closer I stared her down with a smooth confidence. "I might be smaller than you but I have faith that you won't like the results if you test me, honey."

"Hoe you better get out of my face!" She fitted which only fueled my pettiness. "Or what?"

At my words she huffed loudly and thought for a moment before finally shoving me. It wasn't hard enough to send me flying but I did stumble, and then I went at her.


I had four years of ring time and mostly male older cousins, along with plenty of fighting experience in high school under my belt, so when I say I went at her --I went at her with everything I had.

Hitting her first in the nose and then the stomach, the maid gasped as the blonde took off. "You bitch!!" Sarah hissed, grabbing a handful of my coils before slapping and scratching me.

Though her hit didn't faze me, my adrenaline was pumping and all I could think about was ending this bitch. Aiming for the spot just under her ribs I sent my hardest punch there; knocking her to the ground.

But since she still had a grip on my hair I came down with her.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU SLUT!!!" I knock her around some more. "FUCK YOU!!!" She screamed and dug her claws in deeper.

Raising my had I went to go for another hit when I was snatched off Sarah.

"Let me go!!"

I kicked my legs and pulled at my restraints, as Sarah pulled herself from the floor. Face bloodied and bruises forming.

"Charlie stop." Cameron's voice rung in my ear.

He was the one holding me.

"Let me go Cameron." I pulled harder only making his grip tighter. "Cameron let me go, this bitch needs to get her ass handed to her ---Ooo you're so lucky he's holding me back, bitch!!"

She charged, only to be quickly snatched up by Taylor and the other maid.

"Oh you want some more!? Come at me, I'll knock the chlamydia out of you!!" picking me up Cameron dragged me up the stairs, as I fought against him.

He placed me down in his room and stood in front of the door protectively. "Let me out." my blood was boiling in my veins I was so pissed. "No." He sighed, "So sit down and tell me what happened."

"Let me out now!"

"What happened, Charlie?" He retorted.

Rolling my eyes I whipped out my phone and angrily started texting Kira.


Kira: okay.

Kira: wait --why, what's going on?

Kira: where are you??

Me: just hurry up and get me, I'm at Cameron's. 

Kira: Cameron's? What did he do to you!?


Kira: on my way.

Shoving my phone in my pocket and I sit down on his bed, just waiting for Kira. "Charlotte, what happened." Cameron demanded in a stern voice.

Ignoring him I bounced my foot against the floorboards and tried to focus on anything other than beating that girl's ass, Cameron on the other hand stared at me for a long while before growing impatiently and leaving his room.

Slamming the door and he went downstairs.

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