
By TheMrs_Bae_Dallas

121K 1.8K 67

[OG POST DATE: 02/22/15] Charlotte Henson. She was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on. Her wavy loc... More



4.8K 95 4
By TheMrs_Bae_Dallas

| | C H A R L O T T E   H E N S O N | |

"Cameron Dallas," Kira hissed with a nasty look making me confused, but mainly interested in the party stopper.

"Cameron Dallas --who's that Ki?" I hummed as my eyes watched Bentley greet the group of boys. "Just an idiot with a  capital "I"." She sighed in response, her look not fading which made the whole situation even more interesting since Bentley looked extremely happy to see the group.

This must be the people he wanted me to meet, but why is Kira so against them. "Hmm." taking a step forward I went to go investigate when Kira pulled me back, "no!" was all she said to me before pulling me off.

"Kira." I whine.

"No Charlotte, I will not let my night be ruined this early!" Kira huffed as I reluctantly followed behind her.


Sitting at one of the many decorated tables in Kira's mom's backyard, I sat with her as we talked about whatever came to mind, occasionally sipping from our red solo cups. "Oh Kira look!!" I chirped excitedly as my eyes landed on an entertaining sight.

King, Kira's brother, was trying to get a girl's number but was failing horribly. He was trying his absolute hardest to convince the little blonde but she seemed determined on telling him 'no'.

"He's failing so badly."

Rolling her eyes Kira pinched the bridge of her nose, "Estúpido --He's such an idiot." She said but laughed with me. Of course that was until she saw something she didn't like and her expression went sour just as a shadow covered the table. 

"Benny when are you going to stop inviting them.. nobody likes them here," She hissed making me turn around and see six sexy ass guys --this including Benny-- standing behind me.

"Oh shut up Kira --anyway Charlie these are the friends I wanted you to meet, Char this is Carter, Matt, Cameron, Taylor and Nash.. guys this is Charlie." Bentley gives a warm smile while also managing to glare at Kira.


"Don't say 'hi' to them." Kira huffs. She was upset and beginning to throw a tantrum. "Kira be nice." I say softly making the Taylor guy smirk.

"Yeah Kira be nice." He winked.


"Kill me." Kira slumped in her seat making me laugh but end her misery. "Come on chica let's o dance again." quickly I pulled her up from her seat and into the crowd of partying people,


| | C A M E R O N   D A L L A S | | 

Smirks played on the guys faces as the talked about Kira's friends, I wasn't too invested in the conversation so I didn't know exactly what it was about but it was something along serious rating lines.

The conversation seemed to be at a stalemate because next thing I knew the boys were dragging me into it. "Cam what do you think about her?"

"Think she'll last

"Hmm," biting into my bottom lip I look over to where the girl and Kira were dancing and analyze her. Kira's friend was very attractive, she had dark toffee colored skin, coiled brown hair that reached a little bit past her shoulders and a hourglass figure to finish it off.

She was definitely someone who could be noticed in even the biggest crowds. Especially when she swung her hips and whipped her hair, like she was doing now. Damn. "Whelp from the look on Cameron's look she's definitely the shit." Nash laughed with the guys.

Rolling my eyes I shook my thoughts from my head, "Nah.. she wouldn't last a minute with us."

"Why's that?"

"Because I said she wouldn't." I glare making Matt and Carter frown.

"What's up your ass, Cam?" Taylor questions "nothing.. let's just change the topic," I groan just as Bentley jumped into the conversation. "Cameron's right talking about Charlie is like talking about my little sister so let's switch topics."

"Okay." the rest of the guys said stiffly just before Kira and her friend came back. 

"Alright are you guys going to leave our table or do we have to find a new one?" Kira said harshly making Bentley shoot her a glare. "Kira."

"No Benny, tell them to move."

"How 'bout no Kira." I sneer.

"How 'bout I beat your ass, Cameron." Kira hissed. "Oh I'd love to see you try." getting up from my seat I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing Kira wouldn't be able to beat me. "Guys come on!" Nash groaned as Matt got up from his seat.

"Whelp I'm gonna go scope some girls." He quickly rushed off.

He never was much of a fighter.

"Matt wait up!!" Carter followed, leaving only Taylor, Nash, Bentley and me as I faced off in a standoff with Kira.

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