my girl

By ogstunner

2.5K 184 45

ayla-jade has recently moved out of her family home in hopes of getting her life together, with her main focu... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27.

chapter 21

64 8 1
By ogstunner

I agreed to letting her drive me, it was my only option right now and I voted against being a stubborn child and refusing. She held my wrist and led me through the crowd back up to the elevator, "where're we going?" I asked her but she didn't answer me. I'm not going to deal with this right now.

I pulled my hand from her grasp and she stopped as soon as she felt my touch leave her. "Answer me" I demanded in a quiet tone, "My office" she answered. This just might be the only time where I asked her something and she actually answered, it's not much but I accept it. I did something that I think shocked the both of us, I put her hand back over my wrist. She looked at me then readjusted her hand, instead of holding my wrist she wrapped our hands together our fingers locking the grasp. I felt butterflies in my stomach when she looked at our hands then at me.

The way she looked at me just made me feel safe, I can see she tries so hard to build up a hard exterior when in reality she's really sweet. She gave me a little half smile and continued walking this time at a slower pace, for my benefit I'm guessing. My feet were hurting even more now so I was thankful that she decided to slow down.

We got into the elevator and she held me closer to her than usual, I couldn't help but wonder what sparked this sudden change in character. I'm trying not to be negative and think that this is just one of her many personalities the thought of that made me pout a little. I wanted to enjoy this side of her for as long as I could without interruption, whatever this change is I love it.

The elevator doors opened and she led me out, we walked by Vanessa who gave me a literal death stare. I was just as confused as she was so there really wasn't a need for all of that, then again why not have some fun? I brushed up more on Alex making her look around at me then at Vanessa, I think she got the message.

Alex's office was huge, obviously a lot more spacious than mine. Her view of the city was even prettier than mine, everything in her office was grey or black and it smelt brand new.
She let go of my hand and I continued looking at the room. "Here" she returned and placed a blanket over me, I would ask why she had a blanket in her office but I didn't want to push my luck with her.

"Sit here for a while I'll go get my stuff" she instructed and I did exactly as I was told. I sat in the chair in front of her desk as she left me alone in the room. I was beyond cold and my feet were aching, getting wet didn't help my situation at all. I played with the a newton's cradle that was on her desk, the balls went back and forth and I sat there in complete silence, the clacking of the balls and the rain beating on the windows made up the only noises that could be heard.

Her office wasn't like mine at all in the sense where hers had no personality, mine looked a bit brighter but hers was dull and sharp. It reminded me of that guy's office from fifty shades. I giggled at the thought of that.

The door opened and Alex came back inside with a bag in her hand. "Let's go"

I got up and she led me out once again, the number of people in the receptionist area didn't change not one bit and I wondered what would happen to everyone who had to take public transport. According to the conversation I heard traffic was blocked up because of the weather so basically if you didn't have your own ride you wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. As much as I can't stand her I'm very grateful to Alex for giving me a ride, god knows how long I would've waited if she didn't offer.

In the elevator I felt my knees getting weaker and weaker. Only a few more steps and I'll be good is what I tried telling myself to ease my own discomfort. Something told me that Alex could sense I was in pain when I tried to balance my weight on one leg to give the other a break and winced at the slight pain. I squeezed her hand slightly which made her tense up then I felt her relax. "Are you okay?" she barely turned to me but I could hear the concern in her voice.

"I'm fine" I tried to sound as calm as possible. She didn't say anything after as the elevator doors opened. She held unto me tightly as we navigated through the bundled up people in the lobby. The cars were kept under the building in a sense, It just looks like car parking lots at the mall but it was connected to the building. "Wait here" She let go of my hand but gave me a very reassuring look before she left. I'm assuming she's going to start the car.

About five minutes pass and I see her car pull up to the front of the building, she gets out soaking herself but doesn't seem phased by it.

She comes back to where I'm standing and takes the blanket I had wrapped around me and placed it over my head. We were walking towards the glass door when a sharp pain hit me so hard I had to grab on to Alex's sleeve, I suppressed the sound that I was going to make and she holds on to me..pure concern written all over her face. She picks me up from where I was midway from the ground and carries me bridal style outside making sure I was covered.

I was too weak to walk anyway and my feet wouldn't do me any justice, I felt horrible. I closed my eyes and allowed her to carry me. She placed me inside her car not caring if she got wet then closed the door and walked over to the driver's seat. She starts up the vehicle and I curl up in my seat, I see her reach over to my seat and for a moment I thought she was going to touch me...I was wrong. She reached over and reclined my seat so I would be more comfortable. I smiled at her but hid it before she could see.

We drove off and the last thing I remember was sleepily telling her my address with her hand on my knee as she drove away from our building.


Alex's pov:

I looked at her curled up on the seat beside me, the blanket covered her all the way up to her nose. I reclined her seat so she would be more comfortable, I figured she would want some rest especially considering the luck she's had. we've been in traffic for god knows how long now and half of that she's been asleep. I guess that's good, she wouldn't have to face me, deal with me. I'm nothing but a complete asshole to her when she's so sweet, I don't know how to be caring it's something I simply cannot do and I wish I could apologize for that.

I groaned as this old man in front of me decided to move whenever he felt necessary. "Move the fuck up!" I pressed the horn twice getting his attention. Jade shifted slightly and I realized I needed to be quiet or I'd wake her. She slept so peacefully, her face almost angelic and the way she curled up was adorable. She took her shoes off, I assume they were the source of her almost falling today. I could tell they were causing her much discomfort from the way she squeezed my hand in the elevator and kept moving her feet. God I hope she never wears those again, they're pretty but they're not worth it.  I would personally burn them if she decides to put herself through this again.

Something tells me she hadn't noticed the picture on her desk. I ran around the whole fucking morning trying to get someone to fix it and when I finally did I tried my best to get it back on her desk and clean up the mess I made before she came in.

My hand was between the two of us, I heard her shift again then I felt the warmth of her hand on mine. When I turned to look at her it looked like she was smiling in her sleep. She's so fucking beautiful which gives me all the more reason not to touch her, she deserves the best and that's just not me. I switched our hands so mine was on top, I rubbed hers..caressing it. Something about her brought me comfort and there's nothing I would want more than to hold her forever.

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