Legacies aren't Legacies Anym...

By lawstudentdropout

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What would happen, if one day while at the Salvatore Boarding School, there was another monster attack. But t... More

|| Playlist ||
|| When Shit hit the Fan || Summary ||
The day it all happened.
Act 1. Season 1.
We pulled a Barry Allen. Bloody hell.
Look's like everything is not in Hell yet. The comets still coming.
Friday Night Bites. It's an Annual Thing Now.
History Repeating (Episode 9) ~~ Part 1
History Repeating ~~ Part 2
History Repeating ~~ Part 3
The-- Ah shit. Looks like theres another vampire on the loose.
Bloodlines With the Original Family
The Explanation
Totally off topic... but...
Lizzie. Stop. Being. A. Bitch.
Return to Unpleasentville.
Return to Unpleasentville ~ Part 2
Another generation of the Children of the Damned.
Rose's are Beautiful
The Myth, The Legend, The Baddest Bitch of Them All, Katerina Petrova
The 'Sun and Moon Curse'. That's what this is. Sure.
Great. The Towns Full of Werewolves. And Ironically Hope's in the Cresent City.
Self-Sacrifice. What Hope Does Best.
Whole Family Issues
As we Lay Dying, Our Life Flashes Before our Eyes
Act 2. Season 3.
Happy Birthday. Not. We live in Mystic Fall, you Idjits.
The Tribrid Who Seems to love Self-Sacrifice.
Holy Shit. Stefan was in a love triangle with my Dad and my aunt. Ew.
Who the hell acts like that?
The Second Reckoning. Oh, who am I kiding? There' been like 10.
It smells like hell. We're all going to hell.
"Ordinary" People
"Ordinary" People ~~ Part 2
Happy Homecoming
Happy Homecoming 2.0
The New, New Deal.
NOT A NEW CHAPTER (i am so so so sorry but this might be good news!)

Homecoming 3.0

1.8K 64 56
By lawstudentdropout

~~ Hope's POV ~~

When I arrive at the party, it's already started. People are either drinking or dancing with the band... and everything in between. I'm pretty sure I saw a couple having sex up against a tree, so...

I walk through the door of the house, looking around for any sign of anyone involved in the plot to kill Dad. Maybe I could talk them out of it...? I take a quick swep of the house, and when I don't find anyone, I head back outside and look around.

I see Stefan and Tyler standing and watching the band, so I head straight for them.

"Thanks, but I'm not the one throwing it. I'm just doing what Klaus wants." I hear Tyler say, as I approach the emotionless jerk and the hybrid.

"What do you mean?" Stefan asks him.

"It's not a party, man. It's a wake." Tyler says. Stefan looks confused.

"For Mikael, you dumbass. You can't kill him and not expect him to throw a party. Well, tell him you killed Mikael." I say, crossing my arms as I stand next to Stefan,

"Well, at least we know how to get to him then." Stefan says.

"No. You're going to back off." I order him.

"Oh, really? Why would I do that?"

"Good evening everyone!" Dad says, now on stage and making an annoucement. "I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate." Dad says, the crowd cheering.

"It's been a long time coming." Dad finishes, looking at me and Stefan. I go to walk to him, but Stefan grabs my arm spinning me around.

"Let's dance." He suggests, pulling me as far away from Dad as he can.

"You're not going to stop me from saving him." I warn, glaring at him.

"Oh, but I can." Stefan says, before reaching into his jacket for something. I have no idea what he's doing, but he takes out a syringe and then fucking stabs it into my neck, pushing the plunger down. I gasp as he takes it out.

"You know, Josie is a really smart witch. And, being a siphoner she can use her magic to freeze any and all magic in your body, for about a day. So, you can't do anything to stop us." Stefan tells me, leaning in close to me to whisper it in my ear so people don't hear and so I can hear over the loud music without my superhearing. He backs away, smirking, before he vamp speeds away.

I have to warn Dad.... I move as quickly as I can through the crowd, while also trying to find Dad. Auntie Bex is somewhere at the party too, meaning she'll be trying to find Dad too... Unless she doesn't want Dad to survive either... I mean, she did help them... No, she wouldn't help them. At least not after Elena daggered her.

~~ Josie's POV ~~

I'm standing by"Elena", waiting for the plan to start. Well, the updated plan. When, of course, Klaus comes to talk to "Elena", and I quickly make my way over to her.

"Where's your date?" He asks "Elena", just as I arrive next to her.

"Getting me a drink." "Elena" says, causing Klaus to hand her his drink.

"I think she's fine." I say, glaring at the man.

"Well... Seem I have you to thank for Mikaels demise." Klaus says, looking at me.

"He came at Elena. I didn't have a choice." I say, glare never leaving my face.

"Still, I'm impressed. It's not easy for anyone to dagger an original. Must have used some of your magic on him, correct?"

"You'd be correct. Aneurysms are good for that."

"You seem nervous." Klaus says, now turning to "Elena".

"I'm not nervouse. I just don't like you." She tells him.

"Right. Straight to the point then, shall I, love? People have been after me for 1, 000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best shot. You won't succeed." He all but threatens us.

"It won't be for lack of trying." "Elena" tells him, before we start to walk away. Klaus stops us though.

"Now you;d be smart to tell Damon to mind his manners tonight. 'Cause if I die, I've already insured he'll die along with me. Even in death, my hyrbids have their orders. So you kill me, your killing him too." Klaus finishes, walking away.

~~ Hope's POV ~~

"Invite-only, vampire." One of Dad's hybrids tells Damon. I quickly look at them, as Damon says.

"here's my RSVP." and rips out his heart. "Hyrbid."

"Did you really have to do that?" I question, as Damon walks towards me.

"Of course! It was the punchline." Damon says, smirking at me. I just roll my eyes. I stop him from going any further into the house.

"Nice plot making me human for a day, but do you really think that'll stop me from trying to save my Dad?"

"Your human?" Damon asks me.

"Yep. So, stop acting like you didn't know. " I deadpan, done with the bullshit.

"I actually didn't. Looks like Stefan and Josie are keeping secrets."

"Well, let's get back at them for that then, huh? Maybe save my dad?" I suggest.

"Wait, your human?" Damon asks me again.


"Great. Then I can do this." Damon says, grabbing my face. His pupils start to dilate.

"Oh, don't you fucking dare--"

"You're going to stay outside and not warn Klaus, or find a way to warn Klaus about what happening. Don't stop any of us." Damon says, before he walks inside the house.

"I'm going to murder him as soon as possible!" I say, my hands turning into fists. I quickly walk around, looking for anyone. I quickly walk all around the house, looking for a way to somehow warn Dad. I could tell Auntie Bex I was compeled... but I couldn't do that, it's against Damon's complusion. I can fight it, but I don't know for how long... Oh, whatever. Let's just find some vervain so I can't be compelled again.

"Hope?" Someone asks from behind me. I turn around and see someone I've never meet before.

"Yes?" I ask, my guard already going up.

"You're dad sent me. You need to come with me." She says ominously.

"Are you one of his hybrids?"


"Alright..." I say, slowly following her as she walks turns around and walks away, and I slowly follow her.

"Where are we going?" I ask after a few minutes of walking. After a little while of walking, weirdly towards the woods, we run into Mikael.

"You're helping him? Aren't you sired to..." I start to ask, but, Mikael vamp speeds towards me and strangles me.

"I need you to get to your dad." Mikael says, barley flinching.

"Fun. Maybe, oh I don't know, don't?" i suggest, struggling to get out of his grip. He finally drops me, leaving marks on my neck.

"You aren't healing? Perfect, that means I can actually hurt you. Hide her." He orders his compelled hybrid. She grabs my arm and drags back towards the house with her super strength, me now having none as much as I want to punch her.

She has me in a chock hold, hand over my mouth to keep me from saying anything. I hear someone walk to the door, knowing it was probably dad.

"Hello, Niklaus." Mikael greats.

"Hello, Mikael. Won't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot. You can't." I hear Dad say.

"Or you can come outside if you want." Mikael suggests.

"Or i can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb." I watch as a bunch of Hybrids stand together on the field right outside the door.

"They can't kill me." Mikael points out.

"True, but it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these 2 fingers together, and they'll pounce." Dad threatens.

"The big, bad, wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired to you, but they're still aprt vampire. And they can be compelled by me." Mikael says, as the hybrid that was holding me walks into view, pulling me with her after a moment. Mikael just smiles, as he grabs my arm/back.

"Come out and face me, Niklaus, or she dies. I'll rip her heart out." Mikael threatens.

"That won't kill me." I speak up, groaning as Mikael tightens his grip.

"Oh, but it will thanks to your friends making you human." Mikael says, Stefan probably told him. Son of a bitch. After this, I'm going on a Salvatore murder spree.

"Go ahead. Kill her." Dad says, surprising me.

"Dad..." I say, as Mikael tightens his grip.

"You're willing to let your own daughter die? You must really be a monster." Mikeal tells him.

"I don't need her. I just need to be rid of you." Dad tells Mikael.

"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one by your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! Well, maybe the person your telling me to kill." Mikael says, foaming at the mouth. "Who do you have other than those whos eloyalty you've forced? No one."

"No one." Mikael finishes, whispering out the last "no one".

"I'm calling your bluff, Father. Kill her." Dad continues, I can see the tears in his eyes.

"Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to." Mikael continues.

"My whole life, you've underestimated me. If you kill her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!"

Mikael just chuckles.

"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truley being great." Mikael says, as a tear falls down Dad's cheek. I feel Mikael put a dagger into my side, hurting me like hell. I fall down just as Damon comes up behind Dad, daggering him before flipping him over. I groan out in pain, as Lizzie and Josie comes from somewhere and help me in trying to stop the bleeding.

"We didn't know you'd get her." Lizzie whispers to me. I just nod, knowing they probably didn't. Josie turns to face the hyrbids, grenades in hand.

"Kaboom." She says as she pulls the thing out and throws them at the hybrid. Them, being full of wolfsbane, hurt them all.

(I'm not googling the name for that, okay?? I don't want the FBI after me-)

I'd lost track of what was happening with Dad, as Lizzie sat me up against the wall of the house. But, I do see Dad stake Mikael with the white oak, watching as Mikael burns. Dad walks back into the house, and I hear, "He's earned his freedom."

Stefan stopped Damon from killing him, didn't he? Okay, maybe I'll only torture him instead of killing him. Dad walks back outside, and walks over to me.

"Are you alright?" He says, automatically getting down to my level.

"Well, I have a stab wound so..." I say, as Lizzie applys more pressure.

"Why aren't you healing?"

"That might be Josie's fault..." Lizzie says from next to me.

"They made me human for 24 hours." I finish for her. Dad looks down, before biting his wrist and feeding me his blood.

"I'm not going to let anything else happen to you." Dad tells me, picking me up and taking me into a room, tucking me into bed.

"I'm going to be better than Mikael was, I promise you."

"Great job of doing that so far." I joke, getting comfy in the bed.

"Wanna know a secret?" Dad says, probably trying to cheer me up.

"Why not." i say, smiling.

"Stefan wasn't compelled to watch Elena. He was there to make sure you were safe." Dad whispers to me, not looking me in the eyes.

"You did that for me?"

"I've always wanted kids. After we were turned, I never thought I'd get the chance. Now, I have a chance. And, just to spite Mikael, I'm going to be damn good at it." Dad tells me, smirking. "Good night Hope. You better become your superpowered you soon, because I can't have you dying when we've just meet. And, I want our family to meet you." Dad says, before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Good night Hope." Dad says, turning off the lights and shutting the door.

"Good night Dad..." I whisper, before I close my eyes to go to sleep, my life finally looking up for once.



Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been really busy, then my ipad decided to do some dumb shit...

Anyway, "hope" you enjoyed this chapter! *cue drum joke sound*

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