The Big Things

By HeatherEmCee

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Sequel to The Little Things, taking place two years later. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Three

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By HeatherEmCee

     My first Christmas with Andrew and I was pretty excited. He had to work and I offered to help so his employees can have the day off. Apparently, he likes to stay open for the people that have no where to go. He has it catered with Christmas style foods so his cook can be with family. Thoughtful, he was always thoughtful.
     I was kind of excited to be a waitress again. And I only had to wear jeans and a black t-shirt rather than the striped red dress that lost its novelty real quick. Paired with my black converses, I really liked the look. I should of tried to work here during college than the diner.
     Since everyone else was with family, Andrew and I spent Christmas morning by ourselves. We made waffles and cuddled on the couch watching those cheesy hallmark Christmas movies. It was kind of the perfect day.
     Thankfully, Andrew listened when I told him not to get me anything for Christmas. I really believed he wasn't going to listen. He can't help it, but now that it was evening I felt like it was safe to assume he had no surprises waiting for me.
     I never could find a gift for him. He keeps swearing that moving in together was the perfect gift, but that felt like it was for me too. I wanted to get him something that would make him feel special. The way he always makes me feel with his thoughtfulness.
     "Hey could you bring these drinks to the table in the back?" Andrew handed me a tray of beers.
     "Sure!" I winked at him. He blushed and his smile was radiant. This was fun working side by side. I like making little passes at him and watching his bashful reaction.
     I took the drinks back to the group of guys who looked like they just got off from work. They were in suits and slick backed hair, like maybe they were lawyers. I went to check on my other tables. There were more people than I expected to be here. Mainly single guys and girls who had no family.
     "Can I get you anything else?" I asked a woman who was nursing a mug of beer.
     "I'm okay sweetie, thank you!" she smiled.
     She reminded me of my mom, especially when she called me "sweetie." It made me thankful that I have so many people in my life. I hate that I took them granted for two years. I will definitely be better at appreciating what I have.
    I walked back to Andrew who was talking to a woman with long brown hair at the bar. From behind, she didn't really look like someone who belonged. She was too manicured.  Andrew looked annoyed. I came around the bar to see what has him so concerned.
     I froze when I saw Leah sitting there, her ocean blue eyes looking at Andrew in a way I wasn't comfortable with. Andrew noticed me and straightened up. He reached his hand out and I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding.
     "Casey, you remember Leah?" he wrapped his arm around me.
     Leah's perfect smile faltered, "oh yes, how are you Casey?" she politely asked.
     "I'm great! How are you?" I returned the sentiment.
     "I'm great, thank you" she brightened her smile.
     A couple walked in and took their seats at one of the empty tables. "I'll uh, take care of them" I let Andrew know.
     He didn't release me right away. I turned and smiled, reassuring him that I was okay. He held my hands as I walked away, before finally letting me go. The small action made my heart flutter. Only for a second when I heard Leah's condescending remark, "really, her?"
     I guess now that she's not actually with Andrew, she doesn't have to fake her kindness. I wanted to stay and hear his response, but I figured it wouldn't do me any good to try and throw her out on Christmas.
     I took the couple's drink order and let them know about the free food that was available. As I took their order to the bar, I saw Leah grazing Andrew's arm with her perfectly done acrylic nails.
     I never really understood why Andrew stuck with Leah for so long, but looking at them together it made sense. They were both flawless. I'm sure their babies would of had his dark almost black hair and her bright blue eyes. I could picture a beautiful baby with Andrew's dimples when it smiled.
     "Don't go there" I muttered to myself as I joined Andrew back behind the bar again. "Here!" I tried to sound cheerful.
     "Thank you Case" he smiled and pulled me to him. I laughed in response, I will never not enjoy the way he handles me. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him quickly.
     "Can you man the bar? I have to do something in the back real quick?" he asked, his arms wrapped around me.
     "Yeah, sounds like fun!" I exclaimed. He squeezed me tightly before walking to the back.
     As soon as he was gone Leah looked at me. "So Casey, what ever happened to your Army boyfriend?" she asked innocently.
     I was shocked at how quickly I began to hate her, and I was speechless that she would even ask me that. But I had to remind myself that she probably didn't even know what happened. She could be legitimately curious.
     "Um, he passed away over two years ago" I stated.
     Her face fell ever so slightly, "oh, I'm sorry."
     "It's okay" I shrugged and refilled her wine glass.
     "Thank you" she kindly responded.
     "So what brings you here on Christmas? Doesn't your family go to France or something?" I tried to sound interested, but I was more curious than anything.
     "Not since my parents divorced. I'm staying with my sister and her family, but I needed some space" she was surprisingly forthcoming.
     "I'm sorry, that has to be rough" I comforted.
     She shrugged it off, "it's been a long time coming."
I moved down the bar to refill a mug for another customer.
     "So how long have you and Andrew been seeing each other?" Leah asked when I made my way back towards her.
     "A little over a month" I answered nonchalantly.
     "Oh?" she sat up straighter, "not long then?"
     I laughed dryly, "no, not long."
     Andrew finally finished in the back, "sorry the tap was giving me some trouble" he explained.
     "It's okay, everything is handled up here" I smiled.
     He smiled and leaned in to kiss me, "thank you" he whispered and his hand grazed down my back until it slid inside my back pocket.  I blushed at his sweet public display of affection. I'm sure it was all for Leah's benefit, but I wasn't going to argue. He is making it known that I am his, and I appreciated it.
     "I'm gonna go clear tables" I smiled and walked away. I stopped by the jukebox and switched the music first. It was starting to feel depressing in here. I decided to play Brenda Lee's, "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" to amp up the energy a little. I looked back at Andrew to make sure he was okay with the change. He looked up from Leah and smiled my favorite smile.
     I started to clear off the empty dishes and take them to the back. The dishes were beginning to stack so I decided to wash as many as I could. Andrew came up behind me and gently grabbed my waist.
     "You don't have to do that, it can be done tomorrow" he whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent shivers down my spine.
     "I know, but I'm here to help!" I explained and turned around to face him. I barely finished turning when he placed his mouth on mine. His kiss was intent as he pulled me right into his arms. Our breathing picked up and his hands roamed over my body. I don't understand what's going on but I wasn't going to argue.
     "What's that for?" I breathed when he finally let me go.
     "I just missed you" he smiled.
     I sighed, "we should get back out there."
     Andrew backed away and pulled at the black apron I was wearing. "This look works for you" he winked and walked back to the front. Leah was gone when I got out there, along with most of the customers. Andrew was wiping down the bar top, while the last customer was finishing his drink.
     Once the man finished, Andrew went to lock the door while I wiped down tables. He went back behind the bar and started counting the money from the register.
     "I can see why you like working here so much" I commented while spraying down the last table.
     "Why's that?" he didn't look up from the money.
     "It's kind of fun. Everyone is so friendly" I explained.
     "Well that's because you are a beautiful girl. Most customers are gonna be nice to you" he teased.
     "Whatever, look who's talking" I laughed. He just laughed with me and continued to count. He looked so adorable with a pencil behind his ear, as he focused on counting.
     I grabbed a seat in front of him. "How come you never did the open mic night?"
     Andrew stopped counting and looked up, "um, it just never worked out." He looked nervous and I'm almost sure he would reach for his pockets if he didn't have money in his hand.
     "Your lying!" I exclaimed, almost too excitedly because I was picking up on his tells. He looked down, and smiled before looking back up at me with a pleasing look. "You can tell me" I assured him.
     He set the money he was counting on the counter and grabbed my hands. "After what happened, you know," he nodded to see if I was following along, "I just didn't feel right doing it without you."
     "Oh" I immediately felt guilty. That was just another thing I did to Andrew while I was dealing with my own emotions.
     "Hey!" he squeezed my hand, "the only reason I was gonna have the open mic night was for you."
     I looked up to see his brown eyes reassuring me. I couldn't help but smile. "Really?" I blushed.
     "Yeah, I had never heard you sing before. And when you sang that song, I'm pretty sure that's when I realized I was in love with you" his tone turned nervous at the end.
     "Is that why you looked so worried?" I remembered the concerned look he had on his face that day.
     Andrew laughed, "yeah something like that."
     I stood up on my chair and leaned over to him, kissing his lips softly. He smiled as I pulled away and stuck the cash he was counting into a black pouch. "Would you mine putting this on my desk for me?"
     "Sure thing boss!" I winked and grabbed the pouch from him.
      I bubbled as I walked back to Andrew's office. I still can't believe he actually owns this bar. It made me feel special knowing that I was part of the reason. I've enjoyed replaying these old memories I have of him, through a new lens. I walked into his office and set the pouch on his desk. Looking around the room, I took in Andrew's work space. It was organized for being the office of a bar owner. I smiled at the picture he had on his desk of us. It was both of us from our first date. We were wearing our red baseball helmets in front of the batting cages.
     I walked over to a shelf of notebooks he had, along with some keepsake shot glasses and fancy bottles. I stopped when I saw a small black frame that held the paper we used when we played Scrabble.
      Grabbing it, I was in disbelief that he actually kept it all this time. Tears welled in my eyes at how this man can be so great. He continued to surprise me in his thoughtfulness.
     "What are you looking at?" Andrew's voice scared me. He was leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.
     I breathed out, "quit scaring me like that!" I exclaimed. He laughed and walked over to me and grabbed the frame from my hand. "I can't believe you kept it after fighting me so hard that night" I marveled.
     Andrew set it back on the shelf, "it was a good night" he explained.
     "It was" I agreed.
     "You ran out so fast, I thought you would never talk to me again" he added.
     "That's because I was scared" I laughed.
     "Why were you scared?" he asked incredulously and leaned against his desk.
     "It was the first time I realized that I didn't see you just as a friend" I tried to explain. He smiled and reached out for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me into him.
     "So what did Leah have to say to you?" I finally decided to ask.
     "She was lonely and thought she would see what I'd be doing" he was blunt.
     "Oh" I dropped my arms to his chest. Jealousy instantly taking over.
     Andrew wrapped his hands around my wrists and placed my arms back around his neck. "Don't worry, I told her that I very happily moved on and had no interest in spending time with her."
     "Really?" I smiled, "you don't ever miss her?"
     "Why would I miss her when I have you?" he assured.
     "I don't know, I mean, you guys were together for years. You wouldn't wonder what it would be like?" I argued.
     He didn't even hesitate to answer, "we may have been together, but she was never mine" he concluded.
     "What does that even mean?"
     "It means that in all the years I was with Leah, we never did half the things you and I have done."
     "Um, like you guys never...?" I was confused, was he referring to their romantic life? I'm pretty sure they had sex so I don't get it.
     Andrew seemed to try and choose his words, "I mean, she never sat on the counter while I made breakfast wearing nothing but my t-shirt, and she never let me place my hand on her thigh at dinner."
     I had no words as he continued to explain what he meant. I don't deserve this man one bit. But I'm going to do everything in my power to love him the way he deserves.
     He gave me a quick kiss, "she never tried to touch me or kiss me. I was always the one doing things for her" he kissed me again. "You gave yourself to me in so many ways that she never did, in just the few weeks we've been together."
     I barely let him finish his last sentence. I don't know if he had more to say, but I didn't care. Everything he said was perfect. I quickly pressed my lips against his. I kissed him like I couldn't get enough, because the truth is, I can't.

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