โ˜† DaBaby? โ˜†

By Indigo__X

29K 847 220

A story about a POPSTAR๐Ÿ—ฃ More

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314 18 2
By Indigo__X


I miss my bubble butt.

So much.

It's been around two days since Ava made an appearance. Xavier has just been ignoring the door whenever someone knocks on it.

Liam was in the living room asleep but currently Xavier and I were in bed together, I was laying on his chest.

I was so sick of acting like we were together. It was making me cringe and I hated myself for it.

He was asleep but I was awake watching the TV. I hear something buzz so I look over to the direction it was coming from.

It was his phone on the bedside table. He never leaves it out like that. Even before this whole thing happened.

I reach over him and grab it quickly. I turn to him and he was still asleep. I press the side button and quickly turn the brightness down.

His lock screen was of us, a year ago, at Willow's apartment. I hope her and the baby are okay.

I lift the phone up to X's face to unlock it because I had no idea what the password was.

I finally get it unlocked and get up from the bed. He grabs me by my arm, pulling me back down.

I hold the phone behind my back, feeling my heart beat really fast. "Where are you going?" He asks me.

"To the toilet, my stomach really hurts." Xavier clears his throat and rolls over.

"I'm trusting you Elenora so be careful. Also spray out the bathroom when your done." I get up from the bed again walking quietly to the bathroom.

I lock the door behind me and turn on the faucet. I swipe up on the phone and go into the contacts, looking for Ava's name.

I click on her phone number and then listen to the phone ring. It goes to voicemail so I call again and she finally answers.

"Xavier what the fuck do you want? It's late at night. If it isn't about Ele, I don't care."

"Ava. Ava! It's me Elenora." She gasps and starts to cry.

"Oh my god Ele! I've been so scared. You've been missing for five days."

She tries to talk through her tears but couldn't. I make it clear that she should just listen to me and that she doesn't have to talk.

"Ava listen, just tell Jonathan or my dad to come get me. I'm at Xavier's house. He has been locking me in his bedroom and shit. Ava, I've spent my birthday here I'm so-"

I take a breath as a tear falls.

"Have you been there the whole time? I came there. Why didn't you call the police?"

"Yeah, Liam had a gun pointed at me. I only got told it was you after you left. I didn't call them because I wanted to call you first. I'm not hurt or anything I just need to get out of here."

"Liam was there? They are both scum bags. I'm gonna call your dad and Jonathan right now. We'll be there soon. I love you."

"I love you too. Don't call back because I'm gonna put it back."

"Alright see you soon."

I hang up the phone and stay in the bathroom a little longer to make it believable that I was actually using it.

I turn off the faucet and flush the toilet. I put my phone in my bra and fix my hoodie to make my chest look bigger.

I unlock the door and look into the living room seeing Liam sprawled out on the couch.

I turn my attention to the front door. Whenever I was allowed in the living room, I always looked at the front door.

It usually had a padlock on the side but tonight, it wasn't there. It was like they wanted me to escape tonight.

I walk over to the door and attempt to unlock it but one of the locks were jammed. I get grabbed by my hood and get pulled back.

I fall onto the floor and look up at who it was.

"Where do you think you're going Princess? You trying to leave?" Liam says to me.

"No I wasn't." He grabs one of my legs and dragging me to the couch. "Get off!"

He slaps me across the face real hard and I scream out in pain. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! All you do is cry!" He shouts at me, picking me up and throwing me on the couch.

Xavier runs out of the bedroom and looks towards me. "Yo what the fuck are you doing to her? Did you just fucking hit her?"

He says walking up on Liam. "She was trying to unlock the front door."

"No I wasn't. I came out of the bathroom and he was waiting for me. He said he was going to tell you I tried to leave."

Liam looks at me and squints. "Are you serious? Bro she's lying. I swear to you she tried to unlock the door."

Xavier walks over to me and rubs his hand over my cheek. "You left your fucking handprint on her face. Are you stupid?" He says pushing Liam.

"You really about to believe her? You're dumb." I stay sitting on the couch as they both continue to bicker.

I bring my knees up to my chest and cover my ears. The phone buzzes in my bra but I ignore it hoping the didn't hear it.

One of them sits beside me and turns the TV on. "You didn't have to hit her. Look at her face man."

"I don't give a fuck about her face. She already been pushing my buttons I've had enough!"

Someone starts banging on the front door and all of our heads snap towards it.

"Who the fuck is banging like that?" Xaviers whispers. He pushes me up lightly. "Go hide in the bathroom." He says.

I stay put and say nothing. "Get up now." He states sternly. I walk towards the bathroom but leave the door open slightly.

I look through the crack seeing Xavier unlocking the front door as the banging continues.

The door gets kicked open and Xavier falls to the ground. Jonathan walks to him and starts punching him over and over.

I open the door wider so I could see fully and then my dad walks in. He runs over to Liam and they all start fighting so I just stand there in shock.

Ava runs in and shouts my name. She sees me and I wave her over to me. I walk to the bedroom and she follows behind me closing the door.

I take the phone out of my bra and drop it onto the bed. I grab a pair of Xaviers slides, they were big but I just needed something on my feet.

Ava hugs me tightly. "Ele oh my god! I'm so glad you're okay." She pulls away and looks at my face. She was about to go off but I stop her.

"Don't worry about it. I just want to get out of here. Let's go." I pull her towards the door, I go to open it but we heard gunshots.

Ava looks at me with her mouth open a little. It was like we were communicating through looks but Ava starts to whisper.

"Why is it so quiet? Who got shot?" My eyes start to water as Ava pulls me into a hug and we both stay silent.

Second later the bedroom door busts opens and Ava grabs onto me. Jonathan and my dad walk in, breathing heavily holding guns.

I am sick to death of seeing those things, I'm done.

My dad walks up to me, hugging me and kisses the top of my head. "You okay babygirl?" I start crying AGAIN hugging him tightly.

He lets go of me and wipes my face of tears, kissing my forehead.

Jon walks over, he hugs me firmly lifting me off the ground. "They dealt with mamas. I'm glad to have you back." He kisses me on my lips and my dad speaks up.

"We need to go now before someone tries to come over." I nod and follow him out the room.

Xavier and Liam were laid out on the floor, blood pooled around them.

"Are they dead?" I ask stopping in the living room.

"They won't be if someone comes to save them." He says sarcastically as he rest his hand on my back pushing me lightly.

I walk out of the house and follow my dad to his car. Jonathan sits in the passenger seat and I sit in the back with Ava.

Nobody spoke the entire ride back to my house. I didn't want to speak. I wanted to shower, burn the clothes I was in, eat and just lay with my man.

My dad drives through the gate and stops in front of my house. Everyone gets out and I hug my dad again.

"I'm going to pick you up tomorrow to go and see your mom. She asleep at home right now but she's been worried sick. I love you Princess."

"I love you too dad."

He says bye to everyone and drives off. I walk into the house taking off the hoodie I was wearing, the sliders too.

"I need to burn these, I don't want anything to do with him."

"Whatever you wanna do baby." Jon says, Ava agreeing with him.

I hold the clothes and take them to the fire pit in the backyard. I throw them in and light it, taking a seat on the chair.

Jonathan sits next to me and holds me as I swing my legs over onto his lap. "I'll leave you guys for a little. Love you Ele."

"Love you too." Ava walks back into the house sliding the door close.

"What time is it?" I ask Jon. "3.13am"

I watch the fire and he rubs his hand along my arm. "Thank you for coming to get me." He rests his other hand on my thigh.

"Baby, don't worry about it. I got you."

"No I'm serious. Thank you." I kiss him on the lips, then turn my attention back to  the fire.

"I wanna do something for you tomorrow I can plan something for us."

I smile and look up at him. "Jon don't plan anything. I just want to be with you. No extra shit." He sucks his teeth and waves his hand.

"We missed your birthday. We are going to do something." I laugh at him and get up from the chair.

"I'm gonna take a shower, I feel gross." He nods getting up too. "I need one too." He says grabbing my booty as we walk back into the house.





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