PTX Sickfics

By Rowseal

9.8K 196 78

PTX Sickfic chapters of all members, current and former! Feel free to send in a request. More

Embarrassed (Kirstie)
Gastroparesis-Kirstie PT. 2
Lymphoma-Kirstie pt. two
Lymphoma-pt. 3
Paralyzed-Kirstie pt. 1
Seizure (Kirstie) pt.2
Seizure-Kirstie pt.1
Sick On Tour-Kirstie
Hide it- Kirstie
Appendicitis- Kirstin
Tour fever- Kirstie
Food posion -Mitch/Kirstie
School Start! - Group
School Start! Pt. 2 - Group
Developmental Delay

Meet-cute - Kirvin

256 5 3
By Rowseal

Hi guys! I would really appreciate some prompts for the boys, if possible! I like to stick to requests only, but I haven't gotten any suggestions for the boys and would really like to branch out a bit. Thank you!

Kirstin was never a big party person. She didn't like loud noises or crowds, though, that was true for a lot of people. If it were up to her, she wouldn't be here at all, but Tori, her best friend, loved the party scene. There was no getting out of this one, and she knew that.

Dressed in a shirt, jeans and her favorite biker jacket, (She'd managed to fight off being made to wear the dress Tori had wanted her to, being a bit too revealing for her liking) she was practically dragged into the house of booming music and life.

As soon as they were inside for a few moments, someone had walked between her and Tori, who had been walking in front of her, and the vibrant girl was lost to the crowd. That was definitely not good. Kirstin had no idea who anyone here was, she didn't even know the host, nor did Tori. Tori just had a lot of friends, more than Kirstin had from kindergarten on, and one of said friends, Scott, was the host's half-brother.

Sooner than expected, the pulsing music was beginning to give her a massive headache, and she somehow managed to stumble herself out onto the empty back porch.

Breathing in the fresh air, finally able to try to and soothe her pounding head, she nearly jumped out of her skin when someone behind her spoke.

"Same idea as me, huh?" A man's voice chuckled, quickly continuing when he saw her jump, a hand flying to over where her heart was in her chest to calm it's fast-paced beating. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." He frowned. After taking a deep breath, the woman shook it off.

"Oh, you're fine. Just wasn't expecting anyone else out here, sorry." She smiled up at the dark-skinned man, towering slightly above her at around six feet tall compared to her short stature of five foot three inches. After not-so-subtly wiping her sweaty hand off on her jeans, she extended it to him.

"Kirstin. My friends call me Kirstie." She introduced herself and he smiled.

"Kevin, my friends call me Kevin." He imitated her, making the woman giggle slightly. Two minutes into meeting one another and he was already breaking her anxious shell. They'd talked for a while, and she was truly starting to like the man in front of her. Kevin Olusola, a music major known for his talent of beat-boxing and playing the cello. He was in a much similar boat to her, dragged along by his best friend, Avi, who was friends with the host of the party, she'd learned was named Mitch. He was four years older than her, already a senior of UCLA, and definitely had a sense of maturity to go with it.

The conversation was distracting her from her headache, but was suddenly kicked in the face with an odd sense of confusion and anxiety, a bit caught off guard for a moment. She just stared off for a moment, losing her sense of awareness for a few moments and unaware he'd finished his story of his roommate/bestfriend's odd obsession with dragons and medieval times, suddenly concerned. She just seemed frozen in place, and then snapped right back to smiling at his story without seeming to notice. 

"Kirstie? Kirst, Are you alright?" His hand rested gently on his arm, trying to get her attention.

She blinked slowly, shaking her head to shake off the last of it all.

"Y-Yeah, yeah. Sorry, guess I just kinda, zoned out there." She reassured him. It was a familiar feeling, and though it wasn't particularly scary it still could catch her at a bad moment. She was still adjusting to the light, gently rubbing her eyes.

"You sure? You didn't seem very with-it for a second there." He asked, but she shook it off, assuming it was just a mix of stress and tiredness of the evening. Truly, she was a bit too distracted by the butterflies in her stomach to focus on what it most likely actually was.

They talked for longer, and ended up trading numbers with plans to meet up at a café off campus, both making jokes about how their respective best friend's would freak out when they realized each of them actually met someone, and Kevin had offered to drive her home after mentioning her headache and lost roomate.

She respectfully declined. He was truly sweet, and it was nothing personal to him, but she was smarter than to get in the car of someone she'd only met an hour or so before. It was still California, and she was still a freshman in college alone at a party, she had to be weary of that.

It was for that reason he'd offered to wait until her ride got there and she was in a taxi home. Just as she'd leaned forward to hug him as a small thank you for being so kind and sweet, the small sense of something bad seemed to worsen, and she almost collapsed.

Kevin reacted quickly out of shock,  catching her before she slipped. When he'd noticed she'd lost consciousness, he gently laid her on the patio and was about to turn to get someone that could find her friend to help her when her muscles went ridgid.

It started small, her nose twitching, as well as her mouth, almost as if it was going to curl into that unique smile of hers before it faltered and repeated faking him out. Then, it spread until her entire body was jerking rigidly, her mouth hung agape as her eyes watered, rolling back as she began seizing much more violently.

His hands went to gently support her head when he noticed it connecting sharply with the floor. He had no clue what else to do other than try and protect her neck and head, seeing the vibrant, slightly shy woman he'd met a moment ago violently jerking with her eyes glazed over and rolled to the back of her head.

The minute and forty-five seconds it took for her to stop seizing seemed like an eternity, but she eventually did, eyes squeezed shut at the pain. Her whole body was sore from thrashing around, bruises littering her arms and legs from flinging out, and her head still hurt from the few times she'd managed to bang it against the ground before he did manage to slip his hands underneath to soften the blow. That was about the only thing he remembered, his only experience of seizures being from the inaccurate source of medical dramas on television. He was assuming he'd need to call an ambulance for her now, as she was still adjusting to the light, groaning softly in pain. She was a bit disoriented, and it came to him she may prefer to see a bit more of a familiar face.

He shot Avi a text to hope he could find her friend, the only info he had being that her name was Tori and she knew Scott, and hoping Avi would actually look at his phone before he considers what to do next. He was just about to reach to call 911 when one of her hands latched around his arm to grip onto some sort of comfort in her confused state.

"Hey, Kirstie. It's Kevin. Uh, You remember me, right? We only just met." He asked softly, and her lips curved into a small smile, though he didn't understand if that was a yes or absent-minded gesture. She vaguely remembered the warm tone of his voice, but was having difficulty trying to place it or decipher exactly what he had said. She hadn't had one quite that sizable in a while, her most recent ones all staying under a minute, so it was taking her a while longer to adjust to it all.

"Are you-" he stopped himself. "Of course you're not okay, you just had a seizure." He scolded himself, reaching for his phone. He needed to call someone, didn't he? What was he trying to do a moment ago? Panic began to set in once again, sinking down in his chest. What did he do here? Ambulance! That was right, she just had a seizure, he should call an ambulance!

"Okay, right. I'm going to call someone for you, yeah? We'll get you to the hospital, it's alright." He began to soothe, though that was probably more for him than her. He cursed under his breath, something unusual for Kevin to do, but she once again gripped his arm.

"Uh, no-no, I'm okay." She mumbled out, still processing it all a bit slowly. "That just happens sometimes." She hummed.

"No, you hit your head. That's not good, you could have a concussion or something, right?" He asked, unsure. "It's okay, I'll try to find your friend, and we can get you checked out, yeah?" He hummed, looking over at her with soft eyes.

She hummed. "M'kay." She agreed, being far too tired to want to argue. He was being much nicer to her than Tori would if she tried to deny going to the doctors, anyways. Finally with her permission, Kevin was able to dig out his phone and make the call he needed, putting the phone on speaker next to him, just in case his hands were needed. He was dividing his attention as best he could, talking to the operator as he kept his eyes focused on the girl in front of him. Why couldn't Avi answer a text the one time he needed him to!

It didn't take very long for the ambulance to get there, a seizure probably being a somewhat high priority and so the paramedics were soon helping Kirstie into the back of the ambulance.

"Come with me? Please?" She asked softly. Her head was pounding, and she was so tired, it sounded nice to have her nice stranger by her side. He nodded and climbed into the ambulance, letting her lean into his side. It was all a blur from there for them both, Kirstie still being tired and Kevin being extremely worried. They took her back for a few tests, luckily Kevin had caught her fast enough for her not to have a concussion, though she would have a nasty bruise for a while.

"I got hold of Tori. My roommate got them a cab here, so she can take you home once you're all clear." He offered a smile.

"Thank you, Kevin." She smiled shyly up at him. "I'm sorry about all this. Probably not the best impression to leave on a potential date." She joked with a laugh, but he shook his head.

"It's okay. Just something I'll get used to I guess." He assured. "That is, if we're still on for that coffee date?"


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