Catch your ex-girlfriend if y...

By Hazurosato

11.2K 407 139

Korra is an officer and has to catch criminals. One day when she gets an order from chief Beifong, Korra does... More

Chapter 1 - Task: find Asami
Chapter 2 - Police investigation
Chapter 3 - Escaping
Chapter 4 - The notebook
Chapter 5 - The phone call
Chapter 6 - A concerned friend
Chapter 7 - The assistant
Chapter 8 - Spying
Chapter 9 - Opal's plan
Chapter 10 - Heartbreak
Chapter 11 - Revenge
Chapter 12 - Hello there
Chapter 13 - Hit-and-Run
Chapter 14 - (Lovers) Quarrel
Chapter 15 - The key
Chapter 16 - Sabotaging
Chapter 17 - Bad memories
Chapter 18 - Therapy
Chapter 19 - Unexpected
Chapter 21 - Painful search
Chapter 22 - Drugged

Chapter 20 - Suspicious

616 27 29
By Hazurosato

"What the fuck is happening here?!" Asami screams as she looks angrily at Korra.

"Don't ask me! Bolin invited me to hang out with him!" Korra defends herself and points at Bolin who looks at the floor.

"Asami, Korra I am so sorry... I didn't know that you Asami would be here today... I just missed Korra so much and just wanted to spend the day with her" Bolin responds shyly and looks at Asami with puppy eyes.

"Asami I am so sorry, this wasn't meant to happen!" Opal says and hopes that Asami accepts her apology.

Bolin and Opal knew from back when they tried to make Korra and Asami meet each other again in North Levi, that it was a bad idea to bring them back together. And now here they are, everyone looks confused and clueless.

"I can't fucking believe this" Asami says and facepalms herself.

"Calm down Sato you-" Korra tries to speak up but is immediately cut off.

"Don't you dare call me Sato again! I have a fucking name Korra!" Asami yells.

"I am so sorry Asami, I didn't mean to do that... can I at least talk to you normally?" Korra pleads.

"What the fuck do you want from me? You want to handcuff me again?"

"Wait what?" Bolin and Opal simultaneously ask.

"You want to arrest me and get me behind bars don't you? That is the only thing you want from me!"

Suddenly everyone is silent. Bolin and Opal look at Asami and then back at Korra. They don't understand what is going on, but Korra seems to be hurt. Korra is silent for some seconds, before she decides to speak her mind. She went to therapy because of one reason: to get Asami back, and that is a task she wants to fulfill. Even Zaheer told her to get Asami back.

"Asami, I don't want to bring you behind bars."

"Oh really? Then tell me Officer, what do you want from me?" Asami sarcastically asks and throws her hands into the air. "Come on Officer I am waiting for a response. Won't you speak already?"

Korra tries to gather as much courage as she can, because what she is about to say, may shock Asami and the others a little.

"Asami, I want you. I don't want to arrest you, I want you back as my girlfriend" Korra says trying to sound confident.

Everyone's eyes go wide. Asami, Bolin and Opal are in disbelief and Korra also is, because she really just admitted to still being in love with her ex-girlfriend. Asami blinks a few times and even pinches herself to see if she is dreaming. Asami comes to the conclusion that she is in fact not dreaming and this is really happening. Korra just confessed to Asami that she still has feelings for her, and that shocks her. When Korra kind of kidnapped Asami last week and even handcuffed her to the bed and car door, Korra was cold and distant to her. However, she remembers how Korra was talking in her sleep and even mentioned Asami, which really makes her think about everything.

"I- oh wow I am sorry if I shocked you all" Korra hesitantly says and rubs the back of her head. "I forgot to mention, I still got your notebook."

Asami is still in disbelief but finally finds words to answer Korra.


"I got your notebook."

"Give it back to me right now!"

"Asami, is there something you want to tell me about this notebook?" Korra asks in hopes Asami would mention the folder.

"I have nothing to tell you."

"Alright" Korra says and reaches for her backpack, where she packed everything that she took with her since she arrived in Kyoshi Village. A few seconds pass and Korra suddenly pulls out the notebook out of her backpack, opens the notebook and shows Asami the folder.

"Does this seem familiar to you?" Korra asks.

"Are you kidding me? You have no right to have my notebook!"

"Actually I do, I am an officer and that notebook is important for the investigation. But I am not here to investigate or to arrest you. I am here to show you something" Korra replies as she opens the folder.

"Korra don't" Asami replies sternly and clenches her fists.

Bolin and Opal look at the notebook curiously, as Korra opens the folder and empties the content of it.

"Pictures?" Bolin asks confused.

"These aren't just pictures, these are pictures of Asami and I when we were a couple."

"God damnit Korra..." Asami says as she covers her face with her hands.

"Asami, I went to therapy when I saw these pictures. They gave me hope and I thought that we could make it work again! Why else would you keep pictures of us in your important notebook that you always have with you?"

"Korra..." Asami replies looking kind of stressed out.

"Guys, what is happening here?" Opal asks confused and looks at Korra and then back at Asami.

"Yeah, what do you even mean with arresting Asami?" Bolin asks curiously and looks at Korra.

"I can explain it to you later, Asami look at me please.

Asami's face is still covered by her hands and she refuses to look at Korra.

"Asami please answer me, why are these pictures there? Does it mean that you-"

"STOP!" Asami suddenly screams and clenches her fists.

Everybody jumps in fear and look at an angry Asami, who seems like she is about to go off.

"Give me my notebook."

"What?" Korra asks still shocked.

"Give me my fucking notebook, can't you hear what I say?!"

"Asami... I just asked you an important questio-"

"And I am asking you a simple question, can you give me my notebook back?" Asami says as she extends her arm to Korra, so she can hand her the notebook.

Korra looks at Asami's long arm and debates on whether or not she should give her the notebook back.

"Korra, maybe you should give it back" Opal speaks up and hopes that Korra won't start a fight with Asami.

"Don't make it worse Korra" Bolin replies and also hopes for Korra to return it.

"Will you answer my questions if I give the notebook back to you?"

"How about you stop asking and just give me back what belongs to me!" Asami growls angrily.

Korra hesitates but decides to return the notebook to Asami, because she doesn't want to start a fight.

"Will you answer my questions?" Korra asks as Asami is looking through her notebook to see if everything is alright.

Asami closes her notebook and looks at Korra with an angry expression.

"No" Asami replies and walks over to the front door to exit the house.

"ASAMI! Please! Let me explain it to you!" Korra screams but Asami doesn't react and slams the door shut.

"FUCK!" Korra yells and throws herself on the couch.

Bolin and Opal are still in disbelief. They can't comprehend what just happened, so they decide to carefully ask Korra.

"Korra I don't know if you want to talk about it but... what happened?"

Korra sighs but decides to explain it to them. They have the right to ask what is going on between Asami and her.

"You guys know that I am an officer, and one day Chief Beifong gave me the order to arrest Asami, because her company is involved in illegal business."

"Oh my... that is very bad! I didn't know this" Opal replies with wide eyes.

"Yeah but Asami's company doesn't play a big role in this illegal business, it is actually Varrick. However, Varrick and Asami's company are partners, which is why the police searches for her."

"And they gave you the task to arrest her?" Bolin asks.


"Do they even know that Asami is your ex?"

"Yes Chief Beifong knows, but she believes I am her best officer, that is why she gave me the order."

"That sucks."

"I know. When Opal brought me to North Levi and then left, I was walking around the city and suddenly heard someone scream. It was Kuvira who pinned Asami against the wall and kissed her."

"WHAT?" Opal and Bolin scream.

"Yeah, but guys chill out, Kuvira forced herself on her and Asami is innocent. She always was innocent and she always only told me the truth. I was just too dumb to realize it."

"Wait a minute, you said you went to therapy earlier, so is that why you suddenly believe Asami is innocent?" Opal asks.

"Yes, after I saw these pictures of Asami and I in her notebook, I just knew I had to change myself. The first step was to understand that Asami is innocent."

"Asami earlier said that you handcuffed her?" Bolin asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes I did, she escaped from me many times, so I had to find a solution to her constant escapes."

"She seems to be really pissed about it" Bolin states and Korra agrees.

"I wonder where she is going now..." Korra sighs and looks out of the window.


Asami slams the door and quickly runs to her car and enters it. She immediately drives off and tries to calm herself down with some music.

"I can't believe what just happened!" Asami screams and drives faster than it is allowed in the city.

It is obvious that Asami is in no state to drive right now, so she decides to drive to a park that is usually empty and not that far from Opal's house.

The CEO doesn't know if she should cry, laugh, be confused, scream or just don't react at all. What Korra just said just confuses her. After a few minutes, Asami arrives at the park, parks her car in the parking lot and exits her car. She quickly enters the park, and she sees that there is nobody. She quickly walks over to a bench, sits down and bursts out crying.

So much happened to her and today really messed her up. Korra confessed to Asami that she wants her back as a girlfriend, which means that she is still in love with her. What makes it worse for Asami is that Korra saw the pictures she kept in the notebook. Yes, the CEO always brings her notebook to every meeting and always has it in her purse. The reason why she put Korra's and her pictures in her notebook is simple: she loves Korra and misses these times when they were together. She always had something to look at, and it happens to be their photos together.

"Hello young lady, why are you looking so sad?"

Asami looks up to see who is talking to her. It is an old man she has never seen before.

"It's none of your business."

"Woah hey, I am just trying to help. You know what they say about old people, they are wise" the old man says and seats himself on the bench with a little space between him and the CEO.

"Tell me young lady, what is wrong?"

"I said it is none of your business!" Asami replies and looks at the old man angrily.

"Did somebody hurt you?"

"Why do you care?"

"I care because I can't look at people who are sad, so I ask again young lady, did someone hurt you?"

"I don't trust you, why should I tell you about what happened?!" Asami asks and raises an eyebrow.

"Even if you don't trust me, I am just an old man, a stranger you will never see again. And do you know what they say about strangers? They give good advice, so come on, don't be shy young lady."

Asami hesitates but decides to tell this old man what is bothering her. He is right, she will probably never see him again.

"My ex-girlfriend confessed her love for me, and she told me that she wants me back."

"Oh the ex-girlfriend wants you back? Very interesting, how did you react?"

"I just ran away, I just couldn't answer her."

"Do you love her?"

Asami hesitates to answer. She wonders if it is weird if she tells this random old stranger that she is in fact in love with her ex-girlfriend.

"I guess?" Asami answers and puts her head into her hands.

"It's alright young lady, things like these happen."

"I just realized that I don't know your name" Asami says and looks at the old man.

"Oh young lady, you don't have to know my name, we will never see each other again anyway, but back to your problem. Go for it, get your ex-girlfriend back and make it work. You love her, she loves you, go for it!"

"Are you sure that I should? She caused me so much pain."

"Of course, by the way a question, what is your ex-girlfriends occupation?" the old man asks curiously as he really needs to know it.

"Um, why are you asking?"

"Well, ya know it could be your ex-girlfriends occupation that causes you pain also?"

"I mean yeah... but why do you want to know?" Asami looks at the old man confused.

"Young lady, I wanna help you rebuild your relationship, so quit asking and just answer" the old man says sweating a little.

Asami is very suspicious of this man, but decides to avoid his question and stands up, because she fears that he will maybe get angry and go off on her.

"Thank you for talking to me, it really helped me" Asami says and quickly walks away.

"Young lady! You forgot your phone!" the old man shouts and Asami sees her phone in the old mans hand.

She swears that her phone was in her pocket and that it was secured so it couldn't fall out. Did this man actually just steal her phone?

Asami walks back to him and extends her arm to take her phone out of his hands.

The old man refuses to give it back.

"Tell me the occupation of your ex-girlfriend and I will give that to you" the old man insists and it makes Asami even more angrier.

"She is a bus driver, now give me back my phone!"

"Try again and this time tell me the truth."

"Fuck you!" Asami hollers.

"Very nice, now try again or I will break this phone and all of your important data will be gone."

"Fine, she is a police officer!"

"Very good that is the answer I wanted" the old man says and hands Asami her phone.

Asami takes it and runs into the parking lot to get into her car. She enters her car and tries to turn on the engine, but the car won't start.

"Damn you car!" Asami screams.

Suddenly, her car door opens and someone pulls her out of the car. It is the old man who is pinning her against her car.

"You want to know my name young lady? Call me Zaheer" the old man says and punches Asami in the face. Asami is now unconscious, and Zaheer walks over to the trunk to put her in there. Then, he cloeses the trunk and enters the driver's seat.

"Everything is going according my plan, police officer from Kyoshi Village you are next."

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