A Solangelo Child

By ElizabethMariah

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I'm not very good at descriptions, so I'm sorry. This is a story about Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace. I noti... More

I'm Pregnant
Christmas Gifts Of The Century
A Baby Now???
Babies and Morning Sickness
Fear And Nightmares
Babysitting's Hard
Grand Council Meeting
Christmas At Mom's
Wait? What!
Anniversary's Are Fun
Being 25 Is Hard
To Camp Jupiter We Go
Telling Them
We Need To Go To The Hospital
Our Wedding
Starting The Nursery
Baby Names Or Not?
Internal Ultrasounds
I Don't Want To Go
First Kicks
Accidents Happen
Games Are For The Weak
Cleaning and Cookies
A Place To Stay
It's Okay
Baby Shower
The Babies Hurt Me! Blame Them!
I'm In Labor?
The Wedding Of Contractions
Labor Now!!!
The Light Behind Your Eyes
Meeting The Babies
What if I'm tired?
First Tooth
Years Later
Author's Note/Appreciation
Book 2
Purple Psychopath

I'm Scared

637 14 74
By ElizabethMariah

(A/N: Please play song when it says.)

>Three Years Old<

Nico's POV:

I opened my eyes. I looked around. It was getting pretty stormy out there. With the storm coming through it was hard to hear anything, but I knew something was wrong. We were supposed to get a few inches of solid rain. It would be a good day to stay in. Tomorrow is too important to miss.

Will was asleep next to me. He woke up to a huge clap of Thunder. It was only two in the morning and we were tired, but we both new our kids were scared. I could feel and hear it. A few whimpers here and there.

I got out of bed and Will got up too stretching. I went into their room. Dylan was crying. Michael and Bianca were hiding under their sheets. It broke my heart to see him so afraid. Lightning flashed again and the entire room was lit up in an odd way.

"Dylan, it's okay. It's just a storm. It's raining hard, but that's nothing to be afraid of. Daddy and I are right here. We won't ever leave you unless we have to." I said

He put out his arms and I picked him up. Thunder boomed making my ears deaf for a second. Will moved close to me rubbing Dylan's back. Both Bianca and Michael got out of bed hurrying over to me. They were hiding. Their faces were pressed into my legs.

"It's okay. Come here Bianca and Michael. Don't be afraid. We have you." Will said

He picked them both up. They buried their heads in his neck. Bianca was gripping his shirt. I got onto our bed and helped Michael up too. Will helped Bianca.

"Did you bring blankets?" I asked

They shook their heads no. I looked over to Will. I turned on a light, but it didn't turn on. Power outage. The winds and lightning probably knocked out the power. It's okay. We need to get the lanterns from the attic.

"Okay, Daddy and I are going to grab some things. Stay right here and don't move." I said

"No!" Dylan cried grabbing onto me

"It's okay. We'll be right back. Daddy's going upstairs to grab the lanterns and I'm getting your blankets from the shelf above the washer." I said

"Don't leave." Dylan said

"Okay, I'll take you with me." I said

I picked Dylan up and stood up. Will offered to take him, but I waved him off. It wouldn't be a big problem if I had to carry him. He was scared and that's all that mattered.

"Can we come too?" Bianca asked

"Okay. Do you want to go with daddy?" I asked

"No, momma. Can we go with you?" They asked

I nodded and kissed Will. Will had taught them to call me momma. It made me shake my head. I'm not a momma. I'm a dad. They could even call me papá. Nope. Momma it was.

I led us down the stairs. Dylan kept his arms around my neck. I made sure Bianca and Michael were careful when we went down without the lights.

I went into the laundry room grabbing their blankets. I put them in the heater that Leo had made. It would work at all times just in case. It warmed the blankets up. We waited for a few minutes before they got scared as thunder boomed.

Will came down with the lanterns and they gave us some light. I wrapped them in their blankets and we all went upstairs aided by the light of the lanterns. I helped them back onto our bed. We wrapped their blankets around them tighter.

"I'm scared." Michael said

I let them crawl over to me. I wrapped my arms around them nuzzling them. Dylan was still crying and shaking. He was really afraid. I know songs that used to calm me down. I could try one of those.

"I'll sing you a song so you can sleep. Don't be afraid. We won't let you be touched by anyone." I said "Why are you scared bambino? I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. I'll protect you. Do you want to be brave? I'll show you the way."

"Dylan, you're brave. When you take risks you dare to risk it all." Will said "Let's be brave. Sometimes momma gets scared during storms. Can we be brave so momma doesn't get scared?"

>Play Lullaby For A Stormy Night Here<

"See. There's nothing to be afraid of." I said

I kissed Dylan's head. Then, I kissed Michael and Bianca's head. Both were in Will's arms. We all cuddled together warmer together. Dylan's hand would tighten around me when lightning stuck and thunder boomed.

I kissed Will who I had just noticed was pouting. The kids giggled and we kissed again. They didn't like it when we kissed and sometimes said no moving us apart.

"Do you want to hear another song?" Will asked

They nodded and I smiled at their enthusiasm. It was infectious. Will started to sing. I sang a little too hoping to calm them down and keep them from crying. We sang Lullaby By Ronan Keating.

>Play Lullaby By Ronan Keating<

Their eyes slowly closed and we looked at each other. We tucked them in putting our arms over them. We held hands falling asleep safe with each other.

>Next Day<

I got up earlier than usual and Will was reading something. He was usually up early for work or he was up with the kids. I gestured for him to come with me and he got up. We didn't disturb the kids.

"I wanted a little us time." I said

"By all means continue." Will said

We connected our lips grasping each other trying to keep it down. I talked dirty in Italian and Will responded in English. Italian is the language of music so he could understand it.

He couldn't speak it very well though and when I spoke quickly he couldn't understand it.

We laughed lightly kissing each other again and again. It was a full make out session. I stopped and listened. I could hear someone crying. I shushed Will and got off of him rushing upstairs.

What if something had happened? I shouldn't have left the dagger in the drawer. I knew one of them would find it. What if one of them had gotten hurt by touching it?

"What's wrong?" Will asked

"Sweetheart, we're right here. You don't need to cry anymore." I said

"You didn't leave?" Michael asked

"We would never leave. We're downstairs. If we left we would wake you up and take you with us or have someone we trust here with all of you." I said

"I would never leave any of you. I know you think you are big, but you are still growing. I will protect you while you grow. Even if you stop needing protection." Will said

I kissed Michael's head and brought him downstairs quietly setting him on our couch. I let him play on the iPad. He had these educational games set up for him so he can learn and still have fun.

Will started breakfast and I breathed it all in. Will brought out some peppermint hot chocolate and we drank some together.

"Can I tell story?" Michael asked

"Of course my hummingbird." I said

"Once upon a time there was a princess with lots of pretty flowers." Michael started

"Why?" I asked

"She liked flowers because her mean mommy didn't like them. She picked them and decorated with them. Then she ran away." Michael said using his hands to go poof

"Why?" I asked

"She was scared by evil mommy." Michael said "Why do you keep asking why?"

"It's a good question." I said

"What can we eat?" Bianca asked after coming downstairs

I gave her a plastic plate and cut up her food. She chewed some bacon. I also helped Dylan. He listened to everyone talking.

I got food for Will and I. It was our favorite time, because we were going to pick out a tree together since it was the first day of December.

It was traditional to decorate with the kids. We ate and I helped them get dressed while Will got dressed. Then I got dressed while Will brushed their teeth. We got into the car. I helped buckle them in.

I kissed Will as he drove. That gave me time to focus on myself and the kids if they got out of hand.

"Okay remember to be polite and don't fight. We will get a tree we all like." I warned

They nodded and jumped up and down going over to trees. Pretty soon nothing was going right. Bianca was talking to some stranger and his wife as I got Michael and Dylan. Will was dealing with Bianca.

"I think Bianca found a good tree." Will said

"Let's go take a look." I said

"I don't like Bianca's tree." Michael said

"I don't like it." Dylan said

Bianca lunged at both of them and they started to argue while hitting each other. I looked at Will. He put his hand up and we did a game of Rock Paper Scissors. I lost, so this was my problem.

I kneeled in front of them and started to cry. It was fake, but they seemed to buy it. They stopped fighting and came over to comfort me. Dylan hugged me patting my shoulder.

"S'okay. We sorry." Dylan said

"Okay. I think this is a good tree." Will said

"I-It's nice." I agreed

The kids slowly warmed up to the tree and we loaded it into the back of the car. It was pretty big. I kissed Will. Mission accomplished. Beautifully if I do say so myself.

"Okay. Who wants to help me get decorations?" I asked

They all raised their hands except Will. I raised an eyebrow a little and he raised his hand too. We all went upstairs to our little attic. I grabbed a few boxes putting them in Will's arms.

I gave Bianca, Michael, and Dylan their boxes and the stockings. They went downstairs carefully and I didn't grab anything just in case I needed to help them.

They were fine and I got three boxes bringing them down. The kids decorate the inside with Will's help as I put up lights outside. It was my turn. I brought in the advent calendars setting them up.

"Okay. This place looks so pretty." I said

The kids were excited as we brought out the ornaments. Yesterday we had gotten an ornament for them like tradition. Every year they would pick out an ornament.

We decorated the tree and I put the angel on top with Will's help. It was tradition. It was getting late and we all went outside and turned on the lights.

They loved the lights and always got excited when Will and I turned them on. I let them open the first day of Christmas box.

I read them a story with Will as he acted them out. I laughed with them and put them to bed after helping them shower and brush their teeth.

>Next Day<

Nico's POV:

"Okay. I want you to take this and throw it at Uncle Percy." I said

"Why?" Michael asked

"It's a snowball. We throw them at each other. It's fun." I said

"Why are you teaching this to them?" Will asked his eyebrow raised questioning me

"To get back at Percy. Especially for last time." I said

Last year they had come over for the first day of December like every year. I was dealing with Michael who had grabbed Bianca's hair. She was crying as I told Michael not to do it again.

He had started to cry and he told me not to be mad at him and that he would even try to not wet the bed anymore.

Percy had taken some snow and dumped it all over me. We had been covered in snow and all wet. Charlie had come over and he was playing with the snow we had.

I jumped on Percy taking him down, because he didn't expect it. Will had pulled me off of him and I had only gotten in one good hit.

Will reprimanded me, because the kids were watching and they looked up to both of us. He didn't want them to learn stuff like that. It wasn't okay was the main point.

Annabeth had helped Percy up. Charlie gave Percy's arm where Nico had punched a kiss. It was cute, but I'm still going to get my revenge.

"Okay, I know that you are intent on getting him back. You take care of them if they get hurt or start to cry." Will said

"They'll be fine." I said

"We can get hurt?" Dylan asked his eyes wide

"No! Maybe a little. You're strong though. It's easy." I said

"Okay. Just like we practiced." I said not caring that Dylan looked scared

Percy got out of the car and helped Annabeth get Charlie. Arielle had grown and she looked older. She was now 16 and just as powerful as Percy. Percy looked confused as they came over to him. They usually went to Arielle first.

They threw the snowball, but it didn't go far. I smacked my head with my hand. Percy picked Michael up and he giggled getting tickled. This was not the plan! He shouldn't be laughing!

"So, it didn't work out?" Will asked innocently

"Be quiet." I said

"Where's your Christmas spirit?" Will asked

"Inside next to the warm fire." I said

I quietly walked over to Bianca and Dylan. I snatched Dylan up and he screeched. I started to tickle him. Will laughed and said hi to everyone. Everyone was here and talking.

It had been a long time since we had gotten together like this. Most of our schedules were messed up during the holidays. Hazel came with her twin boys.

They came over to me and started to tickle me. They weren't very tall and I wasn't ticklish where they were tickling. I set Dylan down and laughed. I fell into the snow laughing.

I'm going to be real, I was laughing at a memory. Once, I was babysitting them and Michael got Ollie to grow a tail and ears.

It was so scary. I couldn't make him stop and I had to call Hazel. I freaked out and Will gave him some food and Ollie went normal again.

They decided take me down and keep me down was fun. They didn't want me to get up. Bianca had joined and I was being attacked by my children.

"This is uncalled for! As king I demand you release me! I'll give you gold! Treason!" I said

They looked at each other before getting off of me after looking up. They looked confused, but we bargained for my release.

The only reason they released me was because Will said that he would keep me down. I thought he was going to let me go, but Will pinned me down and I blushed.

"They can't have all the fun." Will said

The kids declared war and threw snowballs. Bianca threw one that hit me on the back.

"So now you can throw! This is insulting. Treason even! Off with your heads!" I shrieked

I took our kids down and kissed them. They screeched and asked to be freed. Will helped free them and they hid behind Will.

I slipped and fell into the snow. The kids was starting to shiver a bit. Will decided it was time to go inside.

"Last one inside has to help with cleanup!" Will exclaimed

The kids went inside quickly talking quietly and chasing after each other. Will helped me up brushing snow out of my hair. I kissed him not caring about getting inside.

"We have to do dishes anyway." I said "No need to hurry."

We walked towards the house holding hands as our kids came out pulling us telling us we had to get inside.

We had to get in before Percy and Jason so we didn't have to do dishes. I have everything. What more could I want?

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