A Solangelo Child

By ElizabethMariah

53.8K 950 5.4K

I'm not very good at descriptions, so I'm sorry. This is a story about Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace. I noti... More

I'm Pregnant
Christmas Gifts Of The Century
A Baby Now???
Babies and Morning Sickness
Fear And Nightmares
Babysitting's Hard
Grand Council Meeting
Christmas At Mom's
Wait? What!
Anniversary's Are Fun
Being 25 Is Hard
To Camp Jupiter We Go
Telling Them
We Need To Go To The Hospital
Our Wedding
Starting The Nursery
Baby Names Or Not?
Internal Ultrasounds
I Don't Want To Go
First Kicks
Accidents Happen
Games Are For The Weak
Cleaning and Cookies
A Place To Stay
It's Okay
Baby Shower
The Babies Hurt Me! Blame Them!
I'm In Labor?
The Wedding Of Contractions
Labor Now!!!
The Light Behind Your Eyes
What if I'm tired?
I'm Scared
First Tooth
Years Later
Author's Note/Appreciation
Book 2
Purple Psychopath

Meeting The Babies

1.2K 17 104
By ElizabethMariah

Will's POV:

"Are you sure?" I asked

"I'm sure. He's going to be fine. He has a healthy heartbeat and he was moving again, so we think he will wake up soon." Evie said "He crashed for about a minute. We were able to revive him, but this hasn't been much of a rest. He hasn't woken up yet, but I know that his body isn't even close to fully healed."

I rushed over to her and hugged her. I squeezed her so hard that she had to pat my back stiffly, because she could barely move.

"Thank you so much. You're so talented." I said

"Do you want to see him?" Evie asked

"Yes please." I said "I can't leave them though."

I looked at our sleeping babies. They seemed so peaceful asleep. Nico would want to see them. I can't leave them. What if one of them woke up and started to cry when they were away from us?

"They will be fine. Go see him." Hazel said as if sensing my situation

I rushed out of the room behind Evie as she told me about how he was going to be sore. To be gentle and all that stuff. I assured her I would before walking into the room.

Nico was leaning back into the bed as he slowly sipped some water nodding his head as a nurse helped him asking questions. Evie collapsed onto a spare chair and started to sleep, because her powers had drained her.

I almost cried when I saw Neeks again. I was so afraid. He is my entire world.

"Neeks!" I said excitedly

"Sunshine!" Nico said beaming at me

"I thought I lost you!" We both said at the same time

I kissed Nico and nuzzled into his neck breathing loving the feeling of his warm skin against mine. Not cold and sweaty. Just the human touch. His touch.

A nurse picked Evie up and carried her out of the room so we could have bonding time together. Just Nico and I. It felt odd being that close to him without having a bump preventing us from getting really close.

"Where are the babies? The others?" Nico asked "I want to see them."

"I'll go get them." I said "The babies are beautiful. So beautiful. You did so well. They are so small."

"Please. I want to hold them." Nico said

I went to find a nurse and I asked about bringing the babies into his room. The nurse got right onto it, because she knew who I was. I was told to go wait in the waiting room for a few minutes.

"Is he okay? They wouldn't tell us." Hazel asked

"He's okay. Weak, but awake and alive. He wants to see the babies and all of you." I said

A nurse came in and so did another two nurses who were going to wheel our babies into Nico's room. The babies had only been comfortable in my arms and the girls could tell that they wanted Nico, because he wasn't able to hold them.

They wanted their "momma" as the girls put it. Babies like being held by their mom and they feel more safe when being held by others if their mom is near. Which is why they fussed when the others held them.

I went into the room and a nurse had put a pillow around Nico, so he could hold the babies comfortably. Nico heard a little whimper come from one of the babies and his eyes flew open. He sat up quickly.

"Ow!" Nico moaned clutching both of his hips

"Neeks, be careful. Your body needs to have a few slow days." I said

"Nico, Will's right. You need to be careful. You just gave birth. You need to give yourself some rest. Just try to be more careful." Nurse Willow said

"I know. I'm just excited to see them and be able to hold them. I wasn't able to see them in full view before." Nico said

He stretched out his arms and I grabbed Michael from the incubator. I held Michael for a second as Willow moved Nico and a nurse helped him to sit back safely. Everyone walked in and I waited wanting to give Nico our son.

"While on the topic do you have names you want me to put on the birth certificates?" A doctor asked

He had come from nowhere and he had birth certificates.

"We have some names. Will, would you say them." Nico asked

"Sure. Bianca Maria Di Angelo - Solace, Michael Lee Di Angelo - Solace, and Dylan Mateo Di Angelo - Solace." Will said

He nodded and congratulated us on the babies. I had to put Michael down to sign the paper and put my thumb print.

Nico filled out the paper in his best writing and I used my formal writing. I usually used that writing, but sometimes I would use cursive to write prescriptions and such. We signed and dated the papers.

"Will, do you know what today is?" Nico asked after he dated his part of the birth certificate

"No? The day they were born?" I said unsure

"No. Think harder." Nico said

It was July twentieth. I can't remember anything big happening on this day. Something important.

Nico rolled his eyes seeing my confused face. July twentieth. Something important had happened on this day. It feels important.

"This was the first time we kissed. Today. July Twentieth. I had kissed you after making a fool of myself. I remember." I said "It was the first time the next year on the same day, today, that I told you I loved you."

Nico nodded and I knew I had gotten it right. Point Will! It doesn't happen everyday. I may be a doctor and a demigod, but I make mistakes. A lot of mistakes. I'm human. It's in my blood.

"I'm glad we kissed." Nico said "Also, that you were a mess and in love with me."

"I wasn't a mess! I was intelligent beyond your understanding and I was really in love with you. I still am. I was so afraid of you not liking me back. In the end I'm glad we kissed too." I said

We shared a kiss and he took my free hand. I guess this was going to be a tradition. I don't wonder what my life without him would be like, because I would have no life. I had set Michael down and I picked him him up again going to give him to Nico.

Nico's POV:

I stretched out my arms. I was beyond tired. The doctors had warned me that I would be tired, but I didn't expect this. Will made me put my arms down telling me to save a little more energy and maybe I should sleep some before holding him.

"You did so good, Neeks. He's perfect. Look." Will said

Will angled Michael so I could see his face. His eyes were closed and my breath caught in my throat. He was perfect. He looked so much like Will and I.

"This is Michael. He is our oldest and he wants to see his momma." Will said deciding to give him to me

"I told you to stop calling me that. You'll give them ideas." I said

I had never seen Will be this gentle. He always was, but this was different. He moved so delicately and he didn't move Michael up and down too much.

He was mature too. He already was mature even when I first met him. He was protecting him. He's already acting like a father.

His eyes were soft and he had adoration in his eyes. Michael was content in Will's arms. He handed me our son. Michael didn't like being taken off of Will's chest.

He started to cry and Will gave him to me. I teared up feeling him move a little in my arms. I shushed him and he stopped crying.

He curled up into the smallest ball and curled onto my chest. I held him up and lightly touched his skin.

Will's POV:

"This is Michael. He is our oldest and he really wants to see his momma." I said

"I told you to stop calling me that. You'll give them ideas." Nico said

Michael cried, but Nico was able to get it under control. Nico looked down at our baby with so much love that it was beautiful. Mom got a picture of Nico and I looking at our son.

One of Nico kissing Michael's head while I had my arms around both of them. Michael relaxed into Nico's arms again recognizing his momma's scent. He seemed content to be with both of us.

I grabbed our only daughter, Bianca. Nico held her in his arms as everyone noted how much she looked like both Nico and I. It was easy to see that she was going to be beautiful. She was ours.

She had my eyes, small smile, and hair. She had Nico's facial structure and body type. She was adorable. Hazel handed Nico our youngest, Dylan. Nico nuzzled his face.

A newborn smile appeared on Dylan's face feeling his momma. Knowing he was safe. Nico kissed his tiny nose as he started to fall asleep.

Nico was glowing with youth. He traced a hand over his cheek. Percy was holding Bianca and Frank was holding Michael. Nico kissed Dylan's head and Michael started to move.

"I think he is going to open his eyes." Frank said

"Can we have him?" I asked

"Your baby." Frank said

I held him as I sat at the edge of the bed. Michael let out an adorable yawn and opened his eyes. Nico inhaled sharply touching Michael's face gently.

They were a beautiful brown. Just like Nico's. Both Nico and I got tears in our eyes and Nico held Dylan close.

Dylan still hadn't opened his eyes and he seemed really content in Nico's arms. Nico rubbed Dylan's back when he opened his eyes as he looked up at Nico and I. He blinked slowly his eyes adjusting to the light after all of that darkness.

Nico cooed at him saying hi and I waved getting his attention. He seemed fascinated by everything and watched me for a few minutes before he looked at Nico again.

Dylan seemed to know who Nico was, because he moved closer to Nico. Nico had to adjust his grip and Dylan made himself comfortable before he fell back asleep. He was only up for 10 minutes.

"They are so small." Percy cooed cupping Bianca's little cheek in his hand "She's four pounds right?"

"Yep. Michael's 4 pounds and 12 ounces. He's my biggest. Bianca is 4 pounds and 9 ounces and Dylan is 4 pounds and 5 ounces. They are small compared to most babies, but it felt like I had to push a mountain out of me." I said

"She couldn't have caused that much pain." Percy said looking down at Bianca "She's so small."

"As if! I didn't know something so small could cause so much pain. I was going to kill Will for his wish. I probably would have if I could move without being in pain." Nico said "I felt every ounce of them. It hurt like heck."

"It's true. They may seem small, but when you have to push the baby out...That's a totally different story." Piper said

"I didn't even know people could stretch that wide." Nico said

"You're right. We shouldn't be able to. I would like to see one of them carry a baby and then give birth to them. How much pain are you in?" Annabeth said

"Honestly, I'm not in that much pain. My body hurts a little, but they are so worth this pain." Nico said looking at the babies

I kissed the top of his head. He looked up at me and I brought his lips to mine. It was sweet and short, but I loved it. So much love was in the kiss. Just the love we shared.

"That's true. They are so cute and adorable." I said

"They are. I want to hold all of them forever." Nico said

"I love you so much." I said kissing his cheek

"We can help with anything if you need any help." Annabeth said "With cooking, cleaning, laundry, and anything that needs to be done."

"It's okay. I think we can handle this." Nico said cutting off my response

"You sure?" Annabeth asked

"Yeah. Provide for your families and we can worry about anything like that." Nico said

Annabeth nodded and I leaned my head on Nico's shoulder. Nico shifted on the bed moving the pillow, so he could rest his arm on the pillow. He hissed in pain and Dylan woke up. His little lips started to tremble sensing his momma's discomfort.

I gave him a little wave and he looked at me with adorable eyes that were taking in the world. A cry filled the air and Percy was trying to quiet Bianca, so she wouldn't make the other babies cry. Nico held his arm out for Bianca.

He laid Dylan down carefully on the bed between his legs which he spread out a little so Dylan would be safe. Dylan curled into a little ball so small with his feet tucked near his body. He was keeping his hand resting on Nico's covered leg.

He held Bianca as she slowly started to calm down in Nico's arms. Michael started to cry and my heart broke and you could see it in my eyes. Nico held both babies in his arms with Dylan laying on the bed. Mom got a picture of that.

Michael was crying, but he yawned probably tired. Nico let out a small yawn. The babies started to fall asleep as if sensing that Nico was tired. Nico watched them making sure they were okay and asleep breathing alright.

"Go to sleep darlin'." I said "We will be fine. You need the rest."

"I'll be fine. I don't need sleep." Nico said "I just want to hold them. I'll be fine until I get over this in a few more hours."

"Yes you do need sleep." I said "You can't get over something like this."

I took Michael back over to the incubator as I laid him in it. Nico leaned back as he held Dylan in his arms again. I took both Bianca and Dylan to the incubators.

Skylar moved forward and hugged Nico. Nico looked like he was tired. He looked like he had pushed three babies out. Labor drains your body.

He should have rest. His body needs it or at least some energy. Like a milkshake or something, but he denied food when I asked. Even drinks. He didn't want any of it. He told me he was fine. I wish that was true.

I had given him some options that would make him feel better. Chicken Soup, Salted Crackers, Oatmeal and fruit, eggs, and apples. He denied everything. It would help him before he ate a real meal, but he seemed intent on holding the babies, not listening to me, and bonding with them.

Even Annabeth had a milkshake after Charlie. She had an apple too, but she said that she felt better. I promised I would get him a really good milkshake and the best of everything if he wanted it.

"Please eat a little something or get some rest. You need the energy." I said

"Will, I'm fine really. I gave birth okay. They were hard to get out, but worth it and I got all the rest I needed from the hour after I had Dylan." Nico said

"That wasn't rest. That was you fighting for your life. If anything that made you more tired. I don't want you to be hurting or in pain. You'll feel so much better if you eat a little something." I said

"I'm not eating anything at this hospital and you can't make me." Nico said

"Neeks, at least rest a little. You don't have to eat. I won't make you." I said

He needs food or rest. I knew that. It would be even better if he got both. I can clear him to leave and take him home. At home he can eat if he won't eat here. I have no idea why he has decided to be really stubborn.

I gave Nico an apple, but he set it on the bedside table and wouldn't pick it back up. He did seem a little feverish. Maybe he was sick, because he had a natural birth.

I knew a number of illnesses that could make him sick. Nico exhaled slowly jarring me from my thoughts. He was moving over a little. He probably felt his leg falling asleep or something like that.

"Uncle Nico?" Skylar asked

"Yes." He said gently moving some of her hair back

"Will you play with me?" She asked

"Uncle Nico is probably really tired-" Piper started

"I'm fine. Of course we can play. As long as we play quietly so we don't wake the babies." Nico whispered

"Why do mommies and daddies always whisper?" Skylar asked

"We want to. The babies need to sleep. Do you want to hold them?" Will asked quietly

I gave him a pointed look, but there was no real heat. He wouldn't ever let the babies get hurt. The thought of them so vulnerable made me sick.

"Uncle Will why do they look so weird?" Skylar asked

"Yeah. They have only a little hair." Logan said

"It's because they are babies. They'll grow and they will look like us." I said

"I don't want to hold the baby anymore. It's too small. Mommy doesn't let me hold small things like this. Except for lamb-lamb." Logan said

I took both babies from them and they got some of their toys. Annabeth always knew what they would want and how to keep them entertained. I'm going to need to take notes.

Logan brought the tablet and some toy trains over and she brought over a small little Barbie doll. It was so cute. I loved that. He was so kind and my heart exploded with love every time I looked at him. Even if he could be a little stubborn.

Nico's POV:

Logan brought the tablet and some toy trains over and she brought over a small little Barbie doll. Skylar had trouble getting on the bed and I couldn't lift her up, so Piper helped her up reminding her to be careful.

"Will you play princess with me? Logan likes to run them over with trains and then we heal them with our powers like Uncle Will does." Skylar said

"Sure. Which train goes first?" I asked

I shifted on the bed and made more room by moving my legs. I huffed a little and Will helped me. He made sure to be careful not moving me to quickly.

"I'm fine. I don't need help." I said to Will

"I know. You will deny the pain or the help until you're dead. Just let me help so I feel better." Will said

"Fine." I said

We played making the trains run over barbies and playing games on the tablet. Skylar and Logan loved playing together with me. We also watched a episode of Demigod Weekly which Leo made for little demigods teaching them basic mythology and more about the world we live in.

A little cry echoed throughout the room and Will shot forward. He picked up Bianca as she cried and shushed her. He stroked her back and shushed her again as she started to calm down.

"It's okay little one. Don't cry." Will said

She stopped crying and fell asleep again. Will sighed and put her back into her incubator. My doctor came in and told me that I seemed to have bonded with them well and I should eat something. I refused and the doctor nodded and wrote something in my chart. He told me to get some sleep and that he would come back in sometime soon to give me some more pain meds which I also refused politely.

Will rolled his eyes. The doctor left quietly and mumbled something to the nurses. I want what the doctor is telling me, but I don't want to end up like my Mom. As much as I loved her, she developed a clotting in her lungs the first 48 hours after she had me. She was so sick that she couldn't take care of me for months. I do t want that to happen to me.

I want to be with the babies and hold them when they cry or need feeding. I can't give all the responsibility to Will and expect him to pay for the bills by himself and my hospital bills. I smiled at Will when he gave me a questioning look. and continued to play with the kids.

"Nico-can we have a minute alone?" Will asked

They nodded and Piper helped Logan and Skylar off my bed. I sighed and put my head back onto my pillow. Will could be pretty commanding when he wanted to and he was giving off that vibe.

"Neeks, I know something's bothering you. Tell me what's wrong. I can make it better." Will said

"No you can't." I said crossing my arms over my chest

"Try me. Bet." Will said

"My mother for the first eight hours after I was born was fine. After being given food, some water, and some pain meds got sick. She wasn't able to take care of me for over a month." I said

"Nico, I would never give you anything that would hurt you. The medicine that was given to your mother is different. We don't use the same medicine. If you even develop trouble breathing I will heal you. I won't let you die on me." Will said

"Thanks Sunshine." I said

I kissed him and the others came back in. It had been over a minute and the kids played together. Estelle and Arielle showed up after getting a ride with the other kids.

Arielle and Estelle cooed over the babies and the others were happy to see their parents and the babies. They all gathered around as everyone talked. The kids were playing together. Mostly just playing multiplayer games.

Estelle and Arielle both wanted to hold the babies. I nodded at Will and he took two of the babies out of the incubators. I trust them.

"Here you go." Will said handing Bianca to Estelle and Dylan to Arielle

"They are so cute!" They both squealed

Both were fawning over the babies and talking quietly, but excitedly. I was watching them and so was Will. When I looked up, Mom was smiling that knowing smile. I blushed a little thinking about how I was acting around the babies.

"You can trust them." Annabeth said

"They won't hurt the babies." Sally said

"I know. I guess it's just instinct to protect them. I do trust you. Don't worry." I said to the girls

"I guess it is just the need to protect them. We'll back off." Will said

Will and I talked quietly as I savored the moment of peace that I had with him. The feel of his hand in mine and the feel of his skin on mine. Pregnancy had been hard on me, but he was my island and made me stronger in the middle of the ocean.

"Do you think that was more painful than being kicked in a specific spot?" Leo asked "For research purposes."

Leo had a pencil over a pad of paper and was scribbling on a piece of paper. Calypso playfully hit his head and shook her head no.

"It's okay. Definitely delivery though. That was painful. It still is." I said

"Uncle Nico, what did daddy mean?" Sammy asked

"Nothing. It's not important." I said

Will walked over to Logan and whispered something in his ear. Logan nodded and held out his hand. Will stuck a lollipop on his hand and he shook hands with Will. Will sat next to me as if nothing had happened.

"Can you play piggy back with me?" Logan asked

"I'm sorry, Logan. I can't. I'm a little sore and I'm not supposed to pick you up. Doctor's orders." I said sending a small smile to Will

"If you are only a little sore shouldn't you get up? Like I get hurt and I get up even though it hurts." Logan said

"I guess. Actually, it hurts a lot more than I am saying, but they are so worth it. I can't pick you up little man. Maybe in a few weeks." I said

Will smirked knowing he had gotten what he wanted. The truth from my mouth. I still felt like I had been through the underworld and back, but I was so happy. I yawned getting more and more tired as I tried to fight the urge to sleep. It was hard. That was all I wanted.

"Go to sleep, Neeks." Will said quietly to me "I know you are really tired."

"M'fine. I'll get sleep in a little bit. I want to hold Michael again. Please?" I asked

"Fine." Will said carefully grabbing Michael

Will held him for a few seconds to make sure that he didn't wake up. I held Michael leaning back as I rubbed his little back making sure that he was still sleeping. He was nuzzling into my chest as he opened his little mouth. He opened his eyes and tears filled them as he started to cry.

My heart broke and I moved him up. He was still trying to nuzzle me and I realized he must be hungry. He was born a few hours ago. Probably needed more food.

"He's hungry." I said telling Will

"I'll tell a nurse." Will said

"Why not nurse him?" Jason asked "We can leave or look away."

"I can't. It's not a part of the gift. I wasn't given that ability. Just to give them life. That's it." I said

I was probably blushing thinking about how much this had made me feel. My hips burned every time I moved them. At least I still looked the same. It would be hard to explain the stretch marks on my stomach when wearing my swim trunks and no top.

"I have a half an ounce of milk. The nurse heated it for a few seconds." Will said

"Why only a half a ounce?" I asked

"The babies might only take in half ounce per feeding for the first day or two, but after that will usually drink 1 to 2 ounces at each feeding. This amount increases to 2 to 3 ounces by 2 weeks old. At about 2 months of age, babies usually take 4 to 5 ounces per feeding every 3 to 4 hours." Will said

I nodded. I grabbed the bottle and the little nipple was so small. I put it near his lips and he took it in his mouth getting quieter. He started to suck for a second testing it. When he felt the milk in his mouth he started to suck more.

I kissed his little head and handed him to Will, so Will could also feed him. I watched as Will held the bottle occasionally burping him. It made me happy seeing my family. Michael fell back asleep and the others didn't wake up.

"Sleep, Neeks." Will said pushing my hair out of my eyes

"What if they wake up?" I asked

"They will be fine. I won't let anything happen to them." Will said "I promise."

I smiled at Will and nodded. I trust him and I know that he won't let anything happen to our little angels. Will pulled the pillow out from behind me and I leaned back into the bed. He fluffed the pillow setting it under my head. He made sure I was comfortable and gave me a little water.

"Before you sleep I want you to take the pain meds. I won't let anything happen." Will said

I took the pain meds. I had to eat a little something so they wouldn't make me sick. I ate an apple and Will massaged my hips up and down. It felt so good. His fingers were working magic. I kissed him softly and he smiled at me.

I stayed up for a bit so I could digest some and Will snuggled close to me his arms wrapped around me. He rubbed my hips some more and they stopped hurting entirely. Will told me the pain meds were taking affect and that my pain would come back when he stopped rubbing my hips. I was too tired to comprehend exactly what he was saying.

"Happy Birthday little ones" I said

My little angels and Will are my entire world. They are the reason I get up and fight to make the world better. They are my entire future and I don't want to miss any of it. What more could I want?

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