A Solangelo Child

By ElizabethMariah

63.6K 977 5.8K

I'm not very good at descriptions, so I'm sorry. This is a story about Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace. I noti... More

I'm Pregnant
Christmas Gifts Of The Century
A Baby Now???
Babies and Morning Sickness
Fear And Nightmares
Babysitting's Hard
Grand Council Meeting
Christmas At Mom's
Wait? What!
Anniversary's Are Fun
Being 25 Is Hard
To Camp Jupiter We Go
Telling Them
We Need To Go To The Hospital
Our Wedding
Starting The Nursery
Baby Names Or Not?
Internal Ultrasounds
I Don't Want To Go
First Kicks
Accidents Happen
Games Are For The Weak
Cleaning and Cookies
A Place To Stay
It's Okay
Baby Shower
The Babies Hurt Me! Blame Them!
I'm In Labor?
The Wedding Of Contractions
The Light Behind Your Eyes
Meeting The Babies
What if I'm tired?
I'm Scared
First Tooth
Years Later
Author's Note/Appreciation
Book 2
Purple Psychopath

Labor Now!!!

2.5K 25 370
By ElizabethMariah

>35 Weeks<


Nico's POV:

I got up and my bump was tight and it was uncomfortable. The babies were moving, but I thought nothing of the movement. I turned towards Will and the pain went away.

It was probably just some back pain. I'm far along and the pressure on my back isn't new. I've had back pain since month eight and hip pain since my second trimester.

I felt another pain two hours later that woke me up. I sat up and put my hands on my bump. I could feel my stomach was stretched to its last string and I was huge. It was only three in the morning, but maybe Will could help.

"Will!" I said shaking him up

"What's wrong, Neeks?" Will asked sleepily

"I think the babies want to come." I sobbed curling into his warm embrace

"Has your water broken?" Will asked more awake

"No, b-but it's more p-painful than my Braxton H-Hicks for s-sure." I said "I-I t-think they a-are getting w-worse."

"Try to get some sleep and we can leave if they get worse." Will said "You don't seem to be very far along."

"Will you rub my stomach? It feels good when you do that." I asked with a puppy pout

"Of course. Just go to sleep." Will said "I'll even massage your feet and hips."

He put one hand on my hip and the other on my enlarged stomach. Our babies were growing in me, so I wasn't very surprised. He rubbed my hips and I moaned. It felt so good.

He relieved some pressure by doing that. He rubbed lotion onto my feet and stomach. I fell asleep feeling no pain at all since becoming pregnant.

I got up again at 6:00 in the morning and my stomach was painfully tight. Will had felt me move and he sat up rubbing his eyes. He had on no shirt and it was hot.

I could feel this terrible pressure and I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom really badly. I felt some wetness spread between my legs and all over the bed. The pressure was relieved and it felt good.

I looked down and saw the bed underneath me was covered in a clear thick fluid. It had a pink tinge. My water...Oh gods my water broke!!!

"Are you alright, darlin'? You look a little pale. Do you need to get sick? I can get you to the bathroom." Will said looking at me worriedly

"I...I'm sure...I-we're going to need to go to the...uh...hospital in a bit. I'm pretty sure...actually really sure...that I'm in labor." I said getting up with a struggle "Like definitely."

"Oh! Like right now?" Will asked his eyes wide "I'll get you to the hospital now if you want."

"Yeah, my water just broke all over our bed." I moved forward a few steps "There was so much pressure. It feels better."

At least it could be cleaned. Percy had to have the seat replaced where Annabeth's water broke. This was a messy process filled with a lot of blood and birthing fluids.

Will wrapped his arms around me as a painful contraction tore through me. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to breathe as the pain slowly subsided. Some more fluid came out all over the wood floor. At least it can be cleaned sort of.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-It's going t-to be hard to g-get that o-out of the bed and the floor. I-I'm s-s-sorry." I said crying as he took the sheets off the bed

"No, Neeks. It's okay. I know it wasn't your fault. The babies decided to come. Don't worry about anything. Just focus on the babies." Will said

"They are all I can focus on!" I said angrily

Will just took it like it was nothing. It wasn't right for me to get mad at him. It wasn't his fault that I was in so much pain.

I mean it wouldn't have happened without him, but that wasn't the point. I shouldn't be taking it out on him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. It just hurts." I said

"It's okay. I know." Will said kissing my forehead

He helped me change clothes and put a pad in my boxers must in case my water hadn't fully broken. The pad would be able to soak up some of that wetness. I don't know how women live with a pad for a week every month. They are so itchy and uncomfortable.

Will helped me over to the table and sat down next to me. He was putting stuff into a small bag. He got out his phone taking a picture of something and sending it to someone.

I stayed silent for 20 minutes before grabbing his hand and he started the timer. My contraction lasted 20 seconds before letting up.

Will had pulled my shirt up to calm down the babies. I threw my head back feeling a slight stretching feeling.

"Are the sheets in the washer?" I asked

"Yeah. I forgot to take out the clothes I washed from yesterday, so I have clothes I need to fold." Will said

"I'll help. Bring them out." I said moving over to our couch

"Neeks, you really should be focusing on the babies and yourself. This isn't going to be easy on your body." Will said trying to get me to rest

"I'll be fine. Folding laundry may be good. Especially if I don't have to worry about it later." I said

Will brought the laundry out and we started folding laundry. We folded so many clothes. Have I ever mentioned that I hate folding my own laundry? It's just odd. I see so many flaws.

I was on the last shirt in my pile when a strong contraction moved through my stomach and I clutched the shirt. Will came behind me and rubbed my stomach until it stopped hurting.

"That one was 45 minutes from the last one. You're dilating really quickly. We're going to be parents today or tomorrow." Will said rubbing my bump in front

"I can't...Will, I'm afraid. What if after all of this I'm not able to meet them or one isn't okay?" I asked "What if it is my fault they are sick? It would be all my fault." I said

"Neeks, you're the most amazing man and it won't be your fault if one of them is sick. You'll meet them. You can't think like that. You're working hard and I love all of you." Will said placing featherlight kisses on my face

We decided to finish folding the laundry and Will put the sheets in the dryer. I still feel bad about that. It's my fault they are dirty.

"Now we wait. Do you want to call everyone and get my Mom here?" Will asked

"I guess. We can tell them I'm in labor. I want Annabeth and Sally here. Your Mom is a must have. She won't be here for a while." I said

"Okay, I'll call Sally second and then Annabeth. Of course, my mom first." Will said

>On the phone with Mom<

Mom: Hey, Will! How are you?

Will: Hey, Mom you're on speaker. Nico's here with me.

Mom: Okay. Hey, Nico.

Me: Hey.

Mom: So, what's up? Would you like me to come down before the babies are born? I can help with anything. Maybe cooking or just any advice.

Will: Well Mom-

Me: Mom, I'm in labor and it hurts and I want you here and I can't do this. I can't it hurts-

Mom: You're in labor???

Me: Yeah, my water broke already. My contractions have been hours apart, but now they are getting closer together. We really want you to be here. I can't do this.

Will: Yeah, you should start driving now. Please? I think it would be best if you were in the delivery room with us.

Mom: Is that what Nico wants?

Me: I don't know. I'm afraid I will be rude to you. Will too. I don't even know if it's a good idea if he stays. Anything could happen. I don't want anything odd...just nothing that you would see or anything like that.

Mom: It's okay. I'll stay in the waiting room and I know that I will be able to hold them. Right?

Will: Of course, Mom. You're a grandma. It's your job to spoil them.

Mom: I'm going to get going. I'll be there in a few hours. If you have the babies before I get to the hospital I hope you will call me or at least send me pictures. I don't think you'll have them before, but just in case.

Me: Of course, I probably won't look my best, but I'll do it. I'll have Will send a picture.

Mom: Bye

Us: Bye

"Do you want to call Sally or me?" Will asked

"I want you to call Sally." I said

>On the phone with Sally<

Sally: Hey, Will. I'm kind of busy right at the moment. Can I call you back later?

Will: Uh...this is kind of a need right now.

Sally: Okay, I'll get Paul to cook something for us.

Me: Well, Sally...This is important. I need your help.

Sally: If you feel like you need to go to the bathroom you should try. Don't hold it. If you cry in the middle of the night, then Will should get you food. Your probably hungry. I can go on. I know your pretty far along.

Me: Sally, I'm in labor.

Sally: Well of course, that's normal. The babies need to come out at some- wait? What??? You're in labor?

Me: Yeah. Just wondered if you could come over. I really want you here before I have to go to the hospital. Mom is already on the way. I'm going to call Annabeth.

Sally: Oh! I'm so excited!

I heard some stuff being put into place and Sally saying something to Paul. Paul must have left, because we didn't hear anything.

I got another contraction and Will helped me through it as Sally tried to coach me as best she could. I was letting out a choked sob trying to stay strong.

Will was kissing my stomach and rubbing my hips and lower back helping with the pain. His warm hands helped my stomach hurt less.

Sally: Okay, are you still at the house?

Will: Yeah. Nico's going through a contraction. They are getting closer together. He's probably not that far along. I don't know. I wasn't taught this. I can't use my powers on him. It could hurt them more than help.

Sally: Paul get the keys! Nico is having the babies. I'll be in the car.

Sally: I'll be there in about 10 minutes. Just keep breathing.

Me: Thanks Sally. For everything.

Sally: Bye.

Us: Bye.

"So we call Annabeth now?" Will asked

"Please. I'm afraid. Help me." I begged leaning back on him

"Oh, baby. You're so strong. All of this will be so worth it." Will said

>On the phone with Annabeth<

Annabeth: Hey, Will. Do you need something? It's early in the morning.

Will: Uh, yeah. Nico's in labor and we were wondering if you could come over to the house. He wants you.

Me: Yeah, I really want you here. You can bring Charlie and Percy. As long as you're here I don't care.

Annabeth: Be there in a few minutes. I'm bringing Charlie. He has been fussy so I hope you are okay with that.

Will: I think we're fine with that, but...uh...how do I check how dilated he is?

I was blushing and so was Will. We had sex quite a few times, but asking about how to stick your fingers into someone is out of our comfort zones.

Annabeth: I'll check him when we get there. See you in a few.

Us: Bye.

We waited for a minute before the doorbell rang and Will got up to get it promising he would be back in a few seconds. Sally came in with Paul. Estelle wasn't with them like normal.

"Where's Estelle?" I asked

"She's with Arielle. They're at camp. Estelle called me and told me everything was fine and she was doing well. They come home today. Chiron was teaching them proper tactics for fighting if they getting into a situation." Sally said

"Oh." I said

Pain coursed through my body and I moved forward cupping my bump and clutching Will's hand. This was so painful. I don't know how some women can have 5 kids born in different years.

How do they put up with this pain? The doorbell rang again and I wanted to curse the gods for me being born. Will rubbed my hips and my lower back to ease some of the pain.

"How's the pain?" Will asked

"They feel like really bad cramps that make you cringe. Like the sort of pain when you broke your arm a few years ago." I said

"Neeks, I'm going to go open the door. Will you let go, so Sally can take your hand?" Will asked me brushing my hair out of my face

I nodded and let go of his hand taking Sally's. This contraction was lasting the longest. Sally told me this was one where I was probably dilating more. I sat up and Will came over to me. My contraction had just ended and my stomach still burned.

"You doing good?" Percy asked holding Charlie

"I guess. Hurts a lot. I don't know how you do it Annabeth." I said

"Yeah, neither do I." Annabeth said "Do you want to go somewhere else so I can check you?"

"Please." I said

"I'll take you wherever you want. Just tell me." Will said

"The bedroom. Please?" I asked

"Of course." Will said

Will helped me up and I gasped trying to stand through the pain in my hips and lower back. Will was supporting me and urging me to take my time and not rush myself.

"Do you want any help?" Percy asked handing Charlie to Paul who tickled Charlie making him giggle

"No, I may need Sally though. She can help." Annabeth said

"Okay. To the bedroom." Sally said

We walked slowly as I tried not to pain myself anymore. Everything hurt. I didn't even know I had some things and they hurt somehow. We were on the stairs when a contraction gripped me and I grabbed onto Will and the railing.

I put my head on my arm as Will rubbed his hands over my back. It hurt so bad. I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from moaning. I could taste the metallic taste in my mouth.

Will steadied me. Sally and Annabeth encouraged me to breath. They had been a little above us and both crouched down coaching me through my contraction.

"Okay, I'll help you. Don't worry. No more walking." Percy said coming up the stairs

Will didn't want to pick me up, because he was afraid. He said he could drop me or black out. He didn't want to hurt me at all.

He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom as Will trailed behind talking to Annabeth about how my body was reacting to labor. She assured him I was doing well and Percy put me on the bed.

"Okay. Everyone out. Go." Annabeth said pointing to the door

"But, he's-" Will started

"Fine. We need to check him. Go." Annabeth said

"But-" Will started

"Will, just listen. Don't make this hard. She can check me and you can stay outside for this little amount of time. I'll be fine." I said reassuring him

"Neeks, it's my fault and I want to be with you for everything." Will said caressing my cheek

"If you don't leave right now, I'll make sure you don't ever see light again!" I said loudly pointing at the door

Will nodded and left with Percy who gave me a smile and a nod of encouragement. Annabeth and Sally put on gloves and pulled my pants down.

Sally and Annabeth both agreed that I was dilating well. They stuck one finger each into me and I cried out at the feeling.

"Don't worry." Annabeth said "Relax as much as you can and let us see."

I nodded and they felt around for a few moments before pulling my pants and boxers back up. I sat up and leaned back on our bare bed. I closed my eyes rubbing my cramping stomach.

"Okay. So you're at 2 centimeters. Do you want Will back in here?" Annabeth asked

"Yes please." I said

Will came back into the room and kissed my head. He cradled me in his arms and I felt the other side of the bed move. Will was rubbing my bump in soothing circles.

My stomach contracted painfully and I sat up quickly hitting Will's chin. He clutched his chin rubbing it.

"How're you feeling, my angel?" Will asked, smoothing back my slightly damp hair

"Like I'm about to have a baby or maybe three," I replied

"Specifically." Will said "I don't know how it feels to have a baby."

"It hurts. The contractions and the back pain." I said

Percy was leaning over and watching me as I curled back into Will's chest. I clutched his shirt riding out the contraction. I moved on him and he let out an almost inaudible moan.

"I'm sorry. It hurts so much." I said hugging him

"I know." Will said

Percy poked me and then leaned over. I whimpered and he looked at me. Will kissed me and Percy stared at me.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily

"Just wanted to make sure you are okay. We are all pretty worried about you. Who's going to take care of the babies when you are both gone? Just wondering. If you don't make it, Will only has a few months before he dies of cancer. So-" Percy said rushing his words

"You're dying! No, you can't! Please don't leave me! I can't live without you!" I sobbed clutching onto Will

"No, no, no. Sweetie, I would never leave you. I'm not dying. Percy was just being Percy. I'm not dying. Don't worry." Will said

"You jerk!" I yelled punching his chest

I wrapped him in darkness and I let him stay in the air for a little bit. Annabeth and Sally came in, but they didn't try to help him after Will explained the story. I let Percy drop when I felt a contraction and he fell onto the floor.

I started to groan feeling odd as the babies tried coming out. It was hard for me and I was clutching Will's hand as he whispered sweet things in my ear. Sally offered her hand and I took it squeezing her hand too.

"That's it. Just breathe and listen to your body." Sally said soothingly

I need to go to the hospital. I need pain meds. I can't deal with this. I was told labor is the best part of being pregnant, because you get to meet the babies. This is most definitely not the best part.

"Will, this isn't okay. I need to go to the hospital. Please help me!" I begged him

Will kissed my head and nodded grabbing the bag and handing it to Paul who was still holding Charlie. Percy had asked for mercy. He was just "trying to make sure I was listening".

Jerk. I walked down the stairs slowly as Will breathed with me trying to keep me calm. We got out the door and Will locked everything up. A contraction moved through my body and I stopped grabbing onto Percy's arm.

It was the closest thing to me. I may have also wanted to get back at him for what he said. I had forgiven him, but this was just one more thing that would make me happy.

I was put in the back seat and Will got into the driver seat putting a blanket over me before he got into the car.

"Okay, I called everyone. Hazel will be here in a few minutes. She had to get dressed. Frank is coming too. Reyna is here on a business meeting, so she is going to meet us there. Mom is coming and Jason and Piper promised they would come after work." Will said

"Thank you." I said breathing in deeply and slowly

"Anything for you and my angels." Will said

"What about the kids?" I asked

"Skylar, Logan, and Sammy are with Calypso and Leo. They'll be at the hospital. Cecil and Lou Ellen are coming too. The kids are coming in the camp van later. Don't worry." Will said

We were driving the speed limit, because Will said he would be fine if he sped. I didn't want that. I don't want to meet my father yet.

I had another contraction and I cried out grabbing onto the door handle. Will looked back at me for a second to make sure I was okay.

Sally was beside me encouraging me to breathe and take them one at a time. I gripped her hand my head resting on her as I tried to keep the pain in. I let my body fall back onto Sally.

"It's okay. I know this hurts. I can go faster if you would like." Will said

"No! Just keep going! Don't stop. Keep this speed." I said

I leaned on Sally and she held me close to her. She had a motherly smell. It calmed me down even though I was freaking out on the inside, because I was going to be a parent. It scared my entire body and made me feel sick.

Will's POV:

Nico was behind me and o glanced back. We probably should be closer to the hospital. We only lived thirty minutes away, but New York traffic adds time. We don't have time. Nico needs to have Evie and a doctor.

He needs this. He needs to be comfortable and not in a car forced to go through contractions. He deserves pain meds and stuff to help with the pain.

"He-hoo. Ooooooowwwwww Wiiillllllll. Uuuuuhhhhhhh. It h-uuuuuuuhhhhhh-hurts." Nico said trying to speak clearly through a contraction

"Don't talk breathe." I said to him "In and Out. In and Out. Don't think about the pain think about after. This is all worth it."

"It'll be fine as long as you can get me to a hospital. J-just fine." Nico said as his contraction ended

Sally rubbed Nico's hand soothingly over his knuckles to keep him calm. I was encouraging him and telling him how strong he was.

Especially now. We figured he would go into labor in the afternoon when we were both prepared and not like this.

Nico's POV:

Will got us to the hospital and we were checked in. I was at 2 centimeters and Evie was already at the hospital. She said she knew I went into labor last night.

She got to the hospital making a fake badge and getting everything ready. Bringing tools, getting nurses, and making sure everything was ready.

We got checked into a room for chiefs and their wives or husbands. I got settled in and Will helped me through my contractions.

She checked me and when she asked me how I was doing I was only able to hold my thumb up, because I was in the middle of a contraction.

I had gotten some pain meds and I felt good. Well as good as I could feel while in labor.

>Time Skip<

I slammed my head into the pillow as another contraction washed over me.

"Please just take them out. This hurts so m-uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-much." I said

I squeezed Will's hand lightly trying not to hurt him as the contraction came to an end. I was breathing erratically as I tried to keep a steady breathing pattern.

Will's POV:

I would do anything to take away his pain. I hate the pain he is in and I want to take it all away. I watched as Nico writhed on bed.

I wanted to help or even soothe his pain. I felt like such a bad husband. He groaned in pain and clutched my hand.

"God!" Nico groaned

Not a contraction. I know that. They must be moving or he is starting to feel the weight in his hips. He grabbed onto the bedsheets too. I would take away all of his pain if I could.

"W-Will. Please help me. It hurts so much. I feel like I-I a-am being r-ripped in half." Nico said gritting his teeth in pain

I looked at his beautiful face. He may be a sweaty mess, but he was still just as beautiful as the day I married him. He clutched my hand as he struggled through a contraction.

"Just think Nico. Soon we will meet our sons and daughter." I said

Nico cried out still struggling with the contraction. He clutched the railing of the bed and the bedsheets.

His fingers were curled around the railing of the bed as he tried to breathe. He was on his side as he groaned. His fingers were as pale as a ghost as he clutched the railing.

"Why did you let go of my hand, Neeks?" I asked

"I didn't want to hurt you. You seemed to scrunch up your face. I thought I was hurting yo-oooowwwww-uuuuuu. I-It hurts-ss. Will!" Nico said groaning

I rubbed his back soothingly massaging every part of his back to make him feel better. He was already tired and he wasn't even pushing yet.

"Nico, you weren't hurting me. I was just thinking." I said "You can squeeze my hand all you want. This is my fault."

"Ah~Gods make it stop!!!!" Nico moaned in pain as he held my hand

"Easy okay. Just breathe. Just keep breathing." I said "You can do this."

"Are you sure?" Nico asked

"Of course. You're the strongest person I know. This is all going to be worth it when we can hold our babies in our arms." I said

"You're right. There is that part." Nico said "Maybe I can do this....oh gods! Get! Them! Out!"

"It's going to be okay. Just keep doing what you are doing." I said

"Help Me!" I moaned and Will had tears in his eyes "He's hurting me!"

Nico's POV:

I moaned in pain and clutched Will's hand as I spiraled into another torrent of pain. This happened every time.

I would finish a contraction and another one would come before giving me a little break. I think that is just how my body was dealing with labor.

"I-I can feel one of them moving down." I moaned shifting on the bed as I tried to get comfortable again

I could feel a dropping sensation as the baby moved down and tried to make his way out of me.

It's the worst thing I had ever done. It's not normal. Then again the entire pregnancy was a huge miracle. One I wouldn't change. I'm giving us babies.

"That's a good thing. That means we are closer to meeting our first son. That much closer to all the others." Will said

We knew our son was going to come out first, because he was closer to the bottom of Nico's bump.

Him and then our other two were a little bit farther up. We had no idea which of them would come out first until a few days ago.

I moaned in pain and clutched Will's hand as I felt another contraction. This was going to be a long birth. I can just feel it.

I had been here for 2 hours and I was only at 4 centimeters. Not even active labor, but Evie was insisting that I stay and I would dilate more.

Will's POV:

I watched in awe as Nico worked on getting our first baby into the world. He was giving birth naturally, because with everything he could be really hurt if they tried to cut him open and put him to sleep.

"Make. This. Stop. Will." Nico said pleading clutching onto me as he struggled trying to get the babies out of his stomach "One of the babies shifted. I can feel it and h~help me."

"I know baby boy. It's so painful, but you are dealing with this like a boss. You're doing so well and I could never do this well. It's alright. I'm right here and I won't leave." I said

"I know that you would do just as great. Besides, kids love you so much." Nico said as he sat up more to get comfortable "You would be much better than me in labor."

"I don't agree. You're strong doing this for us. You could have given them up, but you didn't. I'm proud of you." I said "Besides, your contractions are closer together. 5 minutes apart lasting about 20-30 seconds."

"I...oh..." Nico said breathing through a contraction

He was clutching my body as I rubbed his lower back in a soothing way. I let his nails dig into my skin as he cried out again loosing his breathing technique.

I tried to get him to breathe with me, but his eyes were closed. Evie put her hand on Nico's stomach and relaxed his body as she stumbled back and threw up in a trashcan just for her.

"Breathe. Just keep breathing. Not to much longer now." Evie said "I need to check you."

Nico's POV:

Will had my hand in his and he planted kisses all over my face. She had checked me before. It's hard. Evie put on some gloves and started to feel me.

It felt odd, but I tried not to show it. She shoved two of her fingers into me and I gasped as Will told me to breathe.

"You're at 5 centimeters. Active labor now. You're halfway there." Evie said "Contractions are 5 minutes apart. Your contractions should last 45-60 seconds."

"Thanks for this. You really didn't have to do this." I said

"It's a pleasure. Will's my hero. I want to do this when I'm older. It's a dream come true." Evie said

"Can I have some ice chips?" I asked

"If you would like. Will can go get some. I'm off to see a mother who is giving birth to a baby girl. I'll be back don't worry. I just need it to look believable." Evie said

"I'll get them. I'll be back in a few." Will said

Evie left the room and Will gave me a kiss on my forehead. He kissed my bump as I tried to keep the pain on a down low.

"He's ripping me apart down there." I said gripping his hand tightly

"I bet. He's going to be pretty big for being this early." Will said

"His head is putting so much pressure on me. He squishing my insides. It burns." I cried

He rubbed my back and told me how happy he was and how much he loved me. How all the pain would be gone so quickly.

"Please get me the ice chips?" I begged

Will nodded and left. I curled in on myself and moaned as a contraction bloomed in my stomach. I was trying so hard to be strong, but this hurt more than anything I had ever done to myself. Even cutting.

I probably shouldn't be like this, but it was the path of the least pain. It was still painful, but some pain was gone. I hadn't realized it before, but my breathing had become sort of regular.

"Neeks! Are you alright?" Will asked hurrying over with some ice chips

I nodded weakly and reached my hand out to grasp his. I kissed his palm as he set the ice down. He crouched down to the bed as I rubbed my stomach.

He made sure nothing was wrong. He was afraid something had happened when he saw me curled up on the bed. He decided to speak finally.

"Neeks, I know this hurts. I need you to lay flat. Our baby is trying to come. This could cause complications." Will said softly kissing my bump "I don't want to put any stress on any of you."

I nodded and moved out of the position getting back into the other. Will softly pressed a kiss to my head as he gave me some ice chips. I had him sit on the bed with me. I wanted to cuddle and be near him.

"Neeks, you're amazing. The babies are going to be cute. You're doing well. I'm sorry that you're in pain. It's my fault. I want to take it away." Will said kissing my head as he rested his hand on my stomach

I was cuddled into his side as he carded his hands through my hair. He shifted on the bed touching his stomach carefully. He had been having some pains all day, but he assured me that he was fine.

"Won't you get checked out? I hate that you are in pain especially if it can be fixed." I said

"No, you need me here with you." Will said

"Go get checked out. I can have a person come in here and check you out if you don't want to leave me." I compromised

"Okay, fine." Will said sighing

A doctor came in and Will described his symptoms. Will was talking about his symptoms and the doctor was taking notes while nodding. Another contraction ripped through my body. I grabbed at the bed and held Will's hand for any sort of relief.

"-even so, you may want to take a nap. This is extreme exhaustion." The male doctor said

"Thanks for coming down here. He didn't want to leave me." I said glaring at Will

"I can't leave you alone. This is my fault." Will said

"No it isn't. It was my choice too. Just relax. Even the doctor wants you to relax. Right?" I asked

"Yeah. Relax Will. Be positive and happy. Your babies are coming." The doctor said before walking out

"See. Breathe. Take your own advice. I'm afraid, but I know that this is worth it." I said "Go get the girls. They can come and be with us. Keep our minds off everything. I know you're stressed and tired, but stay strong."

Will smiled at me.

"Thanks for still looking out for me when you are in so much pain." Will said kissing my cheek "I know you'll be strong."

"I will." I said "Besides, it's my job."

"Just be calm and breathe. Your next contraction should be happening again." Will said "Do you want me to stay?"

"I'll be fine. Just go." I said

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." Will said walking out of the room quickly

I sat checking my phone for anything to keep my mind off the fact that I would be a parent today or tomorrow even if I wasn't ready. I rubbed my stomach feeling the little kicks and movements they were doing.

Another contraction hit me like a ton of bricks. I sobbed clutching my stomach as I moved forward feeling our baby move. I let my phone drop onto the chair next to me. I was clutching the pillow. It was nowhere near as good as a hand.

"Hey, Nico. I'm here to help. Will got me." Annabeth said coming over to my bed as she took my hand in hers

"Just breathe. I know how much this hurts. Literally." Annabeth said "Babies are so worth it. Just holding them is amazing. Knowing you created the little baby in your arms and the baby is yours."

"I came too. Will is with everyone as he talked to his Mom. He was talking about a surgery that needed to be done and how he was going to go heal someone quickly." Piper said

"Thanks. This is really painful. I regret wanting them to come out." I said after my contraction ended

"It's fine. You are doing way better than I did. I was a screaming mess. Jason was white. He looked as if he had seen a ghost." Piper said chuckling lightly "Especially with Jasper."

"Yeah. I've been quite vocal too. They are just getting worse." I said

"Is Will trying to help you at all?" Annabeth asked

"He's trying, but he's already stressed. He has been up for so long. I think it would be good for him to sleep a little." I said

"I'll put him to sleep. Charmspeak has some perks." Piper said

"Thanks." I said

My stomach exploded in pain again and I cried out moving forward as Piper and Annabeth took my hands. I was squeezing them as the baby shifted more.

The baby moved down and I moved my legs pretty much feeling our baby force the way between my legs. I was probably sweating and really red.

"I know that everyone keeps telling you this, but breathing is the best way to get through these." Annabeth said "I know how hard that is. The pain is terrible."

I leaned back again as my stomach muscles unclenched. I let out a long breath and rubbed my stomach as the babies moved trying to get out of me. This isn't what I expected.

I thought women were exaggerating the pain. Piper got a phone call as she talked to someone. I could hear some crying in the background. Probably Jason calling, because Skylar was crying.

"I'll send Sally in. Skylar wants me to hold or cuddle her and she won't stop crying." Piper said "Stay strong!"

"I'll try." I said giving her a small smile

"I came to check you again. I want to see if you have improved anymore. If you haven't I would suggest having a c-section even though I was told no." Evie said

She pulled on some gloves and made me prop my legs up. I groaned and clutched my bump as she inserted her fingers into me. She felt around for a minute before she removed her fingers.

"You're at 5 centimeters. You're doing great. Just until 10. That's in five centimeters." Evie said "If you stop progressing I will do a safe c-section."

"You're doing so well." Annabeth said "You're really strong. I was screaming if you remember."

"I remember. You had lots of moments where I wanted to run." I said "You were scary, but nice before. In pain you were just plain scary."

I moved feeling some pain and Evie got her tablet ready as if the tablet was a weapon. She was in a fighting stance and her arms were slowly raising.

"A contraction should be starting up again." Evie warned

"I know I can-oh gods!" I exclaimed as a contraction washed over me

"Okay. I'm going to time your contraction. Just keep doing what you were doing before." Evie said

"I'm here." Will said

He took my other hand as I moved forward keeping my eyes closed. Will was rubbing my stomach with his free hand. I cried out as the stinging got worse instead of better.

"Son of a GORGON!" I groaned hoping to relieve some of the pain "JUST TAKE THEM OUT!!!"

"It's okay. Just breathe." Will said

"S-sorry for h-uhhhhhhh-urting you." I moaned panting through my contraction

"It's okay. Just take it all out. It's not hurting me. Don't worry about me." Will said

I collapsed onto the bed and Evie stopped the timer. She nodded and typed something into her tablet. She marked some stuff looking up every few seconds noting something else.

"That contraction lasted a minute Nico. That means that you are doing well." Evie said "Keep breathing through contractions."

"Will, I checked him, but maybe you want to?" Evie asked

"Can I?" Will asked

Evie nodded and he asked me. I sighed but nodded. She got a little stool and I had to move so Will could check me.

"Okay right here. Yep. Just like that now push in and feel around. You won't have to go very far. He's doing well for his firstborns." Evie said

"Oh my gods! He's stretching you so wide!" Will said looking up at me with wide eyes

"Yeah. Just imagine how I feel multiply it by ten and then multiply that by 100 times Tartarus." I said getting a slight burning pain as Will took his fingers out of me

"So it's bad?" Will asked

I rolled my eyes and I closed them getting another contraction. It burned like heck and I wanted to curl up in a hole of no pain.

"I will be back soon. You can try anything. Run a bath and have Will help you. I trust Will not to do anything dumb." Evie said breaking the silence

"Thanks. I'll try to keep this going. I have no idea how much more of this I can take." I said

"You'll be fine. Why do you doubt my talents? This is what I was born to do." Evie said waving her hand dismissing my fears as she walked out of the room

"You should try walking around. It may help with contractions and progress your labor. It helped with Estelle." Sally said

"I'll get up after this next contraction passes. I know it's coming soon again. The pain is really there. I'm 8 months pregnant. I know exactly what my body wants after having them in me for so long." I said

"When did the babies flip for you?" Sally asked

"At 28 weeks. I helped him to the hospital, because the babies were finally flipping." Will said "We got some pain relief and I helped Nico out a little."

"Yeah. It was helpful. My stomach has a uterus that is why I'm able to give birth. It'll disappear after the birth. Apollo said that after the first meeting I went to. He muttered it to Zeus and he nodded." I said

"Okay. I'm going to leave and give you three some space. Going to go play with the kids." Annabeth said "Piper said that they were both starting to get a little bored and mad at each other."

"You can leave. I'll have Will call you when I'm at 9 centimeters." I said and Annabeth nodded walking out

I leaned back as another contraction made itself known. The babies were trying to kill me. Will took my hand in his.

I squeezed it as tears came to my eyes. I groaned and moaned feeling the baby pretty much split me in half.

I clutched onto Will as I shut my eyes. Will had told me to find a focal point and focus on that to help with the contractions. I held his hand for 30 more seconds before releasing it from my grasp.

"Help me stand up." I said not really giving him a choice

"Just walk around the room and let gravity help a little bit." Sally said

I leaned heavily on Will as he encouraged me to hurt him as much as I needed to for the pain. I didn't want to hurt Will at all. I didn't want to hurt the one that I love the most.

It is wrong to hurt the ones you love. No matter how much people say it is tough love it really isn't.

Nobody should say that. Sure everything was painful and somehow my breathing was affected, but I wouldn't hurt him.

We walked around for three minutes before my stomach contracted again. I felt another contraction blossom and I rocked back and forth as Will rubbed my hips.

"You're doing so good. I know this hurts, but you are so strong." Will said

I nodded and got through the contraction. Will felt my stomach and told me that I was at 5 centimeters still. Will started to hum a song in my ear to keep my mind off of the pain. I cried gripping into him as I chocked back sobs trying to keep it together.

"Just keep breathing. Breathe out through your contractions. Remember Lamaze breathing." Sally said

I cried out again as it echoed off the walls. The baby had shifted fully down now and I could feel the baby between my legs. It felt odd. Almost like our baby was coming out of me. Like visible between my legs.

"What's wrong, Neeks?" Will asked

"Baby shifting." I said before collapsing onto Will "Baby's killing me."

"Hey, I came in to see how you were doing." Percy said

"Could be better." I huffed

"I've never seen you show this much pain." Percy said

"Yeah, well I've never been in labor before." I said sassily

"Usually you play it off and pretend like it's nothing. You sometimes even make me believe that your fine." Percy said

I grabbed onto Will as another contraction washed over me. I lost my breathing pattern again and Will took my hands. I squeezed his hands wanting all of this pain to go away.

Labor is not fun. My body's on fire and every shift or pull from the babies made me want to crawl into a hole of no pain or pass out.

"P-please t-take away t-the pain." I said begging Malachi when he walked in

"We can try some pain medication, but it says that you shouldn't have anything. Maybe some acetaminophen. I know you can't have an epidural until 6 centimeters and we can't give you one." Malachi said

"Why n-not?" I asked

"Chief Solace and Evie both said that you couldn't have one. It is against my authority to go against their wishes." Malachi said

I cursed in Italian and hit Will's shoulder.

"What about the patient's wishes?" I asked

"I guess your input matters, but they are doctors. So, I don't know what to say." Malachi said

"Don't do it. His body can't handle and epidural." Will said

"Neeks, think about them. This is hard on them too. The more medicine the less your body tries. I don't want this to last longer than a usual labor." Will said

I nodded. He gave me a little smile and went back to massaging my hips and trying to ease the pain. Malachi came over to make sure I was doing well.

He felt me making sure the babies weren't dying or being chocked with their cords. I had to sit on the bed. I was checked by Malachi and he said I was at 5, still. I had another contraction and I cursed as Malachi grabbed something.

He gave me some pills, but I couldn't take them. I writhed on the bed until the contraction ended. I burst into tears crying as Will rubbed my lower back and bump.

I took the pills after I had calmed down and I held onto Will. He had assured me that he wasn't leaving, but I was clingy.

I didn't want him to leave, so he sat next to me. He let me lay clinging to him. He encouraged me to sleep, because this was going to be hard.

I leaned over the side of the bed and threw up into the little trash bin. My throat burned bringing up food as Sally patted my back. Will was keeping me steady as I cried after I had finished. I couldn't even keep food down in labor.

That's sad. Will got me a toothbrush and brushed my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth. He did it quickly, because a contraction would be coming again. I spit the toothpaste into the trash can.

"Sleep. You have time. They definitely won't come without you. I won't leave unless I have to leave. You're halfway there." Will said

He sung me a song and Piper came back in telling me to go to sleep. Percy had left during my contraction and I hadn't noticed. I grabbed Will's hand and gave it a small squeeze before falling asleep.

Will's POV:

Nico had just fallen asleep and I collapsed into the chair. I had moved his phone to the table in our room. The room was for chiefs and their wives/husbands. For delivering babies and after.

Also any injury. We were kept in here. I pulled the chair close to Nico and I noticed he moved when a contraction happened on the screen. I held his hand and kissed him. Piper came up behind me and nodded at Sally.

"Go to sleep Will. You need sleep." Piper said her voice changing "Sleep."

Nico's POV:

I opened my eyes and the pain hit me like a train. I moved forward as the contraction worsened. I could practically feel the baby coming out of me. Between my legs pushing out.

Sally wasn't in the room and I only saw Will asleep. I cried out grabbing onto the sheets trying to find some sort of comfort or relief.

I whimpered and Will woke up. He jumped into action taking my hand. My contraction hadn't stopped and it was over a minute. It finally let up and I collapsed backwards as I lifted my legs. It helped to relieve some of the building pressure.

"Will...I n-need to push. I feel p-pressure." I said trying not to push as the urge was small, but still growing

"Don't push. We need to see how dilated you are." Will said

Will got Malachi and he put on his gloves. He pushed his fingers into me and I squeezed my eyes shut. I could feel his fingers in me and it was odd. I only wanted Will. This entire experience was odd.

"You're only 7 centimeters. Don't push yet. You can push soon. Wait 'til you open up to about 10 centimeters. Push too soon, and it could make your labor longer. In the meantime, focus on breathing take deep ones in, and blow out during contractions." Malachi said

"P-please. This p-pressure is t-terrible." I begged

"You can push, but I wouldn't recommend it." Malachi said

I cried out as another contraction rolled over my body and I moved my legs down trying to keep myself from pushing. Cause that hurt a lot more than anything I had ever done to myself.

Will kissed my lips through the contraction and rubbing my hips really helped. He moved my hips up and down and it really helped. I bucked my hips for a few seconds trying not to die.

"You're doing so well. Just keep going. You're so strong." Will said

"Why is it taking so long?" I asked Will

"You're doing great. It's going to take a bit longer. Nothing big." Will said

"You can try a warm bath. It may help your back and help in general." Malachi said

"I'll try." I said

Will helped me get up. He helped me out of everything. Malachi had gone somewhere and it was just Will and I.

I was standing next to the tub as he filled it up with warm water. Not to hot and not to cold. The water was just perfect.

I moaned slightly and grabbed onto the side of the tub. I held my breath and Will hadn't noticed yet.

"Breathe! You have to breathe!" Will said

I huffed slightly and Will sighed letting out a slow breath. I probably freaked him out when I didn't breathe. He told me not to hold my breath.

"You have to breathe Neeks. I know it hurts, but you need to be strong." Will said

I nodded and he helped me straighten back up. He helped me into the bath and I moaned as the water touched me. The pain started to disappear.

"Does it feel good?" Will asked

"Yes." I said

"Do you need anything else? Something small to eat or drink?" Will asked

"No. I just want you. Get in behind me?" I asked

Will nodded and he slid in behind me. He put his magical fingers all over my back easing the pain and tension. He even rubbed my stomach.

"Mmmmmhhhhmmmm~" I moaned "That feels so good."

"Good." Will said

I slowly leaned back as Will pressed light kisses to my skin as he rubbed my stomach. I was almost asleep so close. A sharp contraction ran through my stomach.

I shot forward and I gasped. Will sat up alarmed at my sudden movement. He rubbed my stomach and back moving my hips.

"That's it. I know. You can sleep. I won't let anything happen." Will said

"I know. It's painful." I said

Will helped me go to sleep. When I woke up the next time, I was in really comfy stuff on the bed. Will was stroking my bump. He kissed the top of my head.

"How did you sleep?" Will asked

"It hurt, but I slept amazingly." I said

"Good." Will said "You're at 8 centimeters. Getting really close." Will said

"I'll be able to hold them and kiss them. They will come out and we can be a family." I said

"Yeah. We will." Will said

"Now we just have to wait." We said together and we started to laugh

>4 hours later<

Will's POV:

"Go get Evie." Nico said leaning forward as if he was going to push "I can't stand this pressure. I need to push."

"Just keep it going. Don't push. Just give me 2 minutes. That's all." I said

"Please hurry! Gods! They aren't waiting!" Nico said gripping the bed sheets "I told you I need to push! I can't wait any longer!"

I rushed out and grabbed a nurse and told her that Nico was trying really hard not push and he needed Evie. The nurse grabbed Evie.

We went back into the room. They put Nico's legs in stirrups and gave him a small smile. Malachi was out getting cold towels to wipe his forehead.

"You're doing great. I need to check you really quick. Don't push." Evie said

Nico nodded, but I could tell he really needed to. She gave Malachi a little nod and he started to instruct Nico on taking deep breaths.

Nico was trying as Malachi put a cool cloth on his head. I stroked his stomach feeling every tense part of his stomach.

"Okay, the baby is going to crown soon. Just a small push and then like four or five more. Baby number one will be crowning." Evie said

"You can start pushing on your next contraction." Evie said

"Thank the gods!" Nico said

Nico started to push lightly like Evie was instructing. He stopped after 4 seconds of light pushing staring at me with his eyes full of pain. Nico moved forward and pressed his chin to his chest as he pushed a little harder.

"That's it Nico! You're doing well." Evie said

"Please Get them out! I-I can't! It h-hurts so m-much!" Nico cried begging me to help him or do something "He's hurting m-me so much! He's tearing me!"

I shushed him and held onto him feeling his stomach. He relaxed as the babies stopped kicking and moving, because they felt my hands.

"I-I want a fu-" Nico started but I cut him off

"Nope. You will not cuss when the babies can hear you." I said

"I wanted a fricking epidural and a c-section!" Nico whimpered letting his head fall back onto the bed

They were squirming, because they were trying to come. Nico pushed for the next hour trying all that he could to push the baby from his body. Nico gave many sharp cries and they made me hurt.

"This is never going to end!" Nico groaned clutching his round stomach

I rubbed his stomach calming them down some more and kissed his forehead which was covered in sweat.

"That's right. Don't give momma lots of pain. Just let this be easy." I said giving his bump a kiss as it got hard again

He threw his head back. Nico was panting and making noises as he rubbed his stomach trying to stop the pain. He gripped the bedsheets and cried as the pain got worse.

"Please just get them out. I've waited so long." Nico said panting as he let himself fall back into the bed

"Nico, you need to push again. I know that this is painful. Push now." Evie said

Nico bore down harder and held my hand. Malachi wiped his forehead with a cloth as he struggled with the babies. He was resting for a moment. Evie instructed the towel nurses to get everything ready for baby number one.

We didn't want any mistakes made in the care of our angels. Nico gasped and grabbed onto me. He pulled me close as he sobbed into my chest.

He was sweating and crying. He let out a strangled cry and Evie moved forward. Putting her hands near Nico.

"You need to push Nico." Evie said "The baby is really close to a full crown."

"N-no. It hurts t-to much." Nico said stuttering as pain ran throughout his entire body as he refused to push

"How would you rate your pain?" Evie asked getting Malachi over to do some pain meds

"Like I'm p-pushing a bowling ball out. H-Heavy, uncomfortable, and v-very painful. I-I can feel the p-pressure of the head." Nico said rubbing the bottom of his stomach

"That's normal. This just means that the baby is coming out." Evie said

Nico still refused to push and I knew that our baby would die without oxygen that Nico couldn't provide anymore. I kissed his temple.

"Neeks, just push. We can see them and hold them sooner. All of this pain for that love. Please don't give up now. You are so close to getting the head out." I said

Nico nodded into my shirt and he braced himself for another push. He pushed down clutching my hand as Evie counted to 10.

He leaned back and took in big heaps of oxygen as Nurse Willow patted his arm. Nico pushed again. He screamed and it echoed off the walls.

"OH GODS! IT'S HUGE!!!" Nico yelled "IT BURNS!!!"

"Yeah. That's the baby's head. You're crowning. You need to push." Evie said

"The baby isn't in a hurry to come out. This is all in your control. You are the one pushing the baby out." Evie said

He sighed when he felt some sort of relief of pressure. The head must have come out.

"Do you want to catch the baby?" Evie asked

"Yes!" I said excited

"Please don't. I need you up here, please?" Nico begged "I want you up here."

"Of course." I said

"Just the shoulders. I want you to push lightly and pant. I want to try to keep you in the best shape for the other two babies." Evie said

Nico panted for a few more minutes as Evie helped the baby out. He had tears streaming down his face as he breathed. He was panting the baby's shoulder out. His face was beet red as he huffed and tried to breathe evenly.

"I-I want m-my mamma!" Nico cried

He begged for his mamma and I knew this hurt. His eyes held so much pain and I knew he felt bad. He begged me crying for his mamma.

"Will, he'll be fine for a few minutes if you want to get his mom." Evie said

"I can't get her. She died." I said "I'll go get my Mom. Nico has a bond with her. She may be able to help him."

I rushed out and got my Mom. She asked if the babies were here and I shook my head no and explained the situation.

I asked Sally to come too. I led them back to the room. Nico was crying and Malachi was holding his hand.

"Nico, this hurts. We know. Let's try something different." Mom said

Sally and Mom put the pillow down so it supported his lower back and grabbed another one putting it for his upper back and head. Mom wet a rag and put it on Nico's face. Both were helping him breath.

"Please take them out." Nico said

"Nico, your body is working to get them out. You have to push and you'll be able to get them out. I know that it hurts and it's hard to think every time pain washes over your body." Mom said

"I-I can't." Nico said said "I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"You can't sleep until the babies come out." Mom said "You can do this."

"I-I can't. It's too hard." Nico said

"Neeks, you're so strong. I know you can do this." I said

"Nico you really need to push. We'll help. Focus on the babies." Mom said

I helped setup the station for our baby. I rubbed Nico's stomach and he cried out pushing again. Evie took a soft rag and wiped off the baby's body a little so she didn't drop him.

Nico moaned in pain and I looked away tears in my eyes. It hurt him so much. I never would have wished this on him. I wanted it to be me so he wouldn't have to deal with this kind of pain.

"Is something wrong?" Nico asked

I shook my head no, but he ignored his pain. He cupped my face gently pressing a light kiss to my cheek. He kissed between my eyebrows and one to my lips.

"I don't know what's wrong, but I know that I'll help you through it." Nico said

"It's you. It should have been me. You're in pain." I said

"I'm okay. I'm in a whole lot of pain, but they are worth all of it. Don't worry. This was my wish too." Nico said

He pushed more letting out a steady breath. I encouraged him looking into his eyes. He moaned pushing some more. Mom and Sally both helped him a lot.

I led Mom and Sally out so I could talk to them for a minute. I told them about Nico and how he wanted his Mamma. Mom smiled sadly and kissed me.

"It's hard. He lost his mamma and he feels lost. He's afraid and scared. His mamma was one of his idols I bet. He wants her to tell him it's okay." Mom said "He knows she can help. Most women want their Mom's. It's just how it works. I wanted my Mom."

"Annabeth begged for me to come and help her with Arielle and Luke. It's knowing that his mamma can help." Sally said "He's my son. He's broken and I can always count on him to help like nobody else. To step up and do what's needed."

"We can go and update everyone. Annabeth and Piper got back with the kids a few minutes before you came in. Go to him. He's in pain." Mom said

Both left and I went back into the room. Nico was crying and pushing. Evie was encouraging him and Malachi was wiping his forehead and holding his hand.

"I am...ooh...Gods! I love the idea of storks delivering babies!" Nico groaned

I let out a little laugh as Nico pushed again. Nico clutched my hand and squeezed me. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles. It didn't help and he kept sobbing. It broke my heart in two.

"A-am I-I hurting y-you?" Nico asked

"We're focusing on you. Don't worry about me or what hurts. Okay? Just you and the babies." I said

"One shoulder out. Just a few more minutes and about three little pushes for this next shoulder." Evie said

Evie must have done something, because Nico moved forward. He shot up from the pillow as Evie tried again. I wasn't down there so I had no idea.

"Gods! Don't pull!" Nico screeched

"Okay, it's all you. No more pulling." Evie said

"You're amazing." I said kissing his temple

Nico shivered as I trailed my fingers lightly over his arm. He was crying as his body stretched around our baby. I took his hand in mine squeezing it lightly. He huffed pushing a little again.

"I-I can't! I-It's too m-much! I-I can't s-stretch anymore!" Nico cried pushing again

I kissed his forehead grabbing a cloth to wipe his face with cool water. He pushed lightly shivering as Evie told us she had another shoulder. He was so close to having our first baby out of him. He just need to push a little more.

I kept my eyes on him as he looked at me. I took his hand in mine and kissed his palm rubbing my fingers over his hand. He gasped a little and looked at Evie to see if anything was wrong.

"I've almost got him. Just give me two more pushes and you will be able to hold your first baby." Evie said

Nico nodded and pushed. He leaned back and pushed one more time. He leaned back catching his breath as if he was relieved of pressure. Some fluids had come out of him.

Evie brought a baby up so we could see him. He was crying and screaming as Evie cleaned off his body a little. I had tears in my eyes as I looked at our little boy.

"Congratulations, you have a son! Do you want to cut the cord?" Evie asked

I looked over at Nico and he gave me a little nod. I cut the cord as Evie instructed me. Evie made sure I couldn't see anything when I leaned over. It was at Nico's begging.

Evie held him as I cut his cord. Nico was panting, but smiling at our son and the fact that he just pushed Michael out of his body.

Evie put our little son in the nurses arms. Nico cried looking up at him. One of the towel nurses was cleaning our son while he was trying to find his momma.

Nico was trying to calm our son down by not holding him and it wasn't going well. He wanted to hold him and I could tell. He deserved to hold him after all that pain.

"Michael Lee Di Angelo - Solace. Our son is here. You amaze me. He's perfect." I said

"He is." Nico said "May I please hold him?"

"No, we have to clean him off. Just worry about yourself and the other babies." A male nurse said politely

"Just two more." Nico said putting his hand on his stomach

It was noticeably smaller, but he still had a prominent bump. The girls had a stomach for a few months and they had to work out. I know that they worked out a lot. I hope Nico would be happy.

The girls said that stretch marks didn't go away easily. Dad had said that he would take them away, but he wasn't here at the moment.

He probably wasn't even coming. Nico and I watched as they cleaned him off and he was so small and adorable.

Nico was still trying to catch his breath and he was breathing unevenly. I kissed his forehead wiping off sweat.

Evie helped him deliver the afterbirth and put it in a bag giving it to a nurse who put it in a labeled bin.

I helped Nico move sitting on the edge of the bed trailing my fingers over him while pressing light kisses to his exposed skin.

"Oh gods." Nico groaned and I looked at the fetal monitor

"Contraction?" I asked

Nico could only nod his head as the pediatrician and towel nurse took the baby over to an incubator. He was on the smaller side.

4 pounds and 12 ounces. Nico was crying as they took our baby farther away. He probably really wanted to hold him.

"It's okay. We're going to see him again. Don't worry. Just get these babies out and we can hold them. Never ever let go." I said

"You sure?" Nico asked skeptically

"Of course." I said "Your contractions didn't start up again for about 10 minutes. Just hold on and we will have our middle baby."

"Our little angel." Nico said dreamily

He closed his eyes as he changed positions. I could tell he was uncomfortable, so I rubbed the side of his bump.

He softly moaned in pain trying to keep it down for the little one in the room. He was already caring for the babies and two of them weren't born yet.

"Nico, I'm going to need you to push. Baby number 2 is getting ready to make an appearance." Evie said "Okay. I need you to push now and give me a good one."

Nico kept his mouth closed as he pushed to get our baby out. He bit his lip lightly and made a low noise of pain. I kept my hand on his stomach and the other was holding his hand.

The nurses took our baby out of the room and Nico let out a strangled scream and a moan of pain. I had tears in my eyes as I watched him in pain. I can't stand seeing him in so much pain. He yelped as he pushed again.

"Okay, breathe. Remember to breathe. You're great. I can already see the top of the babies head. I'm going to move the baby, so you don't tear. Just breathe and do whatever you can to relieve any pain. Yell at Will. Whatever." Evie said

I locked eyes with Nico and he let out a heart wrenching sob as he clutched my hand. His face was scrunched up and he was crying as he clutched onto me.

He was probably in so much pain. He took my breath away. It didn't matter what he was doing. I wouldn't ever leave him.

I love him too much to leave him especially when he is in so much pain, because of me. I love every part of him. The broken ones and the happy ones.

I don't love him for all of the good times. I love him for the bad times and the good times. The ones where we got close and cuddled comfortable with each other.

"Nico, give me a big push. Just keep pushing. I am doing 15 seconds this time." Evie said "Push!"

Nico's grip tightened and I could almost feel his pain. I wouldn't complain, because he wouldn't be in this mess without me. He probably hated me at this moment, but he wasn't yelling at me or cursing at me.

That was a plus. Nico pushed and let himself fall back into the pillows. Malachi wiped his forehead with a cold cloth and encouraged him to keep going.

"Nico, I need you to slowly push." Evie said

"Do you love me?" Nico asked out of breath

"Of course. I love you more than anyone." I said

"Then why can't you take the pain away?" Nico asked

"Neeks, I would take away all of this pain if I could, but I can't. Just be strong." I said

"I got a head." Evie announced

"Just like before. Pant so you don't tear. I'm going to help the baby out. You're so close to all of the pain being gone." Evie said

Nico was panting and moaning as he slowly tried to even out his breathing. He gave a little push and Evie nodded a little as she got one of the little shoulders out. Neeks probably didn't think they were very little.

"Almost got the second one. Can you give me a small push?" Evie asked

Nico gave a push and he must have pushed a little to hard, because Evie muttered a few curse words in Greek. Nico had leaned back as his face lost some color. He looked ghostly white.

"Nico, you are loosing a lot of blood. You tore pretty bad. I'm going to need you to stay awake for me okay?" Evie asked "Just keep them open."

"Promise me that if it comes down to me or them, you will pick them." Nico said to Evie

"Please don't." I said

"It's what I want. Save them! They deserve life." Nico said

"So do you!" I exclaimed

"I may, but they are so small. Just let me have this one wish." Nico said

"Fine, I will do as you wish." Evie said

My heart aches thinking about him being gone. To be gone after enduring so much and not able to see our little miracles grow up. It scared me. I can't take care of three babies alone.

"Neeks, stay with me. Keep your eyes open. We can see our baby in a minute." I said "Aren't you excited?"

"Yeah. Really excited." Nico said closing his eyes for a few seconds "Really dizzy."

"Oxygen Sats are dropping. 87 in room air. Needs to be 90 or above. I need somebody to put a oxygen mask on him and I need someone to get that trash bin. He looks sick." Evie ordered "Towel Nurse!"

People rushed around as she pulled the baby above the curtain. I stared at the oxygen levels willing them to go up. Evie had cut the cord as she rushed away giving the baby to a nurse quickly as she tried to fix stuff.

"She's beautiful." Nico said as he looked at her as they put the mask on him for some help breathing

He wasn't able to kiss her head, even though she was covered in all that fluid, like a new mom would. He reached for her, but the towel nurses were to preoccupied to notice. They were cleaning out her lungs.

"I want to cradle her head and touch her." Nico said

Her cries were getting quiet as she looked for food and her momma. She wasn't able to be calmed by Nico's scent. By now, Nico had been in active labor for almost twelve hours.

He had been having contractions for longer though. About a day and a half. He was really tired and his body just wasn't doing well. The loss of this much blood also wasn't helping.

"Look at her. Little Bianca Maria Di Angelo - Solace. She's just perfect. I'll protect her from everything that tries to hurt her." I said

"I love her so much." Nico said crying as he watched her get cleaned off by the nurses

"Any pain?" Evie asked

"Little sore and some lighter contractions." Nico said

"We are going to take the baby girl and clean her off entirely." A nurse said

"Can't I keep her on me?" Nico asked "Just for a few seconds? Just to hold her, please. I haven't held any of them."

"No. We must clean her off and give her a check up. You just focus on the last baby." The nurse said taking little Bianca out of the room

"Okay, Nico. Take some deep breaths and I want you to focus on steady breaths." Evie said

"Neeks, just think. All these hours are so worth it. I love it. The babies are just beautiful and you are just glowing. I love you." I said

"Thanks. I love you too, Sunshine." Nico said as he moved forward a little

"Okay, the next baby is starting to move down. I'm going to see if I can stop you from loosing so much blood." Evie said sitting down on a stool as she started to do stuff

Nico was breathing in a simple breathing pattern. The Lamaze breathing that we had practiced in the class. Nico let out a small scream and gasped as he leaned back too tired to sit forward.

"Get behind him. You're going to hold him up." Evie said to me "He needs to push and he will do better like this."

I got onto the bed and had Nico lean back on me. His face was so pale that he looked half dead. This was what I feared.

The babies were okay, but Nico wasn't doing good at all. Even as our last baby boy was coming out, his little body was doing better than Nico's.

"The letters. I put them up when I felt my first contractions. In the room. I wrote letters to them. Please read to them. If they ever forget, read them." Nico said coughing a little trying to find more air "The black lettering and I used a silver sharpie. Don't let them forget."

"No. You're going to tell them." I said

My heart broke when he looked up at me. He was so weak as he squeezed his eyes shut in pain. He grabbed my hand and clutched it as he pushed a little.

"Keep going. I've almost got the entire head out. Just need to unwrap the cord around his neck." Evie said

Nico pushed some more before Evie stopped him. She had Dylan's head in her hands as she tried to unwrap the umbilical cord from around his neck. She cursed in Greek and looked up as her hands started to glow.

"I need to push the baby back in a little bit. No harm will come to either one of you. Just a whole lot of pain." Evie said "I'm going to try to help by using my powers on you a little. Nothing big."

"Okay." I said as Nico braced himself

Evie started to push Dylan back in and Nico let out a scream that echoed off the walls. He was sobbing as he clutched both of my hands trying to keep it together. He was moving back as if she would stop if he moved back enough.

I sat forward as he tried to move back. I had my chest on his back as I felt his muscles contracting around our baby. I could feel his hips moving trying to work the baby out of him. I tried to soothe him. Her entire face was glowing and her eyes glowed when she used her powers. Did my eyes do that too?

"M-make it s-stop!" Nico yelled as he pushed his forehead to my lips

I kissed his forehead as he grasped at his stomach. I grabbed both of his hands and gave them a little squeeze.

Pregnancy had been hard on his body, but this was the worst. The amount of pain, blood loss, and everything else was terrible.

"Okay, light pants and pushes. You know the drill." Evie said

Nico started to pant as he slowly pushed Dylan out of him. I was still behind Nico and I could feel his stomach muscles tighten when he felt contractions. I rubbed his stomach as he clutched my arms.

"I'm here." Dad said bursting through the door

"I'll deliver. You deal with the after everything. I'm crashing right now. I've got maybe an hour max." Evie said

"Got it." Dad said

I was honestly surprised he wasn't taking over. He loves controlling things. He put his hand on Nico and his oxygen levels came back up. The oxygen mask disappeared. Nico pushed and the second shoulder came out. He slowly pushed Dylan out.

Dylan stayed silent as the pediatrician and towel nurse started to clear his lungs and help him breathe. Nico was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath.

"Why isn't he crying?" Nico asked taking in a sharp and deep breath

"It's okay. He's having a little trouble breathing. We're going to clear his lungs out." Evie said

I slipped out from behind Nico to help my son if he needed help. The towel nurse cleaned out Dylan's lungs and he let out watery cries. Nico let a small smile play on his lips as his he slowly closed his eyes.

"Nico! Don't you dare close your eyes yet!" I said loudly shaking him "You need to stay awake. You need to deliver the placenta's."

Dad put his hand on Nico's stomach and the stretch marks went away and all the extra weight.

He looked the same as he did before he got pregnant. Dad looked up as he seemed to be having a silent conversation with some wind. Dad nodded.

"I can't help anymore. The placenta for each baby was delivered safely by me and disposed of. This is all up to the fates." Dad said

Evie and I nodded and he left in a puff of golden smoke. Nico closed his eyes not opening them when I said his name. Only little groans came from his mouth.

He was so tired looking. Maybe he just needed some sleep and he would be better. Yeah, that's it. Just some sleep. Nothing to worry about.

"Don't close your eyes, please don't close your eyes!" I pleaded not believing myself no matter how much I tried to

"As long as my angels are okay, I don't care what happens to me." Nico said

"I love you. Forever and Always." Nico said closing his eyes as I held my breath as the heart monitor flatlined

Malachi and Willow escorted me out of the room as I cried and begged to stay with him. If he wasn't going to make it, then I wanted to be by his side. No matter how much it hurt.

Malachi rushed to Nico and started to feel around for anything out of the ordinary while Evie ordered him around. He was grabbing things as Nico was deathly still. I was moved so I couldn't see anymore.

He was dying and I couldn't even be with him. It's not fair. This is my fault. It's all my fault. If I had just asked for me to carry them or something like that this wouldn't have happened to him.

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