Botw Group Chat (But sometime...

By ForestDrawsTrash

49.7K 345 1.5K

RR17: I'm gonna add Link, Zelda, Revali, Urbosa, Mipha, and Daruk to the group chat! I will face them with so... More

Group Chat
Food Choices
Da Internet trouble
Noble Pursuits anyone???
Serious Murder Mystery
Two small guardians
A new member
The Trapped Champions
90% Despair and 10% hope
A Deal
The One to Sacrifice
Champions vs Astor's Allies
Sorry guys
Blue Feathers of a Hero
Listen up
Group Chatting Again
One lie, and two truth
Strong Secrets
The Couple vs the Drunk Squad
Angry Little Princess
New couple????
They "all" went to the beach
Clash of the Two Rivals
Clash of the Two Rivals pt2
What ACTUALLY Happened in the Last Part
Mipha the Zora Princess
Daruk the Goron Hero
Revali the Rito Warrior
Urbosa the Geurdo Chief
The Battle Between Two Robots
The Final Battle
FuNnY pArTs CoMmInG uP
Why did I even make this
Lots O' Dares
Lots O' Dares pt2
1k Views Special!!!!
Changing Villages
Changing Villages pt2
Le Teletransportarse
Horse Back Riding..........for a whole day
Happy Birthday Gamemaster-Kel!
Maybe Revali's A Nice Guy
Who's Sans?
Total Randomness
Super Name Changing Bros. Ultimate
How to take care of a baby Bokoblin
The day before Valentine
Valentines Day but-
They All "Played" Baseball
Villains rule
Best School Ever
Totally Not A Violent Day In Hyrule
It's Been A Long Journey
Champions Try to do Something
u know wat forget about last part
Gurlz vs Boiz (stoopid version)
Dares (AGAIN)
You'll be Surprised by this Baking Show
if u see dis is da sky, run away as fast as u can
if u see dis in da sky, run away as fast as u can (another version)
IcE sKaTiNg AnD fAiLiNg :)
IcE sKaTiNg AnD fAiLiNg :) Da real version
Link's Curse :O
Link's Curse :O pt2
GANON BATTLE not serious at all
yet AGAIN DaRe'Z
Why the Hell did I even Create This
A Bucket Full of Dares.
wtf chapter

The Legend of Zelda

643 4 33
By ForestDrawsTrash

*Light flashes everywhere in Hyrule*

*Golden force field is made*

Zelda: Wait.... this was...

Mipha: You've finally awakened it, princess.

Link: ....wha.... I'm alive!?

Daruk: Yeah you are little guy, and guess what. 

*Urbosa smirks and watches Link and Zelda*

Terrako: Beep.... (Urbosa....)

*Zelda uses sealing power to finish off all of Astor's allies*


*Zelda nods*

Astor: NOOOOOO! The bloodmoon... WON'T BE STOPPED!!!!

Zelda: Astor, it will be stopped, and it must be. We'll never rest until the bloodmoon is ended.

Astor: Grrr..... Then, TAKE THIS! 500 GOLDEN LYNELS!

*Astor points out as Golden Lynels shoot bomb arrows at the champions*

*Zelda blocks it with sealing force field*

Zelda: No. Even with lots of strong allies, it will NOT beat us. You heard that everyone. Let us show them what we're made of!

Daruk: LET'S GO!!!!

Astor: Lynels and other monsters. LET THE WORLD FALL IN MY KNEES!

*Champions and Monsters clash*

Link: With Zelda having the sealing power, there's no way we can lose.

Urbosa: That's probably what Revali wanted us to think of, Link.

Mipha: We'll handle the monsters princess! Finish off Astor!

Zelda: Alright Mipha. I'll go.

Daruk: Just be careful princess, we don't want you dead at the end.

Zelda: Don't worry. 

Terrako: Bop Beep! Boop Bopoop! (Hey princess! I'm coming!)

Astor: NO. I WON'T LET YOU KILL ME.  I....I will use part of my army to kill YOU now.

Zelda: Astor. We won't give up until we die or we win. The smart move right now is to flee and never come back.

Astor: If you would say, then I would use my ultimate weapon. Harbinger! Come here!

*Harbinger comes*

Astor: Let's see how you resist THIS!

Terrako: Beep! Boop Bop Beep Boop Bop, Bep Boop Booop! (Princess! I'll handle this guy, so follow Astor!)

Harbinger: Terrako! Don't you dare to say a word. I, the great Harbinger, shall destroy you! 

Terrako: Boop Beep BOOP! (Run princess RUN!)

Zelda: Terrako!

Harbinger: Now it's time to start the fight.

Meanwhile for the champions......

Link: Everyone! How are you doing!

*Link slash's the darkness sealing sword at a Lynel*

Mipha: I'm doing fine Link. Except, maybe a little few cuts.

Urbosa: I'm doing absolutely fine. No scars, nor scratch.

Daruk: I'm always tackling with my protection power. I'm doing totally fine!

Link: Good. Because Right there I see a lot of Hinox and Talus coming here!

Daruk: Ugh.....

*Mipha uses her trident to attack the few hundreds of Lizafos who is swimming*

*Urbosa strikes lightning at the Yiga clans who's getting summoned*

*Daruk uses Boulder Breaker to defeat several Taluses*

*Link slashes his sword and instantly defeats two hundred golden bokoblins*

Link: Alright, we're doing absolutely fine! 

Meanwhile for Terrako and Harbinger.....

*Terrako gets out a guardian axe and guardian knife*

Harbinger: Weaklings. I am stronger in every point of fighting ability of yours Terrako.

Terrako: Beep Boop Bop? (How about speed?)

Harbinger: Grr...

*Terrako Slashes Harbinger several times with a guardian knife*

Harbinger: Weak...

*Harbinger shoots a guardian laser beam at Terrako, and Terrako barely escapes*

Terrako: Beep Boop Bop Bepp. (Now it's my turn)

*Terrako charges a guardian lease beam while dodging several attacks from Harbinger Ganon*

Terrako: BEEP! (NOW!)

*Harbinger dodges the beam*

Harbinger: That was close 'pal'.

*Harbinger launches dark magic at Terrako*

*Terrako got hit by one, but dodges every other*

Terrako: Beep.... (Ugh....)

*Terrako pretends to run away*

Harbinger: SCRAM!

*Terrako suddenly appears behind Harbinger*

Terrako: Beep Boop Bopoop! (Hey there Harbinger!)

Harbinger: NOOO!

Meanwhile for Zelda and Astor.....

Zelda: Now there's now where to run Astor.

Astor: Fine... I'll fight!

*Astor releases a lot of Dark Malice beams*

*Zelda Barely dodges all of them*

*Zelda uses the light bow and tries to shoot Astor several times*

*One hits Astor*

Astor: Aaagh!

Astor: Now it's my turn...

*Astor releases Dark orbs at Zelda*

*Zelda dodges all of them easily*

Zelda: Is that all you've got?

*Astor suddenly appears behind Zelda*

Astor: Got overly confident Zelda?

*Astor releases dark magic attacks*

Zelda: Aaagh!

Astor: Gahaha! Fool!

*Zelda releases full power of the Triforce*

Zelda: No. I will not lose Astor. At least, not to you.

Astor: NOOOOO! I... WILL... NOT.... LOSE!!!!!!

*Astor creates a barrier*

Astor: Now.... I will show you all.... the TRUE POWER OF THE BLOODMOON!!!!

Zelda: !!!!

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