Always, Alice

By WinterSkiesOfficial

5.2K 160 46

Harry leaned in closer to her, his eyes moving down from her eyes to her lips as a loose curl fell effortless... More

Mr Styles
Gingerbread Lattes
First Day Nerves
Music and Wine
Just Passing By
Your So Lovely
Girls Night In
Snow Day
Tuesday Blues
Games Night
Nerves Are Good
Sequins and Glitter
Big Smiles Everyone
Christmas Eve
Two Hearts
New Years Eve
Come With Me
The Prince & The Princess
She Might Wait
Don't Look So Nervous


188 8 0
By WinterSkiesOfficial

Grabbing his bag from the boot of the car, Harry made his way over to the football pitch. The fresh Autumnal air was cold through his light jacket and shorts but he knew he would soon warm up. His ears were already cold and he regretted the hairband he had pushed into his hair to keep it off his face instead of bringing a hat. Even after living in Scotland for a year or so, the cold Scottish nights always caught him off guard.

Over on the pitch he could see Niall kicking a ball against a wall at the far side - his best friend who could cheer up anyone at any time with his bright cheery smile. They had known each other since high school, meeting on their very first day and had been inseparable ever since. Niall had moved from their town down in England up to Scotland for Uni and had decided to stay after falling in love with the calm and quiet country life. When Harry had decided he needed a fresh start, Niall had invited him up to stay with him for a while - stating that a little Scottish countryside could make anyone feel better and Harry had been here ever since.

'Hey mate,' Niall shouted when he spotted Harry crossing over the field. He started sprinting towards him and before Harry knew it Niall had wrapped his arms around his best mate and gave him the biggest hug.

'Hey,' Harry laughed, 'Missed me then?,'

'So much mate, you've been MIA for like three weeks,' replied Niall, finally letting Harry go, patting him roughly on the shoulder and turning to head back over to where he had left the football.

'I know, sorry man - it's been a busy time.' Harry said, picking his bag up and heading over to the side of the pitch before throwing the bag and himself down, rummaging around inside for his boots.

The week before starting his new job at the school Harry had been thinking of moving back down the road. No jobs had popped up recently, he was in a house that he wouldn't be able to afford much longer if he didn't get a job, and he was struggling to come to any other conclusion. He had kept himself hidden away, trying to come up with a game plan. Thank goodness the school had popped up the ad that night, he didn't want to leave this area and would have tried anything to be able to stay.

'How's the new job then?' asked Niall, picking the ball up under his arm and plonking himself down next to where Harry was sitting.

'Good - yeah, the first two weeks have gone pretty smoothly,' Harry began, lacing up his boots and casting his mind over the past couple of weeks and smiling to himself. 'My class are brilliant, loads of little characters to keep me on my toes,'

'I've heard it's a good school - couldn't have worked out better for you really,' Niall said, taking a sip from his water bottle.

'I know, good things come to those who wait eh,' Harry said, finishing lacing up his boots and standing up to stretch, reaching down to his toes before reaching high up into the sky.

'They certainly do,' Niall replied, standing up and stretching his arms above his head too. 'Cmon, let's have a kick about.'

As often as they could, Harry and Niall would meet up at the pitch after they both finished work. It was their favorite way of letting off steam, getting in some practice and being able to natter away to one another without anyone else around. They would always jog a couple of laps round the pitch to warm up before passing the ball between them, putting the world to rights and enjoying having the pitch all to themselves usually.

'Honestly man, some of the stories the kids write in the journals, I could make children's books out of them,' said Harry as he steadied his breathing, jogging next to Niall - his friend with the never ending energy.

'Maybe that's a future money maker for you,' laughed Niall, 'I'll do the drawings,'. Harry laughed out loud causing Niall to give him a sly punch in the arm for mocking him. He ran away before Harry could retaliate, 'I'm a stick man artist I'll have you know,' he shouted.

After warming up they passed the ball between them for a good while, catching up with one another's news and Harry shared stories of his first couple of weeks in the new job. For a while they enjoyed it but after about half an hour, it was getting far too cold no matter how much they moved themselves about.

Having packed up their things they walked across the field together towards their cars. All night Harry had been thinking about one thing in particular, one person who was circling through his mind. He wanted to talk to Niall about her, Niall was always the one he went to for advice about anything in his life - especially when it came to this kind of thing. Harry felt nervous though, he hadn't spoken to anyone about her yet. Perhaps it had something to do with the shit show that was his last relationship and the mess he had been when he first moved up here. However, Alice was so different - she had such a wonderful aura around her that Harry had found himself drawn too since the moment he met her.

Taking a deep breath as they approached their cars - having taken in nothing Niall had been chatting about, he decided to spill his ongoing thoughts.

'So, I work with this girl,' Harry started and Niall's ears immediately perked up, a smile spreading across his rosy cheeked face. The cold was starting to turn both of their noses red and Harry was dreaming already of the heaters blasting in his car on the way home.

'Ooooh, is she hot?' Niall giggled.

'Niall,' Harry groaned as Niall opened the boot of his and they both perched themselves on the edge of it. After a few moments Harry began to chat again.

'She's really nice, I invited her over for dinner last weekend,' he said shyly.

'Aye?,' replied Niall, 'Wow, you work fast mate,'. Niall turned to look at Harry when he didn't reply and noticed Harry sitting in a daze looking straight ahead at the empty car park.

He was lost in his thoughts, remembering the first kiss Alice and him had shared last week, how much he had wanted to kiss her and how relieved he was when she had let him. Her lips had felt so warm against his, a shiver running up his spine when their hands had started to explore one another.

'I just - I don't know,' Harry didn't even know what he was trying to say. 'She's cool.'

'Do I get to know her name?' Niall said, nudging Harry with his elbow, trying to encourage his friend to keep chatting about her - Niall could always tell when Harry needed to talk things out.

'Alice - she works in my class. We work really well together, we just clicked,' Harry smiled, thinking about Alice's beautiful smile as he did.

'I just hope she's a million times better than she who shall not be named back home,' Niall said, taking a sip from his water bottle before starting to unlace his boots.

'God I know - I was so stupid,' Harry replied sadly.

A few years back Harry had fallen head over heels for a girl back home. She was his first love, someone who he had pined after for so long that he couldn't believe his luck when she had agreed to go out with him. Everything had seemed fine until about eight months in and they moved in together. She became controlling, not allowing Harry to hang out with his family and friends as much as he wanted and making him feel guilty if he did. She made him spend money on her, money he didn't really have but never wanted to let her down. Harry had to deal with her barely working - but trying to live the lifestyle of a Beverly Hills Housewife and him fitting all the bills.

He gave her everything he could but it was never enough for her. She had left him for a richer, older man. Harry could see now the mess he had been in and that her leaving, although it had been painful, had been a blessing in disguise.

'Well I say go for it man, if you like her and she's nice then I can't wait to meet her,' Niall said, having removed his boots and socks by now and slipping on his converse. Harry was doing the same but at a much slower pace, still going over things in his head.

'I've only known her for just over two weeks,' he sighed. 'I honestly can't get her out of my head - and when I'm with her it's just, I dunno, it's good - it's different,'.

'Sounds like your falling for her mate,' Niall giggled, grabbing Harry suddenly in a head lock and ruffling his hair.

'Heyyyyy,' Harry groaned, trying not to laugh and struggling to get himself free from Nialls grip.

'Look mate, you know how much of a shit show your last relationship was, I'm sure you would know if this Alice was a riot like the last one,' Niall said, having let go of Harry and throwing his bag in the back of his car. 'If signals appear, then bail, but I say go for it - you deserve a fresh start in all aspects of your life,' he smiled.

'Thanks mate,' Harry said, Niall always knowing what to say to make him feel better.

'Now come on, you go get the beers, I'll grab the pizzas and we'll meet back at mine for a Fifa Friday. How does that sound?' Niall then said and Harry felt a smile spread across his face - that was exactly what he needed. 

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