Loki And The Thief

By Sigynista

116K 4K 883

[EXPLICIT] You never expected to be thrown from your home earth, to Asgard. Not only do you fight for surviva... More

Be careful what you wish for...
Stolen Comforts
Walking On Broken Glass
An Apple A Day...
If The Ring Fits...
Next to Godliness.
A Room With A View
Eager to Please...
A Little Night Music
A Mortals Place
Lethe's Bramble Pt2
God Stock
The Deal
Bad Girl
The Chase
Fever Struck
The Unwelcome Guest
Matters Of The Heart...
Gods and Monsters
The Freeze
Morning Delights
Deals Made
What is lost
The Ebony Blade
Split Apart
Journey Pains
Shrouded in Darkness
Break Out pt 1
Break Out Pt 2
True Self
True Self Pt2
The Wager
Springs and Waterfalls
Pied Piper
Happy Ever After?
The Next Part Is Out!!

Lethe's Bramble Pt 1

3K 91 21
By Sigynista

Y/N staggered out of the ball room. Heimdalls words echoed...

'You must know that no union could ever be.'

Tears streaming down her face in pain, pain that burned in her chest.

She got back to the room and sat on bed. Thinking for a moment of what she was to do. She knew that she couldn't just leave. She knew he would follow her.

She had to break his heart now to save his future.

She quickly cleaned herself up. and got changed into the clothing she came in. She wanted to leave with nothing that Loki had gifted.

Pacing the room, she waited. She took a glass of wine, and got ready for what she was going to say.

She lay back on the bed. Looking up now at the mural, she wished she were in Hel.

A few minuets later in walked Loki.

'There you are! I have been searching for you everywhere!' He walked up to her picked her up and span her around. She held on to him tightly, savouring those moments.

He brought her forward and to kiss her.

It's now or never...

'Loki, stop. We need to talk. '

He paused and looked at her confused. Never did he think she would refuse one.of his kisses.

'Us? It can't happen. It can't keep happening.'

'Whats wrong? Of course it can.'

'No, Loki. What I am doing is unfair. To you and to your future.' Y/N touched his face tenderly.

'You are here. We can go anywhere do anything. I know there are risks. But I have prepared for everything, nothing can hurt us. And now that I know you love me-'

But Y/N cut him off. She took a deep breath. 'I don't.'

He looked at her now confused, tears welling in his eyes.


'Love you. I don't Love you.' She felt herself weaken almost when she saw his face falter at her words. 'You said where ever you were you wanted me there. And that is too cruel a fate. Go live your life. Live it without me, because there is no place in this world for us in it together.' She tried to smile to spare her own feelings, she really wanted him to not love her. 'Fill your heart with love for someone else. Someone who can love you the way-' she took a deep breath in 'I never have. The way I never will.'

She looked at him, one solitary tear was falling down his face. She walked away and headed for the door. Her eyes began to stream and her heart screamed in agony.

He stood still not wishing to move. He was truly heartbroken.

Walking out of the Palace she saw Mary Owen. 'Y/N where are you going? Why are you leaving?'

'Oh Mary, I can't.' Y/N broke down 'I have to go, I can't be here.'

'Where is he? What happened?' Mary began looking for Loki.

'I lost him.' Y/N smiled sadly.

Mary hugged Y/N 'oh my dear, my dear girl I am sorry. Go now. I will meet you later.' Mary held tight to her hand 'We will get through this my girl, Mark my words.'

As Y/n staggered outside she began to run to the forrest, through the crowds of Asgardians enjoying their celebrations. All the while from his tower Loki watched her run into the deep woods.


Two weeks later, Loki POV.

It had been two weeks since Y/n had left the Palace. Two weeks of not being able to eat or sleep. Every night his bed felt empty without her there. His heart aching with grief of a lost love.

Frigg had noticed the change within him. She could not rouse him from his deep sadness no matter what she did.

'What is wrong my son, I have never seen you so weary. Even as a child you had never been so deep in despair.'

'She is gone.' He sighed. Head in his hands. He couldn't even bare to speak her name.

'You mean the young woman from the celebrations.' Frigg smiled, she noticed the young woman and Loki's fondess for her. She even had to take Thor aside to tell him to back down from his petty jealousy.

'You know? But how?' Loki looked to her for answers.

' I saw her leaving the Palace distressed. I have never seen a woman so distraught. What happened Loki? What drove you apart?'

Loki told her how she had broken his heart, the words she had said.

'But this makes no sense at all,' Frigg said confused 'That woman was fine until her conversation with Heimdall.'

Loki's ears pricked up at this.

'Heimdall? She was speaking with him?'

'I saw them briefly outside, greeting like old friends. There was a conversation and that was when she left. I had no idea there was something amiss?'

Loki stood, fists clenched. Heimdall, interfering bastard. He was not about to let this go unpunished. He rose, and Frigg attempted to stop him.

He walked to the bifrost, armour clad and spear in hand. He meant to kill Heimdall for his insolence.

'Greetings Loki, how may I help-' loki gor the first strike.

'What in the name of the allfather have you done?' Loki seethed bringing the spear to his throat.

'What do you mean? I have done nothing!' Rose Heimdall and he brought his fist into Loki's torso knocking the wind out of him.

'You, you made Y/N leave me, you meddled in my heart in our affairs.' Loki began throwing puches now, unloading mighty blows across his head.

'It was not I Loki, I haven't seen Y/N in over a year! How do you even know her? What is going on?'

'Do not lie, why even Frigg saw you at the spring celebrations outside talking.'

Thor swooped in landing a blow to Loki's head.

'Brother stop, what are you doing? Heimdall are you okay?' Thor offered his hand to Heimdall who happily took it.

'Loki, it was not I. It could not have been. I was here, I am not permitted to leave the Bifrost unprotected.'

Loki seethed in anger.
'Who was it then?'


Y/N had taken great pains to avoid Loki at all costs, including moving her camp to the other side of the woods.

She had avoided the towns and kept her distance from Mary Owen for now. But still the pain with of how she left things with Loki still burned.

Morning, noon, and night she thought of nothing but him. But she knew this could never be.

One morning, she walked to the clearing where Loki and she had stopped. She remembered how caring and gentle he had been ensuring she didn't go hungry. She remembered the way he looked at her and the electricity she had felt between them. How he had held her in his arms and made her feel strong and helpless all at the same time.

'Hello dearie, are you well?' She heard a voice from behind the trees. Brokkr stepped out with his sickening grin.

'What do you want?' Y/N grimaced

'To ease your pain, you poor sweet child. I can sense a deal ready to be struck.'
He reassured her and she actually believed him

'I  cannot send you home but maybe some comfort is in order? You are just a mortal. A fleeting life on Asgard. It does not deserve to be spent in pain. I wish to rid you of this pain for good.'


'Quid pro quo my dear. I do things for you, if you do things for me. But tell me first, what is it that ails you?

'A broken heart.' She said shakily, trying not to let the tears fall.

'Well I am sorry dear, I can't make them fall in love with you.' He moved to leave, but Y/N stopped him.

'No, it's not that... I want to forget. I want to erase it.'

He looked at her now with much interest. 'Well, my dear. This can be done. But I need something from you.
I need you to travel to the river of Lethe. And I want you to collect me a bottle of water.' He tossed over the empty bottle.

'That is all? You want water?' Brokkr was of course always involved in dodgy deals and bargains there had to be more to it than that.

'The water is particularly powerful. One sip from it, will put the drinker into oblivion. Many have floated off to the afterlife down that river. Or some form of it.'
Brokkr trailed off not wishing to scare her away. But Y/N stood steadfast.

'So what you mean is I could die?' Y/N didn't mince her words, life was too short not to say what you mean.

'In short yeah...' he grinned.

Y/N picked up her bag preparing to leave. 'I'll do it.'

Brokkr stepped back surprised at her response. 'Are you sure?'

She straightened, a pained expression on her face. 'Either way, my pain will be eased. Isn't that what I want?'

Brokkr laughed 'very well my dear, get me the water and I will ensure you pain is eased.'


'He never said it would be a mountain I would have to climb.' Y/N huffed as she climbed rocky terrain. The mountain was misty and the air filled with water. It smelled damp and craggy as she made her way to the river, she noticed the only this that grew was a bramble and nothing more. The water looked quiet and still.

She took the bottle and went to fill it with the rivers contents when she saw the figure of a man with purple eyes like the bramble stood in the water. He was incredibly handsome like none she had ever seen.

'Sweet lady, why do you stoop so to forget. Come into my arms and I shall ease your mind.'

Yeah right.

'Listen buddy, I know exactly what you are. You're a siren of some sort. I'm sorry but you're magic doesn't work on me.'

The siren, or triton as you may call it bowed down to the river. He cupped the water and showered himself in it. All of a sudden it was Loki.

'Loki!? What, what are you doing here?' She gasped almost dropping the bottle. She looked closer, its eyes were still purple like the brambles flowers.

'You're not real. This is not real.' She sighed heavily. The figure walked closer.

'Why bother with reality,' it said in Loki's sweet voice, 'when you can have me however, and whenever you want?'

Y/N backed away. 'No, it's not real, I know what you are...' the figure tilted up her head and leaned in the kiss her.

Suddenly Y/N could see old memories of hers being drawn away, her body becoming limp as he kissed her.

Suddenly Y/N pushed him away, 'no, this is not real it never can be or will. I dont want to be with him if it can't be real.'

The monster changed and became vicious. 'Congratulations little thief, you are the first to resist.'

He grabbed her and forced her head under the water. Struggling she pushed up her head and gasped for air but was immediately plunged back under. The monster span her around to look at her, to watch the life drain from her.

Quickly, she took out her daggers into its side and it fell, lifeless. It turned from Loki into a sallow dark eyed creature with a fused mouth.
The sight of it knocked her sick as she gathered the water she needed to hand to Brokkr.

Kicking the lifeless body of the siren into the river she made her way back down the mountain.
Lokis POV

Loki made his way through the forrest at a hurried pace, tracking through the brush. He thought of what he was going to say to Y/N and how he would convince her that they were meant to be together.

He saw a hooded figure walking through the trees.

'Y/N! STOP!' He shouted desperately, the figure froze and turned. It was the cook, Mary.

'You, you are from the Palace. What are you doing here?' He walked forward, demanding to know her purpose.

'I came to find Y/N, she never returned.' She said staunchly. She didn't seem to care about Loki's position or power.

'Then I will find her. I will always find her. And I will convince her we belong together, I will fight for her.' Loki turned to leave and continue his journey.

'It won't be much of a fight.' said Mary

'What are you talking about?' He demanded turning back his feet fixed.

'Y/N wants to be with you more than anything.' Mary looked at him now like he were dumb. 'She is deeply in love with you. And you broke her heart. She told me that she had lost you.'

'Do not toy wit me, Y/N told me she could not be with me because she didn't love me.'

Mary's eyes widened in realisation.

'She left here to avoid your gaze because she loves you, her heart was broken. Something broke her heart.'

'Or someone...' he drifted thinking about Heimdall. If it wasn't him then who?


'Brokkr? Are you here?' Y/n called out into the woods.
The woods were earilly quiet and still, the air heavy.

'Hello.' Brokkr walked forward in all his swagger was nauseating.

'Did you get what I asked for?' Before he had even finished Y/N handed him the bottle and he laughed with joy.

'Now keep your end of the bargain. Take away my pain.' She closed her eyes ready to receive her reward.

'It doesn't quite work like that.' He plucked a hair from her head and she
Protested with a small shriek at the pain from the hair being ripped from her. 'What the hell?!'

'Not every love is alike. It has to be personalised.' He dipped the hair into the water, and it glowed purple.

'So if I drink that, I will no longer love him?' She asked hopefully.

'My girl,' he sighed 'if you drink this when you see the object of your broken heart, you won't even remember who he is. Love is the most powerful magic, so the cure must be... extream. Love haunts our dream, makes us sick, love is a weapon. Love is blood my dear running through your veins. Love kills more than anything. This for you, is a gift.

Y/n considered him for a moment, he wasn't in the habit of giving gifts.
'What is your price?' She said as he acted like it was nothing.

He looked at the hair in his fingers. But she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him.

'What would you want with my hair?'

He stuffed it in a handkerchief. 'Well whatever use is it to you now it isn't on your head?'

Fair enough...


Y/N walked back to her new campsite, and decided to rest. Part of her wanted to keep the pain, it reminded her that she was alive, that she was loved. The latter part told her to down the bottle in one. The latter half won that battle...

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