A Solangelo Child

By ElizabethMariah

53.7K 950 5.4K

I'm not very good at descriptions, so I'm sorry. This is a story about Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace. I noti... More

I'm Pregnant
Christmas Gifts Of The Century
A Baby Now???
Babies and Morning Sickness
Fear And Nightmares
Babysitting's Hard
Christmas At Mom's
Wait? What!
Anniversary's Are Fun
Being 25 Is Hard
To Camp Jupiter We Go
Telling Them
We Need To Go To The Hospital
Our Wedding
Starting The Nursery
Baby Names Or Not?
Internal Ultrasounds
I Don't Want To Go
First Kicks
Accidents Happen
Games Are For The Weak
Cleaning and Cookies
A Place To Stay
It's Okay
Baby Shower
The Babies Hurt Me! Blame Them!
I'm In Labor?
The Wedding Of Contractions
Labor Now!!!
The Light Behind Your Eyes
Meeting The Babies
What if I'm tired?
I'm Scared
First Tooth
Years Later
Author's Note/Appreciation
Book 2
Purple Psychopath

Grand Council Meeting

1.1K 25 79
By ElizabethMariah

>Time Skip<

We were getting ready to drive to the Empire State Building when something felt off.

"Is everything all right Neeks?" Will asked

"Yeah." I said "Just something doesn't feel right. Did we lock the door? I think you did."

I only had one second to think before I ran over to our bagged trash cans that sat outside. Sick I thought. I threw up. Will came over a few seconds after I did.

He was rubbing circles into my back and he was whispering soothing words into my ear. I threw up four times in total. We got into the car after I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom. It was cold in the New York air.

>At The Empire State Building<

We got to the Empire State Building and I was trembling. We went up the elevator in silence and made our way into Olympus.

I walked out with my head high even though I was afraid. All I wanted was to hold onto Will and live underground. Harmed by no one.

I reached out and locked our pinkies together. He came closer and kissed me. We were in the council room and all the gods and goddesses were sitting in their thrones. Even my father was there. Will stood in front of me protectively.

"I believe that this meeting should commence." Zeus bellowed

"Apollo if you will." Zeus said

"Okay, I gave Nico a baby that was given life by both Nico and Will while sleeping. Sperm from Will and an egg made with Nico's genetic code. This is Will's wish and I think we all agree that he deserves it after saving lives. The baby or babies will have lots of powers." Apollo stated

"It will be hard for Nico to give birth, but it will be worth it in the end. The babies will be delivered by someone maybe even Will. Depends on the weather and if it randomly snows. He will give birth differently if he chooses natural birth. Through his-." Apollo said

"Don't say it!" I hissed

"It's a rectum." Apollo said "I don't see anything wrong with that."

I just shook my head as I tried to keep my face from getting more red. Will pulled me closer to him. I didn't think it was possible to get this close to someone.

"So how is Nico pregnant?" Will asked "You didn't specify."

"Don't be mad okay. I zapped into your room when you were both sleeping and I gave Nico a shot of your sperm. I let it flow through Nico. You almost woke up. I was afraid I was going to have to knock you out. Nico's body resisted before letting me do what I needed. Don't worry. It didn't hurt him a lot. His arm may have been sore." Apollo said

"My arm was. I remember. I got up the next day. I had my flu shot the day before. I thought it was just an after affect. That was you?" I asked

"Doesn't matter. Healing, High Resistance, Unabraportation, and Umbrakiness. Many of those powers are ones you share, but we made they/them more powerful than a legacy. I know you added intangibility to your powers, so the baby or babies may have that power." Apollo said

"What would happen if I decided not to have the babies? Would they be bound to another mother?" I asked

"Yes. I can take them out right now. Give me a second." Apollo said moving in his throne

He moved his arms up and started to pull on something inside of me. I cried out grabbing onto Will's arm and he caught me supporting my weight.

My father shadow traveled to me and some floating birth goddesses put a towel under me. I was bleeding. I looked at my father with tears in my eyes. Will tried to calm me down.

He was breathing in and out slowly trying to keep me calm enough to breathe. I was freaking out. I could barely even say what I wanted to and this hurt so much.

"P-please S-stop!" I cried

"Okay. If that's what you want." Apollo said stopping whatever he was doing

Will was holding onto me and he was shushing me keeping me grounded. My entire lower half hurt like a train had run me over and I passed out in his arms.

Will's POV:

Nico passed out and fell limp in my arms. The floating goddesses backed up letting me cradle his body. He was bleeding and slowly it was stopping.

"What did you do?" I asked looking up at my father with tears in my eyes "He just asked a question."

Hades stopped the bleeding and he was breathing heavily as if trying to contain his anger. The towels under Nico turned black and then vanished. Dad didn't looked ashamed at all.

"Brother, you should know that wasn't right. Shut up and don't argue. I know you want to. I hear one word from you and I'll make sure you get it. I'll even get Hestia to help me. You know I can too." Artemis said

"Artemis...it isn't really the time-" Apollo started

"Silence." Artemis said

Artemis appeared next to me and she put her hand over Nico's forehead and he woke up. She ordered the birth goddesses to get him a chair.

She made some food appear. Nico took the food, but didn't take a bite. It just sat in front of him as he rubbed a hand over his stomach.

"Eat child." Artemis said "You need nutrients and so does the child."

Nico's POV:

I nodded and took a bite. Hestia came over at Artemis' begging. She put a blanket around me and made me feel warm again. It felt like a motherly touch.

"I didn't mean take them out. I was just asking. Thinking about how many mothers loose their babies." I said standing up and leaving the food alone

They were immediately whisked away and Artemis filled my stomach with a warm feeling. Maybe ambrosia and nectar? I couldn't tell, but it felt good.

My father sat back on his throne and didn't look at his family. Will leaned me back onto him, so I didn't have to support myself.

I held my stomach in a protective manner not letting any of the floating birth goddesses touch me at all. Will was cradling my bump too and he gave my cheek a loving peck.

"May I ask a question?" Will asked

"Speak." Hades said ignoring everyone

"Why couldn't I sense the babies when I touched him before? All I sensed was food aversion." Will asked

"It was our powers. We blocked you from seeing they/them too early. We wanted Nico to know first and decide if he was going to tell you." Apollo said

"We must go on." Artemis said "If it keeps going at this pace we will all die of boredom. Some of us can't die."

"You will have one wish. I will complete this wish." Artemis said "This is a wish made by Nico and Will has no say. It is Nico's body, so his wish."

"Whatever you want, Neeks. Anything and it will happen. I know that you will choose wisely." Will said

I nodded and Will let me move forward. I bowed at Lady Artemis. I looked at Will for reassurance and he gave me a slight nod. I looked at Lady Artemis and opened my mouth to speak.

"I have a question before I make my wish." I stated

"Go on." Father said

"How will I care for them after they are born? I will have every gift taken away. That means so will my ability to feed them." I asked

"You will feed them with bottles. Don't worry. This will be great bonding time for both Will and you." Artemis stated

"My sister isn't able to get pregnant. I was wondering if you could help her get pregnant? Maybe give her some viable eggs." I asked

"Why do you wish this of me son of Hades? You could wish for anything. Lots of money, a new house, an easy birth, or an easy pregnancy. Why use it on your sister?" Artemis asked

"Well, my lady, you are the goddess of childbirth. You can also help with pregnancies. My sister really wants a child. I love her. I want her to be happy. It's my only wish." I replied "I wish that lots of those things would come true, but I can't stand to see Hazel so sad. It breaks my heart."

"You're wish will be granted. You have a kind heart. I will do as you ask." Artemis said a smile gracing her features "It may take a bit, but it will happen."

>After the council meeting<

"If you would like I can do an ultrasound when he is 10 weeks." Artemis said

"How far along am I now?" I asked

"About 7 weeks and 2 days." Artemis said

She gave me more prenatal vitamins and she told me what to do as Will listened and asked questions that confused me, but Artemis answered them without a second thought.

"You should also try to eat some vegetables and try blueberries and no watermelon unless it is mixed with other foods. You may also want to try to do some light yoga with Will to prepare yourself for labor. Yoga may come in handy." Artemis said

"We will definitely try that. Can you see any prominent symptoms coming up or at work right now?" Will asked

I felt her stare at me and I knew she was checking me over for symptoms. I stood still and she looked at my stomach for a few seconds.

"Yes. Morning Sickness is really prevalent, some pains very light for now, some more intense pain during his second trimester and the kicking of the babies is not to far ahead. That's all I can see right now. The future is foggy, because a miscarriage can still happen." Artemis said

"Son! How are you?" Apollo asked coming over and interrupting his sister

Artemis just rolled her eyes and waited her lips pressed tightly together. Almost as if she was trying not to say anything she would regret.

"I'm doing good dad." Will said sounding a little awkward

"Lord Apollo, thank you for this blessing. We are excited." I said

"It was nothing. My son wanted it, so I gave him his wish. If anything you should go talk to Aphrodite. She said she wanted to talk to you and make you pretty or something." Apollo said

I bowed respectfully and went over to Lady Aphrodite. I don't really like her, but I don't think she's the worst goddess. That's reserved for Demeter. Then Zeus the king of the gods is the worst.

"Nico, you are glowing. Pregnancy suits you. I bet it would be nice for you to be like this all the time." Aphrodite said

"No thank you. This is hard!" I exclaimed putting a hand over my stomach

"True. I have this for you." Aphrodite said making a box appear "Open it. It's for you. Think about it like something that you should use."

I opened the box and I found a blanket. It had moments about Will and I. Our first kiss, the time Will and I went on our first date. One of my favorite pictures of Will being a dork playing the ukulele that he still can't play. Another of both of us kissing at the dock for the lake. It was so beautiful that I teared up.

"It's magical. So you can never get a stain on it, it never rips, and no germs stick to it. It will hold together as your marriage lasts. So if you two stop loving each other it will slowly rip and the images will disappear." Aphrodite said

"I-I love it." I said wiping tears off of my face

"There's a blank spot for the babies when they are born." Aphrodite said

"The spots will fill. One is for your ultrasound picture and the other for them. It will fill itself and one will be of your family together for the first time." Aphrodite said "Well, outside of your stomach."

"Nico Di Angelo, it's a pleasure." A voice behind me said

I turned around and Hestia was there. She felt warm and inviting. Like a goddess should be like. Nice and kind to demigods that don't pass her.

"You're doing well, but I think it is time to depart Olympus. Will Solace seems to be having trouble talking to Apollo and Artemis." Hestia said

"Of course. Thank you." I said bowing respectfully

Aphrodite and Hestia both nodded and I walked over to Will. He was shifting and he relaxed when I put my hand through his. I asked if we could leave and he melted at my face.

We were escorted out of the council room. When we got out of the Empire State Building, Will grabbed me and spun me around. I laughed as he kissed me. I could feel the sparks.

We had an hour to kill, so we went out for ice cream. I made the mistake of trying a spoonful of pistachio from his cup. It is his favorite, but not mine. It made me feel sick.

He tried some of my favorite. He really liked my Chocolate Chip. We had so much fun. We went to Central Park and sat at the benches. We also went to see Charlie, Percy, and Annabeth. We picked up the kids and Reyna.

"How was it with your parents?" I asked

"It was fun. Luke and Logan held Charlie. I didn't hold Charlie." Arielle said

"Why not?" I asked

"We can talk about it later." Reyna said

I nodded my head and fell asleep to the hum of the engine. My arms wrapped protectively around my stomach and our little angel(s).

Will's POV:

Nico fell asleep and I looked back at Arielle. She was leaning against the window. Logan sat in his car seat and Luke sat in the very back in his seat. I drove us home.

Arielle got out quickly and toyed with her hair. I noticed she did that a little bit more. I gently shook Nico awake and he rubbed his eyes.

"We're home sweetie." I said

"Okay." Nico said as he got of the car

I opened the front door and everyone went inside.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" I asked everyone

"We can always do leftovers from Christmas breakfast or we can make some chicken that was supposed to be for dinner yesterday." Nico suggested "Do you kids want that?"

"Yeah. The second sounds good. We all like chicken." Arielle said

I looked at Luke and Logan and they were nodding.

"I'll make dinner. I like chicken." Nico said

"Are you going to reheat it?" I asked

"Yeah why?" Nico asked confusion clear on his face

"You can't eat that. It could hurt the baby. You have to avoid it. I'm sorry that you can't eat that." I said

Nico looked at me with his mouth open. I felt terrible. I know how much he liked chicken and especially this one. I must have looked pretty pathetic, because Nico started to laugh.

"I will give up anything if it means that our baby or babies are healthy. I will give up Italian food, chocolate, fighting, and coffee. Anything no matter how much it hurts." Nico said

I smiled and kissed him. He blushed a little and turned back to the dinner. He had already given up so much. I love him. He was willing to do anything.

I wrapped my arms around him and swayed as he made dinner. He made dinner for everyone and then made himself some vegetables.

Everyone ate and poked fun at each other. We talked about upcoming trips and our friends. We laughed at old stories. We went out into the living room. I was going to sit next to Nico, but Luke and Logan laid right next to him.

"Will you please move? I want to sit next to Uncle Nico." I said

Luke and Logan both snuggled closer to Nico.

"Sorry. The kids already are claimed this spot. We can snuggle tonight before bed." Nico said raising his eyebrows

I nodded my head and sat next to Arielle. She was on her phone writing something. When I asked she blew me off and moved so I couldn't see her phone. After a little while, Luke and Logan had both fallen asleep on the couch. Both were leaning on Nico. Nico was listening to Reyna while laughing.

I laughed and watched Nico. Luke stirred and Nico went still. He rubbed Luke's shoulder and Luke moved closer to Nico. I picked Luke up and put him in my spot. I kissed Nico's stomach and looked up at him. He was blushing as Reyna tried not to laugh at him.

Arielle said goodnight and went upstairs after we started to talk about babies and the fact that Percy and Annabeth would be grandparents in quite a few years. Also the fact that we could call them grandma and grandpa.

She carried Luke upstairs and we heard her close the bedroom door. I had to go to the bathroom and I excused myself. When I came back out, Reyna and Nico were both watching as Logan stirred in his sleep.

"What happened to Arielle?" I asked

"I don't know. Something happened though. She wouldn't hold Charlie and she looked at Annabeth as if she had broken her trust." Reyna said

We talked for a little bit before Nico got tired. He lifted Logan and brought him to the stairs. I took Logan out of Nico's arms and walked upstairs. Nico and I both put Logan down and went into our room. Nico turned around wrapped his arms around me. We both kissed and cuddled together. I wrapped my arms around him and we both fell asleep. It was a really exhausting day, but it was amazing.

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