A Solangelo Child

By ElizabethMariah

53.7K 950 5.4K

I'm not very good at descriptions, so I'm sorry. This is a story about Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace. I noti... More

I'm Pregnant
Christmas Gifts Of The Century
A Baby Now???
Babies and Morning Sickness
Fear And Nightmares
Grand Council Meeting
Christmas At Mom's
Wait? What!
Anniversary's Are Fun
Being 25 Is Hard
To Camp Jupiter We Go
Telling Them
We Need To Go To The Hospital
Our Wedding
Starting The Nursery
Baby Names Or Not?
Internal Ultrasounds
I Don't Want To Go
First Kicks
Accidents Happen
Games Are For The Weak
Cleaning and Cookies
A Place To Stay
It's Okay
Baby Shower
The Babies Hurt Me! Blame Them!
I'm In Labor?
The Wedding Of Contractions
Labor Now!!!
The Light Behind Your Eyes
Meeting The Babies
What if I'm tired?
I'm Scared
First Tooth
Years Later
Author's Note/Appreciation
Book 2
Purple Psychopath

Babysitting's Hard

1.5K 28 198
By ElizabethMariah

>The Next Day<

I got up at 5:30 am feeling sick. I went into our bathroom and I threw up in the toilet. I barely made it. After throwing up for a few more minutes, Will walked in. He sat down next to me and rubbed my back telling me to let it all out. We sat in the bathroom for about 20 minutes in all.

I dry heaved a few more times and sat on the tile as Will wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I brushed my teeth and Will and I heard the slider close. He put his hand over my stomach and I saw his hand curved a little. He seemed fascinated as he put his hand around my stomach. Who's awake now?

Will and I went downstairs with our weapons in hand. He was covering my side while I held my sword above my bump. Arielle was sitting outside near our pool. The pool had no water in it. It was floating above her as she let it rain down into the pool again. Will told me to stay inside and make something to eat while he talked to Arielle.

Will's POV:

"Hey. How are you doing?" I asked

"Fine." She replied

"Why are you out here so early?" I asked

"I get up this early, because it is the only time I have to myself. With nobody bothering me or telling me what to do." She said

"Oh. Sorry for bothering you. Come inside when you are done. You can swim if you want." I said "Nico has a girls bathing suit that may fit you. It was given to him as a joke by your father, Uncle Jason, and Uncle Leo."

She gave me a small smile and we went inside. I grabbed the black bathing suit and gave it to her. She tried it on and it was a perfect fit. She dove perfectly into the pool. She made no splash.

If I tried to do that it wouldn't end well. She did laps and practiced her diving and standing on waves. Lower so the neighbors couldn't see her. I went inside to eat with Nico. He wasn't in the kitchen or the dining room. Then I heard it. Nico was all I could think as I ran up the stairs two at a time.

Nico's POV:

I stayed inside to make breakfast. I didn't know what I wanted, but I wanted food. I grabbed some water and drank a cup of water. Will would make some food and I could have some of that.

Ever since I had started getting morning sickness, I would eat some of Will's food. He would feed me some food and I would eat it off his fork. I heard some crying coming from upstairs, so I went to check on the boys first. Logan was sitting up and crying. I came in and sat next to him on the little cot he was sleeping on.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I-I had a n-nightmare. I w-was being c-chased b-by daddy a-and momma w-was telling me to k-keep run-running and n-not look back. She and d-daddy were b-behind us. M-Momma d-didn't make i-it back to me." Logan said crying the entire time "O-only Arielle w-was with me."

I looked at him. Just like me he had seen a terrible thing. He shouldn't have to witness the early death of his mom. I pulled him into my lap. Luke was still snoring and still very asleep. I started to quietly talk into Logan's ear.

"It's okay. I know nightmares can be scary, but I will protect you and your momma. I don't want either one of you to be hurt." I whispered "Especially since I am Charlie's godfather. I'll protect your mommy."

I stroked Logan's cheek and rocked him slightly. He was still breathing heavily, but he had calmed down some. He curled closer to me and I held him. He was sniffling and I held him tight. I can't do anything more. It won't help.

"C-can I see momma? I want to see momma." Logan said still breathing heavily

"You can't see momma yet. It's still early and she needs to sleep. You can see her later today." I heard someone say from the doorway

I didn't know it was Will, so I wrapped shadows around the person. I clutched Logan close and moved on the bed. Will smiled and I let the shadows fall. Will sat next to me on the little cot. I laid Logan down.

"Go to sleep. We will make breakfast when you wake up again. It is really early in the morning." I said "Uncle Will and I will stay in here until you fall asleep."

Logan smiled and Will sang to him. It was a beautiful song that made my body relax. Logan smiled in his sleep and started to drool on the pillow. We went back downstairs hand in hand. He led me and I kept our fingers linked.

"What are you going to eat?" I asked

"I was thinking maybe French toast and eggs." Will replied

I smiled at the thought. Maybe it was our baby or babies talking, but that is really what I wanted.  I patted my stomach lightly thinking about it. I want something else too. Maybe a banana too?

"Can I have that too?" I asked "And a banana?"

"Of course. Anything for my favorite people." Will said

Will made me breakfast. He set the plate down in front of me and one at his place. He grabbed the syrup and some coffee fresh out of the pot. He put a cup of tea in front of me and he kissed my head as he sat down.

"Did you take your prenatal vitamins?" Will asked

I shook my head no.

"Why not?" Will asked

"I'm going to take the vitamins when Logan takes his allergy medicine. It may make it easier on us." I said "He thinks we are cool still."

Will nodded and we both started to eat.

"Do you have a bathroom I can take a shower in?" Arielle asked when she came back in

"Yeah. You can use the guest or the master. Whatever you want." Will said

I could hear her walk into the guest bathroom. We started to make toast and eggs for Arielle and the others that were awake. Will put butter and jam on the table and we put out four plates. We had made four pieces of toast and some scrambled eggs.

We walked upstairs and Reyna was already up and dressed. She was reading a Harry Potter book in Latin. She smiled when we mentioned food and nodded as we walked into the boys room. Luke was just waking up, but Logan was still sleeping. We let him sleep.

"Do you want to come eat breakfast?" I asked whispering

"Yeah." Luke said and jumped out of bed

We walked downstairs together and Reyna and Luke sat down. We put some eggs and toast on their plates.

"Just tell me if you want more. We have more than enough." I said and Will nodded in agreement

Arielle came downstairs dressed and sat at the table. We gave her food.

"You should sit down. I think the baby needs rest." Will said patting my stomach lightly

I nodded and sat down in an empty seat. We all sat waiting for Logan to get up. We talked and laughed. We said what we were going to do all day.

"Are you excited about being able to hold your baby  when the baby comes?" Arielle asked "That's my favorite part of a baby. You can see the wonder and life in their eyes. It's magical."

"Of course." I said "I love them so much already and I can't wait until I can hold them and make them feel loved."

"I don't think I would be a great mom. It is a lot of work and most kids don't really like me." Arielle said "They seem to cry a lot when I come near them."

"You will make a great mom someday. The baby you have will love you and you will love them. You would be a great mom and Aunt." I said

"Yeah. If I cou-want to be a mom." Arielle said

Will's POV:

"Are you excited about being able to hold your baby or babies when they come?" Arielle asked "That's my favorite part of a baby. You can see the wonder and life in their eyes. It's magical."

Arielle had a longing look on her face. She was probably thinking about holding her sibling. She touched her stomach and got sort of quiet. She ate a bite, but didn't look as excited to not have to make her own breakfast.

"Of course." Nico said "I love they/them so much already and I can't wait until I can hold they/them and make they/them feel loved."

I smiled at what he said as he unconsciously rubbed his stomach carefully. Nico really was the best. Logan came downstairs and Nico watched him in fear of him falling. He already had that motherly instinct. He had shown that when he comforted Logan.

"I don't think I would be a great mom. It is a lot of work and most kids don't really like me." Arielle said "They seem to cry a lot when I come near them."

"You will make a great mom someday. The baby you have will love you and you will love them. You would be a great mom and Aunt." Nico said

"Yeah. If I cou-want to be a mom." Arielle said

I nodded my head. Arielle seemed a little bit off. She was probably just thinking about how she was going to be a mom later in life. She was already so good with her siblings and she never complained when she had to watch them. Nico got up and started making the eggs and toast. I helped Logan onto our chairs and took the bread out of the toaster. I put the toast on Logan's plate and spread some jam on it.

"Okay. Time to take your allergy medicine." Nico said

He grabbed the medicine and gave the chewy gummy to Logan. Logan pushed his hand away.

"No." Logan said firmly

"Look Logan. I have to take stuff too. For the babies." Nico said

He made a big show of using water to swallow a pill. Logan nodded and chewed his gummy. Nico took the rest of his prenatal vitamins and swallowed them.

"Uncle Will? Will you come help me?" Luke called from upstairs

I went upstairs to go help Luke. I really wished I had stayed downstairs with Nico. Maybe what happened could have been prevented or at least helped.

Nico's POV:

"Uncle Will? Will you come help me?" Luke called from upstairs

Will walked upstairs to help Luke. I cut up Logan's toast and put eggs on his plate. I went upstairs and asked Reyna to watch the kids. I went to the bathroom and got dressed. When I came back down, Arielle sat at the table looking at her phone. Probably talking to someone.

Reyna gave me her plate and went upstairs after saying thank you. I grabbed the plates from off the table. Jam and egg had mixed together on Luke's plate. It looked very disgusting and I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I dropped the plates and they crashed to the floor.

"Uncle Nico!" Arielle yelled jumping up

So glad they were plastic. I wouldn't like to clean up the shards of glass that would be everywhere. I moved quickly to the kitchen sink and started to throw up.

Will's POV:

I was helping Luke with his shoes as he buttoned his shirt.

"Can I have the iPad?" Luke asked

"Yes. Of course." I said

We walked into the master bedroom. I went into the nightstand and grabbed the iPad. Percy had given it to us the night before, so the kids could play on it. Just as I gave it to Luke, I heard plates crashing to the floor.

"Uncle Nico!" Arielle yelled

I looked up and ran out of the room. I ran down the stairs. What if Nico had gotten hurt? I knew I should have asked Reyna to help Luke. Luke ran after me cradling the iPad in his arm. I ran into the dining room/kitchen.

Arielle was right next to Nico rubbing his back as he hunched over the sink. Logan kept on eating and Reyna came down and sat next to him. I rushed over to Nico. Nico bent over the sink again and threw up. I nodded at Arielle and she went to go sit with the younger kids. Nico bent over the sink again and threw up. I rubbed his back and waited.

"Do you think you are done?" I asked

He answered me by leaning over the sink and throwing up again.

"Oh, my poor baby. I am so sorry your stomach is upset." I said

My heart ached. I couldn't help him or make him feel better. It hurt. He dry heaved three more times before sinking to the floor. I sank with him.

"Do you feel better?" I asked

"Not really. My stomach still hurts." Nico said trying to catch his breath

"What do you think caused it?" I asked

"I was taking the plates to the sink and I saw the eggs and jam..." Nico stopped suddenly

I was about to ask what was wrong, but he got up quickly. He dry heaved into the sink a few more times his entire body shaking with the effort.

I led him to the couch and gave him some water to sip slowly. I cleaned the plates off and I wiped and cleaned the floor. When I got back into the living room, Nico was coming downstairs. Nico came and kissed my cheek.

"I don't deserve you." He said

He doesn't deserve me? I don't deserve him! He is carrying our child or children. He knows exactly what is wrong and can make me feel 1000x better on a bad day.

Reyna came out and all of us watched T.V. (The T.V.'s are also monster proof.) Nico laid flat on one of the couches. Logan crawled onto Nico even though I protested that Nico shouldn't carry his weight on his stomach. Nico, of course, didn't listen. Logan fell asleep on Nico. A little while later, Nico fell asleep too. I looked over at Reyna. Reyna noticed and sent a picture to the group chat.


Reyna: Look at Nico with Logan.

>🇵 🇮 🇨 🇹 🇺 🇷 🇪  🇭 🇪 🇷 🇪<

Annabeth: So cute

Percy: He will make a great mommy or daddy. Whatever he wants to be called.

Hazel: Nico looks so good. You can kind of see a curve to his stomach. He looks as if he just finished a big meal. Did he?

Will: No. Actually he got sick 45 minutes ago. He woke up sick and then got sick again when he saw jam and eggs touching on one of the kids plates.

Annabeth: It happens a lot.

Annabeth: I got sick all the time it felt like I was dying. It should get better in the second trimester.

Annabeth: Just call one of us and we can answer anything that you don't know. We will try to help as much as we can.

Will: Thanks. It means a lot.

Leo: I just saw the picture. Logan looks so content on Nico. Most of the kids only fall asleep when they feel safe. Usually safe is with us or their parents. Logan won't come close to me after I burned the cake on Arielle's birthday.

Calypso: The kids must really trust both you and Reyna.

Reyna: No. They don't really trust me that much. They trust Nico to protect them from anything. He protects them and they look up to him. It's a really cute bond.

Will: The kids really love Nico and they trust him. He loves them just as much. He protects his stomach. This morning when we were talking about the baby or babies he rubbed his stomach without realizing it.

Will: It was so cute.

Percy: How is Arielle doing? She hasn't been herself lately. We think something happened, but she won't tell us.

Will: She is doing fine. She does seem a little bit off. She sat by our pool this morning and she said she was thinking.

Everyone said goodbye after a little bit longer. I kissed Nico's forehead. I wrote him a note explaining how we were going to get clothes for the kids. Arielle had the house key, so we decided to go. We left Logan, because we didn't want to wake him. He seemed so peaceful.

Nico's POV:

I woke up after a little while. It was really quiet and the only person that I could see was Logan. I got up carefully and put Logan on the couch. I went into the kitchen to fill my water. I walked upstairs to try to find everyone. Nothing. Just Logan and I.

"Uncle Nico?" Logan called "Arielle? Uncle Will?"

"Up here Logan." I called back down.

Logan walked up the stairs and came into the master. He sat on my bed with a struggle, because he couldn't get up on the bed usually without help. He had to USF the covers to pull himself up. It was cute. He was still in his pajamas, so I got him dressed in his clothes from yesterday. He smiled and hugged a small bear that he got off of his cot.

"Where did you get that?" I asked

"It was in the closet. I found it while looking for buried treasure." Logan said

"May I?" I asked

He gave me the bear and I felt it's soft fur. I had turned it over when a little tag caught my eye. It said: Property of Will Solace age 2 and a 1/2 weeks. This was Will's bear that he had gotten when he was a baby. I smiled at the little bear and how soft it was. The bear also said it was as big as Will when he came out. The bear was small and fit snuggly in my arm.

"Can I put this in my stuff? It is a very important bear." I said

"Yeah." Logan said

"Do you need anything to eat?" I asked

"Yeah. I'm hungry." Logan said

I took him downstairs. I gave him a small bowl of pretzels. We watched Fuller House episodes 1 and 2 on Netflix. This was a good show, but I was absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't really pay attention to the show.

Did Will want to give that bear to our baby or babies? It had probably been sent to Will by his mom as a Christmas present this year. For memories. My hand went to my stomach. My baby or babies were inside me. I haven't really thought about it like that. I promise to protect and love they/them. The front door opened and almost everyone came back in. Luke stormed into the house.

"Where's Reyna?" I asked

"We dropped her off with Mom and Dad. She said that she was going to be with them to talk to them about something." Arielle replied

I nodded at her. Logan got off the couch and ran over to Will. Will smiled and tickled him. Logan screeched and ran away protecting his stomach, armpits, and his neck. Will cornered Logan and tickled him as he laughed uncontrollably.

After Will was done, he went to go find Luke. I saw movement from the corner of my eye and I grabbed Luke's waist to keep him from running out the front door.

"What's wrong little man?" I asked after I had calmed him down a little

"Nobody is going to need me. Mom is going to bring home the baby and I won't be needed by anybody." Luke said "Mom told me I was old enough to sit in a chair alone after Logan sat on daddies leg. I wanted to sit on him too."

"You will be needed. Mom and Dad may be a little busier, but they still need you. They love you. If you ever need a break just call me and I will come pick you up." I said "Besides, you have another younger sibling that will look up to you and want to be just like you. You get to do older thing like stay up later than your siblings."

Luke nodded and his eyes shined a light grey. I kissed his hand and he ran off to go terrorize his siblings or whatever kids do in their spare time. That's what I would do when Bianca and I were younger. She would be reading and I would jump on her or push her. It was my right as a sibling. Will walked back into the living room.

"Have you seen Luke? I can't find him anywhere." Will asked

"Just talked to him. He's going to be okay." I replied

Will's POV:

What would I be without Nico? I definitely wouldn't be an uncle or have a huge family. I wouldn't become a daddy. I also wouldn't be as happy. Nico is the love of my life. Nico snuggled into my chest. I lifted his face up and leaned in. We kissed and our lips moved in sync and we broke apart for air. Both of us panting.

Most people loose their spark, but it is still there for us. Nico got on top of me and pushed his lips into mine taking the lead. He gave me a longing kiss. We sat kissing for 5 minutes before we heard arguing. Nico got up and we walked into our backyard. I was sad that we had been interrupted. Logan was jumping to reach a toy that Luke had over his head. I grabbed the toy. I gave it to Nico grinning. Nico blushed when he saw what it was.

A few months ago, I had won Nico this small stuffed hippo at a fair we went to in Texas. We were visiting my mom. I had given it to him and he had blushed taking it from me. Some people were watching, but most were in their own little world. I had teased him about sleeping with it. Nico just said it was his second in command in his army of the dead and darkness. Nico gave it back to me and I gave it to Logan and I looked at Luke.

"Why would you do that?" I asked

"I was just having some fun. I was going to give it to him." Luke said looking down

I smiled. This was just how siblings acted. My half siblings and I used to do the same thing. We would take something and hold it above each other's head laughing when they couldn't reach. I was the tallest, so it was easy for me to do to the younger and older siblings. Especially Kayla, because I was always taller than her. She is 5'10. She scares me. She's so commanding.

"I am going to give you some advice. When you take a toy and they start to argue or cry give it back. Then the adults believe it was nothing, but their imagination." I said "Or them being paranoid."

Luke nodded and played on the swing set we had set up. We had swings, a slide, and a baby swing with the two holes for their legs. (It really helped with the younger kids.) We also had a pool and jacuzzi. We had decided we wanted a huge backyard and we got one. The backyard still had enough room to put tables and we were talking about adding some permanent concrete for chairs to sit on.

Our backyard had a little place for our newest addition. A little rope bridge. It connected the playground. Of course, we can't forget about the treehouse. It was beautiful. Annabeth had designed it and Nico and so had helped build it.

Nico went over to Luke and gave him a push to get him started. He walked back over to me and I pulled Nico inside. I pushed him against the wall. I kissed him and he kissed me back even more aggressively. I let out a growl and Nico shivered against me.

"Be quiet. We don't want the kids to come inside. It will ruin this fun." I said

I trailed my hand down his chest and over his stomach. I stopped at the waistband of his pants. Nico nodded and we continued to kiss all the way to the couch. Nico moaned quietly when I kissed his neck. He pulled my hair a little and we continued to kiss. He rubbed his hand over my chest and I moaned when he pulled my body really close to his.

"Are we going to see Mom-...uh..." Arielle said

I jumped off of Nico. I knew we forgot about something. Arielle was still inside. It's fine she can be bribed. I would pretty much do anything for money when I was her age. Except drugs and having sex. Those were big no's. I looked at Nico and he was a blushing mess.

"Soon. Maybe an hour or so." Nico said trying to control his blush by hiding his face in his hands

"Okay. I will let you get back to whatever you were doing before." Arielle said moving upstairs silently

Nico blushed more, but said nothing as he got up.

"Don't you want to continue?" I asked grabbing him and wrapping my arms around him as my head rested lightly on his stomach

"I do want to continue, but I want to get the boys showered and get them in new clothes." Nico said "Besides I'm tired. That nap wasn't long enough."

I nodded and Nico walked outside. He really makes my heart beat faster and faster. I walked upstairs shaking my head at him. I sat on our bed. I found a small bear with my name on it. Mom sent this to me as a gift for Christmas. We should go see my mom. I need to tell her about the great news.

Nico's POV:

I walked outside to get the boys and bring them in for their bath in our tub. Dad had bought me this house and all five of the rooms. It was a bigger house, but still cozy. It's five rooms and a spacious downstairs. It is great for gatherings during the holidays. Mom wasn't able to make it this year, but we would be going to her house on January 5.

"You both need to come inside for a bath." I called to them from the slider

"Okay Uncle Nico." Luke said and he grabbed Logan's hand

Both boys came inside covered in dirt. I walked them into our room. Will was on the bed looking at the bear. I brought Luke and Logan into the bathroom.

"Who is going first?" I asked

"Can I?" Luke asked

"Of course." I said

"Can I go play outside while Luke takes a shower?" Logan asked

"Sure. But only if Uncle Will or Arielle is out there with you." I replied

Will's POV:

Logan walked up to me after coming out of the bathroom.

"Uncle Will, will you come and watch me play outside?" Logan asked

"No. I am busy. I would go and ask your sister." I said


Logan went out of the room and I looked back down at the bear. I am going to put it in the nursery. I smiled and thought about our baby or babies.

Nico's POV:

I grabbed the bubbles and filled up our tub. I turned on the jets and I helped wash Luke's hair. He washed his body and played in our tub. Will walked in when I was washing Luke's hair.

"I am going to go outside with Arielle and Logan to make sure they are okay. If you need me just call me." Will said

Will's POV:

Arielle was sitting outside watching Logan play on the swings. I watched from the slider. He fell off and came to Arielle. He had scraped his knee, but it wasn't bleeding very bad.

"Will you heal it with your voice?" Logan asked

"Okay. Don't tell anyone. Don't want mom and dad to know. They probably wouldn't care anyway. They seem to have forgotten about us in the past months." Arielle said

Arielle cleared her throat and hummed a little. I smiled as she hummed. It was beautiful.

"I will find you my darling, And the moment that I do, I'll hold you close, my little one, And sing the song of the sea with you." Arielle sang

(This sounds just like the song from the little mermaid 2. For a moment. Ariel sings this part. I changed Melody to little one.) It was breathtaking. Her voice was beautiful. Just like the sirens. I clapped slowly. Her voice had calmed Logan down and his scratch was forgotten and healed. She looked at me.

"Uh...Uncle Will. I didn't see you there. Please don't tell my parents." Arielle said with baby seal eyes as I nodded yes

Nico's POV:

I sat in a chair on my phone while Luke washed his body and rinsed off. Will brought Logan in when I went outside and asked Will. I helped Logan with his bath and we all set out to see Annabeth and Charlie. When we got to the hospital the kids had to put on visitor badges.

Will and I took the kids into the room and left to go back to the house. We needed to grab a small bag with the stuff for my morning sickness and for the meeting. Apollo would also be giving me more prenatal care stuff.

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