π‚π‘πšπ¨π¬ 𝐑𝐒𝐬𝐒𝐧𝐠 β–· Sti...

By WrathfulDeity

120K 3.8K 1.7K

π–πž 𝐑𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐰𝐑𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐒𝐧𝐠. 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧π₯𝐲 𝐭𝐑𝐞 π›πžπ π’π§π§π’π§π  Riley... More

Act II
Trailer and Cast
1|not dead yet
2|really repetitive
3|the last airbender
4|time travel
6|make it work
7|kill me now
8|temporary solution
9|the deadpool
10|great things
12|not worth it
13|take responsibility
14|my everything
15|bad idea
16|in control
17|here to help
20|no big deal
21|one day off
23|all for power
24|the vision
25|senior scribe
27|you trust everyone
28|on edge
29|unpleasantly surprised
31|back to eichen
32|dread doctors
33|he's dead
34|invasive species
35|he knows
37|who's taking the bodies
38|believe me
39|the fallout
40|the first chimera
41|find her
44|try to be civil
45|my anchor
46|natural chimera
47|outright evil
48|foolproof plan
50|not that easy
51|getting the game cancelled
52|make a difference
54|sense of hope
55|allison saved us
56|magic bullet
58|back together
59|hearing voices
61|elias stilinski
62|ride the lightning
65|the jeep
66|ghost town
67|the jersey
70|i just need you
71|scott, stiles and riley
72|back to beacon hills
73|the hard way
74|peace summit
75|exit wound
77|pull it together
79|no more
80|back to work
83|try again
84|another problem
85|final fight
Divine Move

42|collateral damage

1.3K 47 6
By WrathfulDeity

Poor Stiles just you 't catch a break (she writes as if she doesn't have complete control over it)

Early update for you guys

Stiles woke up in a hospital chair, jumping slightly when he saw Melissa sitting right in front of him. Isaac was in the chair a couple down, still fast asleep.

Melissa put a hand on his arm, trying to get him to take a minute to breathe. When he was focussing on her, she finally spoke. "He's okay. Doctor Geyer is stitching him up right now."

"Okay, I wanna see him," Stiles stated, preparing to get up.

Melissa made him stop, gently sitting him back down. "Okay, okay. The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours."

"Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?"

The woman gave him a soft smile, "He's gonna be just fine."

Stiles sat back in the chair, a look of relief melting into his features as his voice came out shaky, "Oh, thank God. And Riley. What about Riley?"

Melissa immediately dropped eye contact, not wanting to ruin the boy's moment of relief. At the mention of her name, it seemed, Isaac awoke also, rubbing his eyes.

"What happened? Is she awake?" he asked, shifting to sit up.

The woman pursed her lips, shaking her head. "Not yet. She's got a fracture on the back of her skull and some sort of blood poisoning, but we're not sure. She's alive, but something's happening to her."

"Something's happening to her?" Stiles repeated, dread filling his heart.

"Something not. . . normal. She should've woken up by now. I've let Charlotte know; she's in the next town over on business but is on her way back and will be here with Iris in the morning. I'll let you both know when we know more, okay?"

Stiles bit his lip, nodding as he tried not to cry again. His dad and Riley were the only family that he had left; he couldn't lose any more.

Melissa patted his shoulder once, before getting up and heading back towards the hospital rooms. She hadn't been lying, they had no idea what was wrong with Riley, she just wouldn't wake up. Melissa could only imagine that it had something to do with the meeting with Theo that Isaac had spoken of, but she couldn't be certain.

"She's going to be okay," Isaac insisted, more to himself than anything. "It's Riley. She's too stubborn to go out like this."

Stiles wished he could smile at the sentiment. He knew Isaac was right about her being stubborn, which meant she would fight. But if this wasn't a normal thing that could be treated medically, what if she couldn't?

He thought it best to keep this thought to himself, not wanting both of them to have lost their faith.


Two hours later, Stiles had been hoping to be speaking with his dad. He wanted to figure out what had happened to him in the first place and tell the man how happy he was to see he was okay.

But instead, he was in the hallway with Isaac and Melissa, arguing with his father's doctor.
"What do you mean you don't know?" he demanded of the man. "Two hours ago, he was fine. Now it looks like somebody took a baseball bat to his neck."

Isaac didn't say anything, just stood there to support the boy. He found his eyes drifting, looking from the corridor containing Riley's room to the Sheriff's room just down the hall. When he looked to the Sheriff's, he noticed their Alpha standing, staring into the room.

Signalling to Melissa that he'd be back, he left quietly. He wanted to get to Scott before Stiles saw him. Thankfully, the Stilinski boy seemed preoccupied with the Doctor.

Scott looked over when he heard the door open, jaw clenched. "What happened?"

"Scott, man, you can't be here," Isaac said, ignoring the question.

Scott's brows pinched together, confused at Isaac's behaviour. "Isaac? What-"

"It's not just the Sheriff in hospital," Isaac said, cutting him off. "Riley is here, too."

The Alpha's eyes widened, but he didn't make any move to leave. Isaac barely wanted him here, knowing that Riley wouldn't have gone after Theo if the fight between the three friends hadn't happened.

But he was more concerned about Stiles and his fragile mental state. Because if Isaac even felt an inch of blame towards Scott, then Stiles definitely blamed the Alpha.

As if hearing his thoughts and wanting to confirm them, the Stilinski boy came charging through the doors towards the boys. Pushing past Isaac, he grabbed Scott by the collar, slamming him into the wall before throwing him to the ground.

Holding him down, Stiles got right in the boy's face. "Where were you? You trusted him. You believed him. Right, huh? So, where were you? My dad. . . Riley. . . where were you?"

Melissa came rushing in with Doctor Geyer, and with the help of Isaac, they pulled Stiles off of the boy.

"Where the hell were you?" Stiles screamed.

"Stop it!" Melissa demanded, holding Stiles back before he could jump Scott again.

After trying once more, Stiles finally gave in. "Okay, all right, all right."

Isaac kept an arm around the boy just to be safe, Doctor Geyer and the security who had shown up taking a step back. He hadn't seen Stiles like this since he had been taken over by the Nogitsune.

Scott took a few deep breaths, not daring to make eye contact with Stiles. "Your dad and Riley aren't the only ones who got hurt."

The two boys looked the Alpha up and down, to see scarlet blood staining his white shirt. Stiles scoffed, rolling his eyes heavily, "Oh, you'll heal."

Scott seemed confused for a moment, before tightening his jacket so that the blood was no longer visible. "I'm not talking about me."


After getting Scott to tell him which room Lydia was in, the boy had gone to visit her. He had a hunch that Theo was behind it also, and wanted to confirm his theory.

Mrs Martin had barely let him in the room for five minutes, demanding that he leave. Stiles told her to check the back of Lydia's neck, but there was no guarantee she would.

Heading straight back upstairs, Stiles went directly to Riley's room. Isaac was still in there, wanting to make sure someone was there in case something happened. He sat at her bedside watching her chest move up and down. Even if she wasn't conscious, the boy was just happy to know that she was alive.

"Anything?" Stiles asked quietly as he took a seat in the chair on the other side of her bed.

Isaac shook his head sadly, "Nothing. Not even a twitch."

The two of them sat in silence, hoping for the girl to wake up and break it for them with some smart ass remark. But unfortunately, they weren't in luck.

A light knock on the door frame caught the attention of the two, leading them to look up and see Scott standing there. "Can I come in?" The Alpha asked.

Stiles didn't answer just turned back to Riley. He took her hand in his, feeling her cold skin against his own.

"I think I'm gonna go and get some food," Isaac said, the chair scraping as he stood up. "You want anything, Stiles?"

"I'm good thanks, man," the boy replied gratefully. Isaac nodded, leaving the room moments later.

Scott took a few cautious steps inside, before entering the room completely. He went to stand on the side that Isaac had left, looking down at his friend.

She was barely moving, her heartbeat faint. Her skin looked sickly pale, but that wasn't what caught his eye. He was looking at her neck, and how the veins on her left side seemed to be black, spreading like vines across her skin.

"What happened to her?" Scott asked, holding her free hand.

Stiles looked up from the girl he loved with hate in his eyes. "You didn't believe me or her when we tried to warn you about Theo. So she went to him alone and ended up buried in a box. Did you know that that can interfere with her healing and kill someone like her if she's down there long enough? Do you even care?"

"Of course I care, Stiles," Scott said quickly. "I didn't want any of this to happen."

"He did something else to her, but they don't know what. By the looks of her neck, she was injected with something," Stiles mumbled through a sniffle.

Scott stared down at his best friend, guilt in his gut. "We're going to save them. Both of them. They'll be okay."

"They'd better," Stiles warned nothing but seriousness in his voice. "Because if I lose either of them, we're done. Do you hear me, Scott? Done. I want nothing to do with you."

Scott didn't seem surprised by the boy's words, just the tone behind them. He'd never heard Stiles so deadly serious. "We're all meeting to try and figure something out now. The supply room around the corner, five minutes."

He waited a moment for a response, but when Stiles stayed quiet, he knew he wasn't going to get one.

After Scott was gone, Stiles stood up, his eyes not leaving the comatose girl. He squeezed her hand, not wanting to let her go, but knowing it was the only way to help her.

Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her forehead. He wished this were a fairytale, and that his kiss would wake her. But this was anything but a fairytale.


"It could be a side effect of shock," Parrish suggested in reference to Lydia.

Stiles, Isaac, Deputy Parrish, Melissa and Scott all stood around a metal table discussing what to do next. Tensions in the room were high, but for the sake of those they needed to help, those feelings were being pushed to the side for the moment being.

"She's catatonic," Stiles pointed out. "It was Theo digging his way through her mind."

Melissa gave the boy a confused look, "Why would he do that? What is he looking for?"

"The same thing he's always looking for. An advantage," Scott answered.

"So what did he gain by trying to kill Stilinski? Or putting Riley in a coma?" Parrish asked.

Stiles' body stiffened at the words; the two people he cared most for in this world were both in danger and he felt useless.

"It left me alone with Liam. Theo wanted to make sure no one would be there to stop him from killing me," Scott answered.

The Stilinski boy felt fire in his veins, "Okay, so he gutted my dad as a distraction and put my girlfriend in a coma so she wouldn't help you. That's great."

"We need to find this kid," Parrish insisted.

Melissa was quick to counter the suggestion, her maternal instincts taking over. "Isn't that a little dangerous? Especially since he almost killed my kid?"

A thought occurred to Stiles at that moment, the boy voicing it immediately. "Yeah, but he said he didn't want my dad to die and that Riley would be okay if I didn't help Scott."

"And you seriously believe him? All he's done is lie since he got here," Isaac pointed out in frustration.

"He told me where to find my dad. So, maybe he also knows how to save him. And he was most likely the one who injected Riley, meaning he might know how to save her too."

"What do you want to do? Talk to him?" Melissa asked the boy.

"If it saves my dad and Riley, then yeah."

"I'll come with you," Scott quickly offered. "He doesn't know that I'm alive. Maybe that gives us an advantage."

Stiles was quick to shut him down, not wanting his so-called friend around. "He'll know you're there. I just need to talk to him. Not fight him," he told him as he headed for the door.

"Stiles," Melissa said firmly, getting the boy to stop. "You can't go alone."

Isaac held up a hand, "Question; do we even know how to find him?"

"We don't have to find him," Stiles answered. "He'll come to me."


The next morning, Stiles sat on the staircase of Scott's house patiently. He had planned on staying the night at the hospital, wanting to wait for Charlotte to get there so that Riley wouldn't be alone.

Isaac offered to stay with her, swearing he wouldn't let any harm come to her. Stiles knew he was telling the truth, but that didn't make leaving any easier.

So with Melissa watching his dad and Isaac watching Riley, Stiles had left during the night with Scott. He felt like he had been sitting on the staircase forever when in reality, it had only been a few hours.

They had left the door open, a line of Mountain Ash blocking the way. Scott had told Stiles what had happened and how Theo had been able to pass over it, but the boy wanted to see it for himself.

Finally, after another hour, Theo appeared. He looked down at the line of Mountain Ash, his expression not changing as he looked at Stiles. He proceeded to step right over the line, to Stiles' dismay.

The two boys stared at each other for a moment expectantly, before Theo finally smirked. "I guess we're all telling the truth now."

When Stiles noticed Theo's eyes travelling upwards to where Scott was hidden upstairs, he reached behind him and grabbed Scott's jacket. He proceeded to throw it to the other boy, hoping it would excuse for Scott's scent being in the house.
"You killed my best friend?"

Tears lined Stiles' eyes, adding to the illusion. But they weren't for Scott; in fact, Scott was the last thing on his mind. All he wanted was to save his father and his girlfriend.

Theo's smirk fell as he examined the jacket, realising who it belonged to. It had been the one the Alpha had been wearing when he had stabbed him, after all.
"Let's be honest, Stiles. Was he still your best friend?"

Stiles blinked a couple of times, before choosing to ignore the question completely. "Are you going to let my father die?"

The boy's face grew serious as he looked down at the Sheriff's son. "If I wanted him to die I wouldn't have told you where you can find him."

Theo then threw Scott's jacket down to the ground as Stiles stood up. "Then why are they saying his body is shutting down?" Stiles asked. "That some toxin's poisoning him and they don't know how to stop it."

"I'm not the bad guy, Stiles."

"You buried my girlfriend alive. And guess what? She's not waking up either. You definitely seem like the bad guy."

"If I wanted to kill Riley, I would've done that out in the Preserve. Trust me, there are easier ways to kill a Sylph than burying them," Theo responded blandly. "I'm just a realist. I'm a survivor. If you knew the things that I know-"

"Yeah, but what do you know?" Stiles asked, cutting the boy off.

"I know what's coming. I know what the Dread Doctors created. And I know what Parrish is. Lydia figured it out. I saw it in her memories."

"Right after you drove her out of her mind," Stiles responded bitterly, brows raised.

Theo half smiled as he shrugged lightly, "Collateral damage. But if she's right about Parrish, then things around here are gonna get a lot worse."

"I don't care," the Stilinski boy stated, shaking his head.

"You should. Because if your dad does survive he's not gonna be Sheriff of anything much longer."

"What's happening to him?"

Theo ignored the boy, turning to leave. But Stiles wasn't ready for him to leave yet. He grabbed him, forcing him to stop and demanding that he tell him. Theo only turned around enough to shove Stiles off of him.

The Stilinski boy fell, tripping on the stairs and hitting his head, instantly knocking him unconscious. After listening for a heartbeat, Theo left.

As soon as he knew the other supernatural boy was gone, Scott ran down the stairs to his friend. Shaking his body slightly, he said his name several times.

Finally, the boy opened his eyes, to Scott's relief. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," Stiles said, pushing away Scott's extended hand.

"You blacked out."

"I'm okay. Did you get anything from him?"

Scott thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "Nothing. He was calm the entire time."

Stiles wasn't about to give up though; this was the only lead they had. "What about his heart?"

This time, Scott nodded. "I heard it jump, but only once, and only for a second."

"That doesn't mean he was lying."

"Not really. The rest of the time it was steady."

"When did it jump?" Stiles asked quickly. "What was I talking about?"

Scott thought back quickly, scanning his memory. "It was when you said that your dad was poisoned."

"That could be something. A jump could mean surprise, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I think so."

Stiles' brows pulled together in confusion as he looked away from Scott. "So why would he be surprised that my dad's still dying?"

After a moment of silence, something occurred to Scott. "Oh, wait. He didn't say that he was the one who attacked your dad, did he?"

"No. Well, then this means it was probably someone else."

"Another Chimera."


Charlotte held onto Iris' hand tightly after Doctor Geyer left. The man looked just as disheartened as they did by the fact that he couldn't figure out why Riley wasn't waking up.

He couldn't find anything wrong with her besides the black veins on her neck, and he still was unable to figure out what was causing them. Between her and the Sheriff, the man was beginning to question his abilities.

"I-uh, I need to call our dad," Charlotte sniffled, climbing up from the chair she sat in.

Iris shook her head, getting the woman to sit back down. "No, you stay with your sister. I'll call him."

Charlotte thanked her, the woman leaving the room moments later. Charlotte turned to Isaac, "Do Peter and Malia know?"

The woman still felt strange talking about her sister's biological family. She didn't think she'd be having to deal with them for several more years at least.

Isaac nodded, "Malia is with Scott and Stiles trying to find the Chimera that attacked the Sheriff. Peter is still in Eichen after what happened in Mexico, but I don't think anyone has told him."

"Does anyone know what that kid did to her out in the Preserve?"

Isaac shook his head sadly. "The only one who knows that is Riley, and I don't think she'll be telling us any time soon."

"I knew coming back to Beacon Hills was a bad idea," Charlotte mumbled, shuffling her chair closer to the hospital bed.

The boy was originally going to keep his mouth shut but ended up shaking his head at her. "No, it wasn't. Riley has helped so many people coming back here. And her family is here; her dad, Malia, Peter, Iris, Stiles and the rest of the Pack. If anything, she never should've left."

Charlotte sent the boy a soft smile, thankful for the sentiment. She knew he was right, but seeing her sister laying lifeless made that difficult.

Just as she went to stand up to go and find Iris, the girl in the hospital bed sat up, a scream escaping her lips.

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