Loki And The Thief

By Sigynista

116K 4K 883

[EXPLICIT] You never expected to be thrown from your home earth, to Asgard. Not only do you fight for surviva... More

Be careful what you wish for...
Stolen Comforts
Walking On Broken Glass
An Apple A Day...
If The Ring Fits...
Next to Godliness.
A Room With A View
Eager to Please...
A Little Night Music
Lethe's Bramble Pt 1
Lethe's Bramble Pt2
God Stock
The Deal
Bad Girl
The Chase
Fever Struck
The Unwelcome Guest
Matters Of The Heart...
Gods and Monsters
The Freeze
Morning Delights
Deals Made
What is lost
The Ebony Blade
Split Apart
Journey Pains
Shrouded in Darkness
Break Out pt 1
Break Out Pt 2
True Self
True Self Pt2
The Wager
Springs and Waterfalls
Pied Piper
Happy Ever After?
The Next Part Is Out!!

A Mortals Place

3.3K 106 32
By Sigynista

The kiss was tender and tentative, almost asking permission to open her lips to him.

'I could take you, you know.' He smiled.

'Right here and now. I could pin you against this wall and fuck you hard.'

Y/N quivered, anticipating his every move.

He moved his hands to her hips pushing her back to the wall and pinning her back.
She felt him hard against her and she let out a small moan expecting that he would fill her at any moment.

Y/N glided her hand over his trousers and he growled with satisfaction.

'But not yet my little theif. Later.
Do not change after the dance. I want to take you wearing this.' He lead her from the wall, 'Now, the dancing.'

She stepped forward with him and he took her hand and waist.

Loki taught Y/N how to move to the music. She wasn't much of a dancer but she realised she could muddle through with what he had shown her. They went separately back into the dining hall with eyes still spying on her from time to time.

The room was loud and buzzing with activity with the feast bringing many exotic foods that Y/N had never seen before.

She sat down back in her place, looking up to see Loki sat back in his place, looking at her now with gentle eye and a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

She began speaking to those around her, including the man who had asked her name ' I'm sorry, we got interrupted before. My name is Y/N, I'm from all over, I have been traveling.' Smooth lie, just claiming to have backpacker across the galaxy.

'Ah,' he said, 'and your favourite place?

Ah shit!

'Ah my lady, back from your travels it is so good to see you!' Mary came to the rescue 'thank you so much for the Midgardian spices, they really came in handy.'

Mary fucking Owen I bloody love you!

'Don't mention it, I hope you enjoy them!' Y/N smiled

'Ah.' Said the man next to me as 'you know the mortal do you?'

'The mortal? I thought she was Asgardian?' I proved

'She is now, she was from Midgard originally and everyone was up in arms at one of her being with one of us.' He swallowed potatoes like grapes this guy, if ever there was a poster child for gluttony he was it.

'And that's bad?' I asked and the man chortled mouth full of stodgy potato.

'Not bad per se, but not really just frowned upon. Mortals are not like us, we are superior of course and humans can't really compete.'

'You assume I'm Asgardian.' I said coldly. 'I'm not. I'm a visitor here, but I thought you knew that. In all honesty, it doesn't matter where you're from or where you have been, it all matter where you are... don't you agree?'

He stuttered. He thought he was so smart and Y/N just wiped the floor with him.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' announced Frigg 'please make your way to the ballroom.'

Everyone stood and made their way to the next room and a buzz. Young women were excited to get the opportunity to dance and Y/N couldn't imagine anything more horrific.

The ballroom too looked even more gold thay what was usual in Asgard. A gilded room with painting of Odins battles, and a horned woman who
Y/N wasn't sure who she was, a wolf and fire on the ceiling. The podgy little potato man had decided to go speak to his friends about Y/N, no doubt about her lack of snobbery regarding mortals and their ways.

As she walked under the painting Y/N noticed her dress shone beautifully under the lights creating a blueish green mist around her like the aurora borealis as if she was emitting energy. Other young women looked at her with envy but she felt more embarrassed to tell the truth.

She felt a tap on het shoulder and turned to see Loki. It was Thor.

'My lady, you are new to Asgard I think? Please allow me to escort you on a tour this fine evening. May I ask for you hand in a dance.'

Holy fucking shit Thor, the god of Thunder wants to dance with you!

'Thank you, but I'm afraid I am otherwise engaged.' Y/N bowed lightly

'To whom?!' He boomed demanding to know who had already stolen the right to a dance with Y/N.

'To me.' Loki stepped forward and held his hand out to Y/N and she took it as he led her onto the floor.

Music played and Y/N felt herself move and glide across the floor remembering the steps he had taught her.

They span across the floor wordlessly looking into each others eyes. Y/N looked around for a moment and others were watching and then they quickly started to dance and mind their own business.

When the dance ended, Loki to her to walk to the side.

'Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.' Y/N quipped, she has most definitely not expected to feel like a disney princess. The whole thought of a beastly man who likes to read and a pig headed muscled 'hero' character trying to bow his way to her but her in mind of Beauty and the Beast, although she wasn't sure if whatever curse Loki was under could be broken with true loves kiss.

'Thor needs to mind his manners.' He said bitterly 'I cant believe you almost danced with him!' He eyed her now still a little jealous.

'Seriously, Loki!' Y/N scolded 'after all this you still doubt me? I rejected him. If I am to dance anyone it will be you.'

He smiled at this and lead her again to the dance floor. 'Another dance then, my lady?' He bowed deeply this time smiling. 'This one is a country dance, the rhythm you will catch up to immediately.'

Y/N both froze in fear and excitement.
She watched the first two movements of the dance.

Omg... I know these moves... think where do I know them... then it came to her 1996 Pride and Prejudice the ball at Netherfield!

She remembered the Christmases her family would gather round and watch period dramas at Christmas, and now she was in her own. Lizzie and Mr D'Arcy. For Loki was Mr D'Arcy if there ever was one.

To his surprise she caught on fast and Y/N was enjoying herself. As the partners switched she became partnered with Odin himself.

Holy shit. The king, what the fuck do I do?!

'Well good evening young lady. I must say, Loki has chosen a pretty partner for the dance tonight.' He said in a very fatherly like manner.

'Erm thank you your majesty, Lord, I mean-' Y/N stuttered and he waved his hand up.

'You need not concern yourself. Where are you from my dear?' He smiled. Y/N again felt lost.

'From all over, I travel a lot.' She said grasping at straws.

'Ah a nomad, I spent most of my formative years traveling the galaxy. Conquering and saving.'

'Subjugating?' Y/N said with a raised eyebrow. She quickly looked down, the last person she wanted to piss off was the actual king. He looked stunned at her words then calmed.

'Regrettably. Sometimes we don't realise our sins until its too late.' He sadly looked up to the ceiling at the photo of the horned woman. Y/N had no idea what to say. Luckily she need not say anything as the partners yet again switched.

At the end of the dance and everyone clapped. She took a glass of wine and took a moment to herself. Sitting on the sidelines she thought to herself.

If Mortals and humans were so frowned upon, then why would Loki risk it all for me? Y/N wondered.

Feeling dizzy, she took herself outside to the balcony, looking over the land she took deep breaths to help her calm down.

Get it together Y/N

She closed her eyes and looked out over the land. Lights glistened in the sky and fireworks celebrated the night.

'I know about you and Loki.' Came a familiar voice behind her. It was Heimdall. Y/N smiled happy to see a familiar face among the Asgardians whom she could call friend.


Asgard, 3 months after being trapped.

It was nice, and the evening was warm. As Y/N trekked around the edge of the city she thought about what was happening at home. She thought about all her friends getting together for drinks after work or even just a coffee.

Suddenly the air froze around her and she felt a chill. A shrill scream came from the woods and Y/N dived into the forest without a second thought.

As she edged closer she saw a camp fire blazing in a clearing, and a young woman being held at the throat by none other than a Frost giant.

Before she could rush in she saw a man fighting one of them trying to take them down. He was tall and muscular and seemed to shine with his sword. In a flash he was thrown to the ground, and the other frost giant picked it up pleased.

'Well look here, now we have access to any world we wish!' Laughed the frost giant to the other. The young woman was struggling beneath the icy grip of the bigger one.

'No need, whe have what we want. A fertile Asgardian female. She will bring new life to our ranks and we will begin to grow again.'

With this being said Y/N sprang out and took a torch from the fire and stabbed it into the frost giant with the sword. The frost giant screamed in agony, the skin of his abdomen becoming charred and seared.
He dropped the sword and Y/N picked it up. In one fell swoop the frost giants head was lopped off and fell into the fire.

'Let her go frosty!' Y/N exclaimed at the other giant.

'My name, is Benkul of Jotunheim you petulant child. And I obey no woman.'
He turned to face Y/N his face contorted and cracked 'I have frozen worlds, desolated cities and kingdoms. What are you? He sneered.

Y/N held up the sword angry that she would be so easily dismissed.
'I have spent my life guarding doors and deflected dragons from the doors of kings and knights. No-one gets passed without my permission. No one dares tread on my toes for fear of my rejection. So, frosty, I shall say again. Let. Her. Go.'

Heimdall stood now beside her. The Frost Giant Benkul let go of the girl and came charging towards her at full speed. Y/N picked up the torched and thrust it into Benkul's face.
The smell of the scorched giants skin made her feel sick. He ran leaving  the girl behind and Y/N ran over to help her up.

The girl cried explaining what had happened to her and her boyfriend. Heimdall and Y/N were too late for him.

They walked the young woman home where she was welcomed by her parents with open arms.

Before she left heimdall turned to Y/N 'That was impressive. Never have I seen anyone stand to a Frost giant as you did. Where are you from?

Y/N Sighed. 'I'm from Midgard. Just a human.'

He laughed at this admission like it was a fine joke.'A mortal defeated a Frost giant. Why if he knew, the jotun would be enraged. But you are a warrior, by your own admission?'

Y/N pulled a face of awkwardness. 'Actually...I'm a receptionist back home? I mean, I kinda guard a door but I mainly take messages and answer calls? Like an assistant?'

Now he really laughed.



Thats was nearly a year ago, and here was Heimdall as bold as brass approaching Y/N.

'Well, well, if it isn't Asgards own receptionist.' He laughed walking slowly over.

She approached him carefully arms crossed.
'Technically that would be you Heimdall. You answer calls, guard the doors.'

'Watch your tone,' he laughed 'you will get in trouble.'

They hugged, and laughed.

'Heimdall, how are you? It has been a year.'

'Indeed it has, and much has happened. I see you dancing with Loki.' His eyebrow was raised, questioning her sanity.

'It's not what you think.' She assured him but he was quick to rebuttle.
'You and Loki are together. Unless I am much mistaken.'

Okay, so it is what he thinks...

'It is not for me to tell you how you should conduct you life, mortal. You are indeed stuck here and will be for years to come. But you must know that no union could ever be.'

This was not like Heimdall that Y/N had known, he seemed more serious with her now. 'You don't know that. We could be happy.'

'For 50, 60 years. And the rest will be his to mourn when you are dust. A mournful god is dangerous.' He was seriously impressing the importance of her choice now. 'And for a god to love a mortal, will involve enemies from a far using you as his weakness.'

Y/N thought for a moment, she knew he was right. Her very existence in his life was a danger to everyone.
The last thing she needed was to have Asgard destroyed because some evil wanted to use her for its own gain.

'I cannot choose for you. But you must seriously think of how your actions could affect us all.'

Tears filled Y/N's eyes 'But I... I think I am in love with him...' she blinked in her admission. She hadn't quite admitted it to herself.

'I know.' Said Heimdall.

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