Bloodstained Lily

By clazza224

3.7K 110 3

In a world infested with vampires and zombies, Lily finds herself beginning to question everyone around her u... More

Chapter 1-Pilot
Chapter 2-Uncertainty
Chapter 3-The Monster Beneath The Facade
Chapter 4-The Saviour
Chapter 5-The Year's Flown By
Chapter 6-Live to Fight On
Chapter 7-Before The Norm
Chapter 8-The Beast; Tender or Tough?
Chapter 9-Reliving the Old Days
Chapter 10-Dealing With the Past
Chapter 11-Pinning Sibling Against Sibling
Chapter 12-The Emotional Hurts Too...
Chapter 13-The City Again
Chapter 14-That Deadly Thing Hidden in Plain Sight
Chapter 15-Some Memories Do Scar
Chapter 16-What Is It?
Chapter 17-What Goes Around
Chapter 18-The Safe Escape
Chapter 19-The Truth Behind the Impending Doom
Chapter 20-Don't Talk Beyond Help
Chapter 21-The Death of a Friendship and the Brotherhood
Chapter 22-And So...The War Begins...
Chapter 23-The Gift...
Chapter 25-Fire To The Throne...
Chapter 26-Ghosts
Chapter 27-I Don't Wanna Be Your Enemy
Chapter 28-The Devil's Influence
Chapter 29-The Possessed Do Believe...
Chapter 30-The Real Lily...
Chapter 31-The Love That Bites...
Chapter 32-Walking Among The Dead
Chapter 33-The King's Heart
Chapter 34-The Innocence of Love
Chapter 35-When Beasts Clash...
Chapter 36-Ancient Ancestors
Chapter 37-Everything is About Hate Except Love...
Chapter 38-The Pride of Siblings Broken At Last
Chapter 39-The Voice of Reason
Chapter 40-The Broken Pieces of a Heart
Chapter 41-The Finale

Chapter 24-The Bond Grows

58 2 0
By clazza224

“Lily what are you doing? Shoot at them! They are just pure mindless zombies! What the hell are you doing?”

His voice sounded sure and cold, he really didn’t know who they were and that upset me almost as much as the fact that they hadn’t died a proper death. I heard every word he spoke, yet my eyes remained glued to the two slouched, dead people in front of me.

I gulped and held tightly onto my spear, refusing to let go of it or even so much as let it out of my sight. After a while of staring at them and them back at me, I looked down at the ground, still refusing to look at Jordan.

“Jordan, this is our mother and father…” I started and paused, unsure of what to say next but surely I couldn’t end it there.

Before I had a chance to say another word, I saw a silvery light flash past my eyes and they widened as I saw our mother drop to the ground, actually dead with Jordan’s silver knife sticking out of her head…the only true way to kill a zombie and he had just done that to our mother…

I looked at him quickly, my heart pounded as I saw the look of disdain, that spark of hatred glowing in his eyes. I knew he was brutal and yet this seemed to scare me more than that look he gave Zayn when my life was on the line a year ago.

“I never knew our mother and father, at least not properly, so why should I care? See, this is what makes me strong, I have no weaknesses.” He continued staring at our father who stared back so sadly I swore I could see his eyes drooping slightly.

“No weaknesses, except one.” Zayn smirked but Jordan was too busy trying to keep his weapon in his hand as he knew what he had just done alarmed me.

I walked towards our father, keeping my eyes locked to him and when he finally switched his gaze from Jordan to me, I gasped as a big, cheesy grin crossed his face. He knew who I was? How could that be? I thought zombies were emotionless and had less than a kindergarten’s knowledge base.

He quickly walked towards me, arms flailing out by his side and the sticks pierced his obviously numb feet. As he finally stopped directly in front of me, he leant down a little and picked up my wrist. I had no idea what he was doing, was he trying to show me affection? He bent down a little further so I could feel his breath, or lack of, on my wrist.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and began to dive towards my flesh. I tried to pull away but as clumsy as zombies are, they are still extremely strong. I could see Harry run towards me out of the corner of my eye but even though he was by my side within two seconds, he wasn’t the one who saved me.

I watched as my father dropped to the ground with a stone knife through his head and before I could process what had just happened, Jordan came over and ripped the two knives out of our parents before cleaning them off against a tree. He looked up at me and smiled warmly, lifting my heart and making me feel happier than I ever had before. I had never seen such a kind hearted smile across his face before.

“Zayn was right, I do have one weakness and it’s you. You are my family, not them, obviously not Harry and Zayn, not anyone else, just you.”

I welled up and he threw his arms around me before pulling me in for the warmest embrace I ever did feel. I was glad he stayed with me throughout all of this, I couldn’t bear the thought of a world without him and he was the strongest person I knew.

“That’s all very sweet but you just killed the only two pieces of love we could offer you.” One of the witches sneered whilst the other laughed maliciously.

“Yeah and one of those so called ‘pieces of love’ tried to kill my only family.” Jordan broke away from me and took a few steps forward, being careful not to get too close to them.

“You kill half your family already boy! Now let us return the favour…” Their gaze switched to me and immediately they started chanting some ancient form of language I had never heard before.

Suddenly all the creature’s eyes in the army behind them glared down at me and when the chanting stopped, so did my heart…for a second.

“Feed, my pets!” The witch that had finished chanting called out and immediately they all began running down towards me, which made the other three guys growl in anger.

Is that all she had done? Make them attack me? Well, if it was bad for me at least it would save Jordan, Zayn and Harry, right?

I was about to hit one zombie with my spear when a wolf jumped at me from my side. It caught me off guard but before it hit me, Harry had crashed into it and the two began rolling down towards the hut where he snapped its neck before it could break the barrier.

I turned around to continue fighting when Zayn moved a few metres ahead of me, looking on ahead to the endless cycle of werewolves, vampires and zombies that were running at us from beyond the hill.

He closed his eyes and held out his hands and immediately every supernatural creature in sight dropped to the ground and began sinking below the Earth as if they never existed.

“No fun!” Jordan called out playfully.

Zayn turned around to face him, his eyes as red as blood and a smile so evil it seemed illegal.

“So now you’ve accepted me?” He smirked.

Jordan smiled back and lowered his head slightly. It wasn’t a full nod but for once, he wasn’t being completely rude about it either.

“No one gets to kill you but me.”

Zayn chuckled softly and nodded.

“I’d expect no less from the famous vampire killer. Guys get behind the walls, the next line will be here soon!” Zayn shouted and we did as he asked, standing exactly behind the border of the walls. He put his hands forward and his eyes glowed something I had never seen before…a golden colour? Perhaps it was from his vampire side?

Just as he had said, a new line of creatures appeared at the top of the hill and began running down to us. Zayn ran to our side and turned around to face them and we all watched as they approached.

They neared the walls and Harry, Jordan and I all took steps back until they bashed into the side of the wall, unable to pass through for some reason.

I looked at Zayn and he turned around to face me.

“I have powers beyond your wildest dreams, my friend…”

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