Complications (One Direction...

By IceBlueBethy

4.6K 42 31

A tale of a previously normal girl gone big. Isla Quinn is best friends with biggest boy band, One Direction... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Epilouge

Chapter 20

105 2 1
By IceBlueBethy

Harry's P.O.V

We left the fair-ground about an hour later and decided to do something quieter. We decided we were going to go see a movie.

We went to a small cinema not far away from where we were staying. We went to watch Seven Psychopaths. During the movie I decided to use my prize a little more. I knew it would annoy her, a lot.

About half way through the movie I put my plan to action. I was praying that sometime during the next week she will know that she loves me.

Isla's P.O.V

I decided I didn't want to stay at the fair so Harry and I left and went to go see a movie. It was quieter and was only me and him. I wanted to spend time with him. He had taken care of me when I was ill, but didn't tip-toe around me like the others. They treated me like a newborn child.

We sat in the middle of the screening room just watching Seven Psychopaths. It was actually quite amusing.

About half way through the movie Harry placed his hand on my knee. I knew what was happening. He was 'using his prize' as he says. He also knows this is going to piss me right off.

He slowly slid his hand up my leg. He was taking his time in doing so. Fuck! I thought. I didn't want to admit it, but I liked Harry. More than just friends. But the thing is he: 1) He pisses me off. 2) I don't want what happened with Niall and Liam to happen again. 3) I think I like Eric as well.

This was not going to end well. And the person getting hurt was most probably going to be me. And Eric and Harry in the mean time.

I really liked Harry, there was just the facts he was famous and he annoys me. I love him a lot, and at the moment I just wanted to crash my lips against his in the darkness of the theater.

His hand slowly reached the top of my thigh. I slapped it off. "Ouch." He whispered loudly. I grimaced.

"I'm going to the loo. Be back in 5." I said. I got up, grabbed my hand bag and headed to the rest room.

When I got there, I placed my bad on the side and look in the mirror. "Not bad." I whispered. I don't usually like my reflection.

I then went into my bag and pulled a slip of paper out. It was the one Eric gave me. I opened it and it said:

Nice to meet you. My number ____________. Call me maybe?

It was so cheesy but so cute. I slipped it into my pocket and decided I was going to text him later.

Harry's P.O.V

Isla walked back into the screen room with a huge smile on her face. I wonder if she finally realises she's beautiful.

She came and sat down and placed her head on my shoulder. I tensed a little then relaxed. I placed my hand back on her leg and the other I wrapped around her waist, so by now she was cuddled into my chest,

It was really comfortable like this. I wish we could sit like this forever, but the movie eventually finished and we had to leave.

"I'm hungry." She moaned as we walked out of the cinema. I laughed and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"You're always hungry. You would be perfect for Niall." I joked. She giggled with me.

We walked silently and still happy to a nice little restaurant and the end of the street. We went in and sat in a small booth at the back. "Order anything you want. Price is no object." I said. She beamed.

"How may I help?" A young waiter came around. He didn't look up for a while. He was still writing. He looked particularly familiar though. Maybe a bit to familiar. This was disturbing.

He looked at me and squinted a little, then he turned and looked at Isla, who was still looking at the menu. "Isla? Harry?" He asked. The sound of his voice instantly made me remember who he was.

"Eric? You work here?" Isla asked. He nodded a bit shyly. I wanted to laugh at him but couldn't build up the guts to.

"Nice to see you again anyway." I said.

By now, Isla was staring at the boy in wonder. "I was going to text you tonight." She said quietly. He smiled, which made Isla blush. This display of affection was building up my jealousy again.

"Could I just get the burger and chips?" I asked. They had been staring at each other, saying nothing, for about 7 minutes. It reached beyond creepy 6 minutes ago. Eric snapped out of the transe and said,

"Uh, yeah. Isla? What you want?" At the same time, she snapped out of it to.

"Um. Well, I'm hungry. Chicken wings and breast, BBQ ribs, southern fried chicken with some chips." She asked. He wrote it all down.

"I like chicken." She added under her breath, not meaning for anyone to hear.

"Me too." Eric said before walking away. Once again, she blushed.

This was not going well for me. My plan wont work with Eric around. I forgot about that for now and carried on with my prize.

While we were eating I decided to start a small game of footsies. Isla pretended she didn't want to play, but in her eyes, I saw she did. I saw she was actually enjoying my childish games.

We finished our food and left. Not before Isla promised to text Eric either tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on how the boys were acting.

"It's raining." She cried as we stepped outside. Me being sensible brought a coat, unlike Isla. I laughed, took it off and put it over her shoulders.

"Harry..." She started as I placed it on her shoulders.

"Shut up and take it." I laughed at her.

I got soaked walking, but atleast Isla was alright. I didn't want her to get ill. I loved her. I love her. I will always love her. As I was thinking this, I started to smile.

We were about three blocks away from the building complex when she noticed my smiling. "Why are you smiling Harreh?" She asked. I smiled wider. She squinted her eyes and placed a hand on my head.

"C'mon Styles. Lets get you home." She said grabbing my hand and attempting to pull me away. I just pulled her back and smashed my lips agianst hers. It took her a sencond before she reacted and kissed back.

Isla and I were kissing in the rain. Alone. Together. Willingly.

Isla's P.O.V

I touched Harry's head and he felt really warm, but the rest of him was cold. "C'mon Styles. Let's get you home." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him away.

That didn't work. He pulled me back and smashed his lips against mine. It took me a second to process what had happened then I kissed back.

I couldn't control the feeling. His lips were soft and it was a perfect scene. I loved him. I love him. That's what made it wrong. I love him, and Liam, and Niall, and Louis and Zayn. And I now think I love Eric.

One part of my mind pushed that away and told me to deepen the kiss. I did as I was told.

Luckily we were right next to an ally. So I pushed him into it and up against a wall. I felt the kisses get rougher but still loving and sweet. His tounge traced my top lip asking for entry. I smiled and didn't allow him in.

He groaned against my lips which made me smile bigger, which resulted in him smiling. Oh Harry, I thought. Why are you so charming?

We kissed for a little while longer before Harry lightly nibbled my bottom lip. I gasped slightly, involentarily. He took his chance and allowed himself in. His tounge explored every inch of my mouth before he became confident.

My fingers were tangling in his curly hair. His hand grabbed my waits slightly rough and spun us around. I was now pushed up agianst the wall. I could see in Harry's emerald eyes, a glint of cheek and a lot of lust.

"You fucking tease." He whispered into my ear. His breath traced across my neck.

I smirked and said, "You don't like this then." And I grabbed his buldge through his jeans and boxers. He groweld, not meaning to.

"Not at all."

We were making out again for a while when suddenly my phone started to ring. I pushed Harry away, resulting in him pushing me up against the wall harder. I just wanted to continue this game and finish what was started, but the phone call could be important.

"No Harry! I need to answer my phone. Stay!" I commanded as I shoved him off and onto the opposite wall. I clicked the green button on my iPhone.

"Hey!" A voice said from the other line.

"Hey LiLi." I chuckled back looking at Harry who was scowling at me.

"You're in a good mood." Liam said.

"Yeah. It happens to some people." I chuckeld again. "What's up Li?" I asked. I heard him sigh.

"You have to come home. I don't know why, but managment want you and they wont talk to anyone else. Get here fast. Simon is scary!" I laughed on final time and hung up.

"C'mon Styles. Managment are creeping out the boys. We have to get back." He frowned and grabbed my hand. I held it back and sqeezed it a bit reassuringly. We both smiled at each other as we walked back to the complex.

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