The Shy Kid(BoyxBoy)

By MampiReads

89.8K 5.6K 775

This is the typical story of your boy next door. Gulf is a shy one and thinks himself as the most imperfect b... More

The shy one
The stubborn one
Change of plans
Falling apart
The long awaited day
A new friend
Go with the flow
The Official Date
Coming out of the closet
Meeting his Family
I love you idiot
Whenever you are ready
Happy couples
My worst day
You are Safe Now
Getting there
I'm All Yours!!
You'll always have me
I don't wanna let this go!!!
Walking into my Death
Will you........???
Being together

Love is Love

2.1K 140 32
By MampiReads

~~~~~~~~~Four years Later~~~~~~~~~


When the sunrays fell on my face through our window, I slowly opened my eyes. I turned to my side only to see the love of my life lying there fast asleep. He looks so fucking beautiful lying naked right next to me.

I took in his beauty with my eyes. I trailed my fingers on his lips before giving him a kiss. He stired a bit with my action. A mischievous thought crossed my mind. I slipped inside the blanket only to stop beside my favourite place in the world.

I slowly gave a kiss to the head of his  member. I take it in my mouth and slowly started to give him a blowjob. I slowly started sucking him hard. After a few more strokes he finally came inside my mouth. I swallowed it all. I heard a loud moan. When I looked at him, Gulf was looking at me with lustful eyes.

Gulf: How many times I have to remind you not to wake me up that way??

Me: I lost count. I really wanted little gulf first thing in the morning you know.

Gulf: Fuck off!!! Let me sleep. Today is my day off  so I want to sleep every second of it.

I gave his shaft a kiss. He moaned with my actions.

I licked his head and precum oozed out of it. I started stroking him without giving him a warning. After a few more strokes, He came on my hands. I licked him to clean and he was hard again.

Gulf: Don't torture me or I'll kick your balls.

Me: Says the one whose balls are in my control now.

Gulf: Don't try my patience you pervert.

Mew: And who was the pervert who jumped on me as soon as I entered the room last night???

Gulf: Shut the fuck off and let me sleep.

I started stroking his semi erect member again.

I lost count of how many times he came. But everytime I teased him with my lips or fingers, his member would be hard all over again. And I couldn't stop licking my favourite candy. He moaned heavily every now and then. Tears were started dripping from his eyes. I wiped his tears and kissed his eyes and then his forehead.

Gulf: Please. No more!!! I don't have the strength.

Before I could say anything, he was already fast asleep with all the exhaustion.

Now I can plan everything the way I wanted to. I went for a quick shower and dressed quietly. After leaving a note for Gulf that I'll be out for a while, I finally headed to the garage to get my car.

It's been four years since we started living in together. I won't say it was bed of roses all the time. Sometimes we had and still have fights. I remember vaguely when we had our first fight. We didn't talk for a whole day. It was for a stupid reason though. I saved our intimately cozy pic as my wallpaper which Mild saw accidentally and started teasing Gulf that he looked too sexy.

Now Gulf is naturally shy when it comes to his body though he has become more confident about certain things now a days basically around me. Obviously Gulf reacted to it and blamed me for it. Like how could I know Mild is peeking from behind while I was abit lost in the picture.well!!

I can't help but think How lucky I'm to have him in my life.

I couldn't stand to not talking to him and apologised until he forgave me. It's always like that. No matter who makes the mistakes or whose fault it is, I would be the one to apologize everytime. I just can't stay without him for a second. After living with him for these years I have realised something that no matter what we'll stay forever by each other's side through thick and thin.

I also realised something that I would never get bored of him no matter how many more years we stay like this. Everytime I kiss him, it's just feels like the first time we kissed eachother.

Every moment with him is beyond special for me.

After driving for a while, I finally reached my destination that is the starting point of today's venture.

I have been waiting for this day since I graduated 2 years ago. It has taken a lot of plans and ofcourse courage to do so. But finally I'm ready to take this step. I'm nervous as hell. I even asked for his parents' permission. I even consulted with my parents and friends as well.

I have been working on the same company where I started as an intern where as Gulf is a practitioner on the same medical where he started. We are established in our respective jobs and are happy. Sometimes it gets dificult as being from seeing each other every second mostly to seeing each other for a few hours and sometimes rarely having a conversation. But we have accepted it with wholeheartedly. Beacuse both us realised sometime ago that enjoying the times we got together is more pleasurable than getting upset with eachother for some unreasonable cause.

First few months we actually fought a lot about it. But the more it got worse, the more we realised that what we want in our life. No matter what we'll be by each other's side forevermore.

My parents were actually not happy about me being an employee in a company when I'm the son of the CEO  of one of the most successful companies in bangkok. My dad almost forbade me to go to the interview. But I somehow assured them that I'll handle our company in the near future when my dad want to rest. So I'm good for a few more years.

After a while I got everything settled.

It's finally the showtime!!!!



It felt like I just slept. And the next thing I know the doorbell rang continuously. I got frustrated with Mew and cursed him for making me so tired in the first place. When I opened the door, there was standing Wat with all smiles and an envelope with him. He just handed it to me and entered inside by pushing me.

I opened the envelope with a familiar handwriting inside it.

I'm sorry for making trouble but you are about to go on a quest now. Don't worry Wat will be there with you the whole time. I think it'll be worth to follow me.

Can you come to the place where our eyes fell on each other for the first time???

I know it can't be difficult,Right???

find me ✉

What the fuck!!!!

What are you upto Mew????

Are you planning on some game?? 

Because I'm not in the mood right now!!!

Wat: What the hell are you still doing here???

Wat: Get ready idiot. We have things to do.

Me: Do we have to do this??? I'm so tired that I can use some sleep.

Wat: Let's go before I kill you. I ditched a fucking date with my baby for god's sake.

Me: Ok. Ok. Ok. I'm going to get ready.

After taking a quick shower, I was good to go dressing casually. When I left the room, Wat practically jumped on me and gave me a pair of clothes to wear!!

What is Mew upto???

I swear he sometimes go over the board with little things.

After getting dressed again, We finally left for our destination. Well I know the right place about which is written on the envelope.

When we got there, a boy came with a rose and another envelope.

I swear you are going overboard this time Mew. You better not scare me at the end.

I opened it.

A beautiful rose for a beautiful Man that I know.

I know you remember the place. I mean how could we forget our love at first sight.

I blushed thinking about that very first day. I mean I had never thought back then I would end up dating my love at first sight.

I just want you to know that you have entered on the game successfully. Now all you have to do is to follow to the place where we met again next.

Our college!!!

I told Wat to take us straight to the college. When we entered there, a girl came and handed me another envelope.

This is getting interesting.

This place holds so many memories both good and bad. It was nice spending the same corridor with you Gulf Kanawut.

But one of the most good one memory will be the afternoon spent with you somewhere near the heaven.
Do you know which place I'm talking about???

Which place is this??

We have definitely spent many afternoons in many places. Everything is close to my heart. But which place is this in particular.

It took me a while to remember about the place by the lake where he took me for a picnic. It was a beautiful day. And in the afternoon, it went somewhat steamy!!!

I told Wat to take me there. It definitely took us a while to reach there.

How many more places are left???

Again a boy handed an envelope. I don't know how he convinced them to wait for me. I mean what if it took me forever to get the clue???

The afternoon spent here is definitely one of the best memories of us but again every single second spent with you is special to me.

So cheesy!!!!

But everything changed after this day. But we still reconciled in the next place.

Do you remember where it was!!!!

Ofcourse you Dumbo!!!

The beach!!!!!!

It took us a while to get there. It's almost getting dark and I don't know how many more places are left to visit yet. But I'm getting there Love.

Wait for me!!!

When we reached there Max's dad came and handed me an envelope.


He had to involve uncle in this???

I got so embarrassed that uncle smiled at me and left to lessen my misery. I looked at the beach and opened the envelope.

We are almost there love. Be patient for a while. Many things happened here. The good ones and of course the bad ones. But we still came here many times over the years.

Just like dramas and movies, we went through both hell and heaven to reach where we are today. We are together in this, Right???

It won't take long to guess the next place as we spent most of our years together.

Can you guess the place!!!!!

You got to be kidding me!!! I should have searched our apartment before I left!!!

We headed to our home and there it was lying on the floor by the door a box and note above it.

Finally you are here!! I hope you aren't angry!!!

Can you solve me????

I opened the box and there was a puzzle. So I went inside and placed everything on the table. I started arranging it. It took me a while but when it was done, tears started rolling down my cheeks.

Mew called my name from behind. I turned around only to see him on one knee with a box on his hand.

Mew: Baby. The day I saw you for the first time, I knew you are the one!!! I just couldn't believe my feelings will be so strong for a person unknown to me. I had never felt for anybody like that before. Before I could confess you, I almost lost you. I was so devastated the whole year. But like a miracle, I happened to see you that day crossing my corridor. I couldn't believe my eyes at first. But I approached you somewhat being nervous and excited for the sametime.
Since then we started talking to each other. It took me a while to convince you to go out with me but you finally gave in and we started dating. Everything was good until some unforgettable things happened and that tore us apart. I lost you again on the beach that day. But I think I got lucky to get one more chance.

Mew: But it's like God never wanted us to have a happy ending just yet. I almost lost you again but this time it was a bet with your body. But like a miracle you returned from deep slumber and since then we have a happy life. You are the most beautiful, thoughtful,kind,loving,cute man walked on earth. I want to spend the rest of my life with you the way I have been spending it these years. You make me happy. You pulled out from my own misery. You unknowingly made me a better person than I was before I met you. You are so beautiful inside and out. I feel honoured to share my best moments with a person like you.

Mew: So Mr. Gulf kanawut do you want to continue this happily everafter??

Mew: Will you marry me Mr. Kanawut???

I got on my knees. I was such a crying mess. I couldn't just stop crying. I never thought he would propose me today. It was one of those surprises he would give me now and then. But today's was definitely a cherry on the top. I just never thought he would...

Mild: Will you please say yes or no???  We are done waiting Gulf!!!!

I looked at him and there was literally everybody. Our parents and our friends with a curiosity on their face.

Mew: Baby..

Me: Yes. Yes. Yes. I would be happy to marry you my would be Mr. Mew suppasit.

He slipped the perfect ring on my finger and kissed me right there. I cupped his cheeks and smiled at his beautiful face. We kissed softly.

Everyone around us cheered with our happiness.

He pulled away from our kiss.

Mew: You don't know how much nervous I was!!! I didn't know if anything would go well or not. I thought what if you said no!!!

Me: You honestly thought that??  How could you babe?? You know I would be happy to marry you anyday.

Mew: Good. Because we are getting married by the end of this month.

Me: Have you started preparing already??

Mew: Well yeah!!!

He blushed while saying it.

Me: What have I done?? My fiance blushed with my words.

Mew: Shut up!!!

We all celebrated our proposal night. We all sang and danced. We ate dinner for which I'm thankful to Mew that he already ordered. With all the things kept happening all day, I was so damned exhausted.

After a while one by one, everyone left. We told our frineds to stay as we have some spare rooms. But they said they don't want to hear the moans and screams.

Me: Make love to me my devishly handsome fiance!!!

Mew: With pleasure would be Mr. Suppasit.

I smiled at the new name. Before I could say anything Mew caught me by his lips and lifted me. I placed my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I'm a koala baby!!

He started walking while kissing me. I'm surprised he didn't tripp on anything.

He placed me on the bed and crawled after me. We didn't lose our eye contact. In one go we stripped each other naked. His toned body right in front of me.

He started kissing me passionately. He went from my lips to my eyes. He kissed my nose and then my ears. He bit my earlobe and smiled on it as I was shivering under him with my action. He trailed the kiss from my neck to my nipples then to my navel and straight to my erection.

Me: You have tortured me enough in morning. You better make up for that time.

Mew: Morning was different. Now I'm too happy to torture you my love. I love you Mr. Gulf Suppasit.

Me: I love you too Mr. Mew Kanawut.

He smiled at me and started licking me. I wanted to taste him. So I positioned ourselves in 69 position.

I started sucking him hard. He took the whole of me in his mouth. We sucked each other like that until we both reached our climax. We came in each other's mouth.

We both panted heavily and I licked him again. He started licking my hole giving me shivers of pleasure. After a while I was fully prepared.

He suddenly stood up and took me in his arms. My legs were on his shoulder. He started thrusting on me. I can't say how much pleasure I got in that position.

Me: yes.... Yes... Yess... Fuck me like that..... Faster.....

He pulled my already arched back and put his forehead against mine.

Mew: Do you like getting fucked by your fiance??

Me: Yessss... I love it... I love how deep you are in me now..... I love it how you pleasure me everytime.

Me: Yesss... Yessss.. Hit just there....

Mew: You like that babe??? You like my whole dick inside you???

Me: I love it.... Fuck me....

After a while we both came and my legs were like jelly. I couldn't move it. I was so heightenend with my climax.
He cleaned us both with wet tissues.

Mew: I love you so much. Thank you for agreeing to marry me.

Me: I would always agree to be yours forever. I love you tooo.


So this is it!!!!!! 

Did you guys like the proposal???

Despite of any gender, we should accept everyone being in love.
Because they say Love is Love.

No matter from wherever you are or who you love, just believe in it and keep loving the person. It'll be worth it. Don't be afraid of what people might think of you.

Again if you like this story so far, don't  forget to vote and comment though.

Lemme know how many of you liked the chapter!!!

Next chapter will be the epilogue.

Lemme tell you honestly I listened to Best part by Daniel Caeser while writing it. 😊

This is the biggest chapter I've ever written!!!!!! 😱😱😱


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