The Delusional Devil (Betraye...

By TrapMaster20

212K 3.5K 3K

A/n: This will probably my biggest story I've thought of so far, and possibly one of the most dark and fucked... More

Prologue - The Fall into Delusion
Y/n's Childhood Part 1
Y/n's Childhood Part 2
1 - Gaining Power, Vengeance, and an Ally
Laura Bio
2 - Infiltration Begins
Monika Bio
3 - Finding Asia and Learning New Things
4 - A Vessel for Me
Uzume Bio
6 - It's Time to Genocide!
Stronger Than You - Y/n's Response
7 - New Plans
8 - The Battle of Kuoh
9 - The Princess of Another World
Angelise Bio
10 - The Depressed Girl
11 - The Fall of the Misurugi Empire
Aya Bio
12 - Summer Break
13 - Time for the Next Phase
14 - The Counter Attack Against Loki
15 - Dealing with Demons
16 - The Pieces are in Place
17 - Saving Asia, Again
18 - The Whirlpool of Delusion
Updated Bio
19 - Divide
20 - The Fallen World
21 - The Reveal
Vote - Y/n Ankokuboshi Death Battle
22A - Fight for the World!!!
22B - Reach out for the Truth!!
23 - Fate Works in Mysterious Ways
24 - The Silent Requiem
25 - The Beginning of The End
Opening 2
Updated Uzume Bio
DBX - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Muzan Kibutsuji
26 - The World Now Knows
27 - The CPU Gantlet
28 - The Leading Path
29 - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Uzume Tennouboshi; The Final Fight
Finale - Good Things Don't Come Without a Simple Sacrifice

5 - The Amnesiac Girl

6.2K 102 133
By TrapMaster20

A/n: This chapter takes place after the battle with Riser, since I don't see much importance to that arc of High School DxD. Don't worry though, Y/n will be killing him, but that's going to have to wait. But not for long though...

No one's POV

Location: ???

We see Y/n sitting on a throne, as the ORC, Student Council, and even Team Vali running up.

Y/n: You finally made it. It you took you all long enough. As a matter of fact, the end of the world is at neigh. There is nothing you can do to save yourselves now.

Rias: We don't care what you think! We're going to win this, and you will pay for your crimes!

Vali: Have to admit, I never though I would be teaming up with my rival like this.

Issei: Now, just give up now, or your in for an ass-whopping, you bastard!

Sona: You've gone to far Y/n! We've killed Laura and Monika! You can't hide under them any longer!

Y/n: Please, I'm already powerful as is. If I did fight you all now, you'd all be dead. What makes you think you can stop me?

As Y/n finishes his sentence, a girl walks up from the mist of devils. A young human girl with a different color scheme from Y/n.

Girl: Then why don't you explain why you're even doing this, "me?" You do realize that I was a part of you. The more happy times! The times where "I" was human!!! Did you forget that you were a human?

Y/n: Oh, you need not remind me. Truth is, I'm doing this because of what humanity's done to me. Did you forget the memories I have you "me," or did something happen?

Girl: Even if that is the reason, just get revenge on the ones who hurt you, not the entire world!

Y/n: Why should I believe that?! Why did my parents die, yet no one came to save them?! Why was I adopted only to be used as a slave?! WHY WAS I GIVEN THE NICKNAME, PARENT KILLER?!?! WHY DID YOU BETRAY ME RIAS?!?! WHY DID YOU MONGRELS ALL CELEBRATE MY DEATH?!?! I was never human. I learned that truth a long ago. I am what humanity has rejected... And now they must pay!!!

Xenovia: Even so, you will not get away with this!

Issei: Yeah!

Y/n: Very well then. Issei, The Red Dragon Emperor. You have a thorn in my side for far to long. Today is the day I rectify that mistake! After I defeat you all, I will have all of your Sacred Gears, and put them in my own body!

Issei: Bring it on, you pussy! Uzume, let's go!

Uzume: Right!

The girl, who we now know as Uzume, runs up to Issei's side. The others are about to go when Y/n summons a barrier.

Y/n: Don't even try use divine dividing, Vali. It's useless. Now, "me" and Issei, the final battle is here. I WILL end humanity and the supernatural. And if you aren't going to give up willingly, I make you surrender by force!

Y/n then brings out a giant magic circle from under him.


Y/n is then surrounded by a purple void and is then shown in a different form.

Rias: That's Black Heart!!!

Kiba: No way... The reason why the souls of the four CPUs were out of control is because... Y/n pulled them into his delusion.

Y/n: Good thinking... I did arrive at the CPU areas way before you and I have mastered each and every form! Now... witness how a TRUE fighter wields these divine gifts from that bastard God!

Y/n then rushes Uzume and Issei, only for both of them to dodge it.

Ddraig: BOOST!!!

Issei: Uzume!

Uzume: Got it!

Both Uzume and Issei run towards Y/n, but he dodges it with ease. Issei then boost his power by a lot and then they do the same thing.

Y/n: To easy.


Issei then launches his attack straight at Y/n, but before he can activate his stand, it hits him. It also causes him to go out of his Chaos form. This scenario goes on for several hours, since Y/n has many forms like it.

Y/n: *panting* It seems as if... you have surpassed me... well done...

Before Issei can finish him off, Uzume stops him. She then walks up to Y/n and gets down on her knees.

Uzume: You alright, "me?" You used a lot of power, so you must-

Y/n: SHUT UP!!! I don't need you pity! When I learned about you, "me," I thought you would help me end the masses... But I was wrong... You allied yourselves with the ones that hurt you... Don't you get it, "me?" You're LITERALLY a part of me! Why are you fighting me?!

Uzume: You're right Y/n. We are the same being, but I don't destroying the world will help you do anything. You're right. We were both just one being... but our past is what created this. The curse inside you is what made you do all of this. If that curse wasn't in you, then you wouldn't have gone to doing all of this.

Uzume then wraps her arms around Y/n, much to his own shock.

Uzume: Please Y/n... Let's end this game already... You've hurt so many people already. I know that there is still love left in your heart.

Y/n: Uzume...

Uzume: Yeah?

Y/n then brings out Gehaburn and then stabs Uzume right through the heart.

All of ORC except Issei: Uzume!

Student Council: Uzume!

Issei: No... No...! Uzume! UZUME!!!! UZUMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n: You don't understand anything at all, "me." Your just the part of me that I rejected. You're just too pure for this world.

Uzume: Y.../n.... Please...

Y/n then pulls his blade out of Uzume's chest, and she then collapses to the floor, lifeless. Uzume Tennouboshi, has died.

???: T̷̯̐̎͗̈h̵̡̛̛͙͚͆͌̿ể̶̜̮̝̈́̓͘ ̷̺̝̰͙̾E̴̢̗͇͛͊̚͜t̶̛̫̫̙̮̭̽̓͐̈ě̶̡̨͍̎̓̀́r̷̡̮̦̦͆̿̈́͑͌n̷̪̊͐a̵͈͖͖̟̩̋l̶̞̠̏ ̸͙̹͙̘̇͊͋͠ͅP̶̯̤͇͓͛͌ĩ̸̖̙̺̟̥͝t̷͇͈̱̣͌ ̸̲̈́̈́̓͠o̵̭̺̟̮̾̒͐f̶̨̙̱̑̽ ̵̛͉̦̱̲̬̒̕F̵̮̮̝͉͌l̶̫̂ͅa̵̦̗͈̔͗͗̔͛͜ͅm̸̮͍̼͑̍ĕ̷̯̹̳̠͎̍ ̷̘̅̽͂̄̏ĩ̵̟̣̒͜ͅs̷̨̹̤̥͒̽̅ ̶̨͕̰̜̀̑̔̊̓n̷̫̗̏̀̿o̶̫̽̐͒̿͜w̵͍̱͌̊̒͘!̴̺̼͖̓͊͊͝!̵̧̱̝̑͋ͅ!̶̳̬͑

With that, the world had officially fallen into an apocalypse, due to the hands of Y/n Ankokuboshi. Because of the death of Uzume, Y/n had all of his power returned to him, which was the power of the shares and the power of negative emotions. With it, he destroyed the ORC, the Student Council, The Khaos Brigade, and the rest of the supernatural. He soon sent out his Dark CPUs to invade the world and destroy it. All armies of the world fought as hard as they could, but they were no match for the new threat, and they were all killed on sight. Y/n had enjoyed the chaos that he made and became the most feared person of all time. There were some people who tried to fight him, but they died quickly. The only one who got close to beating him was a man named Seiya Ryuuguuin, but even he failed, giving his own life to try and end Y/n's reign of tyranny of the world. The battle was over, and mankind was doomed.

Issei's POV

I just finished a contract not to long ago, as I head back home, I notice a bright white light, which emits a lot of power.

Issei: I know I'm supposed to go right back home, but I've got to see what that was.

I then ride to where it came from and see the old church. Well, since no one's here, no one will mind? I then step inside and see- Oh man! I see a smoking hot chick wearing only a white shirt.

Issei: Oh man! She's hot!

As I walk up to her, I go to lift the top of her shirt and see if she's wearing a bra.

???: Issei, what the hell are you doing?

I then turn around to see Rias there, but she is not happy.

Issei: Oh, um, hey Rias! I was just- *sigh* I was heading back from a pact when I felt this girl's presence.

Rias: So that's why you're here.

Issei: Well, what do we do?!

Rias: Well, let's first see if they're dead.

Rias then walks up to the girl and checks for a pulse.

Rias: She's not dead at the least. But still, how did she even get here? She's not even wearing any other clothes but this shirt.

Issei: Pres, we have to do something!

Rias: Do you have any ideas, Issei?

Issei: I don't really know...

???: Ugh...

The girl then opens her eyes and now I can see that she has orange eyes.

Rias: I see you're awake.

Issei: Hi.

Rias: Look, there are better places to be than here, you know. Come on, let's get you out of here. Issei, let's get her on your bike and get her to the club room.

Issei: You got it!

I then grab the girl and get her into a piggyback position and get her on my bike.

*Time-skip brought to you by*

No one's POV

After Issei got the girl back to the ORC, the others get worried about her, due to her grunting in pain a lot.

Girl: Tsk! Owww...

Asia: Hold still.

Asia then heals her.

Girl: Thanks.

Asia: No problem!

Rias then walks into the room.

Rias: So, um...?

Girl: I'm sorry, what are you doing?

Rias: What's your name?

Girl: I don't remember...

Rias: What do you mean you don't remember.

Girl: That's what I'm telling you! I don't remember my own name, who I am, or even where I am right now!

Kiba: Rias, I think she's suffering from Amnesia.

Girl: Am...nesia?

KIba: It means that you have no memory of anything about you.

Rias: That would make sense.

Koneko: What's the plan.

Asia: I would feel really sorry for her if we left her outside, alone and confused.

Kiba: How about we leave her with Issei? After all, Asia's been doing rather well with him.

Girl: Well, can you tell me where we are?

Rias: You're in Kuoh Academy. We're the occult research club.

Girl: Occult Research Club? That sounds familiar somehow...

Kiba: Can you remember anything about yourself?

Girl: Not right at the moment... but I can remember that I was apart of something called a peerage, whatever that is?

The others then look at the girl in shock.

Rias: Part of a peerage? That must mean she's at least a devil, but who's peerage?

Rias: Well, allow me to help you out a bit by getting you some more decent clothes.

Rias then starts to head out, and the girl then follows.

*Time-skip brought to you by how traps are made*

After a few hours of trying things for the girl, she and Rias come back.

Kiba: Welcome back. How did it go?

Rias: It took a while, but we finally found something. You can come in now.

The girl walks in, showing her new attire.

Girl: So, what do you guys think? Pretty cool, right?

IsseI: Yeah... that looks great on you!

Girl: Hey, why you starting at my belly button while I'm being all sentimental here? You a pervert or something?

Koneko: Yes. The worst of them all.

Girl: Damn...

Rias: Well, now that we have that figured out, let's try and figure out your name. Does the name Sofia ring any bells?

Girl: Nope...

Koneko: What about Ava?

Girl: Nope...

Kiba: Skylar?

Girl: Nope...

Asia: Alice?

Girl: Nope...

Issei: What about Maria?

Girl: Nope...

Akeno: Daisy?

Girl: Nope...

With this, the next problem came for ORC, which was finding out the girl's name. It went on for several hours, since none of them could figure out the girl's name. After a long time of saying girl names, Issei says one.

Issei: How about Uzume?

As he says the name, the girl then clenches her head in pain.

Girl: *groans in pain*

After a few seconds, she comes back to normal.

Uzume: I remember now. My name was... Uzume Tennouboshi.

Rias: Uzume, huh? Well, I'm glad you were able to remember your name.

Uzume: Same here. Now, um, do any of you mind if I stay at your place?

Issei: How about my place?

Uzume: Yeah no. I can just feel you checking me out right now.

Kiba: How about she stays with me? I have one empty room, plus it would be helpful for her to be around one of us.

Uzume: That's fine by me.

Rias: Alright Kiba. I'll let Sona know about this and see if we can get her into a class. For now, we should head home. Kiba, take Uzume and make sure she knows the ropes around town.

Kiba: Understood.


Kokabiel's POV

Kokabiel: Damn it! Why couldn't we just continue the war?

???: Such a disappointment. But what if I told you there was a new way to start a war? A new one with new results?

I then turn around and see a young girl standing right in front of me.

Kokabiel: What the...?!

???: You're next line is, "Who are you?" Am I right?

Kokabiel: Who are you? *gasp*

Kokabiel: How did she know what I was going to say?

???: If you're wondering what how I knew what you were going to say, let's just say it's easy to read you.

Kokabiel: What do you want from me?

???: To be the truth, I've been quite bored of this never ending peace.

Kokabiel: Are you saying you want war as well?

???: Yes. And I think I know how to start one.

Kokabiel: How? You must tell me!!!

???: It's quite simple really. All we have to do is take something precious from the church. If the plan goes right, then the Church just might send people to start another Great War.

Kokabiel: Another Great War..?

???: Yes. That is... if you want it.

My mind was going crazy! Another Great War?! I can't let this girl take this chance away from me!!!

Kokabiel: I'm in. I want to enjoy this next war to it's fullest, and I want to see it through.

???: Very well. Now, I need you to send some of your troops somewhere.

Kokabiel: Why can't you do it yourself?

???: Truth is Kokabiel, I am a devil. I can't grab things like what we need for myself. That's why you and your troops must get it.

Kokabiel: Fine. What is it you need?

???: Take three of the Excalibur fragments. If we have those, it would have the church going after you, which just might be enough of a spark to start a war.

*Time-skip brought to you by*

Y/n's POV

I then head back to Heart Dimension and see both Laura and Monika.

Y/n: Hello you two, how was everything?

Monika: Perfect. I ended more bastards who were about to rape some little girls.

Laura: It vas fine. Though we did also get some information.

Y/n: Let's hear it.

Monika: It seems as though the old Satan faction will be trying to kill of Rias's older brother, along with the other Satans.

Y/n: That's good. Anything else?

Laura: After some investigation, I learned vhy Rias wants strong pieces.

This caught my interest. When I was about to die, she said she had no room for weaklings, so I'm curious for her methods.

Y/n: Why did she not want anyone weak?

Laura: Rias vants strong members in order to break her engagement with Riser Phenix.

Y/n: Riser... Riser... Phenix...?

Laura: Yes sir.

Y/n: This has just gotten interesting... Is there anything else of importance?

Laura: No sir.

Y/n: Good. Now, I'll be heading out now.

Monika: But why so soon, my lord? You just got back!

Y/n: Well, I need to-

Laura: You can Riser and anyone immortal with ease. Not to mention, you've been doing a lot of vork. I think you should have to rest of the day to yourself.

Y/n: You do make a point... *sigh* Fine. I guess I can hold off for a bit. After all, when I end the world, there will be no relaxation, so I should take it in while I can.

I then go to the bathrooms and begin to undress. I then wrap myself in a bath towel, and head to the hot springs that are in here.

I then get in and relax.

Y/n: Ahhhh~. You know, the girls were right about this. This is definitely something I needed.

I then start to relax a bit more and then look up in the sky. I then remember my first "meeting" of Riser Phenix. Truth be told, I hated him with every inch of my body, and since I learned what Gehaburn can do, I'll be taking care of that bastard once and for all.

Y/n: Be on your guard, Riser Phenix. You might want to be prepared as well, Karen and the Old Satan Faction. The Whirlpool of Delusion awaits you.

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