Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's...

By devoncruz23

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Lexington Hunter, a cynical young man part of a Aeltonier mercenary band will have his world turned upside do... More

1: Awakening
3: Dreaded Maiden
4: Odd Day
5: Way Of The Flames
6: Hunters
7: Dance Of Wolves
8: Shapeshifter
9: Bloody History
10: Phoenix King
11: Academy
12: Blooming Friendships
13: Robin's Song
14: Family Matters
15: Wolf Prince
16: Cruelty
17: Brother and Sister
18: Magic
19: Learning Pains
20: Odd Mistakes
21: Blood of Lightning
22: Death's Omen
23: Legacy
map Rework
24: Knowledge
25: Plans
26: Bygones
27: Crowe
28: Survival Training
29: Shit hitting the fan
30: Nightmares
31: Reaper's Harvest
32: Doubts
33: Releasing Stress
34: Framing
35: The Three Lies
36: Athorazen
37: Battle of Griffin Island
38: Phoenix Queen
39: Wolf King
40: The Hunter's Call

2: Confrontation

120 9 8
By devoncruz23

It is once again a hot day on the fifth of Crimson Flower, Lexington is standing before Alistair's grave as it's on a hill under a red leafed tree. Lexington sighs while shaking his head as he heads back into town finding Alec brushing Griffin.

Alec: "you ready to go?" He directs to Lexington who nods while looking the horse he bought from the stable. "Good, we can probably get to the nearest port within five weeks without delay, it's gonna be a long ride and an even longer one once we hit the sea."

Lexington: "right..." He says somewhat worried that his past will catch up to him which Alec does pick up on.

Alec: "you're gonna be fine Lex, even if Phoenix Knights find us which is unlikely, they know better than to mess with me." He says getting on Griffin as he looks over at Lexington's horse. "You give her a name yet?" He asks curiously.

Lexington: "no." He says honestly as they ride out of town as they're both silent as Lexington is thinking of a couple questions to ask Alec. "So... How long have you been doing this?" He asks trying to make conversation.

Alec: "over twenty five years, I was a bit younger than you when I joined the Huntsman... But why were you a mercenary?" He asks as Lexington thinks for a couple seconds.

Lexington: "as far as I know I was born into my mercenary band, never knew my birth parents and neither did Alistair... Probably doesn't matter but I bet my real parents would be disappointed in me if they saw who I became." He says being honest while Alec remains silent as he's got no response for that. "But answer me this, what is it that the Huntsman fight for?" He asks as he wants to make sure he's fighting for a good cause.

Alec: "Outsiders think we just do what's best for humanity but they forget that elves were once a part of our group, hell they even had a hand in the Huntsman being formed... We do what we do for the safety of all sentient beings, not just humans." He says as Lexington grows really curious hearing this.

Lexington: "elves were part of the Huntsman?" He asks riding up to him.

Alec: "I'm talking about the Averial Elves here or sky elves as most people know them, last elf to be part of the order was Isira the white wolf... Over a 250 years ago, died during the Royal Elven Purge along with her people, it's a damn shame." He states but stops his horse as doesn't Lexington.

Lexington: "what's wrong?" He asks as Alec doesn't respond and suddenly pushes him off his horse as Lexington sees an arrow fly past his head.

Alec: "alright if you're bold enough to attack a Huntsman then please... Come try it." He says pulling out his sword.

???: "I'm here for that mercenary, not you." A clearly feminine voice says while Lexington gets behind a tree as Alec looks at him asking if he did wrong as of recently as Lexington shrugs as he begins to think a bit.

Lexington: "oh Aiglia's burning hell, I'm not with those mercenaries anymore!" As he hears the she-elf scoff in the forest.

Elyria: "oh really? Then tell me where I can find the one who killed my friend so I can put an arrow between his eyes." As Lexington closes his eyes hearing this while he walks out into the open.

Lexington: "he's dead." As Elyria is shocked though Lexington can't see her. "He was killed by a Demon last night, I know you're angry over what happened." He says as Elyria rushes him and has a dagger against his neck.

Elyria: "damn right I am, so why should I let you live when my friend didn't get that luxury?" She asks while Lexington looks her in her emerald eyes which fit her slightly tanned skin and dark red hair.

Lexington: "cause I didn't want that situation to happen, I especially didn't want your friend getting killed in the process... I'm sorry." He says as Elyria sees the look of regret in his eyes.

Elyria: "just answer me this... Why did you carry Fylis back to us? You could've just left... No skin off your back as you humans would say." As Lexington gives her an honest stare.

Lexington: "cause it was the only right thing I could do in that situation." He says with respect as Elyria puts her weapons away and looks towards the Huntsman.

Elyria: "you're the Huntsman Grixi mentioned, My name is Elyria of the Wolf Tribe." She greets to Alec.

Alec: "the Wolf Tribe? Your mother must be Kylia then?" He asks as Elyria nods when Alec scratches the back of his head.

Lexington: "something wrong?" He asks noticing but Alec motions everything's fine.

Elyria: "well I know this is blunt but I wanna be a huntress." She says as Alec while he appreciates her honesty motions her to explain. "Well like you said, the last elf to be in your order was over a 250 years ago, I wanna change that... My people deserve to have hope, hope that they to can be more than hermits in the woods." She says as Alec stands there for a moment finding that last part to he kinda funny.

Alec: "okay... Just lemme see how much magic you have." He says placing his hand on her head. "Hmm you got a good amount and seems you got some training." He says while Lexington gets on his horse. "Alright you can come along but how are you gonna follow?" He asks as Elyria whistles loudly when a brown colored direwolf runs into view causing Lexington's horse to freak out and buck Lexington off.

Lexington: "what the phoenix hell!?" He asks surprised as Elyria pets the direwolf.

Elyria: "say hello to Ryris, don't worry he won't eat you or your horses." As Lexington looks at the huge direwolf as Elyria gets on it. "Let's go now shall we?" She asks as Lexington hops back on his horse and follows but keeps his distance from Elyria's direwolf.

Alec: "tell me, is your mother well?" He directs to Elyria.

Elyria: "she's... Not happy with me since I'm leaving to be a huntress, I know she's just worried for my safety but she really didn't want me to leave." As Alec looks over at her.

Alec: "that's... Motherly affection for you." As Elyria scoffs with amusement.

Elyria: "so it's true? Demons are roaming the surface again?"

Alec: "it is, good thing I found two worthy recruits should things get out of hand." He states as Elyria acknowledges this as she slows down riding next to Lexington.

Elyria: "Lexyingtan right?" As Lexington looks at her for how she said that. "Sorry... Human names aren't my specialty, I'll just call you Lex." She says as Lexington nods.

Lexington: "that works." He states as there's a brief moment of silence. "so... I don't have to worry right? About you killing me in my sleep?" He asks as Elyria looks over.

Elyria: "you do not, we aren't friends by any means but I'm not gonna hurt you cause... What you did by giving us Fylis' body and how much care you had setting him down... You have my appreciation." As Lexington looks over and nods as the ride for the most part is quiet as it gets late at night while Alec is setting up camp but Lexington notices he's doing something.

Lexington: "what are you doing?" He asks confused as Elyria gets his attention.

Elyria: "he's putting up a magical warding, it'll scare off anything like ghouls, spirits among other things." As Lexington looks in surprise and asks how she knows this. "I read a lot of books about magic though books were hard to come by given I lived in the forest my whole life." She explains as Alec finishes putting up the warding and kneels before the fire.

Alec: "you know the basics at least, anyway Lex read this while we're on the road and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask." He says tossing Lexington a book about magic and a variety of basic spells.

Lexington: "uh... Thanks but what if I can't grasp it? The magic I mean?" He asks as he isn't sure if he can confidently do magic.

Alec: "you will, maybe not your lightning but we'll get you used the performing basic magic before attempting that." As Lexington sighs as Alec motions to say what's wrong.

Lexington: "I'm rather new to the concept of magic and how it works, so... Care to explain a few things? Like how I got so much magic like you said?" He asks as Alec sits down properly.

Alec: "okay you've heard of genetics at the very least right?" As Lexington nods having a basic understanding. "Okay magic much like genetics can be passed down from your parents but with a few twists, the magic your parents had will combine so based on how much magic I sensed in you, I'd say that both your parents had large amounts of magic, You with me so far?" He asks as Lexington simply nods.

Alex: "the magic within us not only runs through our genetics but depending on how much you have will determine how strong of magic you can use without hurting yourself... For example I can stop or slow down time and move freely as I wish but if someone with not a lot of magic tries doing that? They can die or at worse become... Unrecognizable." As he uses his dagger to draw four symbols.

Alec: "there are over a hundred types of magic but the main four that's learnable for most people are Elemental, Healing, Enhancement and... Blood Magic." He says slightly uneasy mentioning that last one. "I've mastered Time Magic, Elemental Magic and most forms of combat magic but not everyone can learn it, usually it's just cause they don't have enough magic or a very severe mental block." He says as Lexington nods and looks at Elyria.

Lexington: "Alec said you had a decent amount, any neat tricks?" He asks jokingly as Elyria rolls her eyes with a smile.

Elyria: "watch." As she stands up grabbing her bow and pulls back when three violet outlines of her stand on either side of her.

Lexington: "what the?" He asks as Alec looks on impressed.

Alec: "Those are magical projections of yourself... Clones kind of, I think it's called Projection Magic, pretty handy for combat... You two get some rest I'll keep watch." As Lexington lays down as he finds Elyria using Ryris as a pillow.

Lexington (mind): "lucky." As he gets to sleep while Alec sits on Griffin seeing the two sleep as he walks off and kneels and closes his eyes.

Alec (mind): "Kylia if you get this, I know you don't approve of your daughter being a huntress but I promise you, I will look after her." As he opens his eyes and sighs. *Hours pass.* Lexington is awake as he's riding by himself eventually finding a river as he hops off and looks through the book finding what looks like a simple spell.

Lexington: "Aquarius Imperius, hold out your palm and move it in any direction you wish the water to move... Sounds simple enough." As he places the book down and holds out his palm. "Aquarius Imperius." He says moving his palm upward but nothing happens, Lexington tries again but gets the same result. "Relax... You're a beginner, maybe it's all about the motion." He says staying calm as he tries again when the water starts to move which gets him excited till he splashes himself as he looks seeing Alec laughing a bit.

Alec: "I can appreciate the attempt but you shouldn't do it alone, you need a proper teacher... Watch, Aquarius Imperius!" He says holding out his palm as he lifts some water from the river. "Magic isn't just something you can do just when you feel like it, you have to really mean it, sort of like a primal instinct... What were you feeling when you first used your lightning?"

Lexington: "anger and... A desire to kill." He says as Alec finds that a bit concerning. "I gotta learn to use lightning eventually."

Alec: "yes but you barely have a grasp on it, let's start small and build up from there, pick up that pebble." As Lexington does so. "Now I want you to throw it at me." He says as Lexington looks at him blankly.

Lexington: "okay then..." As he chucks the pebble at Alec but it stops inches from Alec's face.

Alec: "this is Mind Magic or telekinesis if you're feeling fancy, it's the first bit of magic I ever learned and it's probably the easiest at least for me." He states while moving the pebble around as Lexington feels like he's being punched with surprises on an hourly basis.

Lexington: "wait... You can't lift me right?" He asks just being sure.

Alec: "nah just inanimate objects, all you have to do is say Teleki and think of lifting the pebble, go ahead." He says floating the pebble over to him as Lexington hesitates.

Lexington: "Teleki." He says as the pebble shoots out of his hand as it skips across the ground. "By the gods." He says laughing a bit.

Alec: "don't get too excited, you still got a lot to learn." As he notices Phoenix Knights riding down the road on the other side of the river but they stop when one of them gets off their horse. "Get behind me Lex." He says as Lexington does so.

Phoenix Knight: "Master Keeferson, it's an honor to meet the legend." He says with respect as Alec doesn't recognize him. "Oh my apologies my name is Edmund Rexios, Captain of the Phoenix Knights." He says as Alec nods while looking at the blood red armor with a yellow Phoenix engraving.

Alec: "I know who you are, you're well known for giving death penalties for the simplest of magic." He says as Lexington feels uneasy.

Edmund: "well if it means anything, that young man isn't wanted for doing magic in a Kingdom where it's prohibited." As Alec scoffs while crossing his arms.

Alec: "it doesn't mean anything, and what is the young man behind me wanted for exactly?" As Edmund pulls out a scroll.

Edmund: "let's see, for the murder of 5 knights, burning of a barracks owned by me, and for desecration of a shrine of our current King Samuel V or otherwise known as the-"

Alec: "the Phoenix King I know, I'm very familiar with the King and his laws but Lexington Hunter is under my protection as he's a recruit and you knights can't touch recruits." He says when Edmund walks along the edge of the river.

Edmund: "that is true but here's the thing with that, a member of the royal family would first have to judge Lexington and give him the punishment of joining the Huntsman but since it looks like you're just recruiting Lexington the usual way, that doesn't exempt him of his prior crimes." He says while resting his hand on the hilt of his sword while Alec is chuckling a bit.

Alec: "well it would seem you actually did some reading but here's the thing, you've heard about Demons roaming the lands now?"

Edmund: "it's just rumors." As Alec scoffs hearing that.

Alec: "Oh trust me they're not rumors and I'm gonna need every able body I can get, it doesn't mean I'm gonna take your younglings as that nearly brought my order down in the first place but..." He says grabbing the sword for humans on back. "If you're gonna get in the way of Huntsman business? I'll be happy to return your heads to your King." He says pulling out his sword for humans as the Knights draw their weapons.

Phoenix Knight: "we have you 8 to 1." As Alec smirks hearing this.

Alec: "I like those odds." He says as the Knights are standing their ground when Alec grabs the other sword on his back that's for monsters. "You know, I only use this for monsters but I can make an exception... Just this once." He says clanking his two swords together as the Phoenix Knights are intimidated slightly. "Cause here's the thing, this is meant to cut scales, golems made of diamonds and a damn demon in half so what do you think it's gonna do to that pretty little armor of yours?" He asks smiling as Edmund signals his men to stand down.

Edmund: "that young man will face justice, you can-" when Alec stabs both swords into the ground.

Alec: "and you're gonna face both ends of my blades if I ever see you again." As Edmund and his men ride off. "Kid... Why did you do those things? The crimes I mean." He says as Lexington looks down at the ground.

Lexington: "it's... Complicated." He says as Alec wants details but decides this isn't the time with Phoenix Knights soo close.

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