L I G H T S || KarlJacobs/Qua...


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Two epic gamers, two of her closest friends, both with feelings for her. How will she overcome this challenge... More

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C H R I S T M A S ( K A R L )
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So, he doesn't hate me?

I thought as I sat on my bed. But then again, Karl could just be saying that to mess with me again.

I sighed as I checked the time, 45 minutes till show time. It was time for me to join the call. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.


I came in a bit later than expected. They were already talking about the rules when I entered the call.

"We don't know nobody, we don't know nobody," I heard Alex say as Austin replies, "Okay, so that's what your going with, you don't know nobody,"

They continued talking, and Austin started talking about his age and stuff. I'm surprised Alex hasn't noticed me yet, can't say the same for Austin since I got an angry text from him a few mins before the show, and to which I told him I'd make it up to him.

"Are you ready chat? Are you ready to meet the girls for today?" exclaimed Austin as he waited for a bit before continuing, "Alright, I think they're ready. I think they're ready Quackster, you just give me one second Imma do a little screen transition," said Austin as I sat up straight, alerted.

I smiled at my web cam as Austin finished getting stuff ready. Alex finally notices I actually showed up and I notice the color from his face drains a bit. Guess he's as nervous as I am.

After Austin told Minx to fix his camera and told us to wave to the camera, it was now time for introductions, "Hello ladies, listen, listen. You must know something about me, every woman in my life has hurt me so severely-" I sorta tuned out as I bit my lip nervously.

I knew he was joking, but I still felt really guilty especially after what happened.

Introductions went on, Alex switching his background to a photoshopped image of each of us looking old. It was finally my turn,

"Y/N! Please introduce yourself," said Austin as I smiled at the camera, "Uhm, hey. My name is Y/N, and I'm here to win another Love Or Host and to obviously, support my friend,"

"Woah, getting a little bold are we?" said Austin as Alex lets out a laugh. "Didn't you guys meet up in real life before?" asked Austin, and I froze.

"Yeah, we actually met up a while ago. I could hear her fucking snores through the walls at night," said Alex as I rolled my eyes, smiling, "Obvious lies, he just wants to cover up the fact that he sleep talks at night- like bro, I've been playing babysitter every night,"

"I DON'T FUCKING DO THAT!" said Alex in between laughs,

"YES YOU DO!" I said in between laughs,

"Wait then isn't this unfair, they met before, she has the upper-hand," said Mia.

"Yeah, but Quackity also knows that- Wait why the fuck isn't my picture photoshopped?" I noticed he put a regular picture of mine as his background, unlike everyone else's, well besides Kacey.

"BECAUSE YOUR ALREADY FUCKING OLDDD!" said Alex as he laughs, causing me to fake a gasp, "Fuck you! Your just jealous that your like- what- 5 years old mentally, and your 4 foot 5,"

This earned a few laughs which muffled out whatever Alex was gonna say next, "YOU GET HIM Y/N! DRAG HIS ASS!" yelled Minx, causing another roar of laughter.

"Alright! Ladies! Calm down. Let's move onto the last person, Minx!"

Slowly after Minx's introductions, one by one, people were eliminated. There were loads of laughter, and funny arguments too. Overall, I was glad me and Alex just forgot about everything that happened between us and acted like regular friends having a good time during all this.

Karl joined in too and made things interesting. I was a bit pissed that he kept trying to sabotage me constantly,

"Hey, chat you should vote off Y/N, since she did host me last time," said Karl as I gasped,

"Shut up! I literally didn't know who you were back then! Plus, you really think I'd choose Host again after I got hell from Sapnap?" I scoffed as Alex lets out a laugh.

"Uhm, yeah! And plus, I'm still here, in her home, on her couch," Karl lets out a laugh as Alex raises his eyebrows,

"Only cause I locked you out of my room- Austin! Can we kick Karl?" Alex lets out a laugh as Karl gasps.

"What the honk! I'm only trying to protect Big Q here!" he said as I refrained myself from rolling my eyes. Yeah right, not like you didn't try convincing me to not join the Love Or Host beforehand causing me to be late.

"Look, chat. Me and Al- Quackity, bonded wayy before Karl arrived here. All the proofs on Twitter. Karl's just jealous we bonded without him," I grinned as Alex lets out a laugh and Karl lets out a huff.

"TRUE TRUE! KARL'S BEING A LITTLE JEALOUS PISS BABY!" exclaimed Alex, earning a chuckle from me.

"You all suck.. Austin can we move on now," huffed Karl as everyone lets out a laugh.

Honestly, even after all that, I was surprised as I was chosen by chat with Minx to be the last two.

"Ladies, you have two minutes and thirty seconds each, to talk to Quackity. If at the end of that date, he chooses you, congratulations. If not, it's the end of the road and we all hope to stay friends," said Austin as I smiled in agreement.

"Great. Who wants to go first?" asked Austin.

"I'll go," said Minx, raising her hand slightly,

"Y/N, thank you so much for volunteering!" exclaimed Austin as I laughed slightly.

"But I-" I said as I was cut off, "Alright! You have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to talk," said Austin as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Austin. Can I go pee for a second?" asked Karl which Austin agreed to.

I heard Alex clear his throat, "So, hey,"

"QuackityHQ, we talk again," Alex flinched slightly, "Look, about the-"

I immediately cut him off, "Nah, we'll catch up later, anyways, I just wanna say that I did choose Love for the record," I smirked as he lets out a laugh,

"Oh yeah? Well, Karl seems to think otherwise," he raises an eyebrow as I waved him off,

"He's just jealous cause I chose Host on his Love Or Host," Alex lets out another laugh.

"Also, you might wanna check Twitter, specifically my Twitter account," I smirked as he started typing on his keyboard,

"Oh wow, so now your promoting your Twitter?" said Alex smiling as I let out a laugh.

"Funny enough, I'm actually not, just check-"

"NO WAY 'simp4quackity'? Does Karl know?" asked Alex as he stared at his screen wide eyed.

"Nope, that's why I locked my door. You should be honored since I'm starting to use Twitter more," I grinned as I flipped my hair dramatically.

"YEAH ABOUT TIME GRANDMA!" said Alex bursting with laughter.

"WHY YOU- OKAY! I probably have like a few seconds left but I just wanna say that, whether you choose me or Minx, we'll still be friends no matter what, and I'll always support whatever you do," I said quickly, which caught him off guard.

"Oh, thats.. nice of you to say, thank you Y/N," said Alex as he smiled at me,

"OKAY TIME'S UP! Y/N is there anything else you'd like to add?" asked Austin,

"Hmm.. Quackity.." I started as everyone went quiet,

"DAMN I NEVER EXPECTED YOU TO BE A SOFTIE!" I yelled as everyone laughed.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?" yelled Alex, still laughing from my sudden outburst.

"Okay, enough! Minx it's your turn," said Austin.

"Hey, Austin, I'm back from the bathroom," said Karl as me and Austin let out a laugh,

"Yes, thank you Karl, appreciated for telling me," replied Austin.

I proceeded to go on mute as Alex and Minx had their date, which I would say was probably better than mine and Alex's.

Things got way funnier as Austin went on a date with Alex too, but it got tense again as Alex was deciding on his final choice.

After a few convos here and there, it was time to reveal his decision.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Quackity has made his decision," started Austin as I started feeling more nervous.

"This is a tough decision, he cried about it. Didn't you, Quackity?"

"I did, I cried. So so hard," said Alex sarcastically.

"Really hard. It was a challenging decision, and he wanted me to let you ladies know that he wanted to choose Karl but I wouldn't let him," said Austin as Alex laughed and agreed.

They started doing a bit where they wondered why all the straight guys flirt with each other, which I found funny.

"Anyways, the decision has been made, and the winner of the Love or Host is.. Doc," said Austin as Quackity lets out a gasp,

"It's Doc?" asked Alex followed by Karl cheering, "LET'S GO!"

"No no no-" started Austin,

"Wait I won?" asked Doc which caused everyone to laugh.

"No! Doc, you have the paper right in front of you, you have to give it to me," reminded Austin as there was paper crumpling noises for a while,

"Did you get it?" asked Doc.

"Shit, I dropped it- In the meantime, CashApp thank you for the hundred gifted subs!" Alex lets out a gasp as Austin mumbles incoherent words under his breath while everyone else made fun of Austin being "old".

"OKAY, STOP! I've got the results! The winner of Love or Host, powered by CashApp is.." started Austin as everyone tensed up,

"MINX CONGRATULATIONS!" Minx lets out a gasp, looking surprised as I clapped my hand for her.

Everyone started to celebrate but was cut off by Austin,

"Now wait a second, we're still not done here!"

"Right! Do I have to talk about both of them? Or just Y/N? Or can I talk about both of them?" asked Alex,

"Yeah, just tell us why you chose Minx," said Austin.

"Alright, so. Y/N's a funny person but like.. it's more like a personal issue we both have right now, and plus me and Minx can make a lot of good content too!" said Alex as Minx raises her eyebrows,

"Wow, so I'm just for content?" asked Minx as Alex denies it quickly, laughing.

"NO! Your.. really pretty too! Although Y/N is prettier," said Alex, which caused me to laugh,

"Austin, do you hear this? He's already cheating on me!" said Minx as I chuckled,

"Don't worry Minx, just cheat on him with me," I winked at the camera as everyone started laughing.

"Okay! Let's move on. Anyways, Y/N had an option to choose between Love or Host.. and she chose.." started Austin.


Karl lets out a gasp followed by laughter from Quackity,



"Man, Alex, can't believe you didn't trust me!" I exclaimed as Alex lets out a laugh,

"You chose Host on Karl's Love Or Host!" replied Alex as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, back when me and Karl barely talked! My heart been broke so many times," I said as I faked being sad,

"Dang, Quackity. That's messed up, all men suck," said Austin followed by Karl agreeing.


"I'm kidding by the way, Twitch chat going crazy right now, Alex we're cool, I don't mind if you chose Minx, it was awesome to experience you suffering," I grinned as Alex rolled his eyes,

"Fuck off," he said laughing.

There was a knock on my door, which caused me to look away for a second,

"Oh, there's your other boyfriend," said Austin as I shook my head immediately,

"Shut up Austin, Karl probably found out about the Twitter thing, I gotta go! See ya guys," I waved at the camera and was about to disconnect as I heard Quackity yell out,

"Wait! Can we talk after my stream ends?" asked Alex as I nodded, "Sure, I'll be watching,"

"Great, bye Y/N," said Alex as I disconnected.

I stretched in my chair for a bit before going to unlock the door, noticing that Karl had already left to probably rejoin the call.

I sat back down on my chair and pulled up Austin's stream to watch the rest of Alex's Love Or Host.

All while being happy that things seemed pretty okay between me and Alex.

-2134 words

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