Loki And The Thief

By Sigynista

116K 4K 883

[EXPLICIT] You never expected to be thrown from your home earth, to Asgard. Not only do you fight for surviva... More

Be careful what you wish for...
Stolen Comforts
Walking On Broken Glass
An Apple A Day...
Next to Godliness.
A Room With A View
Eager to Please...
A Little Night Music
A Mortals Place
Lethe's Bramble Pt 1
Lethe's Bramble Pt2
God Stock
The Deal
Bad Girl
The Chase
Fever Struck
The Unwelcome Guest
Matters Of The Heart...
Gods and Monsters
The Freeze
Morning Delights
Deals Made
What is lost
The Ebony Blade
Split Apart
Journey Pains
Shrouded in Darkness
Break Out pt 1
Break Out Pt 2
True Self
True Self Pt2
The Wager
Springs and Waterfalls
Pied Piper
Happy Ever After?
The Next Part Is Out!!

If The Ring Fits...

4.1K 142 18
By Sigynista

Y/N knew they were getting closer to the ring. This pained her so.

Her only chance of getting home.
If Brokkr really did have the power to get her home, he also had the power to destroy her.

With every step her stomach cramped with anxiety.

She thought of every possible and impossible outcome.

She remembered the old adage:

Worrying only means you suffer twice.

The most impossible outcome seemed to be finding her way home.

Loki had noticed this pained expression and asked at least 3 times what was wrong, fobbing him off every time with a lame excuse about being tired, pissed off or just a bit bored.

He didn't look convinced though.

It didn't help that Loki had not long ago made her feel so vulnerable in a place where vulnerability could get you killed. Her heart was torn asunder. He had made her feel for the first time in this place warm, wanted and desired. Even loved, but it had all been just a game.

He wanted to play a game. He is a god and you are a mortal. Just be thankful it didn't go further or you really would have hated yourself.

Finally they came to the tree where
Y/N had hidden it.

'It's here, in the hollow of the tree.' She rant to it, wanting him gone from her forever. She reached in and grabbed at it

Nothing. It was gone. She grasped helplessly.

'Oh No, no, no, No!'

'What is it?' Whats wrong?' Loki said trying to quieten her down.

'It was here, i put in-in a pouch, a small green pouch no one knows of this other than me!'

'It is alright, it can't have gone far, maybe it is on the ground.' He began to scan the floor in front of him.

'Its not here, its gone!' She cried putting her head in her hands.

'But you left it here, you are sure of this!' He sounded angry now with her, this made her even more upset.

'One hundred percent, I only know of this hiding spot its one of twelve I have across this land! And now its gone! Its gone and I can't get it back!' She bawled. There was no hope now.

'Please, do not trouble yourself so. I am sure I will find it, we both can.'
He held her shoulders gently as she sagged against him.

'Oh even if we do its no use! I promised to steal the ring in exchange for home. Brokkr promised-'

'Brokkr,' Loki stiffened 'you were in league with him? I might have known he had a hand in it. Please tell me you didn't make  deal with him. What deal did he have you make?'

'He promised me home.' she smiled through her tears, truly sorry. 'Through the stone circle of Meili. He said there was a way if I got him the ring-'

Loki sat down. Put his head in his hands. 'Its a lie. I should know. I am the God of them.'

'What do you mean?' Y/N wiped her tears, she was confused.

'After Meili left, Odin destroyed the stone circle. He can go anywhere in the universe but never home. I never understood it. He was a good and gentle man, truly worthy of the name god. And Odin just lost his temper with him.'

So why did Brokkr...

No sooner had she thought about why the deal making god lied, he appeared.

'Well looking here,' giggled Brokkr 'it's Loki and the thief out for a walk in the woods. How romantic.' He mocked them and laughed.

'What in the name of the Allfather are you doing?' Loki approached keeping Y/N behind him.

'There was only one way to draw you out into the open. Bait. That's exactly what the girl was. See, I knew she would be perfect. I knew she could lead you anywhere.' He laughed maniacally, hands together with steepled fingers like some sort of cheap bond villain.

'What do you want, you irksome creature.'

'Well isn't it obvious,' he said quickly. 'I want your head' he said with loathing.

Brokkr brought his hand into his cloak and pulled out his sword. Loki completely changed. He became dark, and his helmet of horns appeared on his head and his scepter in his hand.

Brokkr and Loki fought hand to hand. Y/N had seen nothing like how they were fighting. Vicious and fast, they darted metal clashing metal.

Y/N felt her anger grow. He used her as bait, like she was expendable. She was a pawn in Brokkr's revenge.

'I will have your head Loki!'

With one fell swoop Brokkr knocked Loki onto his back and raised his sword.

'Over my dead body!' Loki seethed.

'Well, that is the whole point.' Brokkr pointed out moving him.

Y/N charged forward, daggers at the ready
Nobody fucks with me. EVER! 
She thought angrily.
On her knees, she skidded past Brokkr slicing his calves open. He cried in pain and he turned to stare down at her. She stood up bringing the full force of her fist under his chin.

Her fist was in so much pain as she connected with his chin, feeling bone crack and teeth clatter. She grabbed the small bottle from her neck and held it up.

'Now listen you imp' Y/N yelled. 'No one uses me like that. Do you know what this is? Dirt from the pit of Algrim. You come near me, or pretty boy and I will use it.'

'What have I told you about calling me pretty boy?' Loki said sternly. He eyed Y/N with excitement. He had never seen a mortal fight like this before. With such force and skill, she was a born warrior with the wit and cleverness. As delightful a creature as ever appeared before him.

'I think I'll take that deal.' Brokkr went to leave.

'The ring, Brokkr' Y/N warned holding up the bottle ready to throw.

'Oh alright, here's your costume jewellery, dearie.' He tossed it over to Y/N.

'But think on this, you will come to me for help. Both of you will. I just have to bide my time.'

He disappeared.

Leaving Loki and Y/N to bask in Brokkr's defeat.

'Very well done, expertly so.' Loki congratulated.

'All this for one ring.'  She said

'It's special, it has special properties and it's enchanted.'

'Well I worked ever so hard to get it back, I want to see why its so special.'

Without further ado, she plucked the ring out of it small bag and slipped onto her left hand before Loki could protest.

It fit perfectly on her ring finger. She held her hand out in front of her staring. They were both quiet for a moment, staring at the sight of it. Glistening green and silver in the light. They raised their eyes to meet.

Y/N'S heart skipped a beat and Loki held his breath hesitating, waiting for one of them to say something. But all he truly wanted, was to feel his lips on hers.

'Nah,' Y/N finally spoke 'not my kind of thing at all.' She slipped off the ring and handed it back.

Loki smilled, it was bittersweet.

As they made their way back, Y/N was absolutely buzzing from the fight. She had never done that ever, she felt like a real super hero like Iron man or some shit.

'So this ring  whats so special about it?' She asked.

'It's so special it's none of your business.' Lokie chided playfully. 'But it does have a locator spell on it, you can find things with it, powerful things.'

'So I guess it kinda sucked to lose it huh?' She laughed

'Well, this is me' Y/N sighed stopping to a hault. Loki had walked her back to her little makeshift home.

'I'd invite you for coffee but I don't have any.' Y/N Joked.

Science. He stared at her softly. Expectantly. She raised her eyebrows at him wondering what he was looking for.

Well, this is in no way awkward... she thought. She digged his arm playfully. 'Well, that was some good fighting buddy, stellar performance.'

'You too' he looked a little dissapointed. 'I must get back before I am missed, I have been gone too long.'

They paused, each unsure what to say.
Finally Y/N spoke up.

'Well if you're ever in the neighbourhood, and you need a friendly cat burglar you know where I am.'

'A "cat burglar", I don't understand? You steal cats? '

'No...' she started to chuckle a little. 'It's a name for... Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about it pretty boy.' She spoke softly. 'Well, I guess this is it then. I'll see you around.'

'You will?' He said gently.

'Yeah. Sure. Later.' She held out her hand to shake it. 'It was a pleasure working with you. We make a great team.'

He took her hand and shook it, smiling at her with the god damn sexiest smile she had ever seen. He walked back wards, bowed then made his way through the forrest back home. He chanced a couple of looks back.

When she was sure he was gone, she slumped to the ground. Exhausted and confused.

Did a that really happen to me? Did I really just... with a god...?

She shook her head, lets not think about this now. Right now, you need a fire, some rest...and some mead.


'Two sodding months.' Y/N muttered to herself as she collected fire wood. It had been two months since she saw Loki, even heard from him.

He had asked if he could see me again like he was going to visit. I invited him even! Oh god. How gullible.

She was upset, but not really surprised. What had he called her afterall?

Dalliance. She sighed sorrowful at the words. Out of sight, out of mind...


Y/N jumped looking around.

'Who's there?' She said shakily, no response.

'I  am very powerful, I possess great magic!' Y/N warned, hoping this would be enough to scare anyone.
'I am not afraid to use it!'

A voice came from the woods, somehow familiar.

'Burgers and Shakes!' Shouted the voice.

'What?!' Y/N lowered the daggers. A figure from the distance walked forward. It was the red faced cook from before.

'You? What are you doing here?' Y/N shook her head in disbelief.

'When I left earth, what I missed the most was Thick Milkshakes and Big Burgers me and my friends used to get where I lived in Baltimore. Gino's was my favourite.

'You... you're from earth... Midgard'
Y/N said stunned by this revelation.

'I am. I brought you one. And a Mint milkshake. Tastes like chocolate mint if you close your eyes. I got enough for two if you want to share.'

'But, how?!' Shocked, Y/N dropped the kindling she had hauled through the forest.

'I recognise one of my own, and besides, why did you think I let you steal from the pantry? You are not Arne or Erik, that lovely couple that usually bring our grain.'

Y/N and the cook sat together back at Y/N home. Y/N bit into the burger and was so close to the real thing. The milkshake could use a little work, but she wasn't going to say anything.

Y/N Set aside the thick gooey milkshake and began her questioning.

'So, you are from earth. You're mortal right?'

'Well yes, and no.' She started, Y/N was confused.
'How do I explain... well from the beginning i suppose. My name is Mary Owen, and  I was born in Baltimore in 1918.'

'Sorry, wh-what did you say?' Y/N stuttered. 'Can I ask what face cream you use?'

The woman laughed. 'Thats my point, see? Now on with my story. I met a man, very different from others i had met. He was strong of course, funny, and was very modern my parents loved him. Others in the town did not.
Now Rune, was his name, was very strange to them because he had what we would call magic. He could speed crops growing, he could enginerr machinery that would marvel even your scientists today I'd wager. So they tried to attack him. Tried to kill him-they nearly did. When he decided he was leaving, I told him I wanted to leave with him. He warned me it wasn't like earth but I decided to go. When I got here I was taken to Odin, where I told him of our intentions to get married. And he gave me a condition. We could marry as long as proved myself a true Asgardian. He infused me with agsargian magic to keep me young. But i first had to pass trials. So here I am 102 and still looking good for it too. We have four children and are very happy.' Mary beamed with happiness.

'Wow,' said Y/N stunned. For once she was speechless. 'Oh my god, I am literally speaking to someone from history, you remember WW2 right, Captain America?'

'Oh Captain America, oh my stars he was the most handsome man I had ever seen! Did he get married?' Mary giggle a little like a school girl, waiting for the gossip.

'Errrm...' Y/N wasn't sure how to answer. How do you tell a girl her old crush got killed and crashed into the ocean never to be seen again?

'Oh never mind, I'm just happy to see another earthling like me! How long have you been here?'

'One year.' Y/N replied. 'How did you stay your age? What was the proof to be a good Asgardian?'

'I cannot say, the trials are forbidden to speak of. But I will say that I Imagine you will be asked to perform them before long!' She elbowed Y/N in the ribs. 'If you're here you will be expected if you want to stay.'

She considered that for a moment. ' I suppose it does make sense. If I'm going to live here i will be well to have a normal life span. Is it worth it though?'

'I certainly thought so.' Smiled Mary.
'But tell me your story.'

Y/N told her all about the portal, where she was from and her life. How she wished she had been quiet about wishing for adventure. She talked about her shit head boss, and what a 'Karen' is as well as how the last years after Mary left had been.

Mary was stunned. So many things to happen to one little world. The light was fading fast, and Y/N it was time to go in.

'Well, I best be off. The kitchen staff will be waiting on me. Its burgers on the menu again tonight. Thor can't get enough of them. I'll stop by when I can.'

Y/N was happy to have a friend who got it all.

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