Loki And The Thief

By Sigynista

116K 4K 883

[EXPLICIT] You never expected to be thrown from your home earth, to Asgard. Not only do you fight for surviva... More

Be careful what you wish for...
Stolen Comforts
Walking On Broken Glass
If The Ring Fits...
Next to Godliness.
A Room With A View
Eager to Please...
A Little Night Music
A Mortals Place
Lethe's Bramble Pt 1
Lethe's Bramble Pt2
God Stock
The Deal
Bad Girl
The Chase
Fever Struck
The Unwelcome Guest
Matters Of The Heart...
Gods and Monsters
The Freeze
Morning Delights
Deals Made
What is lost
The Ebony Blade
Split Apart
Journey Pains
Shrouded in Darkness
Break Out pt 1
Break Out Pt 2
True Self
True Self Pt2
The Wager
Springs and Waterfalls
Pied Piper
Happy Ever After?
The Next Part Is Out!!

An Apple A Day...

4.8K 166 52
By Sigynista

They had since settled to rest at a small clearing, a circle of trees.

Y/N looked in her bag, she had forgotten to pack any food in the rush to get going. She sighed heavily and pressed her mouth into a thin line regretting the haste.

Loki looked up, noting her empty satchel. Digging through his own, produced a brown paper wrapped parcel. He had packed a flat bread with a vegetable compote, and an apple.

'Here.' He handed her half of his bread. It had been almost 3 hours since another word passed between them.

They both needed refreshment, Y/N for the most part but she was too proud to admit it, and she only had her water cannister.

'I'm fine,' she lied

'You’re not fine, here I insist.'

'Thanks.' Y/N said, making peace with it. They sat and ate in silence for a few moments, sharing the vegetable compote Loki had brought with him.
They were comfortable with each other in the quiet.

'So, you are a Mortal.' Loki stated stated.

Y/N looked up at him and narrowed her eyes as a warning.

'I heard the Frost Giants say they could smell Mortal fear. And as I am no Mortal, I knew they could not be speaking of me.' He was smug which only irritated Y/N more.

She didn't want to talk, especially after what had occurred between them.

She took a mouthful of her water bottle, and ignored his staring, almost boring a hole in her with his gaze.
She took her thoughts elsewhere to distract herself from Loki's questions.

'Fine, don't speak to me. You're only making it worse for yourself. Do you know what they do to thieves at the palace? Eternal servitude. I could do with a new maid, you liked my chambers so much I could have you tend to it daily.'

She sighed. My god, does he ever shut the fuck up?

They ate in silence every so often stealing a glance at each other, both mistrusting and curious. He spoke up again.

'I think, you came here... on a ship. You were stowaway weren't you?'

She looked up at him with an eyebrow arched.

'No. Perhaps you were abducted, as a child most likely.
I have heard a group of ravagers had been banished for just that. Trafficking children for who knows.
Was that what happened to you?'

'You know what, pretty boy?' She snapped, totally exasperated by his voice.

'I don't care for your theories about me. I don't care what you think my "Tragic Backstory" is and I certainly couldn't care less about hearing them.'

She mocked him with quotation fingers.

'You wouldn't even begin to understand the FIRST thing about me, so don't try. All I want right now is for you to be quiet while I have my break and maybe - just maybe -'

she held her hands to stop any interruption on his part.

'Not have to think about how much longer I'm going to be stuck in these woods with YOU!'

Silence. She took the flat bread, ripped off a piece, sighed, and dipped it into the compote covering it with the relish.
She chewed angrily, trying to cool off.

Loki was a little stunned. Never had anyone spoken to him like this before.

And here was this woman, mortal woman speaking to him like he was nothing but pest.

He liked it.

'I just wanted to break the ice a little-' he began.

'Oh, you broke enough 'Ice' with me don't you think? Practically a polar ice cap worth.'

'If you're talking about earlier, that was no more than a dalliance'

'Oh was that what it was!?
Well thats okay then isn't it?'
She said sarcastically but also a little hurt at his words.

No nore than a dalliance. It was an insult!

And then she thought he must do this to every maid, every kitchen and house servant in the Palace. She was probably just one in a long line gullible women.

'You know where I come from? We have a word for that kind of behaviour.'

'A good time?' He teased.

Y/N she rolled her eyes, would this guy ever stop? 'You just love the sound of your own voice, don't you? You just love to talk.'

'Well, you are rather a mystery. One I want to unfold desperately.'

God, why is everything he says so fucking suggestive?

'My being here is an accident okay?' She calmed, keeping her eyes down.

Maybe if he knew the truth he would shut up.

'I'm sorry what?' He said confused.

'I accidentally walked through a portal.'
She felt stupid just saying it.
'And I couldn't get back. I even tried Bifröst. But it would not let me travel. Something keeps me trapped here.'

'But surely, if you came to us, we could have helped.'

'I was bound. There was nothing anyone could do.'

She pulled out a necklace with a bottle pendant. She held it carefully as if holding a delicate flower.

'And you said you had no interest in jewellery.' Loki joked. She ignored his comment.

'I read everything I could on galactic travel, opening portals, even fairy tales and curses. Nothing worked. Heimdall tried. It requires a different kind of magic that even Odin does not posses. All he could offer me was a little bit of protection. '

'Is that...' Loki couldn't believe his eyes. He realised the contents of the bottle. This mortal was truly resourceful.

'It's from Svartalfheim. The home of the Dökkálfar or dark elves. Its from the pit of Algrim the strongest of dark elves. Just a pinch of this is enough to transform any fearsome foe to ash. Heimdall gave this to me after I kinda, pissed off the wrong people.'

'I truly am sorry then.' He softened. 'To be without your home, your life stolen. I understand completely.'

They looked at each other. Y/N could see he truly understood.

His eyes are filled with sadness. Have I judged him too harshly?

She smiled at him, a reassuring smile.

'There's no use crying over spilled milk,' she said attempting to be cheerful. 'You just gotta mop it up and carry on. Speaking of which we should probably get moving.'

'Yes, quite right. We don't want the day to be completely be wasted. If we are quick, I could be back at the Palace before nightfall.'

Her heart sank a little, after this she would most likely never see him again.

It's fine he's annoying anyway. She told herself.

They gathered their things.
'Take this,' Loki picked up the apple and tossed it to her 'you can have it.'

He watched her bite into it hungrily.

Oh, to be that apple. He thought loudly, so much he thought she almost heard him for she looked at him and blushed.

She looked him the the eyes  unblinking. She then narrowed her eyes like she was trying to work him out.

She tilted her head questioningly, her Y/C hair falling to one side exposing her neck and collarbone. She looked away and her hair glistened in the sun like a halo.

Why is he being so kind now? He didn't give a crap earlier.

She considered his motives. His actions were so contrasting to each other. First he would be quick to mock, be rough and harsh in words and in handling her.

Then he would be gentle and sensuous. She thought about that moment after the Frost Giants and ached. Thinking of his breath on her ear, his hands so gentle yet firm when they explored her. She thought about all the ways he made her moan, surprising herself. She could feel his erection, his desire for her and wanted nothing more than to have him buried inside her. Her breathing became slow and a little heavy at the thought. Why had she stopped him? Fear maybe. He was the god of tricks and lies after all.

She looked up at him now, slightly flushed and starry eyed. That's when she saw him looking hungrily at her.

He looked at her neck wantonly. Slowly down to her breasts. The side of his mouth slid up into a smile, undressing her with his eyes.

He could sense the change in her, she was slightly aroused, he could tell. Her heartbeat picked up its pace.

Y/N could feel his eyes tracing her body down to her sex, she pressed her thighs together as if to protect herself from giving anything away.

Loki watched her carefully, he wanted to do this right. He wanted nothing more than to take her right here, right now but he would do nothing without her say so.

She must lead this, she must make the decision.

And then he wanted to make her want him - no - NEED him.

She now raised her cannister to her lips, eyes on him. She licked her lips slowly and put them slowly to the bottle neck of the cannister drinking slowly.

I'll drive you crazy she thought mischievously.

By God's she makes me want to swallow every drop. And then, drink her. He thought loudly. So much that again he was sure she heard it.

''Well come on then pretty boy,' she said quietly. He inched forward.

Then she became stern 'We need to get going. Let's not wait for the grass to grow. Remember. I want you behind me.'

Loki raise an eyebrow slightly, a little amused. As do I he smirked at the thought.

'And keep. Your. Distance.' She punctuated. She walked back keeping her eye on him all the while, then turned to carry on walking.

I think you just met you match in mischief, pretty boy she thought with a smile.


The snow crunched below their feet as they walked, fresh and white. Y/N may not have liked the cold that much, but snow? Something about making the first foot print in fresh snow was cool.

Loki had been quiet, he had been considering Y/N's story.

'I'm surprised you didn't use that Algrim dirt on me.' He probed, wondering how she meant to use it.

'I'm saving it for someone special. You’re not worth it.'

'Ah so it has an intended target then?'

Y/N stopped and turned to face him now. 'Actually it does,' she began carefully.

'There are, people here, in the woods who are after me. One person actually. Remember when I said I pissed off the wrong people? I wasn't exaggerating.'

No one knew, except for Heimdall and she. And I guess Loki now too. She sighed.

'There may have been an infraction on my part - in their opinion - for getting in someone's way. I crossed a Frost Giant. He had kidnapped a girl from the city, she was out here waiting for her boyfriend in the forest. Typical teenage love or whatever. Turns out the boy never showed. He killed him beforehand and planned to take the girl. I stopped him for taking her.'

'You fought a Frost Giant?' Loki was more than impressed. A mortal, befeating a Frost Giant was not to be trifled with.

'Though she be but little she is fierce.'

'What is that?' Loki asked.

'It's Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream? About lovers who run away into the forest and fairies play tricks on them?'

Loki shook his head looking totally confused.

'Ah you guys here, you miss out on so much.'

Suddenly, Loki grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth before she could scream. He pulled her back through the forest, through brush and briar until he dragged her into a cavern. Pushing her against the wall she kicked out at him. He held her tighter and held her close.

Wait, he was scared? She thought
She stilled for a moment looking at him and he at her.

There was a crashing sound of trees and animal cries, birds flying for safety. Something was tearing through the forest. It was big and she could smell a a sickening metallic odor in the air, like blood only old and dirty. Rotten. A damp sickening smell like death.

'Troll' mouthed Loki. He removed his hand from her, looking up at the ceiling of the small grotto they were in, as if through stone to watch it pass. The whole ground shook with the weight of its footsteps.

What the fuck, there are trolls too? Thought Y/N.

CRASH! Another tree fell to the ground.

Y/N grabbed Loki's waist, holding him close. Surprised, Loki placed his arms around her, placing one hand on the back of her head.

He felt comfort in giving Y/N the reassurance and feeling of safety that she must not have felt for a long time. He ran his fingers through the length of her Y/C hair.

He thought she didn't notice, that she was too consumed with fear.

She noticed alright.

She also noticed him releasing that energy from his hands, pulsating down her back and to her sex.

He knew what he was doing and so did she. But they both fooled each other into thinking the other was none the wiser.

She felt her sex become engulfed with the energy he was expelling, her breathing getting heavier she looked up at Loki with hooded eyes.

This is crazy, she thought there is a literal monster out there and he is making me wet!?

Y/ N let out a slight moan and arched her back towards him, then pressing her chest to his. She undulated in his arms.

He brought his hand round from her back This time I shall not hesitate. He  brought his mouth to meet hers and they kissed passionately. He unbuttoned her cream double jacket revealing her thin white shirt, almost see through, revealing her undergarments. She wore a lilac bodice which was sheer except for the boned lining which was silk lilac. The bodice held up her breasts to him, something he could not have seen for her double jacket.

He parted her legs with one of his own with force, and placed his hand over her heaving breasts.

Y/N was hungry for Loki's touch. Just a little play won't hurt, you don't have to do anything you don't want. You will probably never see him again anyway.

She felt his hand slip down her bodice, his fingers encircling her nipples. It sent a throbbing feeling right down her body straight to her clit. Her moan was high pitched which sent Loki wild.

The leg which he used to kick her leg open became trapped when she attempted to squeeze them shut, beginning to protest her feeling.
His mouth journeyed down, kissing her neck then her breasts.

Perfection he thought Pure perfection. She wants me and I her. Gods look at her.

Y/N was panting, her whole body aching. No, moaning for him.  He began to kiss down her body. His lips stopped just above her pubic bone. He stood up quickly, took her sex his his hands.

She keened at his touch, as he stroked her over her clothing. He could feel the heat from her.

He smiled, enjoying her wanton abandon, then took one finger tracing a line from her entrance to her clit.

'Not yet' he said smiling.

'Wha-What are you doing?' She said blearry eyed as if waking from a dream.

'You have not yet deserved it.' He said whispering in her ear which made her dizzy all over again. 'I'll tell you, when you have deserved one of my punishments. Besides, I cannot have you giving away our position.'

Oh for gods sake Y/N thought the fucking troll.

Loki stepped back and admired her body once more before she quickly covered herself.

Y/N felt utter embarrassment. She had almost let him take her, a man who thought her no more than a play thing. She sat down facing away from him, she couldn't look him in the face. He had won that game, she played and failed.

They stayed in the cavern until the danger had passed.

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