The Delusional Devil (Betraye...

By TrapMaster20

212K 3.5K 3K

A/n: This will probably my biggest story I've thought of so far, and possibly one of the most dark and fucked... More

Prologue - The Fall into Delusion
Y/n's Childhood Part 1
Y/n's Childhood Part 2
1 - Gaining Power, Vengeance, and an Ally
Laura Bio
Monika Bio
3 - Finding Asia and Learning New Things
4 - A Vessel for Me
5 - The Amnesiac Girl
Uzume Bio
6 - It's Time to Genocide!
Stronger Than You - Y/n's Response
7 - New Plans
8 - The Battle of Kuoh
9 - The Princess of Another World
Angelise Bio
10 - The Depressed Girl
11 - The Fall of the Misurugi Empire
Aya Bio
12 - Summer Break
13 - Time for the Next Phase
14 - The Counter Attack Against Loki
15 - Dealing with Demons
16 - The Pieces are in Place
17 - Saving Asia, Again
18 - The Whirlpool of Delusion
Updated Bio
19 - Divide
20 - The Fallen World
21 - The Reveal
Vote - Y/n Ankokuboshi Death Battle
22A - Fight for the World!!!
22B - Reach out for the Truth!!
23 - Fate Works in Mysterious Ways
24 - The Silent Requiem
25 - The Beginning of The End
Opening 2
Updated Uzume Bio
DBX - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Muzan Kibutsuji
26 - The World Now Knows
27 - The CPU Gantlet
28 - The Leading Path
29 - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Uzume Tennouboshi; The Final Fight
Finale - Good Things Don't Come Without a Simple Sacrifice

2 - Infiltration Begins

8.9K 155 336
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

It's been two years since Y/n's "death", and since Y/n had destroyed his memories, everyone has forgotten about the young teenager. We see Kuoh academy, and Laura is ready to make her move inside of Kuoh and infiltrate the ranks of Gremory. We then see Issei, who is dreaming about groping Rias.

Teacher: Listen up class! We have a new transfer student! I want you to treat her with respect. You may come in now.

Laura then walks in, wearing her clothes that Y/n had made for her.

Laura: My name is Laura Bodewig. I'm from Germany. It's very nice to meet all of you.

All the guys then start to make perverted faces.

Teacher: Now, does anyone have any questions?

All of the boys then raise their hands.

Laura: The one vith the blue hair.

Male Student: Do you have a boyfriend?

Laura: Yes I do. However, I vill not be talking about him right now.

All the males then look down in disappointment, knowning that the new girl is already dating someone.

Laura: How about the girl vith the blonde hair?

Female Student: What's with the eyepatch?

Laura: That's a personal thing. I vould rather not talk about it.

Female Student: Okay. Sorry for asking.

Laura: It's fine.

Teacher: Alright, that's enough questions. Laura, you may sit by Issei.

Laura then walks up to the pervert, who turns and speaks to him.

Issei: Hey, I'm Issei, and I plan to be a harem king!!

Laura: I don't see that happening anytime in the future.

Issei: You....

Teacher: That's enough Issei! Let's begin the lesson!

*Time-skip brought to you by*

Laura's POV

The bell rings, indicating that it's lunch time. I then grab my lunch and head to the roof so I can eat alone. As I eat, I hear him speak to me.

Y/n: Hello Laura. Tell me, how is school for you so far?

Laura: It's fine. It's vould be much better if you were here with me.

Y/n: You know I can't do that. After all, with no one knowing of my existence anymore, it would be very hard to create me transcripts. Plus, I have a plan to make myself extremely powerful.

Laura: Vhat is your plan?

Y/n: Simple really. I'm going to see an old "friend," and convince her to take a sacred gear from someone.

Laura: Vhich one?

Y/n: The one belonging to the girl named Asia Argento.

Laura: Twilight Healing? And just how vill you get Raynare to obtain it?

Y/n: Just give me the time. For now, do you part.

Laura: Right. By your vill, it shall be done.

As he stops talking to me, I then start heading down to class.


Y/n's POV

As I hang up from the call with Laura, I begin my move. I then seal my presence and begin to walk up to Raynare.

Raynare: This is annoying!!! They revived that boy, and now he's just some stupid devil.

I then speak to her, but make sure that only she can hear me.

Y/n: What do I do in order to eliminate that pest Issei?

Raynare: Who's there?!

Y/n: Poor little Raynare... All you can do is watch as death approaches you, with every little dying minute.

Raynare: Death... approaching me...

Y/n: The observation of him was just an excuse. You just wanted to save your race and your life, when he had no idea that he even had a sacred gear at all.

Raynare: Are you saying that it's wrong to try and protect my kind and myself?!

Y/n: Not at all. What you do is similar to longing. You wish from the bottom of your very soul to save yourself and your kind from a possible end.

Raynare: ....

Y/n: You want to be seen as a hero... but the one who stands in your way of that is that red headed girl. You're frustrated... You're... furious...

Raynare: What...?

Y/n: Because of Rias's existence in this world, Issei lived. And even though you went through all that hard work to keep an eye on Issei and take him out once, both date and death, Rias made everything that you did all for naught. Because of that, Azazel won't even smile or congratulate you. It's all because of that nuisance of a woman... If only Rias wasn't here... You could have been praised for your hard work.

Raynare: ...If Rias wasn't alive, I would've been praised...

Y/n: Imagine. If Rias wasn't alive, you would be praised. The sight of you, laughing at the death of Issei, the most dangerous threat to your entire race...

Raynare: Rias...

Y/n: You want revenge now do you? If only Rias didn't exist, you could be at Issei's dead body, and no one would know of their deaths.

Raynare: If Rias... didn't exist...

Y/n: Rias is not who she appears to be... She is power hungry, and only finds the people who are the most powerful. She is the living definition of selfishness. She should not exist, and she saved Issei for her own evil purposes. She is a true villain, and only a hero like yourself can take down such a villainous threat to the world.

Raynare: Rias is... the enemy... to... the world...

Y/n: That's right. Because Rias's alive, no one will know how you saved your race.

Raynare: Rias... If Rias didn't exist... I would... be a hero...

Y/n: You would. But your current powers are not enough. You need a way to heal yourself without the help of others.

Raynare: Then what do I do?

Y/n: Do you know the girl Asia? She has the sacred gear known as Twilight Healing. She's a heretic, and with the power of healing wounds at your own disposal, the damage that you take in battle will no longer be a problem.

Raynare then walks out and goes to the others. I stay a bit above and listen in.

Raynare: I know what our next plan is.

Dohnaseek: What's the plan this time?

Raynare: We're not going to be taking down that pervert. We're going to steal the sacred gear Twilight Healing from Asia Argento.

Millelt: Why do we need the sacred gear from someone like her?

Raynare: I will explain that in time. For right now, let's get prepared!

As they start preparing themselves, I secretly put a little pin on Raynare's back. With that, I will be able to have my soul take over her body and use her holy powers and my own powers.

I then walk outside and stop for a bit. I then look back at the church, still hiding my presence.

Y/n: Look at her. Lost in a beautiful dream. The larger the gap between the intention and the reality, the more devastating the end and her despair will be. I've sown the seed into her mind. Raynare, just what kind of flower will you bring forth with this potter you have planted it in?

As I walk back to the house, I feel someone bump into me. I turn around and see two people that should only be seen in hentais. Well, they shouldn't even be existent at all. Two Ugly Bastards.

Ugly Bastard 1: Hey little miss! You better watch where you step!

Y/n: Sorry about that. Truth is, I wasn't looking where I was going.

Ugly Bastard 2: It's going to take more than a sorry for us. You'll have to use something different in order to repay us

Y/n: What do you-

I then stop talking, as I have instantly realized what they mean.

Y/n: So they want to rape me. I guess I have some time. I'll end their pathetic lives. After all, to me, killing them is a mercy.

I then get into a more seductive pose and start talking like I'm a slut.

Y/n: *Image Below* I'm very sorry about that. If you want, I can pay you back. *very slow* With. My. Body.

(A/n: Your choice on if you want Y/n to have the pocky)

Ugly Bastard 1: Oh wow! This girl's a slut!

Ugly Bastard 2: Well, since you're wanting it, I guess a little "fun" can have us forgive you.

Y/n: Of course. But let's not do it here, someone could see us. Oh! I know! How about in that alleyway?

I then point to an alleyway that looks abandoned.

Ugly Bastard 1: Fine by me! No one ever goes down there!

Y/n: Really?

Ugly Bastard 1: Yeah!

Y/n: Good. That was no one will be able to hear us. Follow me. If you dare~.

As I walk back I get ready to strike. While we walk back I hear them speak into a walkie talkie.

Ugly Bastard 1: Got us a real cute one today. She's heading your way, over.

Ugly Bastard Through Walkie: Good. I'll pin her down and the rest of us can get this party started.

I then walk to the area and stop.

Ugly Bastard 2: Hey, let's go a bit deeper down.

Y/n: Why would I do that when we can get this over with here?

Ugly Bastard 1: Alright then, your call. COME ON OUT GUYS!!!

Then, I'm surrounded by a bunch of ugly bastards. I then sigh.

Y/n: Why is it that your kind exist?

Ugly Bastard 1: Hmm?

Y/n: I mean, really. There is some really good hentai out there, but they are easily ruined by the ugly bastard tag.


I then quickly summon Gehaburn and decapitate the ugly bastard.

Y/n: Stop talking to me. After all, a human cannot defeat the end, or a god nonetheless.

Ugly Bastard 2: *screams in fear*

I then go and cut of his arms and legs. As he screams in pain, I grab him by the hair and bring him up to my face.

Y/n: You know, if you just left me alone, then you wouldn't have to die.

I then throw his head into the ground multiple times.

Y/n: *GIF Below* You need to learn your place, scum!!!

(A/n: Replace Yoshikage Kira for Y/n and Replace Koichi for Ugly Bastard 2)

As I beat him, I notice that he is no longer breathing, and that the skin is basically gone from his face. I then toss his worthless body to the side, and see another one coming to punch me. I smirk and take the punch right to the face. I then swipe it off, and the third ugly bastard stares in shock on how I took no damage.

Ugly Bastard 3: How did-

I then grab him and toss him to the ground.

Ugly Bastard 3: Y-You're a m-m-m-m-m-m-monster!

Y/n: You're right. I am a monster. But more than just your average monster.

I then sprout my wings and then prepare to bring Gehaburn down into his brain.

Y/n: I am the end. The one who destroy all of man. Consider yourself lucky. You and your friends get to die before the end, so be grateful.

Ugly Bastard 3: N-No... please... I have... a family...

Y/n: Then I guess I'm saving them from you. Good riddance.

I then stab the man in the head, killing him. Before I turn around, I see something come out of his body. A tiny ball of light.

Y/n: What... is that...?

As I question what that is, it flies into my head. As I wonder what happened, I start to see this same area, but with different scenarios. One with a pregnant woman, another with someone around my age, and then three little girls. I then realize what just happened.

Y/n: So that's... what the soul looks like... And what I just saw from his Point of View were... all of his previous victims...

I then slowly stand up, put Gehaburn on my shoulders, and look at these ugly bastards with hate in my eyes.

Y/n: *Image Below* I may be the living personification of what the end will soon be, but raping little girls is something that even someone like me can feel. Prepare to die, you worthless scum.

Ugly Bastard 4: J-J-Just try it, you little-!

He doesn't finish his sentence as a bullet is pierced through his skull, killing him.

Y/n: Who fired that?

Ugly Bastard 5: Wh-What the hell?!

Almost instantly afterwards, the remaining ones are all killed. I then hear footsteps and see a girl.

I then see her look at the bodies and sighs in shame.

Girl: Oh come one, why is this all I get these days? It's always a bunch of ugly bastards who want to rape people. Well, I don't have much of a choice now, do I?

The girl then turns and faces me.

Girl: Oh! Something different. Well, time to take your out of the picture before you can run away. ZAFKIEL!!!!

I then see her summon a giant clock behind her and brings out two flintlock pistols.

Girl: ALEPH!!

She then shoots herself and I notice that she's running around me, trying to have me lose focus.

Y/n: You're a fast one.

A she goes for a shot, I then rush her and get up close in personal.

Girl: What...?

Y/n: But I'm faster than you.

I then swing down Gehaburn and she manages to dodge it.

Girl: Well then... How about the two of us go into a little competition?!

She then quickly jumps above me and I block it with ease.

Girl: Is that speed really the best thing you can do? I'm unimpressed! You can wield Gehaburn, so surely you can beat little ol' me, can't you? Oh well, guess not!

Y/n: Let me show you true despair!! NEGATIVE BLAST!!!

I then slam my sword into the ground and create a blast of negative emotions. She jumps back just enough to avoid it.

Y/n: You know, you're rather cute when you don't talk.

Girl: Is that so? Well, I think you would be a lot cuter with your pretty little head mounted on my wall! ZAFKIEL, ZAYIN!!!!

She then shoots her bullets at me, which I deflect. But for some reason, I can't move my body.

Y/n: What the hell?

Girl: It must really suck to be you right now. Frozen in time and completely surrounded.

I then see her create a bunch of clones of herself. The clones then shoot at my rapidly and hit many areas. She then walks up to me and puts one pistol at my head.

Girl: Oh well. Bye, bye, Girly.

She then shoots me right in the head, but my stand grabs it, so I act like I was shot.

Girl: *GIF Below*

Girl: A point blank shot to the noggin like always. That's sure to dampen your little dying spirit. It's to bad, I was actually starting to enjoy your company. After all, everyone who does come down here just dies so quickly. Strays, Fallen Angels, Angels, Devils, no matter what race they are, they all just die so quickly. You were so much fun for me, and now you're dead. Now, with everyone here is now out of the picture, I guess I'll head back home now.

Y/n: Monologues.

Girl: Huh?!

I then stand up and look at her.

Y/n: Monologues always seem to be the most dangerous thing to a villain. If they didn't check to see if the enemy was dead, it basically give the hero another chance to win. Now, if you don't want to die a gruesome death, then recommend running.

Girl: Hah! Not in your wildest dreams, girl! ALEPH!!

She then shoots the clones, which confuses me. She then points the gun to her head and pulls the trigger. I then get surrounded by clones of this girl. They all run at me, but I active my stand's time-skip ability.

As the clones start making their holograms, I dodge out of the way.

Y/n: I've pierced through time to predict your trajectory. The trajectory of your clone's future selves. When I activate this power, my stand's time-skip ability, a part of time slips away from humanity, and every memory made during that time will cease to exist. The clouds are torn apart, and they don't know how or why. A fire burning in another part of the globe is put out, without even knowing that it was even destroyed in the first place. Everything that remains are the end results. No matter what you or that slut Rias do, I will tear them apart! I can see everything! While you are unaware, I have full consciousness over this! I can react, while you can only move. Now, little girl, witness the power of the delusion, my aura, and my stand, which I have named Delusional Orange!!

I then resume time and the girl's clones all pile on each other. I then run and decapitate all of them. I then make some dark magic and hit her.

Girl: What the...? How did you...?

Y/n: Why should I tell you?


She then shoots herself again and all the injuries I made on her disappear.

Y/n: Are you seriously giving up? Not really nice of you.

Girl: I promise you this... You'll be sorry that you even messed with me. ZAFKIEL!!!!!!

Y/n: Do your worst.


Y/n: But first, ULTIMATE DESPAIR!!!!

Negative Emotions of the entire world then surrounds me and creates new items on my back.

(A/n: Replace Delusion Orange with Y/n)

I sense the girl's fear as she looks at the power that's building up inside me.

Girl: Come and protect me!

A bunch of her clones then show up and go in front of her.

Y/n: Time to die!!! DELUSIONAL BLAST!!!

I then blast the shot, destroying a part of a building and all of the girl's clones. She then falls to her knees, and then faints. Before I go and kill her, something happens. Her body starts to glow, and her physical appearance starts to change. When it dies down, she looks like a whole different person.

(A/n: Her hair length is short and her hair color is blonde)

Y/n: Was that... her sacred gear?

Y/n: I think it would be best to gain intel on it and ask her later.

I then pick her up and teleport back to our base. A place I called Heart Dimension.

I then fly through the area and place her down in my home here. I then wait outside and go to talk with Laura.


Laura's POV

School had just ended for the day and I begin to pack my things and head to the house that Y/n bought for me. Right before I head out, I hear all the girls scream. I look at the door and see Kiba, the one called the school prince.

Kiba: Issei, it's time.

Issei: RIght.

Kiba: Oh, and are you the new transfer student?

Laura: Yes I am. Vhy do you ask?

Kiba: Well, the president of the ORC would like to speak with you.

I then nod and follow him and Issei out of the classroom. After a few minutes, we arrive at an old rundown building. Once we entered, I noticed that the interior is incredibly different from the exterior. I then see the whore vho betrayed my lord's trust.

Laura: My lord... I vill this girl pay for vhat she did to you back then!!!

Rias: You must be Laura, right? I'm glad you could join us.

Laura: It's fine. Now, are you going to introduce yourselves?

Rias: Right, forgive me. My name is Rias Gremory.

Akeno: Mine's Akeno. Please to meet you cutie~.

Laura: She's just vhat Y/n told me about her.

Koneko: Koneko.

Kiba: My name's Kiba Yuuto. I hope we can get along Laura.

He then stuck out his hand, so I shook it.

Issei: You already know who I am already.

Laura: Yes I do. You don't need to repeat yourself, perv. Now, vhy did you want to speak vith me?

Rias: You want me to get straight to the point huh? Very well then. Do you believe in the Supernatural?

Laura: Yes I do. I believe it is the case for my left eye.

Rias: You Left eye?

Laura: It used to be red, but now it's golden.

Rias: I see. Allow me to enlighten you on many things. One, all of us are Devils. Two, what you have is a Sacred Gear.

Laura: Prove it. Prove to me that you are devils.

As if on cue, their bat wings come out. I pretend to be scared out of my mind, when the truth is I'm not scared at all. She then goes to explain everything, although Y/n had already done that. While she is doing this, I hear Y/n.

Y/n: Hello Laura. How was your first day at a real school?

Laura: It vas fine. It vas pretty boring though.

Y/n: I see. Well, once you drop your stuff off at home, meet me in Heart Dimension. We might have another ally.

Laura: Understood. But right now, I am with the ORC. It seems as though your former master has caught on to my Sacred Gear.

Y/n: ORC? I see... What she was going to do is a bit different than what I expected... Never mind. Just make sure to infiltrate them.

Laura: But how vill I do that?

Y/n: Simple. She might ask you to join, and if she does, which I know that she will, negotiate with her. Just make sure you don't become one of her little slaves.

Laura: Got it. But Vhat should I say?

Y/n: Tell her you'll join, but not as one of her pieces.

Laura: I understand now. By you vill, it shall be done.

Y/n: I'm counting on you. You are the one hope I have in ending them. Do not let them catch onto you.

Y/n then stops talking as Rias finishes her explanation. Once she does, she pulls out my lord's old piece. A rook.

Rias: Now Laura, would you like to be a part of my peerage?

Laura: I'm sorry, but I must refuse the offer.

Rias: What?! Why?!

Laura: My plan is to get stronger through my own vork. If I have to shed my humanity to do that, then I vould just kill myself! Also, many people would die in front of me, while I'm stuck living. I vould rather die with them then live longer.

I see the others with a shocked expression, while Rias looks angry. Time for my little time to shine.

Laura: Vell, I could make a "certain" agreement.

Rias: What's this... "agreement?"

Laura: Simple, really. I join you, but not as a member of your peerage.

Rias: Explain.

Laura: I vork vith you, but I keep my humanity. If there is a time that you need me for help, I vill come and help you.

Kiba: I see... That move benifits all of us.

Rias: Do you understand Kiba?

Kiba: If we ever need her help in something, we can call her and ask for her help. We can also be able to help her train her sacred gear.

Rias: *sigh* As much as I want you in my peerage, I guess I could allow this.

Laura: Vell, if ve are in agreement, I vill be heading home now.

I then walk out of the school, and make sure no one notices me. I then head into an alleyway and teleport myself to Heart Dimension.

*Time-skip brought to you by my opinion of the Ugly Bastard tag*

No one's POV

As Laura materializes into Heart Dimension, Y/n is out there.

Y/n: Welcome back, Laura. Tell me, did you get in?

Laura: Yes. It vas to simple to manipulate their veak little minds.

Y/n: Good. Now, follow me.

The two head inside and see that the girl is still asleep. Just a few seconds later, she wakes up and looks around.

Girl: Where... am I...?

Y/n: You're in the Heart Dimension.

Girl then notices Y/n and draws her gun.

Girl: Who in the actual fuck are you?! Are you a rapist?!

Y/n: Not at all. I'm something different. But what makes me curious is your sacred gear.

Girl: What? Sacred Gear?

Y/n: What you used during our fight.

Girl: What is that? I know what I used, but what is the definition of a Sacred Gear?

Y/n: To summarize, a special gift you have. Me and Laura here both have one.

Girl: But why did you spare me?

Y/n: You had killed those people from before. I want to know why you did that.

Girl: Do you need a reason to kill bastards like them? They all had it coming, I just gave them a blessing. It's my own form of justice for rapists like them.

Y/n: That's not your true reason is it?

Girl: Huh?

Y/n: After you shot me point blank, you mentioned that all members of the supernatural and humans die so quickly.

Girl: Wasn't expecting you to hear that. Fine then. I did it because I want to end human corruption. If I can build enough time, I can do that.

Y/n: But you won't be able to. Corruption has been here since the dawn of man. The only way to end it is to destroy them all. So, I ask you, will you join us?

Girl: Are you... planning to genocide the entire world?

Laura: That is just vhat he means. Ve both have been destroyed by the people, and now we will get our revenge.

The girl then thinks for a bit, and then makes her own decision.

Girl: I'll join you.

Y/n: Now, before I allow you in, are you 100% positive on this decision?

Girl: 1 Billion percent positive. I'll take the chance to avenge my siblings than stay with the corruption.

Y/n: Very well. What is your name, young one?

Monika: Monika. Just Monika.

Y/n: Welcome aboard, Monika. Today is the day we bring the world the freedom of humanity.

As Laura shows Monika to her room, Y/n then begins to sing a song.

Y/n: *video below*

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