Legacies aren't Legacies Anym...

By lawstudentdropout

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What would happen, if one day while at the Salvatore Boarding School, there was another monster attack. But t... More

|| Playlist ||
|| When Shit hit the Fan || Summary ||
The day it all happened.
Act 1. Season 1.
We pulled a Barry Allen. Bloody hell.
Look's like everything is not in Hell yet. The comets still coming.
Friday Night Bites. It's an Annual Thing Now.
History Repeating (Episode 9) ~~ Part 1
History Repeating ~~ Part 2
History Repeating ~~ Part 3
The-- Ah shit. Looks like theres another vampire on the loose.
Bloodlines With the Original Family
The Explanation
Totally off topic... but...
Lizzie. Stop. Being. A. Bitch.
Return to Unpleasentville.
Return to Unpleasentville ~ Part 2
Another generation of the Children of the Damned.
Rose's are Beautiful
The Myth, The Legend, The Baddest Bitch of Them All, Katerina Petrova
The 'Sun and Moon Curse'. That's what this is. Sure.
Great. The Towns Full of Werewolves. And Ironically Hope's in the Cresent City.
Self-Sacrifice. What Hope Does Best.
Whole Family Issues
As we Lay Dying, Our Life Flashes Before our Eyes
Act 2. Season 3.
Happy Birthday. Not. We live in Mystic Fall, you Idjits.
The Tribrid Who Seems to love Self-Sacrifice.
Holy Shit. Stefan was in a love triangle with my Dad and my aunt. Ew.
Who the hell acts like that?
The Second Reckoning. Oh, who am I kiding? There' been like 10.
It smells like hell. We're all going to hell.
"Ordinary" People
"Ordinary" People ~~ Part 2
Happy Homecoming
Happy Homecoming 2.0
Homecoming 3.0
NOT A NEW CHAPTER (i am so so so sorry but this might be good news!)

The New, New Deal.

2.4K 68 43
By lawstudentdropout

Hope's POV

I slowly wake up, in an unfamiliar setting, causing me to quickly jolt up. But, then I remembered, I'm at the Lockwood house. With Dad. At that I smile, before slowly getting out of bed.

Oh, shit... I'm still human... damn 24 hours...

I just roll my eyes, hating the Saltzman twins at the minute, and I walk downstairs, smile on my face. I find Dad ordering his hybrids around, obviously mad about something.

"Dad? What happened?" I ask, worried.

"Stefan Salvatore happened. He has them all."

"Them all?"

"Oh, right. Sorry Hope, sometimes I forget your new to this family... My siblings. Stefan Salvatore grabbed their coffins." Dad tells me, as a hybrid comes up to him. I think his name was Joseph?

"You called sir?" He says, before I can say anything to the family issue.

"Please stay with Hope while she goes to school. Make sure nothing happens to her." Dad says, smiling at me.


"No if, ands, or buts about it." Dad says, giving me a look. I just roll my eyes.

"Keep your distance." I warn the hybrid.

"Speaking of school, you need to change. And, our family only looks the best. Upstairs in one of the guest rooms is a bunch of outfits. Take you pick. And, I'm sorry, but I must be off. Have Salvatores to end. I should invite Bex. Nice family outing." Dad says, kissing my forehead. "Have a good day sweetheart."

"Bye Dad." I say, right before he vamp speeds away. "I can go change without you watching me, right?" I ask the hybrid sarcastically, as his cheeks just turn red. I turn around and head upstairs to change.

Lizzie's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask Aunt Bonnie as we walk into an old abandoned house.

"Yes. I want to find out what my dreams mean. Thanks for coming with me Liz." She tells me, smiling. We walk through the front door, me wincing as some of the floorboards creak. We stay as silent as possible, as we search the house.

We hear whispers as we go, the whispers leading us to a door. Which leads to a stair way. We both slowly go down them, and judging by the look on Aunt Bonnie's face, found the room from her dreams. We look around, seeing nothing, but feeling something.

"Hello, Bonnie. Lizzie." We hear Stefan-Fucking-Salvatore say from behind us.

"Stefan." Aunt Bonnie says.

"You followed us here?" I ask, scoffing.

"Yeah. It wasn't too hard. You should probably be more careful." Stefan says, walking out of the shadows.

"What do you want with us?" Aunt Bonnie asks him.

"Relax. I just need your help." Stefan says, walking towards all of us.

"Why the hell would we help you, humanity-less piece of shit?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Not to mention the fact that I saw you save Klaus' from Damon."

"Let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus. He kept his family with him at all times, daggered, stored in coffins. And now..."

"You have them." I cut Stefan off. He just smiles at me.

"Look who's not a dumb blonde...." Stefan says. "What I need you two to do is keep them hidden."

"You're out of your mind. You're just going to make him angrier." Aunt Bonnie says, trying to knock some sense into him.

"His family is his only weakness. As long as I have that, I can ruin him." Stefan assures us.

"We don't have enough power to hide 4 originals!" Aunt Bonnie says.

"You're both witches. I know for a fact you hate Klaus," He says, looking at Aunt Bonnie before turning to me, "and so does Josie, and you'll follow her anywhere. You two, or three, can figure something out." He tells us, before me and Aunt Bonnie look back at the coffins.

Hope's POV

I'm walking out of school, finding everyone else skipped. Probably a smart move, but I needed to get away from it all and attempt to live my normal life again. I ditched the hybrid a long time ago, finding it hilarious when he searched for me. That was, until I was going home, and I heard someone trailing me. I try to lose them, but when I can't seem to do that, I grab a stick and go to attack them, staking them in the abdomen. They automatically start groaning in pain.

"Damn... Even human you pack a punch..." Stefan Salvatore says from in front of me, hands around his abdomen where the stake now is. I roll my eyes, and push the thick stick deeper.

"What the fucking hell do you want?" I ask him.

"Oh, you know... I have almost everyone in your family, minus Rebekah and Klaus... I need a little more... just to get Klaus all alone... Sure, I will need to dagger Rebekah, but I can do that later..." Stefan says, pissing me off and confusing me at the same time.

"So why the hell are you here?" I ask, pushing the stake deeper.

"Oh, you know..." He smiles up at me, grabbing my wrist and twisting it, standing up, using his other hand to take the stake out. "What better way to get to Klaus then his daughter?"

I genuinely laugh.

"You think you can keep me down?" I question him.

"Oh, not usually... but you're still human for a few hours... and I can use that..." He says, before smashing my head into the wall, not knocking me out but definitely leaving a mark on my head. Son of a bitch....

I stand up, hand on my head, as I quickly grab another fallen tree branch to use as a stake, but Stefan stops me.

"Ripah you is a dick." I say, elbowing him in the face. He goes back, grabbing his nose, and I take the stake still in my head, going to stake him in the chest.

Key word is going.

Before I get the chance, I hear the word "ad sonum" from behind me, and the world went black.

Josie's POV

I stand over Hope's passed out body, glaring at Stefan.

"I said, I would handle her." I scold him, Stefan just rolling his eyes.

"And I said, fuck off. Now, do you have the whatever magically chain things for her magic?" He asks, looking at me annoyed.

"Yes, I do. Let's just get her to the house, okay?" I suggest, going to help pick Hope up.

NEW CHAPTER! I am so, so, so, sorry it's taken me as long as it has. It's the end of the year in school, so not only do I have end of the year test but I have to do it online.

Which do not mix well at all.

Anyway! Hope you enjoyed the chapter-- (Hellstarshipper You love me and the pun--) and let me know if there is anything you want to see!

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