The one (addy x reader)

By zombieraider2

13.5K 439 30

" I don't want to end up mercying y/n" she said. " You won't I promise" I said hugging her. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 1

2K 36 13
By zombieraider2

I was walking to the funeral of Nana. She was tired of living in this messed up world and I don't blame her. I put my slingshot away as I got to the door of Nana's house. I opened it and heard singing. I walked in and closed the door quietly behind me. I seen a head peak and saw the one and only Roberta Warren.

" You came" she said walking to me giving me a hug.

" yeah out of respect. She helped with a lot when you and Garnett were gone" i said.

" well I'm glad you came. I know you only talk to Garnett, I , and a few other but you stepped out of your comfort zone for this" she said walking me to Nana.

" everyone said there goodbyes we were waiting on you" warren whispered before she backed up.

I walked a little closer to nana and bend down next to her so only she can hear me.

" your lucky your getting the easy way out" i said with a small smile.

" yeah well you love surviving kiddo so keep doing so" she said then coughed. I held her hand and left when everyone else did.

I waited outside for warren. I was playing with one of my knives as I seen I was getting dirty looked from a few people out the corner of my eye. I sighed then heard a gunshot. The door opened to show the lady I've been waiting for.

" you ready to go back to camp Ace" warren asked.

" yeah I did a lot of running around today and I'm exhausted" i said yawning.

When I went to go say something else warren and I walkies went off.

" Garnett to warren and Ace, Warren and Ace come in, over" came through it.

" go for ace and I Garnett What's up" warren said back.

"I'm at the water's edge, could use a little backup" he said.

" Two minutes" she responded and started walking to the location of Garnett.

" I guess the nap will have to wait" i said catching up with her.

" so y/n have you tried talking to anyone new" warren asked using my real name since we aren't around anyone.

" No" I said sighing.

" hey it's fine I know someone that you'll click with don't worry about it too much I know your trying" warren said as we Garnett came in sight.

We walked to him and he looked at us and smiled.

" What is it?" I asked

" I guess a distress signal?" Garnett said.

" How do you want to handle it" Warren asked.

"Been watching them for a while. As far as I can tell it's just two males." Garnett told us.

"Let's see what they want. Can always turn them back around" I said shrugging my shoulders.

He sent them a signal with the flashlight "How did Nana's Eighth go?" Garnett asked.

" Very good. Good people" warren told him.

" how about you y/n did you go" he asked.

" yeah I went. it was good to talk to her one last time" I said with a sad smile.

" I know kid I know" he said.

See Garnett and Warren are like parents to me. I've been on my own since the beginning. I lost everyone I knew day one. I didn't know how to mercy them so a few of them are wondering around here. I was being chased by a few Zs when I was found by them. They trained me to be a heavy hitting killing machine. I've tried to make friends here but I'm not really the friendly type. There's one girl I tried actually talking to but made a complete fool of myself her name is Addison Car-

" hey y/n you there" warren said in a worriedly tone shaking me.

" huh yeah sorry zoned out" i said blinking rapidly.

" when we see what they want your going to sleep kid" Garnett said. I just nodded because they literally treat me like there kid. I got grounded last time... Who gets grounded in a apocalypse.

"Here they come" warren said

"All right. I'll handle the meet and greet. You two cover me from here" he said.

"Any problems, you hit the ground" warren said.

" and I'll take care of the rest" I said pulling my riffle off my back and aiming it at the guys as Garnett walked to them.

"That's far enough, gentlemen. Identify yourselves and state your business Team of snipers has you covered so no sudden moves" Garnett told them as they're boat came to land a little.

"Lieutenant Mark Hammond. Delta Force. Or least I was when there was still a Delta Force. I'm on a mission from what's left of the government, and I need your help" he said

" What mission? For what government?" Garnett asked him.

"Look, to be honest I don't know if anybody that gave me the order is still alive. I do know it's imperative that I get this person to a medical lab in California. Alive. " Hammond finished.

" listen you go back to the camp and go do your stuff. tomorrow I can already tell I'm gonna need you on watch because Garnett and I are gonna have to leave" she said looking at me before walking to Garnett slowly.

" why do I-"

She gave me this look and I shut up then gave her a two finger salute. I put my Riffle back on my back and walked to the camp. When I came out the woods everyone was mostly sitting by there tents and stuff. I walked straight to mine with out giving anyone a glance. I walked to my tent and with all my stuff next to it. I put my walkie and Riffle downs and went inside my tent. I unstrapped my vest and took it off. I took the shirt I had on off and folded it's done pulled my tank top down because it had risen . I grabbed my knifes and wanted to clean the ones I used today. I got my cloth and got out my tent and sat down on the log near the fire. I was cleaning my pocket knifes when I felt someone sit next to me. I didn't look up immediately but when I did I regretted waiting so long. Addy is sitting next to me.

" Hey Ace" she said with a smile.

I smiled back and gave her a friendly head nod.

" I went to bring you something today but you were gone.." she said picking something off the ground.

"here it's a machete I found on a Z I killed earlier. I thought it was pretty cool and warren told me you liked knifes so I hope you like it" she said handing it to me.

I took it shocked that she actually knew that I wanted one of these. To me I was the camp outcast everyone got along with each other and I couldn't say one word to anyone but Garnett and Warren.

I looked at her then the machete and smiled. I got up as she watched and grabbed my knife sharpener and my old machete in its case. I sat back down next to her. I took my machete out and then threw it near my tent. I sharpened the machete she gave me then put it in my case. It fit perfectly. I smiled at that and so did she. I finally got the courage to say thank you when Mack came walking up to us.

" addy I'm ready to lay down come on"  he said going inside the tent across from mine.

She smiled at him and then looked at me.

" It was actually nice sitting her with you even though we didn't talk. We should do this again to get you warmed to talk to me" she said with a smile and got up.

She was about to walk across when I finally spoke up.

" wait" my voice came out.

She looked at me with wide eyes and a surprised face as she turned around.

" thank you" i said surprised that even came out.

She sat there and looked at me blank faced them smiled.

" Goodnight Ace" she said then got walked away.

I smiled and stayed up a little longer to wait for my daily night check in with warren. I picked all my stuff up and brought it to the front of my tent, grabbed my walkie, got in my tent and zipped it up.

" Ace to warren, come in warren, over " i said.

" this is warren Ace how is everything" she asked.

" pretty good actually I had my first conversation with carver and she got me a new machete. Crazy how the timing is I was just telling you I needed a new o- Warren did you set me up for her to talk to me" I asked Kinda upset.

" Calm down Ace she's been trying to figure out how to have a conversation with you for a long time I just helped her and told her knifes is a way to start one I didn't think she was gonna get you a new one but that's Carver for you" warren said.

I let out a sigh. " thank you anyway warren I'm gonna get some sleep so you don't yell at me for because I haven't slept in a few days" i said.

" goodnight warren and Garnett" i said not giving her a chance to walkie back.

" night Ace" I heard both of there voices. I put my walkie near me just in case and got comfortable.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

I woke up early and started putting my stuff on. I fixed myself and grabbed my slingshot and my ammo for it which is anything sharp enough I found that can kill a zombie. I was about to leave when I see Mack climb out the tent. He just looked at me and I nodded and took off. I was doing a search around the perimeter but quietly I didn't want to use my gun just yet to attack any Zs. I don't want to attract anymore than we find already. It's been about 2 hours judging by the time of day. I started to head back to the camp when I got there I saw Garnett and warren walking to the truck. I let out a whistle. They turned there heads and looked at me. They waved me down telling me to hurry up so I jogged to them.

" hey where you guys going" I said.

" where going to drop them off at the Tappan Zee bridge and come right back" warren said.

" ooh can I come" I asked.

" I need you here y/n just in case something happens" Garnett said.

" guys nothing ever happens here tho and you know it" I groaned.

" sorry Ace" they said.

" you two be safe" i said giving them a salute.

" you too see you when we get back" warren said driving off.

I turned around and went walking back to my tent. I was going to get in it when my walkie went off.

" Ace it's doc come in" I heard doc say.

" what's up doc" i said.

" going to go do some deals with sketchy and Skeezy with Thompson and Carver, over" he said.

" Rodger that doc over and out" I said putting my walkie down.

" nothing ever happens so I'm gonna just take a quick nap"i said crawling inside my tent.

I went on my side and fell asleep.

I woke up to gunshot being fired. I jumped up and got out my tent and pulled out my riffle .

" thankfully I went to sleep with everything on me still" I said to myself. Something told me to use my silenced weapons. I put the riffle on my back and took out my Ninja stars. A Z can around one of the tent coming straight at me. I threw the star right at it... headshot. He dropped to the floor. I killed to killed two more when five of them started coming at me.

" oh shit" i said taking off as I was running something exploded behind me. There so many Zs. What ever I do I can't stop running.

Warren POV

" get in" Garnett yelled.

" go go go" Mack hit the back of truck once addy and him were in. I stepped on the gas.

" how many more" Garnett asked.

" nobody" doc said.

" nobody" i said hitting the wheel.

" nobody I'm sure" doc said.

" Donna Marion" Garnett said

" no there was no one. Not even time to show anyone mercy. There's nobody back there but Zs sorry guys we tried." doc said out of breath.

" Ace" i said and Garnett looked at me.

" damn it I knew we should've just took her" i said angry at myself.

" she's strong warren she'll find us" Garnett said. Man I hope he's right.

" I don't know what we brought them along for" Murphy said.

" Uh... because they're human beings and they deserve to live" i said.

" Hey... how much further to this rendezvous?" Garnett asked.

"Just a few more click. Got some vehicles and a team of killers waiting. Wish I had ten times that. Should be up ahead on the left. An old high school with a civil defense shelter in the basement. Supposedly there's still some rations left there.

" When was the last time you made contact with them?" Garnett asked curiously.

"About a month ago" Hammond said

"A month ago? That's like two years Apocalypse time" i said to him

We pulled into the location and there was smoke everywhere and bodies.

" I hope we didn't just lose y/n over this" i said under my breath.

Your POV

I didn't have time to double back for my bike so I left it and continued on foot onto the road. I saw tire marks. I looked at them and they went straight ahead. They look newly fresh so I took chance and followed them as I tried to clean my self off with my cloth and some water. I was still following the marks when I heard gun shots. I listened and heard some more. " that way" i said starting to walk again only to see the Zs I was running from before come out the woods.

" only shit there's more of you" i said taking off running full speed.

The gunshots didn't sound far so it shouldn't take me long to get there. After about 15mins of running I come across a high school building. I grabbed my slingshot out and grabbed one of the gears I found in a few zombie heads on the way here. I put in and held it being ready for anything. I saw a group by the door and the truck warren and Garnett in. I got a closer look and I seen Garnett he was being held at gun point . I got a little closer.

" Let him go. Or I will send you to walk among the dead" the guy said. I pulled the sling back and shot it missing the guy and hitting the door. He jumped back.

I dropped it my sling and charged at the guy. I tackled him to the ground and flipped him over to where he couldn't do anything.

" Garnett you alright" i asked.

" Ace... oh god Ace your alive" Garnett said.

" Yeah it wasn't easy but I made out everyone else not so much. Now you on the ground under me tell me why you had a gun at his head" I said.

" that is none of your business now maybe if you get off of me we'll bring you to the next safe outpost" he said.

I pulled out my pistol, cocked it and pointed where his heart is at.

" We're gonna try this again okay. Your gonna answer my question or I'm gonna shoot you in the heart no mercy granted.. you have 5 seconds" i said

" Ace" I heard warren call me in a warning tone.

" 5" i said

" Ace we need him alive" Garnett said.

" 4" i said.

" 3"


" he had my guy pinned against the wall he is a very important man that has answers about the zombie virus-"

I shot the gun at the nearest thing that wasn't a person.

" the next time your gun is pointed at anyone in this group. I will personally make you wish you died when this shit first started" i said getting off of him.

Warren pulled me into a hug when I did. " it's good to see you alive.. I thought-"

" I did to warren trust me I should've been but I'm still here" i said. After our little moment she started holding the door shut.

" Let's get in the trucks. We're moving out" he said getting up.

" What about the... the baby thing? We can't leave it like that.

" Yeah, she's right. Even if it is turned" Mack said

" a zombie baby?" I asked.

" you don't even want to know" the guy we found in the boat said.

"It sounds so sad" addy said.

" it's not sad it's a zombie" doc said

" Amen brother. Let's go"

"We can't leave it like that" warren said.

" I'll do it. Haven't had anything on my conscious in a while" i said cocking my pistol.

" I'll do it" the guy I tackled said. " your a heavy hitter and with this group I think I need someone like you here. And you I need you to pull it together" he said to me then Garnett.

"Two minutes. Be ready to go." He said before he went in. I looked at everyone they looked at me.

" kid you got a little blood all over you" doc said.

" oh yeah uhhh had to kinda fight my way through Zs getting here then I just ran for my life and now we're here" i said.

Everyone nodded. I seen addy look at my side and then look at me and smile. I looked at the machete and pulled it out.

" thanks for this. It saved my damn life" i said looking at addy.

" no problem" she said with a smile.

We went back to listening for the guy who's name I learned was Hammond and we heard him yell. We all ran inside and saw him being ate by the zombie baby and another zombie. We all took the safety off of our gun and pointed at them and shot all the bullets we each had in our clips at once. We walked outside and Garnett was pacing around. I went to grab my slingshot and came back

"You know, none of this would have happened, if you'd just left that damn baby"

" I didn't tell Hammond to go get eaten by a baby" Garnett said.

"Never mind that now. We need a plan" warren said.

"My plan is I'm taking this truck and I am forgetting about vaccines and labs and all of you. I wanted off this train from day one, and now's my chance"

" Wait... wait... wait. You can't just go. What about California? What about the vaccine?" Doc asked

"What if it's real? What if there's a chance? And what if it's you?" Addy said.

" Addy-"

" they're right we can't just let him walk away" i said.

" for someone who doesn't talk much your talking a lot right now" Mack said.

" I don't have to talk cause these" I said putting my hands up. " do all the talking for me want to find out" i said going to jump at him but got stopped.

"How do we know this isn't all just bullshit?" Mack said looking at addy.

"How does anybody know anything anymore?"

"Delta-Xray-Delta" we heard coming from somewhere

" what the hell is that" i asked.

"Delta-Xray-Delta. Come in. Radio: Delta-Xray-Delta. This is Northern Light. Operation Bite Mark. Do you copy? Delta-Xray-Delta"

Addy walked inside the building and came back with a walkie.

" it's Hammonds radio" she said.

" Hello" addy said curiously.

"I copy you Delta-Xray! This is... this is Northern Light. Who am I speaking to?" The guy said.

" Addison Carver" she said

" Okay. I need to speak to Lieutenant Hammond"

"Hammond's dead" she told him

I'm... I'm... I'm sorry. I... I didn't copy that, Delta-Xray. Did you say that Hammond is dead?

Yes" she said

" Is the package safe?"

"Package? What... what package? Who is this? " addy asked

"Listen. I need to speak to whoever's in charge"

"Who is it? " warren asked

"They won't say. They want to know who's in charge." Addy said.

"You are" warren said looking at Garnett.

"This is Sergeant Garnett of the National Guard. Who is this?"

"Sergeant Garnett Lieutenant Hammond was transporting a civilian named Murphy to California. Is he alive?"

" yeah he's alive" Garnett said.

"Good. Good. Are... are you aware of Operation Bite Mark?"

"Do you mean the lab in California?" Garnett asked him.

"Yes! Yes! Listen to me! It is imperative that you get Murphy to California. I repeat. It is imperative that you get Murphy alive to California. Do you copy?"

"But we don't know... "

The radio started to break up.

" Who are you?" Garnett yelled.

The radio died and we looked at him.

" so" warren said.

" It looks like we're taking Mr. Congeniality here to California" Garnett said and I smiled a bit.

"Says who?" Murphy ask begins a smart ass.

"Says me" Garnett tells Murphy.

We got in the trucks and started moving. Until doc stopped driving.

Hey. Hey there. You're that sharp shooter that saved my ass, aren't you? Oh man. I want to thank you. Do you need a ride?" Doc asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders and hopped on the back of the truck then hit it so doc can start driving.

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