Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco...

By slytherin_may

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Fred Weasley & Draco Malfoy love triangle fan fic Includes: Adult / sexual material / rated mature so please... More

Chapter 1 - First Day Back
Chapter 2 - Ring of Fire
Chapter 3 - The Balcony
Chapter 4 - Slytherin Table
Chapter 5 - Potions
Chapter 6 - The Staircase
Chapter 7 - Markings
Chapter 8 - Avoidance
Chapter 9 - The Date
Chapter 10 - Sunday Morning
Chapter 11 - Your Turn
Chapter 12 - Slytherin Common Room
Chapter 13 - The Abandoned Bathroom
Chapter 14 - Breakfast
Chapter 15 - Detention
Chapter 16 - Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 17 - Broomsticks Brew
Chapter 18 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 19 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 20 - Hypocrite
Chapter 21 - Love Bites
Chapter 22 - Christmas Day
Chapter 23 - Broken Glass
Chapter 24 - New Year's Eve
Chapter 25 - Slytherin Dormitories
Chapter 26 - Inquistorial Squad
Chapter 27 - Shell Cottage
Chapter 28 - Poison
Chapter 30 - Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath
Chapter 32 - 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 33 - The Seventh Floor
Chapter 34 - The Burrow
Chapter 35 - Charlie
Chapter 36 - The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 37 - Three Days
Chapter 38 - Surveillance
Chapter 39 - The Room of Requirements
Chapter 40 - Knockturn Alley
Chapter 41 - The Vanishing Cabinet
Chapter 42 - White Christmas
Chapter 43 - The Letter
Chapter 44 - Home
Chapter 45 - Fiendfyre
Chapter 46 - The Visitor
Chapter 47 - The Wedding
Chapter 48 - The Return
Chapter 49 - The Battle
Chapter 50 - The End
Chapter 51 - 19 Years Later
One Shot - The Malfoy Wedding

Chapter 29 - Cauldron Cupboard

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By slytherin_may

By Sunday midday we were back at Hogwarts. Everybody had gone to bed shortly after Fred had come to. The antidote had worked but he was drowsy and couldn't remember anything that had happened. Fearing something might go wrong, I couldn't leave his side so I stayed until he slipped into a deep sleep on the sofa.

Though I knew that Alicia's love potion had been the reason behind their kiss, the image of them intertwined on that sofa replayed in my mind and sent my blood boiling all over again. Her hands weaved through his soft red hair and the noises that crept from his mouth, noises that I only wanted him to make for me. The other's had to tell Fred what he'd done because I couldn't bring myself to recount it and he remained quiet while we gathered our things to go home.

I wasn't angry with him, how could I be? He wasn't to blame, he was the victim in all this. I knew deep down he wasn't taking this well at all. Though we were usually quite restrained in front of his family, he was withholding his affection for me more than ever.

My patience with Alicia was wearing thin. She found a way to ruin a weekend and completely abuse her power to take advantage of another person. I didn't know how he could have ever been with someone like that before. My nerves were on edge about me and Fred, he'd made it clear he was feeling the same.

When we returned home I knew I couldn't sit in our dorm and wallow, so we placed ourselves on the sofa in the common room and I threw myself into studying. We sat side by side in silence next to the roaring fire. I knew Daphne could feel my discomfort but I was just grateful that she didn't try to make me dwell on it until I was ready. It was comforting just to know that she was there.

I'd let my mind wonder and I was entranced, staring as the bewitched emerald flames danced across the coals in the fireplace, in a world of my own thinking about the weekend's events, until I heard a smug voice call, "Nice weekend away?"

I watched as he sauntered down into the common room. He brushed a large pale hand through his icy hair and I couldn't help but take him in, wearing a dark turtleneck beneath another black suit. So pretentious, I thought to myself, but he certainly knew what flattered his frame.

"Yes" I said through gritted teeth, breaking my gaze from his physique to bury my head back into my textbook.

"Back so soon though I see?" Draco said, a lordly smirk spread across his face. He took a place on the sofa opposite and sat in the usual cavalier way he did with his legs crossed over, one outstretched across his knee.

"What of it?" I asked lowly, unable to stop myself from looking up at him.

"Somebody's grumpy, bad night's sleep at the shack? Or was it a hole in the ground?" Draco chuckled to himself, taking out a book to read.

My foul mood soured further in his presence and I was in no place to put up with him today. I snapped my book shut and got to my feet.

"I'm going upstairs" I announced, in Daphne's general direction. She understood this wasn't the time to follow me and lowered her head back into her book.

I breezed through the common room, never looking back in their direction until I got to our corridor, when I heard sound of his brogues knock against the stone slabs as he followed me. I was tired of this game, didn't he understand when I wanted to be left alone?

"Piss off, Draco" I snarled, turning on my heel to look at him. I suddenly realised how secluded the girls' hallway was and that he would be capable of anything without someone seeing. I stiffened, as my mind cast back to all the many things he'd do to me when we'd been alone like this before.

"I'd watch how you speak to me" Draco grimaced, moving deathly close to me, "Before you know it you'll have ruined your chances"

"Chances of what?" I sighed, looking him up and down disapprovingly.

"You know I can give you more than he can" he said, lowly. He suddenly looked unsure of himself. He usually spoke with such conviction but this message came with a waver at the end of his voice.

I couldn't help but stare back at him in shock, what was he even saying? He had been the one who made it clear to me he had no affection or time for me. That all of this had been a silly power trip for his own bruised ego. It enraged me that there was a time when I might have even considered what he was saying, but that was certainly gone.

"What do you want Draco, Hmm? Do you want to be with me, is that what this is? Do you want to be my boyfriend and hold my hand in the halls?" I chuckled, wickedly. I knew this was just something he said, one of his bizarre musings about how he could stake a claim on me because I was a pure blood and so was he.

But I watched as his face twisted in discomfort. There was no quick witted response or evil scoff. He looped his finger through his tie, as if to loosen it to ease a difficulty breathing. His eyes darted across my body and then our surroundings until finally he walked back off down the corridor. I watched as he left in such a hurry and I was frozen in place at a sight I had never seen before. Draco Malfoy running away from me.

I spent the rest of the day in our dorm, studying mindlessly for any subject I had possession of a textbook for. Anything to distract my mind from the hurtful images of Fred and Alicia that forced themselves to the forefront of my brain. Daphne had come upstairs after sometime, telling me that Blaise had eventually come to the common room with the rest of the Slytherins who'd joined the Inquistorial Squad and she couldn't bare to look at them anymore. I saw a glint of pain in her eyes when she spoke about him but I knew it was for the best that they were no longer spending time together.

"I'm going for a walk" I suddenly announced, dropping my quill onto the parchment.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Daphne asked, looking up from her book and I shook my head. I needed time to be with my thoughts and I assumed she did too, so I swiftly pulled on some warm clothing and was out of the door.

It was past curfew and that was getting stricter as the days went on but I always knew which part of the school to go to. Nobody ever seemed to be on the seventh floor.

I dragged my feet up there, having to hide myself every so often when a prefect reared their head. Once I got up there, I knew it would desolate. I stepped up and walked the long arched corridor, stopping to take in the view of the grounds.

It had been deathly silent until in the distance I heard a faint sound of whizzing and banging. As though fireworks were being set off somewhere far away. I couldn't ignore it and turned the corner to see Fred and George throwing something up in there to let it pop and fall to the ground. It sounded just like a firework, only fainter.

They were so caught up in their game they didn't see me watching. As Fred's smile lit up under the brilliant colours of the fireworks, I felt my chest ease. I was overjoyed to see him messing around and having fun as he usually did.

"What on earth are you two doing?" I whispered, hurrying towards them.

They looked up from what they were doing and Fred smiled at me cheekily.

"Watch this" he said, letting off another tiny firework that shimmered and sparkled with only the slightest crackling sound, "we've almost got it!"

"Almost got what?" I asked, staring back at them both.

"We're experimenting with silent fireworks you see. Miniature ones you can let off in your home, that won't upset your dog or your nan" George explained.

"I see" I laughed, "show me again"

George let go of another small ball of light as it shot to the middle of us and span in place, sparks flying from it silently until it fizzled and simply disappeared.

"That one worked!" Fred cried, turning to high five his brother.

"What are you guys doing up here?" I asked, looking at the two of them inquisitively.

"Letting off some steam, practicing some defensive spells" George said, when his brother sharply elbowed him in his ribs, "mainly the fireworks though"

I narrowed my eyes at Fred, why had he been so annoyed at George for saying they'd been practicing spells? I always thought it excellent if they were studying outside of classes.

"Might we ask you the very same thing, Reading?" Fred said, crossing his arms over his chest and cocking an eyebrow at me. George copied him and it looked so strange to have them standing in front of me, while looking so similar. I could understand why some people were unable to tell them apart.

"Clearing my head I guess" I said with a shrug.

"We don't want that getting anymore empty do we?"George quipped, moving over to mess up my hair. I managed to swot his hand away and stuck up my middle finger sarcastically at him.

"Very true" Fred agreed, nodding solemnly at his brother. The atmosphere suddenly became dense and the boys eyed each other, as if twin telepathy had taken place once again, George caught whatever message Fred was trying to send.

"Right I'm off to bed" George announced, clapping his hands and wandered off, leaving the two of us alone.

"How do you feel?" I asked quietly, moving closer to Fred. His impish fascination had begun to dissipate as he knew my tone was serious.

"Better, thank you" he said, fiddling with his wand in his hands, "Celeste, look- I'm so sorry"

He kept his head lowered, looking down at his hands. I didn't want him to apologise to me, he had done nothing wrong. All I wanted was for him to hold me and to tell me he didn't have feelings for her, I didn't want an apology from him.

"Fred, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for" I laughed, moving closer to him.

He pocketed his wand and let me wrap my arms around his torso with my head resting on his chest. I felt him stiffened and then suddenly ease under my hold, as if he had been surprised by my affection. He slowly held me back, placing his hands around me and squeezing tightly.

"I'm just sorry you had to see that" he said, quietly. We stayed in our embrace for a few moments, taking each other in.

"It wasn't nice, but I know it wasn't you" I paused, "was it?"

"Absolutely not, I don't even remember eating dinner last night. I don't feel that way about Alicia, I promise you, even when it happened before I just thought that it a drunk thing between two friends, I had no idea-"

"It's fine, please I don't want to think about you two sleeping together" I cut him off, pulling away from his hold on me, but his pulled me back in.

"Then we won't think about it anymore okay?" Fred said quietly, cupping my face and stroking his thumb against my cheek. I could feel myself melting into him and a sudden need surged over my body.

It was as if he saw it in my eyes and he gently leant down to my level so he could whisper in my ear, "Let's think about us instead, what do you want right now Celeste?"

I looked up at him in slight shock and my lips parted. He grinned cheekily as he could see the wires in my brain short circuit with his sultry words.

"You" I whispered back, grazing my lips against his cheek as I pulled away. He stood up tall again, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder to guide me away.

"I think you need to let off some steam too" Fred explained as we walked, "Fortunately having the Maurder's Map for so many years me and George know all the best places"

We turned a few corners and he brought us to a wooden door, he opened it and stood aside so I could go in first. It was a strange little room, full of cauldrons. Some were dusty and had congealed potions residing inside but others looked brand new, never used before.

"It's a cauldron cupboard" Fred said, admiring the room, "me and George would hide in it from Filch in our first couple of years, nobody really knows it's here, other than Snape of course"

He shut the door behind us and whispered a locking charm. I felt my body tense as he did this and moved to the furthest point of the cupboard, looking back at by the door. We could barely see anything, there being no light in the small room other than streams that escaped through the bottom of the door, but I saw the outline of Fred's body as he moved slowly towards me.

He brought a hand up to my face and cupped it gently, before pulling my lips against his. The sensation of his soft lips starkly differed from his wanting hands as they moved around my clothed body. His kisses went from delicate to rough as our need for each other increased.

My lips parted to let out a stifled gasp as his hand dipped below my skirt to graze my inner thigh. His hand raked across my soft skin and left a blazing trail as it went. He lowered himself down further to nestle his head into my neck as my core begged for his rapture.

"Turn around" he whispered into my ear, taking ahold of my hips. I turned my body in his grip so my behind was pressed against his front and he groaned as I skimmed against his length. I could tell he had already grown painfully hard and that he would not be going easy on me tonight.

Fred gathered up my skirt around my waist and my tights were round my ankles before I had time to gasp at the cold air hitting my skin. He dropped to his knees and planted kisses along my behind as he slid his hand into my depths.

He teased me over my underwear, tapping lightly on my inner thighs, prompting me to open my legs wider for him. He bit and kissed along my cheeks with his movements and I thought my legs would buckle entirely, close to falling on top of him. But as he knew I was losing control he stood again to tower over me.

Attempting to catch my breath before his next manoeuvre, I gripped on to the shelf of cauldrons in front of me, digging my nails deeply into the wood. He let out a soft chuckle as he saw me trying to keep my grip.

"Steady?" he whispered, leaning against me to let the words encompass my ear. I nodded and let out a small "mmhmm"

"Bend over a little more for me" he crooned, as he began to lower my underwear. My eyes went wide with excitement, as the sound of his belt unbuckling clinked behind me. My breathing rapidly increased as I bent down further, arching my back and held on to the shelf below, gripping tightly to keep my balance.

I heard the rustle of his trousers and boxers lowering and I braced myself. He must have noticed my tenses movements as he stroked gently at my exposed skin.

"Relax" he chuckled, before lowering to my level and lining himself up with my entrance. I instantly felt my body release it's tension as he pushed into me, starting slowly.

His hips rocked back and forth as his member began to pulse inside of me. I loosened my body to allow it to be guided by his thrusts, letting myself knock gently into the shelf in front. The pressure was growing unbearable and I felt myself ache for him to speed up.

"Faster" I moaned.

"Of course, gorgeous" Fred replied, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

He increased his speed as he slammed into me more furiously and my body knocked violently into the shelf. The pleasure numbed the pain and I relished in his rough movements.

The sound, though loud, only seemed spur him on as his thrusts increased again. I felt him slow as he grabbed for his wand and I heard 'Muffliato' escape from his lips. His groans that followed were like music to my ears and all my worries about Alicia were washed away in their low notes.

Fred gathered my hair from my back and held it tightly behind me. A rasped moan left my flushed lips at the sensation of his control. He used his grip on my hair as an anchor to press himself deeper into me and my eyes couldn't help but well from the pressure.

My waves of pleasure began rippling through me and I was so close to reaching my end.

"Oh god I'm so close Fred" I moaned out and his movement became more considered. He let go of my hand and slip a hand round my front to trace thoughtful circles on my sensitive spot.

"Come for me, Celeste" Fred requested, huskily.

It was almost instant, as soon as he touched me there. The temperature of my body increased exponentially and heated waves drenched every inch of me as my climax released. My moans were delirious and deranged as I came entirely undone.

Seeing my release unfold before him must have brought him to his own demise, as his length convulsed inside of me. He removed his fingers from my clit and went back to clutching my hair to steady himself as he finished.

He panted over my body as he let go of my hair and let it cascade over my back. He lifted my blouse and trailed kisses along my scorched my skin. I felt myself twitch and spasm as his lips pressed against me.

He lowered to his knees again to pull up my underwear and tights, unravelling my skirt so it fell gracefully around my waist against.

"I feel much better, thank you" I giggled, turning to face him and getting up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

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