2: Underneath A Thousand Skies

By badcooking

1.1M 62.8K 13.4K

Volume II In the first world she transmigrated into, Song Jia accidentally killed the original host and made... More

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241 Vixen Above, Mensao Below (55)
242 Ye Minzhe, Ruler Of The Dead (1)
243 Ye Minzhe, Ruler Of The Dead (2)
244 Transition (1)
245 Transition (2)
246 Transition (3)
247 Transition (4)
248 Transition (5)
249 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (1)
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289 This Pyschopathic Demon Is Psychic (41)
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242 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (64)
243 Xu Jinhai, The Rank SSS Male God (1)
244 Xu Jinhai, The Rank SSS Male God (2)
245 Reality (1)
246 Reality (2)
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270 Reality (26)
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272 Reality (28)
273 Reality (29)
274 Reality (30)

229 Vixen Above, Mensao Below (43)

9.4K 496 131
By badcooking

For the next few days, Song Jia became very busy.

Not only because the Ye estate had to be prepared to accommodate a lot of people, but also because she needed to think of what they would need in the future.

"We can't only require them to bring food. For those with money, we need them to buy as much gasoline as possible. Gasoline stations needs to be refuelled every other day, so gasoline stations would get drained very fast. Cars and other vehicles would be very handy for recon runs..."

Song Jia was wearing a white shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, her hair swept up in a loose bun, loose tendrils framing her face. While she was talking to the butler, she suddenly caught sight of Teacher Gu.

"Teacher Gu!"

Gu Yuan paused. When he saw Song Jia, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve upwards.

"Miss Ye?"

"Teacher Gu, I need you to to be the head of the education committee. Could you find other teachers among the future evacuees and set up a plan to teach the young children the basics of their required curriculum?"

Gu Yuan reached out and caught her elbow.

"Miss Ye." Gu Yuan interrupted her. "Aren't you worrying about it too much? Who knows, the government might be able to handle it. I've heard that some countries abroad have started deploying their military forces. I don't think the situation is already that severe."

Song Jia looked at him. She shrugged her arm out of his grip and took a step back.

"Teacher Gu, who do you think my father is? What about my classmates? Have you forgotten what kind of parents they all have? For us to be in this situation right now, you still don't think it's severe? If it's already this bad at the top, then spare some time to think what's happening at the bottom. Being optimistic right now wouldn't help us at all."

Gu Yuan pressed his lips. He met Song Jia's firm gaze and suddenly laughed.

"I haven't forgotten how many times you've saved my life back on the ship by listening to you. Alright, Miss Ye. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it."

Gu Yuan took a step forward, closing the distance between them.

"Miss Ye, about those hurtful things I've said to you before...please forget all about it. I didn't know..." He met her gaze. "I didn't know that you weren't the kind of person that I thought you were."

He slowly raised his hand to tuck the loose strands of her hair behind her ear, but Song Jia stepped back and avoided his touch. Gu Yuan froze.

"Teacher Gu, don't worry about it. I've forgotten everything, including what happened between us. I know now that you were right, that kind of dirty matter, it's better to forget all about it."

Song Jia smiled, and without a change in her expression, she left. As Gu Yuan stared at her back, a voice cut through his thoughts.

"Teacher, between students and teachers, there should still be some distance, right?"

Ouyang Che ambled into view, standing beside Gu Yuan. He put his hands into his pockets and glanced at him.

"I'm sure our honorable teacher isn't the kind of scum to hit on female students."

Gu Yuan met his gaze. "Student Ouyang, please watch your words."

Ouyang Che smiled. "If teacher minds his actions, then I wouldn't have to watch my words."

The two of them held each other's gazes, both with swords drawn and bows bent. In the end, Gu Yuan was the first one to look away.

"You've misunderstood." Gu Yuan stared at Ouyang Che, an indecipherable look flashing across his face. "I don't have any ill intentions towards Miss Ye at all. I wouldn't want to provoke Student Ye. He's a very loving brother towards his sister."

Ouyang Che frowned. Ye Minzhe? Why did Brother Minzhe suddenly enter the conversation?

"And I think it's Student Ouyang who should mind his actions. Student Ye is your friend, it would be tragic for the two of you to repeat the fates of Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai." [1]

After delivering his warning, Gu Yuan left. Ouyang Che scratched his head. He didn't understand.

Lin Daiyu? Xue Baochai?

Who were those unrelated people?


It wasn't only Song Jia who was busy stocking up before any worldwide blackout, fuel crisis, and internet outage occurred.

Most of her classmates who had remained in the Ye estate were also busy downloading music, movies, and books into their phone.

"Can't believe I won't be able to use DouYin [2] in the future," Wen Yan complained, rolling on the carpet as she clutched her phone. "What am I going to do?"

Gong Qiye, who was sitting with Ding Xiuxiu on the far end of the living room, was also frowning.

"My father resigned from his job. The entertainment industry had already collapsed."

Ding Xiuxiu patted his arm. "My father had also left his job. It's fine, Uncle Ye will support us. Unless you want to be with your family?"

Gong Qiye paused, and slowly shook his head. "Private planes and jets are being banned across the country."

"That's not a problem, my family and Uncle Ye has many connections with the government. We could send a helicopter to come and send you."

Gong Qiye laughed and pinched her cheek. "Xiuxiu, do you want to drive me away that much?"

Ding Xiuxiu pouted. "You know that's not what I meant. I also want you to stay."

"Then I'll stay. If I go, won't Ye Minzhe bully you too much? And since Long Aotian isn't here, there would be nobody to control him and Ouyang Che. You know those two, one day, even the heavens would get overturned by them."

"I wonder where Aotian went. Did he go back to his hometown?" A sour tone then entered Ding Xiuxiu's voice. "Anyway, Minzhe doesn't need Aotian anymore. He's fine as long as he has Ye Jia by his side. He practically obeys every word she says."

Gong Qiye became quiet. He couldn't even console Ding Xiuxiu, because her words were true.

"It's probably just passing affection from him. He had lost his mother, so maybe he found solace in his half-sister. Xiuxiu, you know you don't have to be jealous of Ye Jia. They're siblings, so don't treat her like she's your love rival."

Ding Xiuxiu sighed. She leaned her head on his shoulder and blew out a breath.

"I know. But I've heard the other day that Ye Minzhe tried reciting pick up lines to Ye Jia. Isn't that strange? They're siblings, but they behave so much like a couple."

Gong Qiye nodded his head. He also wanted to ask Ye Minzhe what was going inside his head. He had always been abnormal, but recently he had gone straight to behaving like a lunatic.

And the way he imprinted on Ye Jia like a baby duck was also out of the blue. For what seemed to be only yesterday, that baby duck was a Komodo dragon that wanted to rip apart Ye Jia. Now that Gong Qiye thought about it, it was truly strange.

"Do you think Ye Minzhe got possessed by an evil spirit?"

Ding Xiuxiu stared at him. "What kind of evil spirit would dare take Minzhe's body?"

She might be in love with him, but it didn't mean that she was blind. Not even an evil spirit would want to experience a gruesome death twice.

"...you're right," Gong Qiye coughed.

Ding Xiuxiu waved away the senseless topic.

"In any case, I should ask this professional matchmaker on Taobao my marriage fate while we still have internet. One of my maternal aunts consulted with her, and she managed to meet with her destined husband. Maybe I can ask her for my marriage fate with Minzhe."

Gong Qiye leaned over to look at her phone with a skeptical expression.

"Are you sure this matchmaker isn't a scammer?"

"No, she's the real deal..."

Before Ding Xiuxiu could finish her words, a chat notification popped up on the upper corner of her screen.

Gong Qiye's eyes widened as he read it, while Ding Xiuxiu gasped in surprise.

"It's a message from Aotian!"

[1] From one of China's four great classical novels, Dream of the Red Chamber. Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai were female cousins who were in love with the same man, Jia Baoyu. Lin Daiyu was his true love, while Xue Baochai was his arranged wife. Best well-known literary love triangle in China.

[2] Chinese name for TikTok.

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