Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's...

By devoncruz23

2.4K 340 237

Lexington Hunter, a cynical young man part of a Aeltonier mercenary band will have his world turned upside do... More

2: Confrontation
3: Dreaded Maiden
4: Odd Day
5: Way Of The Flames
6: Hunters
7: Dance Of Wolves
8: Shapeshifter
9: Bloody History
10: Phoenix King
11: Academy
12: Blooming Friendships
13: Robin's Song
14: Family Matters
15: Wolf Prince
16: Cruelty
17: Brother and Sister
18: Magic
19: Learning Pains
20: Odd Mistakes
21: Blood of Lightning
22: Death's Omen
23: Legacy
map Rework
24: Knowledge
25: Plans
26: Bygones
27: Crowe
28: Survival Training
29: Shit hitting the fan
30: Nightmares
31: Reaper's Harvest
32: Doubts
33: Releasing Stress
34: Framing
35: The Three Lies
36: Athorazen
37: Battle of Griffin Island
38: Phoenix Queen
39: Wolf King
40: The Hunter's Call

1: Awakening

310 11 11
By devoncruz23

1078 AP (after Phoenix)

A Huntsman is riding on his horse as it's hooves stomp against the dirt path going as fast it can.

Huntsman (letter): "this is Alec Keeferson, Master Huntsman, this letter is to report my findings over the past Storm Moon." As Alec is riding his horse hard when the ground opens up before him. The horse uses all of its strength to stop itself which sends Alec flying and crashes into the dirt road.

Alec (letter): "on the fifth of Azure Kraken, I came across a family that had recently lost all five of their children, they stated it was very sudden so I figured the creature to be Illithids but my search turned to days to weeks till I discovered I wasn't dealing with Illithids." Alec jumps to his feet seeing black scaled creatures crawl out of the hole as their eyes glow a variety of colors such as blood red, violet purple and yellow. Alec pulls out his sword eyeing up the beasts getting ready.

Alec (letter): "I found a group of Demons and they did not hesitate to attack me, I was lucky to get out alive." As two Demons lunge with lightning speed but Alec saw this coming.

Alec: "Tempus Sanctionus!" He roars out as time slows down for allowing him to cleave the two Demons in pieces.

Alec (letter): "if Demons are topside then we must prepare for the worst to come, I'll bring as many recruits as I am able to, may the Gods watch over us." As Alec is swerving around the Demon's and their attacks taking them one by one till one remains as Alec stomps his foot against it's neck.

Demon: "you won't stop us all! The Age Of Huntsman will die!" As Alec slams the tip of his longsword into the Demon's skull but he rushes over to the hole spewing an intense heat that almost makes him not breathe.

Alec: "Edenius Tartaruiam!" He yells while placing all ten fingers on the ground manipulating the earth to close up the hole. "That should hold for the time being, Griffin!" He says as he quickly whistling his horse over as he runs over and hops on. "The nearest city is Riverden, gotta get there fast." He says getting Griffin to run as fast as he can go as there's no way Riverden can handle a few Demons with it's own guards.

*Two days pass.* A young man in his early twenties is sleeping in a hanging net as a more older man approaches with disapproval in his.

???: "Oh by Aiglia's burning Ass cheeks get up Lexington." While he swiftly kicks Lexington out of the hanging which certainly woke him up but he's not exactly thrilled.

Lexington: "seriously Alistair? You better have a good explanation for waking me up or I'll shove this sword so far the sun stops shining." He growls out while getting to his feet as his blonde hair is hit by the bright sun.

Alistair: "hilarious Lex, how long did you spend thinking of that one?" He playfully jests as Lexington furrows his brows and leans against the tree. "I think I found a potential job in town, I want ya to come along." He says as Lexington feels this is a waste of time but doesn't argue as he hasn't anything to do as they head into town known as Riverden as they walk across the muddy road and see a building crumble to the ground.

Lexington: "so where are we going? Cause this town looks like it can't even afford bread crumbs." He says while wiping his forehead of sweat from the hot sun which is at its peak being it's the first month of the Storm Moon Fire season.

Alistair: "we are getting a job from there." He states while pointing at the town's cathedral with a phoenix engraving.

Lexington: "are you kidding me? Did you happen to forget that we were um oh I don't know excommunicated?" He states while glaring at the cathedral with his royal blue eyes as Alistair wraps his arm around Lexington as they're equal in height.

Alistair: "we were indeed excommunicated but think Lex, a cathedral in a town like this easily influences them to go down a path and part of that is giving up Phoenix Feather coins, I guarantee we can get a thousand at the least." As Lexington sighs but sees his point.

Lexington: "if it ends up catching fire I am not taking responsibility." Earning a heartfelt laugh as they enter the cathedral as Lexington already feels his skin crawling as they see a couple of Flame Priests bowing before a divine shrine.

Fire Priest: "oh fire Goddess Aiglia, may your burning wings continue to bless our city." As he finishes his prayer and looks behind him seeing Alistair and Lexington. "Hello, are you here to pray?" He asks with kindness but Lexington doesn't at all buy this kindness.

Alistair: "forgive me Fire Priest but we're here to talk about that bounty you sent out." As the Fire Priest drops the gentle act and sits in a chair.

Fire Priest: "east of our town is a tribe of vile elves." As Alistair sits across from the Fire Priest. "The vile knife ears are taking one of our main food sources of fish, and too make things worse one of them appears to be well versed in magic." He says bitterly as Lexington looks around seeing how well lit the cathedral is.

Alistair: "and what do you want us to do?" He asks as the Fire Priest grows a somewhat uneasy smirk as Lexington closes his fist wanting to knock his soul out.

Fire Priest: "drive them out, kill some why don't you? I'll pay a bit more if you return some of their ears." As Lexington gets ready to draw his sword but controls himself not wanting to make a scene.

Alistair: "you got a deal." He says while he and Lexington walk out of the cathedral as he notices Lexington's expression. "Go on, speak your mind." He encourages as Lexington stands before him with annoyance.

Lexington: "I don't like this, taking a contract from the church doesn't feel right and especially with that Fire Priest, I feel like he's just hiring us to fulfil his hate against the elves in this area." As Alistair tries to his best to be reasonable.

Alistair: "so? We're gonna need a lot of Phoenix Feather coins for the journey to Newcastle and with this job? We can finally make that journey, aren't you tired of avoiding the Phoenix Knights? Cause I sure am." As Lexington closes while sighing understanding.

Lexington: "believe me I am as well but, we have a code don't we? Never take a contract on the innocent or on those just trying to live their lives, the elves fall into this." He says as Alistair sighs knowing Lexington is right.

Alistair: "you're loyal to the code, I'll give you that but we need this Lex, sometimes you have to break something you hold dear for a greater reward." He says patting Lexington on the shoulder and walks past as Lexington sighs heavily but follows him back to their camp. "Okay you rotten bastards, we got a job to do so let's get moving." He says as the other mercenaries agree while Lexington isn't thrilled about this at all.

Meanwhile by the lake not far from Riverden, some forest Elves are fishing but one isn't as she's reading a book about ancient elves when one of her fellow tribesman laughs in victory.

Elf: "haha! That's another fish for me, hey Elyria! How many is that now?" He asks looking back as Elyria simply raises five fingers.

Elyria: "I would suggest you start taking count yourself Fylis cause I'm trying to read." She says still looking through the pages while Fylis rolls his eyes.

Fylis: "you reading that isn't suddenly gonna make you an Averial elf." He jests as Elyria thrusts her leg out and sends a projection of herself kicking Fylis into the lake. "Ugh! Come on El! Now you've scared the fish away!" He says as Elyria chuckles to herself seeing his reaction.

Elyria: "oh please, we got enough food to last a couple weeks thanks to your hard labor." As Fylis is not amused by this as Elyria closes her book and helps him out of the lake. "Come on let's get back to the others." She says walking with Fylis.

Fylis: "oh just so you know, Grixi said she saw a Huntsman riding toward Riverden." As this catches Elyria's curiosity.

Elyria: "really? Maybe this is my chance then." She says optimistically as Fylis looks her in her emerald eyes.

Fylis: "you cannot be serious, you do that then you're a deserter." As Elyria sighs in annoyance as she's heard this perhaps a thousand times.

Elyria: "I just wanna make e difference, not just for me, the tribe, but our entire people." As Fylis pinches the bridge of his nose and looks his friend in the eyes.

Fylis: "remember what my father said when he went to Griffin Island? It was filled with humans and most of them were racist to him... I doubt things are gonna be any different for you, probably be worse given you're a she-elf." He says being honest as Elyria is frustrated but understands that Fylis is just looking out for her but they hear a horn get blown.

Elyria: "we gotta get back." She says as Fylis agrees as they rush on back. Lexington meanwhile is fighting one of the Forest Elves as he's trying his best not to kill him but the other mercenaries are mercilessly killing. Fylis and Elyria arrive at the scene when Fylis sees one of the humans about to kill one of their own but Fylis recklessly charges in and shoves the human back.

Lexington turns his attention to Alistair who begins facing off against one of the younger elves who's clearly angry and is letting it out on Alistair with heavy blows which Alistair avoids by swerving around Fylis almost toying with him. Fylis goes for a downwards swing but Alistair plunges his longsword into Fylis and protrudes out his back, all of the Forest Elves stop fighting as they are clearly distraught seeing this while Elyria simply falls to her knees with pain coursing throughout her veins. Alistair turns to the others and goes to continue but Lexington stops him in his tracks.

Lexington: "I think they get the message Alistair, go." He says giving a slight shove as Alistair and the other mercenaries leave but Lexington stops as he looks at the Forest Elves as he decides to pick up the body of their fallen ally and walks over to them as they ready their weapons. Lexington slowly places the body with care and respect as he gives a look of regret to the elves as his eyes meet Elyria's who kneels next Fylis.

Elyria: "just go." She says quietly as Lexington nods and begins headed on back eventually catching up with the others.

Alistair: "if you got something to say then save it, we did the job and it's over." As Lexington quietly scoffs with disapproval but doesn't feel like arguing.
*Few hours pass.*

Lexington is out in the sheds by himself hitting training dummy over and over again with frustration as he can't get it out of his head, particularly when he made eye contact with the she-elf.

Lexington (mind): "such pain... She definitely lost someone close to her and it's all my fault!" As he swings with enough anger to decapitate the training dummy. "Hope those Phoenix Feather coins are worth it... Cause I'm done." He says as he begins packing everything he needs and gets ready to hit the road but stops when he hears growling to his right.

Lexington slowly looks to his right seeing dark creatures standing on their hind legs appearing to be over 6ft to 7ft tall. He grabs his longsword from his sheath as he's feeling something overcome his entire body as he can't describe.

Demon: "oh would you look at that, the human is afraid of us, let's see if he can be even more afraid." A rather confident but disturbing voice says as Lexington can't process this when one of the Demons hops off a building and crashes into Lexington sending him flying against the muddy road as he struggles to catch his breath feeling winded. "Hahaha, oh this poor human is in for a rough night." He growls out while jumping as Lexington rolls away barely avoiding the attack.

Lexington (mind): "what in Phoenix hell are these things?" As he can't read their movements as they're just too quick and is smacked in the spine knocking him face first.

Demon: "sorry about that, it's just too much fun to play with a weaker opponent." He chuckles out while grabbing Lexington's shoulder but he swiftly turns and stabs his longsword into his neck as the other three Demons are surprised by this as the Demon that's stabbed in the neck is glaring while pulling the longsword out.

Lexington: "what..." He gasps out as the Demon growls and shows his razor sharp teeth and digs his claws into Lexington's shoulder who yells in agony gaining the attention of the town as Alistair sees this.

Alistair: "let go of him you rotten bastard!" As he tries stabbing the demon but the demon quickly and efficiently plunges his hand through Alistair's chest as Lexington stares with disbelief.

Demon: "know your place human, do you know who you're dealing with? You're dealing Tamerek and I will be-" as Lexington just blocks this out staring at Alistair's almost lifeless body and begins reminiscing about when he was raised by Alistair but he hears Alistair talk.

Alistair: "I know we... Never agreed on everything but... You're a better man than I could be." As Lexington feels something like a thread within him snap as Tamerek notices something's off and sees Lexington's eyes sparking blue electricity as this same electricity engulfs his palm

Lexington: "I'm gonna kill you!" He says holding his palm out blasting Tamerek in the face with lightning which sends him back as Lexington goes to attack the other Demons but the electricity quickly wears off.

Demon: "say goodnight you runt!" As both demons go to attack him as he closes but nothing happens and opens his eyes to see a Huntsman having decapitated both of them.

Tamerek: "you're gonna pay!" He roars while raging flames exit his mouth as the Huntsman turns.

Alec: "you're not gonna do anything." As he notices Lexington looking at him with uncertainty. "Stay behind me." He warns while Lexington does so and kneels in pain. "Drink this... It'll help with the pain." He says while handing him an elixir.

Tamerek: "Alec Keeferson, the ever so infamous Huntsman!" He growls while dragging his foot claws against the ground.

Alec: "why are Demons topside? The Demon King and I had an agreement." As Tamerek begins moving like a panther stalking it's prey as they're circling each other.

Tamerek: "wouldn't you love to find out?" As Alec can tell he's getting ready to pounce as he quickly shoves Lexington out of the way with strength that surprises Lexington. Alec braces himself and keeps his footing while Tamerek pushes him back but Alec slices at his chest.

Alec sends a few thrusts with his blade but is forced to lean while Tamerek nearly swipes his head off. Lexington watches on but he can barely process any of this as they're going at speeds his eyes can barely catch but does see Tamerek tackle Alec into the cathedral. Tamerek roars out while slamming Alec onto the hard wooden floor as and goes to stab Alec with his claws but Alec narrowly avoids this while getting to his feet. Lexington stands at the entrance of the cathedral seeing the fight continue, Alec stabs into Tamerek's shoulder and drags it downwards as Tamerek grabs Alec by his neck while part of his shoulder is hanging off.

Alec: "Tempus... Sanctionus!" As he uses this opportunity to slice Tamerek's hand off and kicks him back against the shrine. Alec's hand glows fire like colors as he braces himself. "Ignis... Stormius!" He exclaims as he releases a a stream of flames that engulfs Tamerek as his scale like skin melts off as Tamerek shrieks. "When you get to the Veil, tell your friends I sent you there myself!" He says burning Tamerek to an absolute crisp as Alec holds his palm that's steaming as he really over did it.

Lexington: "uh... Are you okay?" When he notices that the inside of the cathedral is on fire. "Oh shit the cathedral's on fire." He says seeing the fire Priest from earlier. "I didn't do anything." He says raising his hands when the fire Priest pushes him out of the way.

Fire Priest: "you vile Hunter! You dare fight a demon in my cathedral and then set it on fire! I should-" he rants when Alec places the tip of his longsword against his neck.

Alec: "Fire Priest Ayden or as I like to call you, the cockroach." He calmly states as Ayden remains silent. "Now listen cockroach, I could've just stayed back and let these demons tear apart this sad excuse of a city but my code as a Huntsman doesn't allow it so If I was you? I'd be grateful cause the next Huntsman that happens to be in this town might not feel inclined to save you as I was." He says as Ayden doesn't say anything when Alec snaps his fingers that puts out the fire and exits the cathedral.

Lexington turns as he kneels next to Alistair's corpse as he closes his eyes feeling regret that Alistair actually tried saving him and realizes that he did care about him when he feels Alec touch his shoulder.

Alec: "you need to have that treated." As Lexington reluctantly nods and sits while Alec is treating his shoulder. "Unfortunately I don't know any healing magic so you'll have to settle for my limited sowing skills." He jokes but Lexington isn't laughing.

Lexington: "what the hell were those things? Never seen anything like it." He says as Alec looks at the young man and doesn't beat around the bush.

Alec: "I won't lie, those were Demons... The exact ones that parents would tell their kids so that they would behave." As this surprises Lexington as he always believed those stories were only stories at most.

Lexington: "I... I stabbed one of them in the neck but they acted like it did nothing." As Alec acknowledges this as he understands.

Alec: "quick little lesson kid, normal weapons don't work on them, the weapon must be made or enhanced by magic or be blessed by an actual priest... That's why I carry two swords, one for the humans and the average beasts and the other for Demons amongst other things." As Lexington acknowledges this when he sighs. "So... I saw what you did to that Demon, shooting out lightning like that? What's your name?"

Lexington: "Lexington Hunter." As Alec kinda laughs a bit.

Alec: "sorry, it's a little funny, but do you know how you did that?" He asks when Lexington shakes his head.

Lexington: "I just... Got angry and shot lightning out at the one Demon but it wore off afterwards... That's never happened before." He says closing his eyes but quickly opens them feeling Alec touch his head. "What the hell are you-" but is silenced when he feels a surge of energy in his veins.

Alec: "you got a lot of magic in you Lex, it's dormant just waiting to be used... With that much magic? You could become a Huntsman." As Lexington is dumbfounded by this suggestion.

Lexington: "I'm nothing but a mercenary though... Nobody special." As Alec kneels before him with a look of reassurance.

Alec: "lesser people have become Huntsman kid, lesser people such as criminals, orphans, even excommunicated folk... Much like yourself." As Lexington looks at him wondering how he knew that. "Every mercenary company is excommunicated, it's nothing new." He says being honest while Lexington sits there debating with this choice.

Lexington: "I... I accept." He says reluctantly as he thinks he'll be better than going solo as a mercenary.

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