Carina Black: Fanfic

By BiancaEvans2

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This story starts from when Regulus Black was a death eater. Why he turned against Voldemort. It's all becaus... More

Prologue: Twins
Regulus' Death
Hogwarts Letter
Missing Toad
Draco Malfoy
Sorting Ceremony
First Day
Halloween Troll
Harry's First Quidditch Match
Search for Proof
Christmas Holiday's
Exams and Music
1991-1992 House Cup
Summary of Second Year
Escapee Uncle
Two Cats
Dementor Vs Two Patronuses
1st Third Year Classes: Part 1
1st Third Year Classes: Part 2
Halloween Attack
Christmas Necklace
Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw 1994
Hogsmeade with Hermione
Quidditch Final
Third Year Exams
Snuffles is a Wizard
Who Betrayed the Potters?
It's a Full Moon

Through the Trap Door

159 6 0
By BiancaEvans2

Carina's POV

Turns out Dumbledore had left after an urgent letter from the ministry. So we agreed to go through the trap door tonight. I was going to meet them on the third floor. Lucky for me everyone in my common room went to bed early. I changed into a pair of jeans, pair of sneakers, a tank top and my leather jacket. I pocketed my wand and snuck out of the common room.

I went to the third floor and wait behind a statue. But I waited for ten minutes and the others have still not arrived. I was just about to leave when I hear footsteps. "Psst Carina" Hermione calls quietly.

"I'm here, what took you guys so long?" I ask as I come out from behind the statue. But I see no one and frown in confusion.

"Oh right, the cloak" Harry mutters and they appear in front of me Harry folding a cloak.

"Is that an invisibility cloak?" I gasp and he nods his head.

"Anyway, we're late because Neville was in the common room and he tried to stop us" he states.

"I had to body bind him" Hermione says sheepishly.

"It'll wear off" I say shrugging. "You guys ready?" I ask and they nod their heads. I point my wand at the lock. "Alohomora" I say unlocking the door and we enter the room. To see a giant three headed dog sleeping and the sound of a harp playing.

"Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp" Harry states as we approach the sleeping dog.

"Actually it's not Snape, but you guys won't believe me" I grumble. We move the dog's paw and I open the trap door. "Who wants to go first?" I ask the others.

"I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign" Harry tells us."If something bad happens, get yourselves out" he adds.

"Does it seem a bit...quiet to you guys?" I ask them frowning.

"The harp it stopped playing" Hermione states.

"Through the door now" I tell them pushing Harry in first. The other two gasp shocked and I push Ron. Just as Fluffy wakes up. "Together" I tell Hermione as he snarls at us. We hold hands and drop through the door as Fluffy tries to bite us.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asks me annoyed.

"Fluffy woke up, she saved our lives" Hermione tells him.

"Well lucky this plant thing was here" he grumbles.

"Lucky, look at yourselves" I tell the boys as vines cover them. Vines starts to cover Hermione and I. "Hermione is this what I think it is?" I ask her as I try to remain calm.

"Devil's snare" she states. We notice the boys struggling to get free.

"Stop moving, both of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax" I tell the boys.

"If you don't, it will only kill you faster" Hermione adds and I give her a pointed look. That'll just make Ron panic more. Before I can say anything else I'm pulled down and land on the concrete floor. Hermione soon joins me.

"They're not relaxing are they?" I ask her.

"Hermione, Carina!" the boys yell above us.

"Now what are we gonna do?!" Ron demands.

"Just relax!" I yell.

"Carine, is Hermione with you?" Harry asks.

"Yes, does as she says. Trust us" Hermione tells them and Harry joins us. Making Ron panic more as Hermione helps Harry stand up.

"Ok enough of this" I grumble and draw my wand pointing it at the devil's snare. "Lumus Solem" I say and a bright light shots the devil's snare. Which shrieks and recoils. Ron falls on the floor and the other two help him up.

"Whoa, lucky we didn't panic" Ron says.

"Lucky I pay attention in herbology" I retort as I pocket my wand.

"What is that?" Hermione asks and we all go quiet. We hear the sound of something fluttering.

"Don't know" Harry says.

"Sounds like wings" I tell them and we go to the next chamber. To see two brooms and flying keys. Along with a locked door, which the unlocking charm does not work on. Harry and I mount the brooms. He spots the key we need and we manage to corner it. He tosses it to the others and they unlock the door. We flew through the door and Ron slams it behind us. We hear the keys slam up against it.

We enter a dark room, with broken pieces of stone all around it. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all" Hermione murmurs.

"We'll be fine" I assure her.

"Where are we? A graveyard?" Harry asks.

"This is no grave yard" I tell him.

"She's right, it's a chess board" Ron states and torches light the room.

"Of course we have to play a giant version of wizard's chess. You're up Ron" I state.

"Why Ron?" Hermione asks me.

"I dealt with Fluffy and the Devil's Snare. Harry lead the hunt for the keys. And you are terrible at chess" I tell her.

"Can't argue with that logic" Hermione states. "What's the plan Ron?" she asks him.

"If Carina is right and we have to play our way across the room. I think we have to take another pieces place" Ron states. "All right. Harry, you take the Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the Queen's side castle and Carina you can be the King. As for me, I'll be a knight" he states. The pieces left the board and we take their place. Well Ron's didn't, just the rider and he mounted the stone horse.

A pawn moves on the opposite side of the board. "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like...real wizard's chess, do you?" Hermione asks him.

"You there! D-5!" Ron orders a pawn. It's moves the other pawn destroys it with it's sword. "Yes, Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess!" Ron declares.

"Can I sit out?" I ask them. They ignore me and we continue to play. Since I was a king, I didn't have to go fight. Which I was grateful for. But the others had too. In fact Ron sacrificed himself so that we could check mate the white pieces. We then ran over to the unconscious Ron.

"Take care of Ron. Then, go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right...I have to go on" Harry tells us.

"No, there are still two other tests" Hermione reminds him.

"You go with him and I'll stay with Ron" I tell her. After some debate, they agree and go to the next chamber. I slung one of Ron's arms over my shoulder and stand up. "Man you're heavy" I groan and start to head for the key room. About half way Hermione reappears.

"Harry got through to the last room. But there was only enough of the potion for one of us to go on" she tells me. She grabs Ron's other arm and we reenter the key room. "How are we going to do this?" she asks me.

"I'll take one broom with Ron and you take the other" I tell her. "We fly up past the devil's snare and stun Fluffy" I state. She nods her head and we mount the brooms. We take off, me leading the way. But when we reached the third floor, Fluffy is a sleep and we see Dumbledore.

"Get Mr Weasley to the hospital wing, I shall retrieve Harry" he tells us. Before disappearing through the trap door. Hermione and I do as we're told.


Picture above of Fluffy sleeping and picture on the external link of the Chess Board.

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