Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco...

By slytherin_may

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Fred Weasley & Draco Malfoy love triangle fan fic Includes: Adult / sexual material / rated mature so please... More

Chapter 1 - First Day Back
Chapter 2 - Ring of Fire
Chapter 3 - The Balcony
Chapter 4 - Slytherin Table
Chapter 5 - Potions
Chapter 6 - The Staircase
Chapter 7 - Markings
Chapter 8 - Avoidance
Chapter 9 - The Date
Chapter 10 - Sunday Morning
Chapter 11 - Your Turn
Chapter 12 - Slytherin Common Room
Chapter 13 - The Abandoned Bathroom
Chapter 14 - Breakfast
Chapter 15 - Detention
Chapter 16 - Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 17 - Broomsticks Brew
Chapter 18 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 19 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 20 - Hypocrite
Chapter 21 - Love Bites
Chapter 22 - Christmas Day
Chapter 23 - Broken Glass
Chapter 24 - New Year's Eve
Chapter 25 - Slytherin Dormitories
Chapter 26 - Inquistorial Squad
Chapter 28 - Poison
Chapter 29 - Cauldron Cupboard
Chapter 30 - Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath
Chapter 32 - 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 33 - The Seventh Floor
Chapter 34 - The Burrow
Chapter 35 - Charlie
Chapter 36 - The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 37 - Three Days
Chapter 38 - Surveillance
Chapter 39 - The Room of Requirements
Chapter 40 - Knockturn Alley
Chapter 41 - The Vanishing Cabinet
Chapter 42 - White Christmas
Chapter 43 - The Letter
Chapter 44 - Home
Chapter 45 - Fiendfyre
Chapter 46 - The Visitor
Chapter 47 - The Wedding
Chapter 48 - The Return
Chapter 49 - The Battle
Chapter 50 - The End
Chapter 51 - 19 Years Later
One Shot - The Malfoy Wedding

Chapter 27 - Shell Cottage

1.5K 39 15
By slytherin_may

As the world came into view below, we were hurled onto a sand dune, covered in long grassy, reeds. It had been a softer landing than most Portkey arrivals but the sand tumbled everywhere, into our shoes, clothes and bags.

I stood up first, shaking the sand from my clothing and letting my vision focus on the scenery around us. A small cottage built of stones and roof of shells stood in front of us. I gazed at the plant I recognised as sea lavender from Herbology lessons, that sprung from the ground in the front garden. It looked like Devon, where we'd grown up but I hadn't been to this particular beach before.

In our younger years, The Weasley children sometimes disappeared for a week or two in summer to spend time with their aunt at a place called Shell Cottage. To my frustration, I had never been allowed to join, with Molly insisting that it wasn't much fun and that it's only be sent to do chores like the rest of them. I realised that must be where we were.

"I told you I knew where we were going" Ron laughed, as he stood and took his boots off to shake the sand out.

"Why on Earth have you brought us here?" Ginny whined, looking at the twins.

"Well it's the only place that had a reservation so last minute" Fred quipped, making a face at his younger sister. Ginny stuck her middle finger up, teasingly and looked back at the cottage.

"Come on then, don't all rush in at once" George yelled, pushing us all towards the entrance.

As we stepped inside, the house opened up and looked much larger than it had from the outside. An open plan living room and kitchen sprawled out with large windows, that held the most wonderful view of the sea. A small weathered staircase was situated by the front door that led to the next floor.

"Right, so there's three bedrooms. Boys will all be in one and girls because there's more of you, you can spilt over the other two bedrooms" Fred explained, clapping his hands together.

"So nobody's sharing rooms with...the opposite sex?" Ron asked, looking up at the twins.

"Not sure who you think you're going to be sharing a bedroom with little brother but no, afraid not" George laughed, patting Ron on the back.

"No I didn't mean it like that..." Ron groaned, looking over at Hermione and his face went the deepest shade of scarlet. Ginny nudged me and I couldn't help but let a giggle slip.

Angelina and Alicia had already rushed upstairs to find a bedroom while me, Ginny, Hermione and Daphne placed our bags down by the front door to explore.

The floors were a formed of driftwood that looked like it had been collected from the beaches, the walls made up of stone and shell that had been grouted together. It didn't look architecturally sound that was for sure, but it was surprisingly warm. It must have been a charm that kept it so toasty, I decided to myself.

"This is adorable" Hermione gasped, looking around the place.

"Not bad, eh?" Fred chuckled, coming behind me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He leant down to plant a silent kiss on my head and I snapped up to look at him. It was uncharacteristically affectionate in front of his family but I noticed they were all distracted looking around the home.

"Shall we look at the rooms?" I called to the other girls and I looped myself out from under Fred's arm. They all nodded eagerly and we ascended the unstable staircase.

The door to one bedroom, with two sets of bunk beds, was already open, as we peered in Harry and Ron had wasted no time in unpacking their things. We carried on down the corridor and Ginny opened another bedroom door.

Alicia and Angelina were sat on opposite single beds, speaking quietly to one another and they span their heads round to look at us. Alicia was showing Angelina a small bottle of liquid, that she curtly tucked into her lap, hiding it from view as we stared back.

"Oh sorry- I guess this room's taken" Ginny stammered, closing the door again. Daphne nudged my body with her elbow, mouthing 'what was all that about?' at me. I shrugged and we carried on until we came to the bedroom at the end of the corridor.

It was the biggest of all the bedrooms, which we were thankful for, as it would have to fit the four of us and all our things. It only had two double beds so we agreed Ginny and Hermione would sleep in one with me and Daphne in the other. We quickly unpacked and joined everyone else who was now gathered in the kitchen area downstairs.

"For tonight's activities, we have something special prepared, George is you will" Fred began.

"Aha!" George cried, slamming a bottle of White Rat Whiskey on the kitchen island.

"Absolutely not, that stuff is foul" Hermione groaned shaking her head.

Me and Daphne looked at each other bemused, we'd never seen it before. The bottle looked cheap and dusty, as though it had sat on a shelf somewhere for years.

"What is that?" Daphne asked, squinting to get a closer look at the label.

"Why, it's White Rat Whiskey? You've never had it before? I suppose you Slytherin girls are used to the finer things" George joked, cocking an eyebrow at the two of us.

"They only sell it at the Hog's Head, it's awfully strong" Ginny explained, taking the bottle from the counter to take a look.

"I don't think we've ever been there" I laughed, leaning on Ginny's shoulder to get a better look.

"Right well, get the cards out because it's time for Ring of Fire" George announced pulling up chairs so we could all sit round the counter.

Fred pulled up a high stool for me and one for himself so we could sit beside each other. The game began quickly, now we knew how to play, only slowing down when we needed to explain rules to Daphne, who was a first time player.

"Eight! What does this one mean again?" Daphne called out on her turn.

"Mate! Pick someone to drink quickly" I yelped.

"Umm- umm...George!" she called. Her and George grabbed their drinks, taking a swig of the strong liquid. Daphne cried out in pain and cursed at the strength of the alcohol, while George chuckled at her disgusted expressions.

"Hear that? I'm her mate" George whispered into his brother's ear, but just loud enough so I could hear. Angelina shot him a troubled glance but there was no way she'd been able to hear what he said from all the way across the counter.

"Your turn" Fred said softly. I pulled a card from the circle and span it to read what it said.

"Nine!" I called out, trying to thinking of a word to start off the rhyme.

"This is boring!" Alicia blurted out, "I've got an idea, all the boring ones we do dares instead?"

I looked between the twins, we all considered it their game so if it was going to be changed it would be up to them.

"Alright yeah, okay all the ones like Categories or Rhyme that are a bit naff, they'll be dares now I guess" George suggested and Fred nodded along.

Everyone got rather buzzy as they realised that meant I was going to have to do a dare now and that they would get to choose what it'd be.

"I've got one" George laughed, Fred gave him a confused looked and motioned for him to whisper it in his ear before he said it out loud.

"Go on then, I don't think she'll do it though" Fred challenged, looking over at me.

"Put me out of my misery" I groaned, looking at their cheeky grins.

"I dare you to kiss Daphne" George said. As soon as the words left his mouth, whoops and claps sounded around us. Ron let out a loud wolf whistle and Hermione slapped his chest but was softly giggling herself.

Me and Daphne turned to face other on our stools.

"Come on then, give us a snog" Daphne giggled.

"Let's give them a show" I whispered in her ear as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I cupped one hand on her face and held her waist with the other, as she moved to place her hands on my torso. Our lips met and moved in sync with one an other. The burn of the White Rat Whiskey still lingered on her tongue as she slipped it into my mouth and it almost made me pull away. I could feel the others gawking around us as their claps and cheers died down, entranced by what we were doing. My cheeks flushed pink and we pulled away from each other.

The twins gave each other an excited glance and Fred slipped a protective arm around my waist.

"Alright alright, Daphne back off" Fred said sarcastically, pulling me closer to him. Everyone laughed, except Alicia, who's eyes were frantically darting between the two of us.

"Who's a better kisser then, Reading? Fred or Daphne" George laughed.

"Hmm that's a tough one" I said, tapping my index finger on my chin as though in deep thought.

"Hey!" Fred cried, squeezing me in my side.

"That was certainly was more interesting, good suggestion Alicia" I said smugly, turning to look at her. She gave me a sarcastic smile and went back to looking gloomy.

We played a few more rounds like this and the game was getting increasingly daring as everyone succumbed to the alcohol. It got round to Angelina and she held up a Jack to show everyone.

"Hmm I've got a good one," Angelina narrowed her eyes at the twins and a cheeky grin spread across her face, "Never have I ever had sex in a public place"

The twins rolled their eyes, clearly it was aimed at them and took a sip of their whiskey, as did Angelina. I didn't drink at first but then I remembered the Divination classroom and I absentmindedly took a swig of my own drink.

I hadn't thought anything of it but I watched as others snapped their heads round to look at me. Ron's eyes went wide and he pointed his fingers between me and Fred.

"Don't look at me! It wasn't me" Fred protested, lifting up his arms in surrender. His smile dropped wavered and his body stiffened as he realised what that meant.

"Where was it then?" Ginny asked, leaning over to me excitedly.

"The Divination Classroom" I replied quietly. The others broke out in to laughter but I could tell Fred was silently seething next to me.

"Poor Trelawney, if only she knew" Ron said, as their laughter died down.

"My turn" Alicia called out, snatching a card from the circle. She turned it round to show everyone, it was another Jack.

"Never have I ever slept with a Slytherin" Alicia said triumphantly. Everyone fidgeted in their seats for a minute and looked over at me and Daphne.

We both sipped our drinks, as did Fred and to our shock so did Angelina. Alicia turned and slapped her best friend on the arm.

"Who?" Alicia yelled, her friend giggling at her side.

"Cassius Warrington" Angelina choked out through laughs. We all let out a giggle, all the girls in our house and others had fancied Warrington.

"Oh he is very good looking, nice one" Ginny laughed, as Ron turned to her in shock.

"Much too old for you Ginny" Ron exclaimed, shaking his head at her.

"I wasn't the one that slept with him!" Ginny moaned, giving him a little smack on the back of the head.

"You never told me about this" Alicia muttered to Angelina.

"Well, it was last year, he was annoyed about not getting picked for the Triwizard Tournament and I think he just wanted someone to help relieve his tension, if you know what I mean" Angelina said, raising her eyebrows suggestively, "It was just a one off so I didn't tell anyone about it"

Alicia sat grumpily with her arms crossed over her chest. Her Never Have I Ever had clearly been an attempt to embarrass anybody that had and insinuate there was something wrong with being with a Slytherin, it had obviously failed.

The game came to a natural end there, with everyone deciding they were too tired to continue. Fred had remained quiet since I'd told everyone about my situation in the Divination classroom and my chest felt tight thinking that I'd upset him.

He stood up and wrapped his arms loosely around me to say goodnight before heading upstairs with Harry and Ron. I could tell he was behaving strangely and I wasn't able to just brush it off.

Everybody retreated upstairs, leaving the mess on the counter but I helped George clean up the cups and the cards.

"Thanks Reading" George grinned, moving around me to put the glasses back on the shelf behind me.

"That's okay, I don't think I'll sleep if I go up yet anyway" I said my putting the cards back in their box.

"What's on your mind?" George asked, turning to me and leaning against the counter to give his full attention. It was strange, how similar they looked sometimes, it was only their mannerisms and slight differences in their features that gave them away.

"I can tell Fred's upset about what I the game" I explained.

"Oh" George said, "I wouldn't worry, once he's slept it off he'll be fine"

"You're probably right, thanks George" I said giving him a small smile.

He patted me on the arm and ushered me up the stairs. George hugged me goodnight and slipped into the boy's bedroom.

Tossing and turning in the bed all night next to Daphne, I couldn't bare it any longer. I couldn't stop thinking about how I'd upset Fred. We'd only been here a few hours and I feared that I had already spoilt his weekend.

I pulled myself up quietly, slipped on my silk dressing gown and tip toed out of the room. If I couldn't sleep I thought I might as well go and get myself some water. The floorboards creaked under my feet as I cursed them, trying my best not to wake anybody else in the house.

As I stepped down the stairs I heard the sound of a spoon knocking against a teacup. Somebody else must have been awake. I carried myself further down and prayed that it wasn't Alicia. But when I stepped out, I saw Fred with his back to me. His hair was dishevelled and he was wearing traditional pinstriped pyjamas.

As I stepped down, the wood beneath my feet creaked and Fred whirled around, teacup in hand. He gave me a grin and brought down another mug from the open shelves.

"Tea?" he asked, placing the cup down and putting a teabag in. I nodded and a bewitched pot poured out boiling water into the cup.

"Clever" I said, nodding at the pot.

"My aunt loved tea, drank it nonstop all day so bewitched it all to make it for her" Fred explained, adding the milk and two sugars into the cup.

"Thank you" I said, quietly moving towards him to take the steaming cup his outstretched hand. He was polite but still strange. Our interaction felt rigid and as though there was something left unspoken.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked. The tension had become unbearable and the words just fell out, I had to know what he was thinking.

His jaw tensed and he took a long sip of his tea, as he considered what to say. He shifted and squirmed in place as though he was restless from his own thoughts.

"I was at first, not really at you, just angry I suppose" he explained, "but now I don't really know what I feel"

I was confused by what he meant and I tilted my head at him. He looked tired and as though he couldn't sleep either so there was something he wasn't telling me, why would he still be up if he wasn't angry anymore?

"What kept you awake then?" I asked, moving round the counter to be closer to him.

"I've been thinking about it, I couldn't get it out of my head, so I thought I'd come down here and have a drink" he explained, motioning to the teacup in his hand.

"Fred please don't think about it. It's in the past, we said we wouldn't worry about these sorts of things anymore" I pleaded, slipping my hand to hold his. He didn't let go, which felt hopeful but he held it limply and his eyes flashed up to mine when our skin touched.

"No not like that. I haven't been thinking about you and...him. Just the thought of you I suppose" Fred's voice trailed off and he was no longer looking me in the eye.

"The thought of me?" I repeated and Fred nodded, "in a public place?"

He gave me another nod and I watched as his cheeks began to glow slightly. He still wouldn't look me in the eye but I listened as his breathing became strained. I understood now, he wasn't thinking about me and Draco, he was thinking about me and him.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins and I put my mug down on the counter. I wrapped my arms, around Fred's neck and pushed my lips against his. He stumbled back and put his tea down next to mine. He held my face in his hands, deepening the sensation.

We parted for a moment and he let out a small laugh but this time I wasn't joking. I had never needed him more and I wanted to give him everything he'd been imagining. I leant up to kiss him again but he grasped my shoulders and pulled me back.

"Celeste, you have no idea what you're doing to me, I was already riled up and this will only make it worse" he chuckled, holding me at arm's length.

"Let me help you then" I whispered, running a hand up and down his shirt. His eyes grew wide and stared down at me, he looked dazed and aroused at the same time.

"Here in the kitchen?" Fred asked, it was as though he was trying to hide his excitement but I could hear it in the undertones of his voice.

"Yes, isn't that what you want?" I asked, darting my eyes between his eyes and his body. I knew exactly what I was doing.

It all happened in such a rush, he gripped my waist and pulled me towards him again, pushing his lips against mine. He was moving so quick I could hardly catch my breath and I could only clamber up at him due to the great height difference.

He was getting frustrated with it too and from my waist, lifted me up on to the counter, "There we go" he grinned, now I was almost on his level. He dove down and planted soft kisses along my neck, opening my gown slightly to trail down my chest. I shuddered as his mouth skimmed across my skin.

Placing his hand firmly on my thighs, he opened my legs so he could position himself in between. His body temperature between my thighs only raised my tension below. It was almost unbearable how much I needed him at this point.

My arms stayed looped around his neck and I idly ran my hands through his hair. Fred's fingers ran along the hem of my nightdress and he smiled down at the feeling of the silk. He lowered his index and middle fingers below my dress, teasing me above my underwear. He focused on my sensitive spot, moving in perfect circular motions and I tipped my head back, letting the feeling take over.

I dampened below and Fred smirked as he felt it against his fingers. He slid my underwear to the side and dipped his fingers inside of me, keeping a thumb on my clit. My legs trembled against his body and I had to clasp my hand over my mouth to stop from my moans escaping. The thought of getting caught was prevalent in the back of my mind but it only made it all the more exciting.

"I can't take it anymore" I moaned into Fred's mouth and I felt him smile against me. He tucked my hair behind my ear and brought his face dangerously close.

"Tell me what you want" he whispered. As he said this, he sped up his pace, pushing in and out faster than he had done before. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to steady my breathing, I could barely think straight, let alone get the words out.

"Please Fred" I gasped, as he lowered his pace and it became painfully slow. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

"Please what?" he asked again, his words whistling through my ears.

"Please fuck me" I gasped, pleading him with my gaze. He chuckled, pulling down his pyjama trousers and before saying another word he had eased himself inside me.

I leant forward and groaned into his shoulder, hoping it would muffle the sounds as he plummeted in and out of me. He moved to hold my hips either side to steady me in place and push himself in further.

My toes began to curl and I knew neither of us was going to last very long but I relished every moment of it. With a single finger he undid the loosely tied belt of my dressing gown so it fell around me, revealing only the nightdress below. He hooked his a hand round the straps to pull them down so the dress hung delicately off of my body, leaving my chest completely bare. His eyes danced with the movement of my body until he pulled me closer, pushing my chest against his and our hips touched.

"Oh fuck Celeste" he growled, lowly into my ear, still trying to keep quiet, "you have no idea, it's been playing on my mind all night, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think straight"

From his delirious musings I knew he was near his end and so was I. His thrusts became faster and more careless, as I let him take control and surrendered to my own pleasure. The now familiar feeling of my climax coursing through every element in my body arose and I let it carry me to the end. I felt my body tense around him as he groaned, realising what was happening. I dug my nails into his the soft muscles of his back and ran red trails along his skin.

"Fred" I wailed, one last time as my core began to ache. The sound of his name sung from my mouth seemed to tip him over the edge. The hand clasped to my back tightened it's grip and his release shook through his body.

We stayed in embrace for a moment, panting onto to one another as our breathing remained synchronised.

"Bloody hell" he chuckled, looking my body up and down one last time, before lifting the straps of my nightdress around me once again.

A.N. This has been my favourite chapter to write so far! I hope you enjoy, please vote & comment

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