Baby Boy Henry (Complete)

By Selahmassage

30.5K 924 586

Marne lived alone, she lives a controlled neat and ordered life. The only time she diverts from this is when... More

Introduction (Edited)
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14(Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24 (Edited)
Chapter 25 (Edited)
Chapter 26 (Edited)
Chapter 27 (Edited)
Chapter 28 (Edited)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter Part 31
Chapter Part 32
Chapter Part 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 2 (Edited)

1.6K 42 8
By Selahmassage

Chapter 2

Happy giggles and whispered conversations with the toys floated from the bathroom. Sitting in her room she looked at the clock and wondered who would be up at this time of the night who might have some inkling of what she should do. Most of her friends worked odd hours but at 2 am in the morning there was only really one person she could call. The irony was that she was probably the one person she should call as she ran a 24-hour BDSM adult store. Probability was she had heard about this kind of thing. She began pacing as the phone rang, "Happy Kinks emporium how can I help you?" breathing a sigh at the sound of her friend's cheerful voice she answered "Heidi, it's Marnie I need your help" the line was quickly filled with the now concerned voice of her friend "What's wrong?"

Marnie quickly filled her in on the situation "So now I have a, well, in my estimation a 6ft toddler in my ensuite currently playing with josh's boats and letter's, gosh Heidi, I haven't even asked the poor thing his name." silence hung on the end of the line and if it wasn't for the music playing in the background, she would have sworn Heidi had hung up. Worry now filled her mind as the silence continued "Heidi are you still there?" she peeked in the door and watched as the man began placing random colourful letters all over the grey tiled wall.

A voice registered in her ear "Sorry Mar, I am just processing. First, do you think he is play-acting?" looking in at the man, the giddy joy that was across his face as he played with the bubbles and toys was something that might be faked but it just looked too real. "I don't think so when he was sobbing outside, he spoke in a childlike manner and the act if it was one has not faded." Moving back to her bed she sat as she listed to the next question "Ok, well then he might be a little, they generally live, in grown-up mindset but can slip into the mindset of a child. The ages vary, I think it might be a good idea to ask him his age and name. Maybe try to play a game where you ask questions about family, siblings. Etc. Did he have any identification on him?"

That would have made life easier, running her hands through her hair she replied "No, the only thing he had was his pacifier, the onesie and dipper he was dressed in" silence then "Did you help him change it or did he do it himself?" then a chuckle filled the phone "ok, ok no need to laugh, and no he asked for help and I managed to do it with a modicum of dignity for both of us" the laughter softened as Heidi apologised "sorry hon, this whole situation is tricky and the fact that you are not his mommy and are not in a relationship with him but a total stranger puts you in an awkward position. Look I have a break in 10min, I can bring some stuff over that might help you make him comfortable until you find out where he belongs. Is that ok?" Marnie sighed a sigh of relief as she nodded. Then remembering her friend could not see her replied "yes, please"

Whilst she waited, she filled the Sippy cup with warm water and walked back into the bathroom and sat with the big little boy, checking the temperature of the bath it felt cool, so she added some more hot water. She then handed him the cup "he's some water for you we don't want you to get dehydrated." Taking the Sippy cup he looked at her, it was almost like he was trying to work out who she was and why she was there. Hoping he was old enough to answer she tried Heidi's suggestions of 20 question. "Can you help Miss Marnie out? I thought we could play a game; I ask you a question and then you can ask me one. Does that sound like fun?" His bright eyes lifted to hers and with a small smile he said "Yeth Miss Ma, I like dat game"

Settling herself on the floor she began "So you know my name but I don't know yours, so my first question is What is your name?" he chuckled at her and answered, "My names Henwy" Smiling at him she said "Well hello Henry, it's nice to meet you" echoing her smile he asked his first question "Miss Ma, what's yaw favowite food" she pretended to think hard then answered "I love Pizza, that's my favourite comfort food. Mmmmm my next question is What is your favourite animal" his brow furrowed for a moment as he thought then his face lit up again "I lub dogs an bats, I lub that dogs can liw wif you. I have a dog who is my bestest fwend his name is Kal. I also have a good fwend who is a bat his name is Ben but he has to liw at da zoo. I can't take him home."

This caused him to pout for a moment, then remembering it was his turn he asked, "Do you have a favowite ansimal?" Marnie thought about this for a moment, in truth she had always wished she could get a dog but just hadn't taken the plunge. Laughing she said "Well, I have always wanted to get a dog but was always too busy, and my favourite animal that lives at the zoo would be a dolphin. They need special care, so I know that it's best for them to live there. Once though when I was on a boat at sea, I got to see dolphins jumping beside the boat it was sooooo much fun." Henry giggled at the picture she created. Once he had settled down, she asked: "So Henry, how old are you right now?" Again, the frown appeared as he answered "I'm fwee,"

They continued to ask questions for a few more minutes, Marnie saw that he was beginning to shake and grow tired. Trying to decide what to do if Heidi didn't arrive soon, she grew quiet. Just as she thought she was going to have to get him out of the bath she heard the door open and close and a voice calls out "Hellooo, I'm here" thank God Marnie thought as she let out the breath she had been holding. A look of panic crossed Henry's face at the loud sound, and he looked as if he might start crying again.

Preparing to soothe his worries Marnie quickly spoke "It's ok little one, my friend is here to help me take care of you. She owns a special store and has bought some clean new clothes and diapers for you so you can get some sleep." The blush returned to his cheeks, but his tears stayed in check as he whispered," Only Miss Ma put dipee on pweese." His wide pleading eyes fixed on her. Letting out a sigh she nodded "Ok Henry, but Miss Heidi might have to tell me how ok." He calmed and answered "Otay". A voice floated from her room "are you guys in here?" replying Marne said, "In the ensuite, we'll be out in a minute." Smiling she looked back at Henry "ready?"

Pulling the plug, she turned and grabbed a large grey bath sheet off the hook and held it up. Henry stepped out of the bath and she wrapped him up in the soft material. Gently she dried his body, having to ask him to sit on the toilet seat again so she could dry his hair. Fixing the towel around his waist she took his hand and led him into her room.

There stood her friend her red coil-like curls bounced around her head, her face framed by the colourful glasses giving her the appearance of an eccentric choir leader which was not helped by the addition of her bright colourful clothing. But the thing that seemed to settle anyone's nerves and give trust which was important in her line of work was her genuine smile. A smile that would fill you with warmth and trust the moment she broke out the pearly whites.

Smiling at Henry her friend spoke, "Hello, my name is Miss Heidi, what's your name?" a tired Henry bought a hand up to rub his eye before sticking his thumb in his mouth and looking to Marnie for help. "This is Henry, he's had an icky day and I think ready to go to sleep." She watched as Heidi's smile and demeanour softened, as she said "Hello Henry, it's nice to meet you. I have bought some clothes for you and some diapers." Cheeks glowing from the last comment the little boy finally spoke "Only Miss Ma help with dipees, No Miss Heidee" Heidi shook her head and smiled at Henry "Yes Henry, that's right. Only Miss Ma will help you, but I need to show her how to help you because she has never had a grown-up little boy stay with her who needs dipees ok"

The tired and now cranky boy looked down not willing to answer her. Wanting to deflate any more tension that was slowly building in the room Marnie took Henry's hand and led him to sit on the bed. Holding his hand, she used her other hand to lift his head so she could look him in the eyes. "I need to get a friend from the cupboard, do you think you can sit here for me and wait?" the sombre eyes turned curious as he listened to her, he answered in a soft deep voice "ok I wait Miss Ma" quickly walking over to her wardrobe she headed into the depths finding her special friend. Smiling she walked back out to the room noting that Heidi was quietly sorting through her bags pulling out the things she needed.

Kneeling back in front of the now quiet man she pulled her friend from behind her "Henry, this is my friend NeNe, he likes to give big hugs. But sometimes he gets scared at night and only hugs will help him feel better. Do you think you could help him tonight?" The big little boy solemnly nodded "I help NeNe" reaching out he gently took the soft dark chocolate teddy who had been the only stuffed toy she had kept from her childhood. His attention now fixated on NeNe, Marnie turned to Heidi who had pulled out a large sheet and was laying it on the bed. "What's that for?" she asked curiously both keeping a hushed tone to not disturb the man child.

Softly Heidi explained "This is to protect your bed; you don't have a changing table and if you have to change a number two diaper you need something underneath. This is the diaper, they are made specifically for adults but these, in particular, have fun animal prints on them for littles. You also need some powder to prevent rashes just like for toddlers." Heidi then pulled out of another bag a new onesie; this one was a deep navy with bats on it. "Ohh Henry look what miss Heidi bought you"?

The little looked up and seeing the onesie a bright smile filled his face "Dat's like Ben," chuckling and grateful for the surprise coincidence she said "Yes, just like Ben, wasn't that nice of miss Heidi" his embarrassment forgotten in the joy of the garment he turned his bright eyes to Heidi and spoke with gratitude "Fank ou Miss Heidee, dats my favowite zoo ansimal." Now that everyone was happy Marnie bought the now coveted garment over to Henry and help him into the top part.

This one had snaps up the front so she helped him slip his arms in snapping it down to just above his belly. She then took a breath and stood him up, his mind back on NeNe she slipped the towel off and knelt to help get his feet into the bottom of the garment.

Ignoring the obvious she then silently led him to lie down on the protective sheet. Grabbing the diaper Heidi showed her how the tabs worked. "Lift your bottom baby," she said in a quiet voice and the little whose face was now hidden in NeNe's belly followed her instruction. Her mind fought against her, constantly she repeated, like a mantra 'this is just a little boy, Just a little boy not a man.' Once it was underneath his bottom she spoke as confidently as she could "Henry, I need to put some power on I'll be quick but I need to do this so you don't get a rash. Is it ok?" she saw him nodding his head but as before she said firmly "Henry, I need you to use big boy words Are you ok with me powdering your prince parts?" she could see a much deeper blush creep into his face at her words, but he took a breath and said "Yes Miss Ma, You can do dat"

She was quick and once finished went to close up the diaper, Heidi placed a hand on her arm to stop her whispering "It needs to be facing up, that will help the diaper last longer. And protect him from UTI's" nodding she quickly repositioned his prince part and then closed the 4 tabs up. Closing the rest of the snaps she spoke: "Ok little one, all done and time to hop into bed." Sitting up, one arm held firmly around NeNe he whispered "tank ou" before slipping off the bed. She pulled back the blankets and he crawled underneath the warm covers. Tucking him in, she leant down and kissed him on the forehead before saying "Good night little one. Get some sleep" a groggy mumble came from his mouth as she frowned. Where had the pacifier gone, however, Heidi came to the rescue again handing her a new one. Gently replacing his thumb with the new pacifier, she tucked his arm under the blanket.

Walkingto the door, she switched the light off leaving the door ajar so she could hearif he woke up. A now weary Marnie groaned as she sat on the sofa looking atHeidi, head in hands she looked up at her friend "Now what do Ido?"      

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