Shoto's Twin Sister

Від Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 39

1.4K 60 66
Від Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

Now that the weekend was here, it was time to do some last minute studying as well as some training to get both our minds and bodies ready for the exams. Katsuki and I were going to be meeting up with Kiri at a diner so he could help us study. Katsuki that is, if Kiri helped me, I probably would unlearn more than learning. No offence to Kiri, but like yeah, he wouldn't be much help.

I picked up my bag and walked down the stairs to find Katsuki already at the door and waiting. I put my bag properly over my shoulder before looking up at him.

"Aren't you going to bring some of your notes as well?" I asked while pausing in front of him. He looked down at me before getting an irk to his forehead.

"Hah? Why would I do that?" He huffed at me and I shook my head and lightly flicked his forehead. He stood there a bit baffled and blinked in silence. I took his silence as an opportunity to explain my reasoning.

"It would help if you brought your notes to look back on, or let us look at them to see what you did. It's all in 'the writing it down' that helps people remember."

He blinked a couple of times before looking back at me. He stared into my eyes before going a little red and storming past me. Not a few seconds later did he come downstairs with his notes in hand and went to open the door. I reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. I held out my hand and he stared at it before I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Gimme the notes, I don't want them to get ruined on the way there. I'll carry them in my bag." I explained before he lightly handed me his notes. I opened the flap on my bag and carefully put them in, making sure not to get the covers folded on bumpiness of my bag. I slipped on shoes before heading out the door and having Katsuki lock it behind him.

He started down the path and took a right once we got to the sidewalk. 15 minutes passed and we were standing in front of the diner, that I personally chose since it claimed to have really good breakfast options. Katsuki pulled open the door and we both walked in. I stood there awkwardly since I don't really know what to do in these situations and Katsuki huffed before slightly ruffling my hair and pushing me towards a table.

He sat down at the booth then patted the spot beside him. I clued in and quickly sat beside him and took my bag off my shoulder. I opened it and pulled out mine and his notes before placing them on the table. A waiter then came over to us, menus in hand, and smiled before speaking up.

"Hello there," He handed us the menus and pulled out his small notebook. "Can I get you any drinks?"

I looked at the menu and opened it, starting to look for the drinks area before Katsuki distracted me by telling the waiter what he wanted as a drink, and mine.

"I'll have a coke and she'll have an ice tea." He lightly grumbled, being a little bit nicer to people working then those at our school. The waiter slightly looked at me for confirmation and I quickly nodded, stopping my search for the drinks.

"I'll be right back with those for you." He said before lightly bowing and turning away. I pulled the menu closer to me and hid my head in it before sighing.

"I'm no good at this.." I mumbled before Katsuki pulled the menu off my head and whacked my head a bit. I put my hands over the place he hit and whined.

"Why'd you do that." I pouted and he shook his head.

"It's not that hard to order at a diner." He said and I looked at him in disbelief. Has he forgotten I haven't been to a diner before. I didn't even get to go to one when we were kids.

I looked down at the menu in my hands before flipping the plastic covered pages.

"It is for me. I haven't been to a diner before." I sighed and Katsuki seemed to freeze at my words. 

"Oh. Right." He coughed before pushing the menu in my hands down a bit and looking at it. He started pointing to different things and helping me understand menus better. Even if they were incredibly simple so people wouldn't get confused, I was still learning the ways of being outside and in public places. He took his time explaining and pointing things out that I would most likely enjoy and what the different symbols beside each dish meant. 

Right when I chose what I wanted, the waiter conveniently showed up with our drinks and smiled when he placed them down in front of us.

"Are you ready to order?" He asked in such a kind matter that it made me appreciate how much these people work and for who knows how long. I looked at Katsuki and he nodded for me to go first and I nodded in determination before putting down the menu and looking at the dish I wanted.

"Ah, yes.. I would like to get the number 15 one." I stuttered a bit while pointing to the dish then carrying on what it was. "The eggs Benny-dict? Did I say that right?" I questioned before the waiter chuckled and nodded.

"Yep! The eggs Benedict. Now would you like that with a side of home-fries or fruit?" He asked while writing it down and I looked up at him, a bit confused.

"Home-fries?" I asked and the waiter smiled before explaining.

"They're just hash browns that we make fresh everyday. Would you like to try them? They're very good." The waiter kindly explained and I felt my body beam with delight.

"Oh yes! They sound delicious!" I exclaimed happily while returning the menu to the waiter. Katsuki then ordered a spicy hash with veggies, beef and extra hot sauce. The waiter wrote down our orders and went off to the kitchen. I watched him leave through the moving doors and I heard some ruffling of papers. I then turned my head to see Katsuki separating his notes from mine and looking through the math notes already.

"Let's get started on this before the food and shitty hair gets here." He said sternly while opening to the first lesson and looked at me expectantly. 

"How'd you know that's what I needed help with?" I asked, baffled by his choice. He scoffed and pulled my math notebook out of the pile.

"Who'd you think helped you with midterms." He smirked and I sheepishly smiled while shrinking in my seat, a rush of heat making it's way to my face. He yanked me up out of my shrinking place and pulled a pencil out of no where and wrote down a question before placing the pencil down and pointing at it. I swallowed my spit and looked at the paper, carefully grabbing the pencil and looking closer at the problem he wrote down.

I did my best to answer it, and thought that I got it right and proudly showed Katsuki only for him to break my heart and tell me I did it wrong and got the wrong answer. I slumped in my seat and bonked my head on the table and left it there, starting my descent into despair and internal disappointment. Right when I heard Katsuki going to say something, a cheerful voice called out which caused me to roll my head to the side to see who it was. Only to slightly smile when Kiri leaned down and tilted his head to the side to match the placement of mine.

"Are you sulking about math?" He asked and I rolled my face back into the table and I felt him pet my hair and laugh. I groaned and continued to leave my head on the table. Katsuki lightly kicked my foot from under the table and I reluctantly sat up.

"What do you need help with?" Katsuki grumbled in the nicest way he could muster and Kiri put his hand to the back of his head and chuckled.

"Just about everything." He sighed and I only stared at him before speaking.

"Then get ready for one hell of a day--" I started only to get smacked up side of the head by a rolled up notebook. I looked to the side to see a devilish Katsuki holding his rolled up English notes.

"You wanna say that again?" He asked, no more like dared me, in a menacing voice. I held up my hands in defeat and shook my head.

"That's what I thought." He stated and turned to Kiri.

"History notes. Out. Now." He ordered and Kiri quickly pulled them out. I let Katsuki 'help' Kiri for the time being while I went back into my notes to see what I did wrong with my math problem, and when they didn't help me that much, I silently looked at Katsuki. I don't know how long I stared at him, but then he looked at me and held up the notebook to whack me but I waved my hands around to stop him.

"Why are you staring at me!" He barked and Kiri rubbed his head, trying to get the information to stick. I held up my notes and squeaked.

"Can I use, no, may I use your notes for this. Please." I asked quietly and I heard a huff.

"Was that all?" 

I nodded and he opened his math notes to the page where this problem was explained. I looked at it in amazement before frantically trailing through my question and seeing where I went wrong. I felt Katsuki's eyes still on me, but the feeling soon went away as yelling was heard, along side the sound of paper hitting a person's head.

I was quietly working on my problem, while sitting beside an angry hedgehog who was hitting a rock and I felt as if people were staring at us weirdly. It wasn't too long until a waitress came over with our food and I stopped my problem to move the work out of the way. She placed the plates of food down in front of me and Katsuki and also got Kiri's order.

"Wow, this looks great!" I smiled and stabbed my fork into a potato then put it in my mouth. I felt as if my taste buds were in heaven and I felt my smile grow even bigger. I quickly stabbed into another one and offered it to Katsuki.

"You gotta try this home fry, it's amazing!" I exclaimed and he stared at me, not doing anything. I pushed my fork closer to him.

"Do it, do it!" I pestered and I heard Kiri snicker.

"Come on man. It's not very manly to refuse food from a girl."

"Gah! Fine!" Katsuki gave in and took the bite from my fork. I watched him chew and awaited his response for how good it tasted. He swallowed and looked at me dead in the eyes before saying.

"It needs more spice."

"You're only saying that cuz you like really spicy food! I think it's already very flavorful." I defended the potato before getting an idea. I quickly stabbed into another one and held my fork over the table in Kiri's direction.

Kirishima's POV

"Kiri! You try it, it's already really yummy, it doesn't need anymore spice!" Eimi exclaimed.

I watched as Eimi offered me one of the home-fries and I started to have a dilemma. Great, right when I said it wasn't manly to refuse food from a girl, but to take it from another man's girl isn't manly either.

"Ah, sorry. But I can't do that." I apologized and Eimi tilted her head to the side.

"I thought you said it 'wasn't manly' to refuse food from a girl." Eimi pointed out and I sighed, knowing that she was going to say that.

"Yeah, but taking food from someone's girlfriend isn't manly either." I explained and Eimi froze. I felt my eyebrows furrow and Eimi's face turned red.

"What did you just say!" Bakugo yelled and I turned to look at him. His face was a little red and Eimi started muttering to herself.

"Eimi's your girlfriend, right?" I asked while pointing to the muttering girl, though now kinda feel like I was about to get blown up.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Bakugo barked and was holding back his explosions the best he could, but I could still see the sparks. But they're so close. I could've sworn they were dating. I held my hands up.

"My bad. Forget I said anything." I said and Bakugo sat down and angrily shoved some of his food into his mouth.

I looked back at Eimi to see that she was still muttering, though now her face was even more red, if it were possible. It looked like she was almost as red as the right side of her hair.

"Uhhh. Eimi?" I asked. Her head snapped up and stared at me, her eyes were wide and her mouth was open a little bit. She quickly got up from the booth and flattened out her dress.

"Ah, ex-excuse me. I need to g-go to the bath-bathroom. I'll be r-right back." She stuttered before frantically looking around for the bathroom. Her eyes quickly landed on the bathroom sign and she sped over to it.

Now I was left alone with Bakugo, and he didn't seem to happy.

Eimi's POV

As soon as I was in the bathroom I ran into a stall and locked the door. I held my hand up to my chest and felt how fast my heart was beating. I didn't think it was that. But now that Kiri has said it... Do I have feelings for Katsuki? I mean, yeah, I love him but isn't it just platonic? Or is it something more?

I pulled out my phone and turned it onto the camera to see what my face looked like and it was completely red. I put my hand up to my cheek and it was also pretty hot as well.

"Oh jeez.." I mumbled and put my phone back in my dress pocket. I walked out of the stall and looked at myself closer in the mirror. I turned on the tap and lightly splashed my face with some cold water and then grabbed a paper towel to dry off. I looked in the mirror again, only to see that my face was still pretty red. I then activated my left side and felt a chill go throughout the room before I wiped over my face with my hand and took a big deep breath.

I looked back at the mirror and saw that my face was pretty much back to normal and I nodded. I pushed the bathroom doors open and started my walk back to the table. When I was a few feet away from the boys, my phone started to ring. I quickly pulled it out to look at the caller ID and gasped when I saw that it was Kami. I pressed answer and held up the phone to my ear before continuing to walk past the table and out the diner doors for a little more privacy. 

"Kami?" I asked softly once the diner doors closed.

"Hey Eimi! How's it going?" Kami's voice echoed into the phone and I smiled since it's been a while since I've heard his voice. He sounds so much better than he did when first got into the hospital. I thought as I answered him.

"It's pretty good! I'm just studying with Katsuki and Kiri for our finals."

"Is that so- wait, Katsuki as in that little blonde boy you used to play with? If I remember correctly you always called him Suki, right?" Kami said and I blushed before shaking my head a bit.

"Yeah, that's the one! He's actually in my class, oh and he's still our neighbour too! Gramma told you I was staying with him and is parents, right?" I asked and I heard a small chuckle over the phone. I furrowed my brows slightly before I heard Kami cough.

"Oh right! She did, well I was just calling in to check on you and to tell you that I should be getting out of the hospital in a week or two."

"You are? That's great!" I exclaimed into my phone and found myself jumping around the sidewalk. I heard a few different laughs over on his side of the call and I stopped jumping to question who was there.

"Oh, Gran and Natsuo are with me right now."

I knew about Gramma being there, but I forgot about Natsu being able to visit him.

"Natsu-nii's there?" I muttered and soon heard my second older brother's voice call out to me.

"Yep! Now, you should get back to your studying, okay? Wouldn't want you to fail because of us!" Natsu-nii told me and I nodded before answering him back. (Since it sounds so much better to use nii after it Ima try to use it for when Eimi talks about her siblings. Sorry if I use the wrong honorifics! I'm doing my best here!)

"Okay, I will. See you soon?" I asked with hopefulness in my voice.

"Of course! See you soon Eimi! Bye." Natsu-nii said before I heard Kami and Gramma also say goodbye after him. I hung up and made my way back into the diner and to the table. Only to find that Katsuki wasn't there and that Kiri was munching away on his food. 

"That looks good, what'd you get?" I asked while sitting down and stabbing my fork into another home-fry.

"Blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon." Kiri mumbled through his food and I nodded before taking a bite of the actual eggs Benedict.

"Oh wow! This tastes really good!" I exclaimed before shoving some more of the food into my mouth. Me and Kiri sat there for a good couple minutes, just eating in a peaceful silence until Kiri looked at me with a worried face.

I looked back at him and found my head tilting to the side as in silently questioning him. He swallowed what was in his mouth before pointing to my dress. I put my fork down and was about to look when Katsuki came storming over. He quickly lifted my arm over my head and looked at my side.

"Uhhh." Kiri started and I finally looked at where he was pointing and gasped. Katsuki quickly left to find a worker while I grabbed some napkins off the table and held them to my side.

"I didn't think that they were open anymore." I winced when I pushed the napkins on my side to slow down the bleeding.

"What's happening? Why is your side bleeding?" Kiri asked with a worried tone while handing me some more napkins. Right as I was going to answer him, Katsuki came back with a first-aid kit and a waitress following behind him.

"Bathroom, let's go." Katsuki said with urgency in his voice while he carefully helped me out of my seat and towards the bathrooms. The waitress stayed behind with Kiri, probably to ask him what happened, but he wouldn't be able to tell her much, only the fact that I started to bleed.

We made it to the bathroom and Katsuki was about to go into the boys doors when I stopped him.

"I can't go in there, Katsuki." I yelped and he stopped. He looked up in thought before pushing the girl's door open and bringing me in.

"You can't come in this one either!" I yelped again and he turned to face me.

"I rather a girl walk in on me changing your bandages rather than another guy." Was all he said as he lifted me onto the counter before pausing. I looked at him confused before I realized.

"Oh, don't worry. I always wear a pair of biker shorts under any dresses or skirts that I wear." I stated before he nodded and pulled up my dress and folded it under itself just under my chest. I looked down to see if there was any blood on my shorts and sighed in relief as there wasn't. Katsuki had to roll down my shorts to just slightly above my waist line, due to them being high waisted. He then started to open the first-aid kit and carefully unwrapped the soaked through bandages and threw them away before opening some sterilizing wipes. My eyes started to tear up just from the smell of the wipes and Katsuki looked up at me.

"I'm gonna wipe the blood off now." He mumbled and I sucked in a breath. Just as he started to wipe my wounds I winced and grabbed the first thing my hands found while tears streamed down my face. I calmed down slightly when I realized what my hands were holding onto. 

I started to run my fingers through Katsuki's hair as he continued to clean my side and get new bandages. Don't think about the pain, just focus on the spikiness of Suki's soft hair. I told myself over and over while the stinging of the wipes found their way all over my body, even if the only wound it was cleaning was on my side.

He didn't say anything about me touching his hair so I continuously played with it while he was busy cutting bandages and wrapping my damaged sides.

"Good thing the hag taught me how to change your bandages properly." Katsuki quietly said while he finished pinning the bandage at my back. He helped me off the counter and I pulled up the waistband of my shorts and was about to pull down my dress but he stopped me.

"Don't. There's blood on it and we don't want to dirty the new bandages."

"But I can't go out there like this." I whined but quickly stopped as Katsuki took off his flannel and held it out to me. I stared at his hand that held the item of clothing before I looked back up at him. He sighed and pushed me into a stall and threw the shirt over my head before he stepped out and closed the stall door.

I blinked a couple of times as I heard him cleaning up the counter and first-aid kit. I pulled his shirt off my head and held it between my legs as I took off my bloody dress and flung it over the side of the stall door. I put the flannel on and buttoned up most of the buttons before walking out of the stall and carefully holding my dress. Katsuki stood there in his black t-shirt, back turned from me while he was still cleaning up the first-aid kit.

Katsuki's POV

"What do I do with my dress now?" I heard Eimi ask and I turned around to answer her but found my words getting stuck in my throat. She tilted her head to the side and looked up at me in question which only made my face heat up more. I turned my head away and continued to zip up the first-aid kit.

"Katsuki?" She called out and I cleared my throat. 

"We'll get a bag for it when we sit back down at the table." I mumbled out, hoping that she didn't question why I was acting like this.

"Okay!" She said and placed her dress on the counter before washing her hands.

I finished packing up the first-aid kit and stood by the door, waiting for Eimi to finish cleaning her hands. I watched as she pulled up the sleeves of my shirt so they didn't get wet. Though they still fell down quite a bit due to how much she was basically swimming in it. 

She finished up and I turned to open the door but froze when I felt hands wrapping around my stomach. Eimi sighed into my back before speaking up.

"Thank you for helping me, Suki." She said sweetly and I felt my blush go to my whole body instead of just my face.

"Uh, yeah. Who else was gonna." I mumbled as she let go and pushed past me to open the door. She skipped out and back to the table when I realized she didn't have her dress with her. I quickly grabbed it and went to find the waitress to give back the first-aid kit, as well as get a bag for Eimi's dress.

Started: Dec 29th 2020, finished Jan 28th 2021.

OH MY GOD! This chapter is just CHOCK filled with foreshadowing now isn't it? How do you feel about Kiri already thinking that the two are an item? And what does the whole class think about them too? Also, how cute is it that Katsuki is getting flustered over the fact that Eimi is wearing his shirt? I think it's adorable!

Oh, and another thing. Ya'll might have thought I miss-spelled Natsuo after when I started to use Natsu-nii, but I only did that because Fuyumi and Rei usually just say Natsu instead of Natsuo because it's easier and more of a nickname. And I don't blame you for getting mixed up and thinking about Natsu Dragneel, because frankly, I am too! But it is so much easier and it rolls off the tongue when it's just Natsu instead of Natsuo :)

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