The Seventh Deadly Sin

بواسطة StayingUptonight

194K 7K 714

"Are you afraid of demons?" "I spurn them," "Then, why are you here? In a school where devils raise their c... المزيد

Avarice: The Devil's Daughter
Part One: Mother's Eyes
Part Two: Strange Accounts
Part Three: Seven Brothers
Part Four: Dealing Dominic
Part Five: Facing Fears
Part Six: Tragic Incidents
Part Seven: Mastema's Dorm
Part Nine: Delinquent Act
Desire: Deciphering the Secret
Part One: Below Feet
Part Two: Falling Apart
Part Three: Admiring Darkness
Part Four: Devil's Nocturne
Part Five: Dark Insomnia
Part Six: Angel's Treason
Part Seven: Behind Walls
Part Eight: The Interval
Part Nine: Darkest Upheaval
Part Ten: Evening Feast
Part Eleven: Polonaise Fantaisie
Part Twelve: Midnight Sonata
Part Thirteen: Tea Party
Part Fourteen: Grand Valse
Part Fifteen: Warmth and Deceit
Wrath: Burning Bridge
Part One: The Maiden's Wish

Part Eight: The Tempest

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بواسطة StayingUptonight



THERE'S COLDNESS AND lack of air when I woke up at five am. Breathing heavily while recalling any predicament reasons why the feelings occurred. The soft, thin blankets covered my lap, soothing my trembling skin before my short air intake started to tame itself. I saw the freshly crumpled pillow where Emily had slept, sitting properly before I rubbed my stinging eyes; getting myself ready—I walked towards my bathroom door and closed it before I warily glanced at my reflection.

My blonde hair had grown a few inches longer, with a lovely wave like a well-bred lass at every end. Having no signs of a girl taken from foster care. It used to have a length no longer than past shoulders, but now it covers half of my back. My skin grew paler and porcelain, but my eyes appeared to be dark, and the slightest hint of red flickered before it disappeared.

I curiously lean closer, staring before a loud knock startled me. "Mary Jane?" a soft feminine voice called. I took a sharp breath and turned the tap. Glancing at the door, I recomposed myself, knowing that Emily wouldn't mind.

The water covers the sound of desperate and slow knocks. Before I breathe deeply and grasp the knob, opening the door...

There's no one there.

The temperature in my room started to rise, and the hair on my arms stood as the cold and unsettling air crawled against my skin. I remained still, and the sound of heavy and terrified beat hammers against my chest. My stomach turned before I ran to my front door, opened it, and slammed it shut far too loudly, feeling scared to even utter a sound.

I look around the deserted hallway. But the doors were all closed, isolated from each other while the deafening silence made me feel sick and nauseous, my head felt heavy, and my whole body felt cold and frightened.

The door in front of me opened, and I swallowed hard, staring at Calvin, who looked as intrigued as me, but his dark eyes glinted in a deeper manner. "Mary Jane," he spoke lightly. How surprising to see you in here," Calvin raised his brow.

I suddenly regret the ruckus I've made, "I'm sorry if I disturbed you or your brothers with my misbehavior early in the morning." The heat crawled up on my cheeks and embarrassed me to slam my door loudly at five-thirty in the morning. I know that I disturbed my nearby dorm neighbors besides three brothers. But that knock and soft voice might've been a figment of my imagination, though it sounds real and-

"You looked pale. Do you want to come in?" he invited. I looked around and thought for a few minutes, deciding if I could trust them. "We won't bite," he added, daring me to enter their territory. I glanced behind my door, and the fear overtook me. I remembered what happened a few minutes ago before walking towards Calvin unconsciously.

His top was barely clothed, but I didn't let my sight travel further, reminding myself of the proper etiquette and discipline I've learned throughout my growth. Calvin opened the door amidst my hesitation, taking my first step but stopping abruptly in my tracks.

The room was larger than mine, painted with dark luminous blue and several mirrors, and lightened by white and aqua. The furniture was modern, not like the antique and medieval atmosphere like mine. Their bed was larger than the king-sized, but what startled me was the people on top of it, including Alexis, the two familiar girls, and Calvin's brothers, barely clothed before doing a strange manner, touching each other's skin while emitting sounds that are not even a scream.

Calvin covered my eyes, whispering softly in my ears, "I apologized; I forgot that my brothers and I are currently doing some activity. But we can discuss your thing in our closet." He offered lightly, I was about to decline, but he turned my head and buried it in his chest, leading me on a certain path, before he closed the wooden door, setting me free. The closet was not the small one I'd expected, but rather a large and neatly organized one, almost the size of my bathroom, laminated and painted with white and darkest blue.

"So," he said, looking eager to find the answers. I hesitated at first, wondering if I could trust Calvin and his twins because I never shared my word with any other men other than Dominic. And I didn't know the exact consequences if I lent that same trust to any other man. "You can trust us, Mary Jane, because I believe that's what neighbors do, right?"

I bit my tongue, having second thoughts. Before I averted my eyes away from his stare, "I need to find Emily. May I go now?" I asked, avoiding his question. His eyes narrowed, and I suddenly tensed, fearing that he wouldn't let the discussion slip thoroughly.

"Are you friends with Dominic?" he pressed further, creating doubts in his thoughts. I looked at his eyes hesitantly; perhaps a yes and no wouldn't damage my privacy. I pressed my lips before I nodded and spoke up.


"That's what I wanted to hear. And yes, you may go now." Calvin smirked, looking like he had just found a secret. I became nervous, confused at the manner that he had just shown. But he opened the closet and covered my eyes, leading me throughout their room.

"Farewell," Calvin bid as I stepped outside the room before he leaned in and whispered intentionally. And I hope that my brothers and I will have the chance to see you again." He finally said before closing the door. I remained standing on my spot, nervous and afraid to go back inside, when I felt someone staring at me, turning my head around.

There's a guy leaning on the wall, dressed in his complete uniform, with raven hair that illuminates against the rays of light hanging at the ceiling, Covering his dark gray eyes and thick eyelashes. His features resembled Dominic's, and I focused my stare to see if the guy was him when Emily called my name with Luca by her side.

"Mary Jane, I'm so sorry I left you. I just took my purse to Luca's. I hope you don't mind," Emily chewed her lips, looking warily.

"Um, no, it's fine. I completely understand, and don't worry because everything's fine," I rolled on, distracted by the guy and Emily at the same time. Her eyes narrowed, and she held either of my arms.

"Are you alright? You seem off the top," she said worriedly before I nodded and smiled softly. Emily observed me for a couple more seconds, and then the guy took his leave.

SIR ALFRED REMINDED me to attend his tutor after the last period when we met in the hallway. I gathered my things needed for English class and had second thoughts about whether I should borrow the Tempest book at the library. Esmeralda reapplied her lip gloss, constantly glancing in my direction before she put the cosmetics back in her purse.

"You looked pale today. Is something wrong?" she asked worriedly, putting her necessities inside her locker.

"I'm alright. There's just something strange that happened this morning," I muttered under my breath, closing my locker before we proceeded to the classroom.

"Strange?" She pressed, boring her dark red eyes as we walked down the hallway. Can I tell Esmeralda? She's one of my friends. But why did I feel that Dominic was the only one that I trust, could it be that I spent too much time on his place that I frequently forgot that some people can be trusted.

"Last night," I started. "I dreamed that I was trapped in something. And I couldn't breathe; it was like I was drowning without water. Then I woke up, feeling cold and gasping for air before I proceeded to the bathroom---the voice was soft and feminine. I first thought it was Emily calling me, but when I opened the door, no one was in sight. So I became scared and ran off my room." I finished cutting the part when Calvin invited me to their room.

Esmeralda nodded, analyzing the events before she spoke, "Did you tell Emily about it?" Her voice sounded worried and concerned, and I warily shook my head.

"Not yet,"

I opened the door and tensed when Reid's raging eyes bore on mine thoroughly. The English teacher distributed some paper works at the actors and props men before she smiled and invited me in, "Ms. Heathers,"

Esmeralda nudged me in lightly, and my whole body became stiff. However, none of my classmates spared a glance, occupied by their own chattering and paperwork. I almost wondered how it felt to be recognized by everyone, not just by eight or nine people but by everyone around me.

"You can do it," Esmeralda encouraged me, thinking I was too nervous and having a stage fright. The adrenaline in my veins rushed when I finally sat in my place, taking the paper on my desk with a few questions regarding the play.

"You can answer the questions later after we finish our first practice. Now, may I call on the leading characters here in front?"

Five or seven characters stood up, including me, before our English teacher gave us a piece of paper in our hands, "This is an excerpt of your script. You should recite them with genuine emotions, not to pressure you, but to guide and help you get attached to your roles." She explained.

I opened mine, and my chest rose as I read the script further; Reid came in beside me and leaned before warning me with the coldest tone he could make. "She chose you to be my partner, and this is my third time attending this class; you should practice with me according to my rules; dare to ruin it, then I'll become your worst nightmare."

The color on my face drained. My breathing almost stopped before I deciphered Reid's threat. The English teacher called us one by one, and she gave her advice when an actor couldn't play his role nicely. The line decreased until it was our turn. Feeling tensed and changed at the same time, I walked in front of the class with Reid beside me. Reid gave me a nonchalant stare as the English teacher nodded her head.

It's my turn. I repeated those three words several times, digesting the emotions and scenario on my chest. You should be a woman with unconditional love, I reminded myself softly, counting the seconds that were passing by and letting it change me. You are not Mary Jane—You're Pitiful...

"I weep at my unworthiness that dare not offer what I desire to give, and much less take what I shall die to want. But this is trifling, and all the more it seeks to hide itself, the bigger its bulk shows. Hence, bashful cunning, and prompt me, plain and holy innocence." I trailed, letting the tears spill from my pleading eyes, holding Reid's hands before I felt them against my cheeks.

"I am your wife if you will marry me. If not, I'll die your maid. You may deny me to be your fellow, but I'll be your servant whether you will or not," Reid wiped the tears from my cheeks, looking at my eyes with sympathy.

"Be not afraid. The isle is full of noises, sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt. Sometimes, a thousand twangling instruments will hum about my ears, and sometimes voices that, if I then had waked after a long sleep, will make me sleep again, and then in dreaming, the clouds I thought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked, I cried to dream again." He said softly against my lips.

I suddenly became scared and nervous, thinking that he would attempt to kiss me, flouting his grasp before getting back on my consciousness.

The class was stunned momentarily, looking between me and Reid before the English teacher regained consciousness and nodded in approval.

"Beautiful," she complimented. "I'm looking forward to the play,"

AFTER MY ENGLISH CLASS, I went to the library to borrow The Tempest book since the script that the English teacher gave us was only an excerpt. Some of it was not even our real dialogue. The librarian was kind enough to let me borrow the different versions and give me some additional books for the character portrayal.

When I walked in, Sir Alfred was already waiting in the classroom. His projector and worksheets were sprawled on his desk, and the classroom was already prepared for long, ancient lectures. I almost wondered why he offered free tutoring after classes even though I didn't have a problem in history yet. The exams will be held for the next two months, making me wonder what pushes him to rush everything.

"Ms. Heathers, come in," he said, half-focused on his paperwork. I entered and sat in the front row, waiting patiently for the lectures to arrive. Sir Alfred stood up from his chair and handed me the topic outline, primarily about Greek civilization, the upcoming lesson on Romans, and the description of the classical to the medieval age. "That will serve as your primary source as we stride on with our lectures," he explained, turning on his projector.

He started to discuss some important highlights of the topic, reminding me here and there about what's right or wrong with the people's insights about history. After two to three hours of speaking, he temporarily rested on his desk, allowing me to answer the essential questions plastered on his projector.

I held my pen and started to scribe on my paper. When a faint piano instrumental echoed in the hallway that seemed too familiar, a few feet away from the history room, I tried to listen subconsciously while pretending to focus on my work, deciphering the hidden emotions amidst the beat and harmony of the piano. And when I felt it, it was the sound of jealousy and anger.

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