「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 38: Little tour

134 7 0
By Dualpen

R4: So in the handbook that will be given to you all 7 there are clear instructions on how to manage the defenses of the base, if you ever need to consult something remember that its also integrated into your protocols as long as you have activated your ID's and if that doesn't do it for you, my sister R1 is the sniper of the guard tower you can contact her any time

R1's waved her hand to them with a smile on her face as the seven new dolls nodded, the R sisters that more or less are on guard duty always were explaining some basics and giving a tour of the base to the guards that would substitute them in the task of guarding the base against threats and keeping it organized.

R4: Any questions so far?

One of the dolls with long dark brown wavy hair swiftly raised her hand as her moss green eyes stared at R4 who simply signaled her to go ahead and ask.

R4: Yeah CZ-3?

CZ-3: When it comes to gatekeeping, the guard switch is done after lunchtime, but it didn't stay clear for me, do we then leave the gate unprotected while we eat?

R4: No, as I said before R1 is the sniper of the guard tower, she keeps an eye out while we eat which usually just takes 10 minutes of our time, then we quickly go back to our posts and she goes and haves lunch

CZ-4: Oh so the ones in sniper duty have different times for lunch then?

The doll with short gray hair added a question to the mix, R4 quickly giving a side look towards the also green-eyed doll, her green however, tilting more towards a grass green than a moss green

R4: Yes CZ-4, now if we can proceed I would like to explain how the armories work

The seven dolls nodded again and in silence followed the two dolls giving them the tour, all their weapons which were slung to their shoulder making a bit of noise as they all walked, especially R1 who's sniper rifle clanged each time as it kept lighting hitting the back of her plate carrier.

R4: So while we are getting to the main armory I will say this clearly you will probably be using only the armory we are heading to and the emergency one in the dorms area

???: There is one in the dorms area as well?

Asked another one of the dolls, her long oak brown hair swinging freely as they walked, her coffee brown eyes staring at R4 who simply gave her a side look like she did before with CZ-4 and answered her question.

R4: Yes CZ-1, there is one in the dorms area as well, there are actually 24 separate armories around the base so in case of emergencies or the base being under attack remember that there is extra equipment hidden all around so nothing catches us with the pants down

CZ-1: ... Isn't that a bit... Overkill?

R4: I state "There is never enough preparations for the unknown" commander Nikolay, if you want that number of things to take care of reduced, please talk that with him not with us

CZ-1: Hm...

R4: Anyway, 24 separate armories, most of them are or either in the underground level which is basically connected all around the base or in the main building, which is where mostly everyone spends their days around so ya know convenience sake I guess, you all just need to go every week to the each one of the armories and keep the little digital list in there updated and keep track of what has been taken out of there and what has been added, also remember that you all can't access the armories unless you got the special code for the code lock or the ID card with you so remember to not lose your ID cards, please

???: Question

R4: Yeah CZ-5?

CZ-5: Are there any days we get a supply delivery or something similar in which we will have to resupply the armories or we just keep track of them throughout the weeks

Asked another one of the pack, the doll in question didn't differ much from the rest, long dark grey hair almost somewhat blueish you could say that hanged freely and rested on one of her shoulders plus green jade eyes in difference from the more opaque green colors that CZ-3 and CZ-4 had.

R4: Just keep track of them, the Americans keep the supply chain alive so it isn't your job to maintain the supplies inside the armories, just keep track of them

CZ-5: Rogered

R4: Any more questions before we enter the main armory and I show you how to operate the code lock and digital supply tracker?

The doll swiftly stopped in front of a door that lead inside a bunker-like structure which was more or less in the middle of the whole base, rubbing against the main building and in control of the intersection that lead towards the vehicle bay area as well as back to the main complex, making it easy to spot and access while keeping a tactical advantage in case of attack seeing it was decently far from any entry point that might be made or captured in case of such an event happening.

R4: Alright I see that none so let's get to this

R4 quickly opened the door with the code lock to not have to get out her ID card and waited for everyone to get inside herself entering last and closing behind them all and starting to explain everything, from where and how the lockers where distributed, to even some tricks and tips on how to improve their efficiency from routes they could take to get here faster to some just schedule loopholes they could use around the day to save up on time on things like counting how much ammo was left. The entire tour took them around 4 hours and they started right after the girls got their handbooks handed to them after finishing lunch so it was to no ones surprise that by the time they finished it was already almost dinner time.

R4: Well seeing we have slightly less than an hour left before dinner and it seems like its gonna rain again you all have free time now, but before ya go, tomorrow CZ-1, CZ-2, CZ-3, and CZ-4 will be on guard duty remember that if anything R1 has her radio connected at all times and Nadya is patrolling the buildings so shouldn't be hard to find her as per CZ-5, CZ-6 and CZ-7 you three will have a free day after you finish revising the armories, if any of you is needed I will contact you through the radios and remember that I'm in channel 5 at all times while the commander is in channel 1 or 2 while R1 is on channel 3, that's everything, you all have it clear what to do?

The dolls let out a loud and clear yes to R4 who simply nodded at them and with the same tone of voice said.

R4: Alright then go leave your weapons in your locker or room and enjoy your free day

The dolls nodded and the group of newcomers quickly scattered with the distant sound of chatter reaching R4's ears who hummed as she looked at them leave, R1 looked over at her sister and smiled.

R1: Didn't know you could be such a great teacher R4

R4: Oh shush R1 I just told them what I learned from doing guard duty every day for about 3 months now...

R1: Hm...

R4 then got startled as R1 approached her and rested her head on her shoulder, their cheeks gluing together as both didn't move and their eyes kept staring how the CZ sisters disappeared in the distance, R4 eyes were as big as plates as she didn't expect her sister to just suddenly do such a move, however, R1 had her eyes somewhat squinted and a serious aura to her.

R1: Though you are a better sister than a teacher...

R4: ... Why saying that so suddenly?

R1: Just recently learned from a little bird who told me you were the one helping R3 and R5 recover...

R4: ...

R4 stayed silent as she was sure she didn't tell anyone about her involvement in trying to get R3 and R5 back on their tracks, although she didn't achieve it with R3 she has done a pretty good job with R5, and well who wouldn't say that she was now Nikolay's secretary and talked freely like before without any real pain dragged across her words, but that wasn't really the surprising thing, is that of all people R4, the one that flowed on her own stream of water most of the time simply decided to change pace and tried to help out her sisters instead of waiting for maybe R6 or R3s to do something.

R4: I'm going to guess one of them told you...

R1: R5 did

R4: *Sigh* I simply was tired of them acting depressed that's all

Replied R4 quickly turning her eyes gaze away to the opposite side of her sister so they wouldn't make eye contact, R1 however, kept her gaze set on her and simply wrapped her arms around her neck hugging her somewhat tightly.

R1: It would be nice if you did things like this more often you know?

R4: And why are you so touchy?...

R1: Just... Felt lonely lately, thought you wouldn't mind helping me out and just let me hug you

R4: Agh... Alright I guess, but just for one more minute

R1: Two

R4: ... Okay two...


Nikolay: Hm... Hey R5 you know where did we leave those extra files Julian gave us?

R5: You mean the extra copies about puppet tactics?

Nikolay: Yeah those ones, have you seen them?

R5: Hm, have you checked that box over there? I'm pretty sure I put them away inside a red marked file in one of those boxes so they wouldn't get lost

Nikolay quickly got up from his chair and walked up to the boxes R5 mentioned, upon closer inspection Nikolay took out one of the files marked with red as R5 said and sighed in relief now that he found them.

Nikolay: Thank you

R5: Hmhm, no worries, oh right I almost finished over here with Persica's reports and instructions, should I go and do a copy of them as well?

Nikolay: Hmm... Yeah go and do that come back after and let's clean up and go have dinner

Said Nikolay as he set his gaze off the papers and stared at the clock then after looking over at R5 expecting her answer to his plan.

R5: Hm, alright, how many should I do?

Nikolay: About 2 of each so we can spare one for Ann's group and let them start preparing for the mission already

R5: Alright should I try and deliver the copy to them as well today or...?

Nikolay: If you want to do it today go ahead I don't have a problem with that, besides tomorrow I will probably be off for a long time again, I need to do some things as well as properly greet the new dolls

R5: Hmhm don't oversleep again commander

Nikolay: ...

Nikolay quickly looked back at her who simply showed him a sly smile as she exited the office, Nikolay sighed at this and shook his head a bit before looking back at the documents.

Nikolay: It doesn't seem pretty complex... But after knowing how capable Hadel was alone and using scrapped resources... And furthermore, there is still the dilemma on how the hell did they disappear off the map just like that...

Nikolay started meditating about what options were there really for a large group such as the entire puppet militia to simply disappear in dead ends, the reports clearly stated that they evacuate to weird open spots of land that didn't contain any escape route or even secret base so them having hidden bunkers around those areas was of the possibilities but then he thought about something.

Nikolay: Nah... They couldn't possibly be airlifted out into safety... That should be impossible for a force such as thei--...

Nikolay looked over the files again and noticed a pattern, everything they used was civilian or SF captured equipment, dragoons, manpower, weapons, ammo, materials, and even routes, everything was from either civilian or SF origin.

Nikolay: Now to think of it them simply getting airlifted by captured helos days before the assault began would shed light on their disappearance but then again how would we follow their trail...

Nikolay lowered the documents and looked over at the map on his board, staring at it for a while and analyzing the borders between SF and G&K territory plus the suspected activity zones of Hadel before disappearing, they all for some reason looked awfully close to SF controlled territory...

Nikolay: ... We could always use G&K assault on SF to try and get our hands on their air control sites... Ghmm... But then again how do I fix G&K relations to the point they let me aid on a big assault such as this one... Well, I could always do it undercover and before they do it... Hmm, yeah I should call Kryuger tomorrow and see what I can do

He muttered at the end as he left the documents aside and got up to start cleaning up so they have a clean and organized work environment for tomorrow.


Raisa: Hm... Someone to help me cook now that there are even more people around wouldn't go a miss...

Raisa looked over from the pots out into the canteen seeing people already starting to gather around the tables waiting for her to finish preparing dinner, a sigh escaped the doll's lips as she looked back down and kept cooking, soon after finishing and starting to fill the bowls with soup and then putting them away on the outside counter so people can already start taking trays and eat. It took her around 5 minutes to finish doing so, her last clients being R5 and Nikolay who arrived a bit late from their office.

Raisa: Late again huh...

Said Raisa as she took a tray with her and accompanied the two to a table, the three of them sat down on one of the empty tables and started eating peacefully enjoying the last meal of today.

Nikolay: I was waiting on R5 to finish delivering some things, used the opportunity as well to prepare everything for tomorrow so I can finish my work early

Raisa: Hm

Alicia: Mind if we sit down here?

Raisa: ...? Oh, go ahead

Raisa quickly looked over at the voice who spoke up and realizing that it was the newer trio of dolls she quickly answered, the three dolls quickly sat down and accommodated themselves.

Nikolay: Huh look who's back, sorry for bumping into you earlier today

Alicia: As I said earlier today as well, no worries

Raisa: ... Again?

Nikolay: You know I don't look around when I'm in a rush...

R5: He also almost bumped into me again may I add

Raisa: *Sigh*

Nikolay: That sigh hurt ya know...

Raisa: Oh good, that was my intention after all

Replied Raisa with a warm smile and looked back at her food starting to eat to ignore further comments from Nikolay who looked at her for a bit before rolling his eyes and sighing himself.

Alicia: Hmm so is the ambient always like this?

R5: Mostly

Nikolay: What do you mean mostly?...

R5: You always get tossed around by your daughters and wife and then go around looking dead while talking or doing things with the rest of us

Nikolay: Jeez what a bad nutshell

Raisa: It's true though

Nikolay: Oi, oi, oi you wrong there I don't get tossed around by Alisa and I don't look dead always

Raisa: Keyword always...

Nikolay: ... Ghm, ghm, anyways as Raisa finally is eating silently now how's your stay in here so far?

Raisa: I'm not done yet th--

Alicia: For now we still trying to get accustomed, the base is quite big, to be honest, and all paths are connected with each other so it gets a bit messy to get around without knowing the place

Carole: Although may I add the area and views are quite nice, remarking the personal balconies

Alicia and Cheryl nodded to this statement. The British dolls answering quite quickly Nikolay's question, which made Raisa shut her mouth as she simply let them speak and kept eating, now silently following the conversation. R5 gave her a side look noticing how easily she was discouraged from pestering Nikolay further which made her wonder if that was alright.

Nikolay: Oh I see, good thing you like it, remember that you can do whatever in it, heard that R6 is keeping some potted plants there

R5: Ah yeah she is, a bunch of succulents and tulip sprouts

R5 swiftly got back into the conversation as soon as she heard her sister's free time activity being mentioned.

Alicia: Oooh, we may do something similar as well then

Nikolay: Just be sure to not make it explode

Raisa: They ain't you Nikolay, they don't go around playing with explosives

Simply replied the doll getting up, no one has noticed that she finished her meal, which was rather quick to not say at an inhumane speed. The other 4 dolls stared at Raisa as she left to leave her tray and get back to work or back to her dorm to enjoy some free time, only she knew.

Nikolay sighed as he heard the door of the canteen being opened and closed indicating Raisa leaving.

R5 gave him a side look as well, she remembers Nikolay and Raisa's interactions being somewhat like this, quick, clashy, and with lots of shades to them from a small spectrum of behaviors, but it still felt like something was out of place, that more intricate cords laid underneath it all between Niklolay's relations with the Russian dolls.

Nikolay: Don't worry about her, all teenagers go through an identity crisis and bad temper once

He replied to get their attention to him from the gloomy aura that Raisa left behind by eating and leaving so quickly on what seemed to have been a good attempt to bond with the new recruits. R5 hummed, not really believing that the best option here was to dismiss this as her daughter going through a phase, but still, if he did it, it was because of something that she might not see. After all, she only recently started learning about him.

Nikolay: Anyway soon we will also get some human personnel into the base so they can replace your overworked schedule and give you overall more free time, so for now do not hesitate in going around asking for a change of pace

Alicia: We will keep that in mind then commander


WIST-94: Hm, quite a good bunch of hours has passed what are your bets?

Pr-15: Don't really know, I mean I'm tired so I would prefer to check tomorrow

MSBS: Eh, when we finish eating we will go and check with my phone

Replied MSBS as she took a forkful of noodles. The three polish dolls were on the rooftop of the main building, sitting by the edge they peacefully ate their Chinese takeaway food, several empty cans of polish beer by their side, and a finished pack of cigarettes as well. They were enjoying this free time as they, after giving all the documents to the new recruits went ahead and took their motorcycle to the nearest city, enjoying that nostalgic city life while they shopped for new parts for their vehicle and as everyone could imagine on their way back they couldn't resist the temptations of the urban world, hence their current and somewhat unhealthy dinner.

Pr-15: That aside, what you all think happened to R1s, that girl got me somewhat worried lately

Said the doll putting aside her empty card box of noodles and taking the box of cigarettes to check if it was empty, seeing it was she threw it into the plastic bag they used as a trash can and took one of the last beer cans from the pack behind them.

WIST-94: Hm... Now that you mention her...

Let out WIST, her face turning a bit concerned as she put down her card box as well and gulped down the noodles she munched on.

MSBS: I like to think she doing alright, besides she got her sisters right? They will help her out if something goes wrong

Pr-15: That is also true, still can stop thinking that she is quite lost with herself, I mean, I'm not the only one that noticed her somewhat shaky tone and strange behavior am I?

WIST-94: Nah you ain't *Sigh* Is there another beer left Justyna?

Pr-15: Yeah give me a sec

As the other two passed between themselves a beer, MSBS looked up into the night sky, noticing how the black clouds above were starting to let flow out a bit of their contents onto the base area, which didn't take long to take effect and make the dolls feel the small rain droplets hit their skin and humidify their hair.

MSBS: The clouds started crying, we better get back inside

Said MSBS as the other two nodded starting to clean up everything and getting ready to get inside, as per MSBS she simply raised the card box to her face and stuffed every single noodle that was left inside it into her mouth, passing it all down by gulping down what was left of her beer can.


The dark clouds above kept pouring down the last of their contents, just some more hours, and the storm would pass leaving this area, now wet and muddy, The Sangvis ferri dolls however didn't complain about this environment they simply kept guard duty across the base, the sound of the howling forest filling their cognitive systems as the rain droplets mixed in.

A squad of rippers passed by the guarding Ageis who followed them with its gaze which's attention was caught shortly after by the Dragoon squad that followed the rippers. Looks like they were arranging troops for what they expected would be the biggest G&K assault across this sector.

The ground beneath them all which once was dirt now laid as a muddy mess of grass and leaves. If this weather persisted the following days an assault by any of the sides would be quite hard to achieve, after all, night and a light thunderstorm would be the perfect time to attack or defend.

A sentiment that apparently wasn't only shared by G&K and SF, as the silence of the storm was interrupted by the sound of gunfire and flashy spectacle of concentrated plasma.

The Ageis turned around, knowing full well all that came from the previous passing by troops, what happened now?

However, those were the last moments of that poor on guard duty doll.

A plasma shot not long after it turned around hit her right in the back of the head followed by another one into the small section of plates that protected her neck, piercing right through her and dropping it dead.

After that, her corpse got kicked by the advancing enemy troops, two squads which came from left and right trampled her baton and shield as they run into the inside perimeter, bringing the spectacle of firepower into the heart of the SF base. The only thing you could notice from them is how their holographic outer armor layer kept shinning with a bright blue as the rain droplets kept hitting them making the mechanoids look like walking concert light sticks.

Alioth: Seriously how can they add so much armor and not bother about the same plasma weaponry being used against them...

A female emerged into the scene as well, her long white hair almost reaching the ground as she squatted beside the dead Ageis, to say the least, she wasn't impressed with their enemy, at this point they have take out 2 small bases and god knows how many patrolling squads, but they were all going to get scrapped after all into their own production so she didn't mind it that much, but a bit of action and dread into her commanding would do her better than going around killing SF for resources.

Alioth: *Sigh* I hope that after tonight we got enough resources to get to 4-T site and from there... Hmm, if I remember correctly site O-8 was somewhere near there as well...

"I see you like looking at corpses huh?"

Alioth: Oh look who is back... Welcome to my systems Fomalhaut, you missed me? Were feeling lonely back at base? Getting pestered by our dear sister Vega all day?

Replied Alioth as she picked up the Ageis baton and inspected it while talking with her sister.

"Wow, you really sound like a bratty rich girl at this point Alioth, incredible!"

Alioth: ... Yeah, yeah I get it, only you can act theatrical, what you want?

"Just checking on you, as well as dropping by that yes site 4-T was near O-8, although what makes doubtful of your success is certainly that both sites are in some desolated part of Finland at this point and you are with your troops in Ukraine"

Alioth: I need resources you know? I can't build mechanoids without supplies, so getting to the sites first is just plain stupid

She replied yet again, this time getting up and throwing the baton away, her gaze looking into the SF base which was finally taken over by her troops, checking her HUD for a report from her mechanoids she saw zero casualties, as she expected from these upgraded Palatines.

"You abandoned most of your vehicles as soon as you reached the mainland and now are stuck in Ukraine, how is that sounding to you as a plan"

Alioth: You really want me to support my advances in old hefty civilian helos and broken cars Fomalhaut? I'm attacking Sangvis Ferri for a reason

"Aha keep going"

Replied Fomalhaut to her with a mocking tone, Alioth simply crossed her arms and smiled as she started explaining with full confidence while her mechanoids were doing work.

Alioth: As you may know they do occasionally capture equipment from those PMC's trying to annihilate them

"And I'm guessing you chose this hangar to try and see if they got any military-grade helicopters?"

Alioth: You so smart sometimes sister

"You know that as soon as you try to fly those things you will get spotted on the NUSSR's radars, yes?"

Alioth: And that's where you deviating from my plan


Alioth: This is simply needed for... Something else

She said with a bright sly smile that shined with her purple eyes, the storm ragging on not bothering her, mainly because her mechanoids weren't the only ones with holographic gear, she also had some, to not say all she had on her was that technology. Her Polaris uniform kept slightly vibrating and letting out shockwaves across her body as the raindrops kept hitting her, sometimes if you focused on her enough you could see her pale naked skin through those little shockwaves, like her sisters, not wearing anything underneath the holograms.

"I really don't understand you sometimes"

Alioth: You know that there is a somewhat abandoned ship scrapyard by the coast of Lithuania and Latvia?

"... You... You harbored on the coast of Poland... Made your way up to Ukraine SF-controlled territory, to now get to Lithuania and Latvia to steal a new ship and from there you want to get to Finland... Am I getting that right?"

Replied Fomalhaut a bit baffled by the worryingly and apparently stupid actions of her sister.

Alioth: Submarines, not ships, I used our satellite, there are at least 2 almost intact submarines in one of those scrapyards, if I can get them working we got 2 reliable transport vehicles for our troops and after that when we get to settle on sites 4-T and O-8 we will be able to go to site P-5 with a good bulk of troops and rebuild the factories there quickly, from which we will be able to build our own vehicles, don't you think its a fantastic idea?

"... I see so many flaws on your plan, yet it sounds so stupid that it may actually work, may being the keyword, how are you even gonna hide the fact of having stolen 2 submarines from the NUSSR navy?"

Alioth: Why do you think I got to Ukraine first and are stockpiling SF corpses?

"Oh, so you gonna just copy my tactics without asking me? How awful of you"

Replied Fomalhaut in a theatrically offended tone as she immediately understood what Alioth wanted to do so if anything went south they wouldn't get uncovered. Using puppets to forge her rebuilding plan didn't sound so stupid to her now but still, Alioth was too ambitious for her liking, all her sisters seemed to have some sort of fault as soon as you let them off their leashes, no wonder Vega made decisions only with her.

Alioth: Heh, anything to shut Merak's damn mouth


Alyona: And the rain is here...

She mumbled looking outside through the balcony of her dorm as the gloomy weather finally reached G&K territories, the rain and occasional thunder covering the night sky and hiding its star from observers.

Alyona: I hope this weather won't be too frequent this spring or we might not be able to go on that fishing trip I promised to Alisa...

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