「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 37: Recruting

104 7 0
By Dualpen

Nikolay: That should do... So many files looking at it now... *Sigh* But what was I expecting to be honest if I was gonna dig through their memories...

It currently was 22:34 p.m, Nikolay was in the underground levels inside his workshop revising that the memories he copied from his reunion with R3s and R2s were properly stored and secured inside the network before he started to go through them.

Nikolay: Oh right I also need to revise those emails about the contracts...

Nikolay sighed again, tired as work pilled up suddenly by the end of the day, well more like he ignored it for a long while before acknowledging it, his focus a bit more directed towards the preparations for his own operations. Deciding to get a rest from the R sisters dilemma he went ahead and opened his email account to start checking anything new that has reached him one of the mails getting his attention quite rapidly.

Nikolay: Persica again...

Clicking on it he waited for the message to load, as it loaded Nikolay used those short seconds to take a sip from his red tea leaving the cup beside the keyboard yet again.

Nikolay: Hmm, hmhm, mh alright so tomorrow evening the batch of dolls will arrive

As he kept thinking he quickly send an email back to Persica to confirm he received her notice and is prepared for their accommodation. Finishing writing the email he pressed enter and sent a response back to Persica, his hand now swiftly sliding with the mouse across the desk as he went back into the main menu and introduced a keyword into the search bar to now only go through all the mail about the job offer he posted in the net.

"53 results"

Nikolay: *Sigh* Let's see...

He simply said as she started with the oldest one, going upwards from there, the first ones went rather quickly, no real foundation or the information he wanted to be specified wasn't even addressed some even simply forwarding him towards a phone number or ID so they could have an online meeting, all of these mails he quickly dismissed by sending a polite response that they weren't what he was searching for. By the 23rd or so mail however they finally started to provide what he was searching for his fast pace of checking through them put to a halt drastically as he now had to compare, read and think between each one, pinning the ones he found more suited for later to when he has to make a decision. However, all this back and forth between emails and online profiles that lasted for about 40 minutes came to a halt as soon as he came across one of the latest emails he received at 18:23 today.

Nikolay: Huh... 4 of them in one...

The email in question was pretty simple and plain compared to the others, although not to the point it missed vital information like the first ones he saw. The first one offered up her services in the combat department of the announcement he put on the net, that offer so far only being brought up by 2 or 3 emails he read before. Looking through her online profile she linked to the message under her name, showed to Nikolay that she had 6 years of experience in the department with a really clean and up kept record and was in search of a new job for a long time now as she somewhat recently was kicked out of her previous job in the police forces due to an unstated motive. The email after was stating the other three dolls who were trying to get the bartending offer he put up along the combat offer, going through their profiles as he did with the previous one showed to him that each one of them had quite the experience ranging from 3~5 years of service in the department, furthermore, his interest was reinforced slightly more towards this particular group as they had combat training as bodyguards in their profiles as well, that simple versatility the group had alone almost tempted him to contract them already and forget about the rest of the emails, but the commander sighed yet again taking a deep breath and pinning this specific email and unpinning the others he pinned so far knowing full well that compared to rest he saw this group was the most promising, besides it was a pack of four for one. Spending more time in front of the monitor of his computer Nikolay finally at 0:46 a.m finished reading through them all, and as he predicted in the end the only one he was interested in was the pack, cracking his fingers and getting up to make himself a new cup of tea he opened up that email yet again and while waiting for the water to boil sat back down on his chair and wrote a response to them, congratulating them and stating every information they needed about when and where they need to wait to be picked up and brought to their new workplace.

Nikolay: Alright... And send... Now we just wait *Inhale* So tomorrow new batch of dolls as well as overmorrow the quartet will come along, which checks out the manpower front for now, the next thing on the list would be to get vehicles and supplies, sounds easy enough... The last part at least

Nikolay stretched out and got up again, finishing to brew his new cup of tea he looked back at the computer and then at the clock, if he didn't return soon Nadya would probably scold him again, but it's not like she won't scold him anyway, it was almost 1 a.m after all.

Nikolay: Hmmm, stay until 2 a.m and revise some of the sister's memories or go and get some sleep... Yeah the latter sounds better

He said and walked up to his computer and started turning everything off while with his other hand he kept a hold on the cup of tea drinking once in a while from it as he prepared to leave to his dorm, in a matter of minutes he finished turning off every device and now leaned against the table while he finished drinking his still warm tea.

Nikolay: Hm, at least everything is going rather smooth for once eh I will probably find a new rough bump on the plan yet again tomorrow... *Sip*

Nikolay kept thinking about this whole operation he was preparing, the preparation stage of it still running too slow for his taste but he couldn't really complain this wasn't a professional highly trained and skilled military force he had under his command now, not to mention that just tomorrow his manpower issue will be solved although he has been planning this for about 2 to 3 weeks now. He still was lacking skilled workers, heavy equipment, supplies, proper training grounds, and vehicles of his own, all that pilling up with griffin relations, Persica's tasks, and probably more importantly the deadline he set up as speculation before Polaris gets reinforced or decides to start causing trouble yet again.

Nikolay: Everything will get blown away if we don't attack first... *Sigh* Why must I get myself in these situations

He let out in a silent breath as he then finished gulping the last drop of his red tea and left the empty cup on top of his desk, walking up to the door after and closing it behind him with a good slam to be sure it closed properly. Now walking through the poorly lit corridors he reached the elevator and came back to the ground level, and upon exit, as he expected finding the main building empty and barren of life.

Nikolay: *Yawn* Talk about being the perfect environment for a horror movie...

???: Nikolay...

Nikolay: H-holy shit back off!

Nikolay jumped in place and backed against the wall as his head turned around to face the deep voice, expecting that his words came back to bite him in the ass he was ready to see some dead friend out of the tomb or a ghost with a scythe trying to get his attention to cut his head right off but he found himself upon something scarier.

Raisa: Mind explaining what you doing so late in the night?

Nikolay: *Hyperventilating* I could say the same thing to you

He quickly responded back as he relaxed a bit although his body was still tense from the sudden approach.

Raisa: Answer me first

She simply said with an unpleased face as she crossed her arms and waited for him to answer, Nikolay simply took a deep breath to recover his normal tone and answered.

Nikolay: Finished working for today, now you

Raisa: ...

Nikolay: So?...

Raisa: Also finished working...

Nikolay: Guess you can't scold me for that now huh?

He said cheekily as a joke, but that seemed to anger Raisa a bit more making him gulp down some saliva as he realized what his actions caused, however instead of receiving an even worst scolding which he was expecting he received a sigh from her as she simply calmed down and rolled her eyes.

Nikolay: ...?

Raisa: Are you going back to your dorm or not?...

She simply replied as she turned around and gave him a side look, Nikolay looked at her for a while before just humming and walking to the dorms area Raisa accompanying him on that, now both walking down the corridors and stairs in silence at a light pace.

Raisa: I wanna ask something

Nikolay: Yes?

The silence was broken as both turned around the corner and now just need to walk straight till they reached the outside and from there the same again, walk straight through the little garden zone till they reached the main door to the dorms area.

Raisa: You are gonna lead the troops again aren't you?...

Nikolay: ...

Raisa's side look made Nikolay silent as those words reached his ears however that didn't mute him for long.

Nikolay: Yes, yes I will

Raisa: Not even gonna trust any of them to have enough tactical thinking to operate without your presence?...

Nikolay: ... No, I won't

Raisa: So there is absolutely nothing that can change your mind about that statement?

Nikolay: There is nothing indeed...

Raisa: Hm

Both movements suddenly stopped as Nikolay tried to react to what he thought would be a slap to his face and quickly shielded his cheek with his arm however Raisa wasn't going for that and quickly grabbed onto his wrist, her other arm swiftly pushing him against the door with force, Raisa dashed forwards with him and pinned his locked arm against the wall as well as herself using her free hand to restrict his movements further by slamming the wall by his right-hand side and putting her knee between his legs, completely immobilizing him.

Raisa: I swear if I catch you or get a single word about you being in the frontline and not commanding from the backline of the battlefield without any good particular reason I won't hesitate to try and stab you like that time

She muttered loud enough with her apathetic voice for him to clearly hear, swiftly after releasing him from her grip and dashing back and afterwards entering the building as if nothing had happened. Nikolay quickly came back on his feet and grabbed his wrist himself, if it wasn't because it now was mechanical that grasp would of let a significant mark.

Nikolay: ... *Sigh* I really need a rest...


R6: When was it that they should arrive?

R4: Around 11 a.m

R6: Hm

The next day, as usual, the sisters on guard duty kept an eye on the area outside the front of the base, both standing with weapons in hand by the gate, this time however they were in fact expecting a convoy to arrive at their base.

R6: You think the newcomers will be nice?

R4: Dunno, don't really care, as long as they are bearable and don't pester me

R6: Talk about just drowning my intentions of setting up a good mood early in the morning...

R4: ... *Sigh* It would be nice if they like drinking so we can do something together as well... There, happy?

R6: You really went ahead and tried to fix it huh? Yeah that's better I suppose

R3: Any of you need replacing?

Both sister's chatter was interrupted as R3 joined them, looking over at both her sisters as she asked the question. The two dolls looked over back at her and stared at her for a while as she leaned against the boom gate and waited for an answer.

R4: No thank you, I'm good

R6: It's pretty early for me to swap so no thank you

R3: Hm, wanted to confirm seeing I will be needed somewhere else so you won't have a reliable switch today

R4: Ho?

R3: Resource distribution if that's what you are wondering, Raisa asked me for help seeing today the new batch arrives and logistics will be too busy to give them the necessary and guide them through the base as well as doing their documentation

R6: Ah makes sense really

R3: Hmhm, anyway don't catch a cold you two

She simply said as she walked back inside the complex, the other two dolls simply hummed and came back to their original position from which they looked over at the forest far from the front of the base, the trees, grass, asphalt, and pretty much everything soaked from the rain that poured down last night, an almost invisible mist creeping by their feet as the clouded sky blocked the warm rays the sun produced by this season.

R6: This spring sure is weird huh?

R4: I mean we had a heatwave and now we apparently gonna have a pretty packed week of rain, so yeah

R6: Hmhm

The two of them simply kept guard and dragged their conversation along, R6 trying to get rid of R4's morning facet before their new teammates arrive so they have the warmest greeting possible. Some time passed and as R4 said to R6, around 11 a.m, they could see a convoy creeping slowly up the road, the lead of the advancing force was a Humvee followed up by two Ural trucks, the one right behind it having an armored shelter as its load in which probably all the newcomers were currently seated at right now, as per the last truck it was a plain Ural 4320 truck just like the first one, this one however, had the default trailer, quickly recognizable by the tarp that covered its cargo which most likely was equipment and belongings from the newcomers as well as any gadget or equipment Persica sent along with them for testing.

R4 quickly slung her smg over her shoulder and walked up a bit towards them as the convoy started turning towards the base, quickly stopping the humvee when it was close to the boom gate, and as always double-tapping the window with the back of her hand to ask them to lower down the windows.

As the window rolled down she was greeted with a pilot doll from G&K who simply looked at her and waited for questioning.

R4: Papers

P-Doll: Here

R4: Hm... How many are in the truck?

P-Doll: 10 if not a single one jumped off while we were getting here

R4: Hm and what's in the last truck?

P-Doll: Their belongings, weapons, and everything Persica wanted to be delivered to you

R4: Sounds right on my end... Open the gates for them R6 and get inspecting the last truck's cargo as soon as they park

R6: Rogered


WIST-94: Hm you got the papers?

MSBS: Yeah everything is ready on my end they just need to come here and pick them up

Pr-15: I checked on the instructions handbook side of things and we missing some so let's give it to them after lunch so we have time to pick up the missing ones

WIST-94: How are we missing some if we checked yesterday?

MSBS: Yeah about that...

WIST-94: ... *Mumbling* Don't even put an excuse MSBS no need to waste breath *Sigh*

Two knocks on the door made the three dolls sober up from their chatter. Pr-15: Come in!

The door then slightly opened and a doll quickly peeked inside.

???: Sorry for our intrusion

She said before actually opening the door entirely and entering, as she did however she quickly was followed by two more dolls, the three of them were already wearing the standard uniform provided to them making them blend right in with the others however some distinctive features really not seen around the base normally made them stand out.

Pr-15: Welcome, welcome, no worries, you three are here for some of your essential documents I want to suppose

???: Yes uhm how was she called...

???: R3

???: Ah yes, R3 indicated us towards your office as soon as we were done with our bedroom arranging

Pr-15: Hmhm, so let's see, come take your documents then, Cheryl?

Cheryl: That's me

Said the doll at the back of the trio walking towards Pr-15's table, the doll in question had her short dark brown hair stored neatly into a ponytail and her eyes were of a light blue color, furthermore her height compared to the rest of the base was rather short maybe she was around 1,50~60 ish meters.

Pr-15: Alright here you go be sure to not lose the id most important of all, now, Alicia?

Alicia: That's me

The doll that peeked inside and seemed to be the leader of the trio walked up to the table as well and took the documents handed to her, her height was inside the same range as the previous doll, however, her hair and eyes differed, Alicia having short blonde hair with two braids in each side decorating her head and her eyes were of a dark blue color which went along with her hair quite well.

Pr-15: Alright and I'm gonna guess that the one left is Carole?

Carole: Yeah

The doll mentioned approached the table as well and took her documents, same height and again short hair this time but it had a light hazel color and wavy ends in difference of the other two, her eyes were brown as well, a dark coffee brown, however.

Pr-15: Well you three should be clear now enjoy your stay in our base, I'm Justyna, that's Natalya and that one is Zofia, we are the ones in charge of intel and document management as well as the caretakers of the garage area for now, just say anything to us if you need help

Alicia: A pleasure to meet you then, we are the designated mortar team I hope we all get along

Pr-15: Hmhm, well now you three have free time until lunch so feel free to explore the base

Alicia: Very well we will see you three around then

Pr-15: Same goes for you three

Simply replied Pr-15 and sighed as soon as the girls left the office, WIST-94 looked over at her as she did.

WIST-94: You really tried hard to hide the fact you tired as fuck and don't want to deal with them huh

Pr-15: Give me a break will ya...

MSBS: They seemed nice though, they also had an accent to them or I really going crazy now

Pr-15: No they definitely did... A British one may I add

WIST-94: Pretty sure their mortar is of British origin at least that's what I remember from the equipment list I checked

Pr-15: Hm sounds about right, let's see we are missing the other 7 huh

MSBS: Probably still adjusting themselves to their new rooms


R5: Oh there she is, hey Nadya!

Nadya: Hmm? Oh, R5, something the matter?

R5: Yeah I'm searching for Nikolay, It's already quite late in the day and I haven't seen him at all, needless to say, its almost lunchtime as well

Nadya: Ah I let him keep sleeping he probably is already awake by now and getting ready

R5: Oh... Now that explains it, did he work late again?

Nadya: I don't even need to say it and you will know the answer, but yeah just scold him after lunch if anything I didn't want to plunder his mood so I simply let him rest

R5: Yeah, yeah don't worry, I was just getting a bit worried seeing he is usually around the office before me and dismissed his absences for maybe some choirs he had to do early in the morning but I now I know what happened at least

Nadya: Oh by the way tell him when you see him that R1s is throwing one of her ghost tantrums again

R5: ... My sister a ghost tantrum...? Oh disappearing for a while, right, he had that reunion with her today *Sigh* Talk about this day being a mess in terms of management

Nadya: I apologize for that, but anyway if you don't mind I will keep patrolling the base for a while before getting back to some of my other choirs

R5: Oh yeah, go ahead I just wanted to know what happened to the commander

Nadya: Very well then

R5 now looked at how Nadya yet again disappeared into the corridors and left the doll alone, R5 sighed now that she was alone, knowing full well they will have to rush work today due to Nikolay oversleeping.

R5: So let's see, the reunion is postponed, everyone is busy setting up shop for the newcomers and we still need to organize and do proper documentation for Persica's gadgets... *Sigh* Would seem like a short list of things to do if everything didn't have a big pile of paperwork behind it...


Fang: That should do, hey Julie how are the crates on your end?

Julie: Good, although I feel like a lot of what we got sent is quite dangerous to just leave in the normal warehouse...

Fang: I mean, you say it like if someone is going to attack us in the fucking middle of G&K territory

Ann: Do I need to remind you of the puppets incident, Fang?

Fang: I mean bro, shit happens what's the percentage of that happening again, and moreover near our base

Alex: Please don't jinx it Fang, I think you jinxed enough things already this year

Fang: Come on why all the blame on me!

Ann: *Sigh* Just be weary we still near war zones Fang just that, anyway let's finish quickly so we can leave I don't want to be carrying highly unstable emp grenades and whatever those other sticks were

The other simply agreed be it by nodding humming or simply getting back to organizing and in a matter of minutes they were done with it, just in time to have a 30 minute rest before going to the canteen to have lunch. The dolls quickly gathered around and out of the warehouse, closing the doors with key behind them just in case as R6 advised that for now keep an extra security measure in place seeing the new contents of the warehouse needed to be tested and secured with great care.

Fang: Man I would kill for some alcohol right now

Alex: I had enough drinks yesterday

Julie: Same over here

Fang: Come on Ann don't be a grandma

Ann: *Sigh* You won't die from a non-drinking day Fang so don't beg

Fang: Tch fine

Ann: Anyway any of you seen the newcomers?

Everyone quickly shook their heads in denial to answer their sister's question, Ann simply hummed as she looked around, the base outside still as empty as she always sees it, it was unsurprising however, well wasn't too difficult, seeing they were in one of the more remote areas of the base and decided to sit down on one of the benches that were near the little north-west garden which was even less visited at these hours.

Fang: You all think they like drinking as well?

Alex: ...

Julie: At this rate Fang I think we should put you into one of those alcoholism reform centers

Fang: I just asked if they like drinking I didn't say alcohol goddamn it!

Ann: I mean that's a fair point... *Sigh* I'm going to go and get to the canteen already

Simply said Ann getting up and starting to walk away from there, Alex and Julie followed quickly after leaving Fang alone.

Fang: H-hey wait for me!


Nikolay: It's already lunchtime and I haven't even started any work today, god why did I have to oversleep

Nikolay was walking down the corridors of the main building, quickly making his way through as he adjusted his clothes seeing he got out of bed in a rush realizing what hour it was, his hair was a mess, more than usual that is, and although he had a more energetic aura around him the annoyance of knowing he lost around 5 to 6 hours of work made that approachable aura disappear entirely.

Nikolay: Alright focus Nikolay, get lunch, eat quickly, find R5, apologies, get to work and try to finish before 8 p.m so then I can have dinner and quickly go and have that reunion with R1s, and after that tomorrow go greet the new dolls, yeah everything sounds alrigh--

Nikolay turned around to corner with speed bumping into someone and almost falling to the ground in the process, upon bumping he rubbed his face and looked at who he bumped into as they laid on the ground dazzled from the hit.

Nikolay: Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going...

Alicia: No I must apologize also I wasn't paying attention to my environment...

Nikolay: Oh wait, you are the leader of the mortar team

Said Nikolay quickly realizing who she was as soon as he noticed her hair, not really noticing who she was at first due to her wearing the standard uniform already.

Alicia: And you are the commander right?

Nikolay simply nodded and helped her get up, the doll then stepping back a little and dusting herself off.

Nikolay: Names Nikolay I was gonna go greet you all tomorrow seeing I'm a bit busy today but I see we met a bit earlier than I anticipated

Alicia: No worries sorry for bumping into you again

Nikolay: Oh no, no It's my fault it happens too often that I just bump into people, you are going to the canteen?

Alicia: Ah no, I already ate, I'm going to get the rule handbooks from the girls back in intelligence

Nikolay: I see, well just if you need me I'm usually in my office which is on the same floor as their office, you need to get to the last corridor instead of the first one and my door will be by the end of it, anyway hope you get along with everyone and sorry for the rushed presentation

Nikolay after that quickly resumed his walking and left the doll alone who waved goodbye at him as he walked towards the canteen.

Alicia: Seems like an energetic individual


Vega: Here you are Fomalhaut...

Fomalhaut: Hmm? Oh, it's you, what do you need from me, didn't I say go bother someone else while I'm busy?

Vega: I heard you the first time no need to repeat yourself

Fomalhaut: Then?

Fomalhaut turned around, leaving the documents in her hand fall to the ground and scatter around with the cold wind that still was across the entire base, she then swiftly put her hands resting on her hip and stared at Vega with her cold dead eyes expecting at least a decent answer to her question with a believable enough basis to it.

Vega stepped inside the poorly lit room, the rays of sunlight filtering into it through the broken roof, across the vast space of the room filled with boxes, computers, shelves full of books and reports, and all the papers and writing material that was scattered around the floor damaged to the weather, in the middle of this paper and intel mess Fomalhaut stood firm with that scrapped body of hers, the hydraulic claws of her hands stabbing into her lower stomach a bit as they rested on her hip angrily while she stared and waited for her to answer. Vega stared back from the stairs that lead down into the floor level of the room and analyzed her sister before speaking up.

Vega: I remembered that you sent two scouts to analyze our first area of priority

Fomalhaut suddenly relaxed realizing why she came to her.

Fomalhaut: So that's what you wanted to talk about, yeah I sent two puppets of mine in a stolen humvee and griffin uniforms

Vega: Griffin...?

Fomalhaut: Oh right, don't bother thinking about that you won't know them they probably won't oppose to us as a threat but an ally, for now, that is

Vega: ... What do you mean by that?

Fomalhaut: *Smiling* We both want to get rid of a common enemy, but when we will have to start destroying the NUSSR they will turn against us most probably but that's just speculation for now

Vega: Common enemy... What new threats are there back in the mainland that you haven't told me about Fomalhaut?

Replied Vega a bit angered at her sister only revealing vital things such as this one now. Fomalhaut only giggled as she shrugged and looked over directly into her sister's eyes noticing that glint of annoyance.

Fomalhaut: We just need to worry about him

Said Fomalhaut who quickly transferred a picture of a man to Vega's HUD, Vega simply calmed down and analyzed the picture sent to her, a man wearing a black trenchcoat, a mechanical arm, and somewhat uncared looks with a tired face.

Vega: Hm... So he is the main problem right now?

Fomalhaut simply smiled yet again, an almost psychotic aura around her as she did.

Fomalhaut: More than that, a menace~

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