「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 36: Cloudy

102 6 0
By Dualpen

Fang: *Sip* ...

Julie: Why the dead face?

Fang: I dunno, don't I look dead always?

Julie: I mean more than normal

Fang: Eh still don't know

Both sisters were having a drink on their balcony, the shifting morning rays of the sun settling upon them sometimes as they kept drinking there peacefully, today they had the entire day free of work after all.

Julie: Hm, won't pester further then *Sigh* I'm not going to lie, I now somewhat miss that bar

Fang: I fucking know right? A bar in this base would do such goo--... Actually, wasn't there one already tho?

Julie: Wait really?

Fang: I'm pretty fucking sure I saw something really similar not far away from the cafeteria

Julie: Oooh the one at the lower logistics corridor, yeah we have it, pretty sure no one operates it right now so it will stay closed until we get someone to manage it

Fang let out a groan before gulping down her entire glass of beer. Julie simply took hers and took a little sip, then looking up at the sky yet again.

Julie: At least the heatwave seems to be settling down

Fang: Oh yeah I forgot we were even having one

Julie: Hm, when was it that we were going to go on that mission?

Asked Julie finishing her glass now, Fang hummed as she thought about it before responding.

Fang: Pretty sure in like two weeks because we need to get the modifications training and furthermore help with something

Julie: Help? With what, I thought we were going on a mission and that's it

Fang: I dunno heard from Ann that Nikolay is planning something big for the base

Julie: Huh wonder what will it be...

Fang: Same


Nadya: Hm? And why should I be the one to know that of all people?

Raisa: *Sigh* I don't know? Because maybe, just perhaps you are the one walking around the base all day and monitoring everything?

Nadya: *Sigh* You already know how elusive R1s is, but either way no I don't know where she is Raisa, if you want to find her just search for one of her sisters or check her more frequently visited places

Raisa: ... Alright, thanks for nothing I guess

Simply replied the doll before walking away mumbling, Nadya sighed yet again, her head turned around with her body as she kept walking down the corridor in the opposite direction Raisa took, and upon reaching the intersection she simply turned to the right and leaned against the wall there.

Nadya: She is still searching for you

R1s: ... *Sigh* ...

Nadya simply glanced over at the doll, who still was a mess by all means, although it was clear she tried to hide that fact. Nadya's eyes kept their gaze upon her, slightly narrowed, and analyzing the doll's emotions.

Nadya: You can always simply wear your jacket closed and some make up

R1s: ... That could work...

Nadya: *Sigh* At least keep up your promise and go to Nikolay's workshop tomorrow as he requested

R1s: ... I will see about that

Nadya: ... Hm, anyways I guess you don't need me for anything else

Simply said Nadya as she stopped leaning against the wall and walked away without a goodbye, R1s kept looking at how Nadya disappeared slowly along the corridors, upon her eyes not being able to find her she let out another stored sigh from her lungs and looked down at her bandaged up hands which tried to hide the bruises.


R4: Went training again?

Ann: Yeah

Ann and Alex were standing by the gate, now chatting with R4 and R3 who still were on guard duty even today, both American dolls came back from the forest as Ann was helping Alex improve some of her skills such as explosive making and grenade throwing.

Ann: How about you two, anything interesting happening today?

R4: Bah, trucks pass by quickly and don't even dare to stop around here anymore so its pretty chill

R3: That's because you point at anyone with a fully loaded smg if they don't cooperate...

R4: And? I'm allowed to, they know the area is restricted, you cooperate or you get the barrel

Alex: I mean you could always calm down a bit and let them explain themselves without having to fear being shot

R4: One way or the other they gonna get their asses out of here, I will calm down when Nikolay lifts the lockdown, for now, I'm going to keep scaring them away

Ann: Hm, well have fun with that then

Said Ann simply and started walking back inside the base, Alex quickly sprinted to catch up with her sister and waved goodbye to the two dolls on guard duty as she ran behind Ann.

R4: *Sigh*

R3: Tired of talking?

R4: More than you can imagine...

R3: Hm...

R4: By the way, I heard R2s had a freakout know anything about that?

R3: R2s? No, being honest, I think I saw her once or maybe twice this week

R4: Huh, wonder the hell did she do, it really feels like they going insane one after another just like R1s

R3: ...

R3 simply shut up as soon as she heard that last name, not even a hum of acknowledgment was given as her eyes glided around to the right side of her vision and stayed around there avoiding any eye contact with her sister who gave her a side look.

R4: First R5 and now R1s...

R4 rolled her eyes as she decided to ignore R3 childish behavior and simply looked up at the sky, realizing how slowly but surely dark grey clouds crawled towards them.

R4: Agh come on we just got rid of the heatwave...

She mumbled a bit annoyed as her grip grew stronger on her smg.


R5 put down the documents and looked over at the clock, already 12:00 a.m as she saw the clock's hands settled upon the big black numbers. Her eyes however quickly glanced back at her commander who despite having entered his break hours was still working making her wonder if she should enforce breaks on him, moreover, it made her think if he was taking advantage of her inexperience of working with him, R5 did hear from some that Raisa treated with Nikolay like he was a bratty rich child but at the end of the day those were simply rumors to her as she really didn't see that by her own eyes which made her step back from doing such a daring thing, and by all means she only knew him for about 6 months now.

Nikolay: Is something the matter R5?

Nikolay's gaze collided with the dolls making her quickly snap out of her thinking and realize she was staring at him this whole time while she was thinking.

R5: Oh just was thinking that its already break time

Nikolay lowered the pen and looked over at the clock, realizing she was indeed right a sigh exited his lungs and loudly made its presence as it escaped between his lips.

Nikolay: Hmm... Raisa will scold me if she discovers I've been overworking...

R5: Is that true?

Nikolay: Eh sadly yeah, I mean I'm grateful she worries about me but damn no need to beat me up physically and emotionally every time to get me doing things for my own good

R5: Hmm, so I guess I can push that far sometimes?... Well let's go and have a coffee break then before she notices

Nikolay: Ghmm... *Sigh* Fine can you please bring something to eat as well with the coffee then R5?

R5: I will see what I can get

She said with a smile as she put down the box of files and photos and made her way out of the office, when she was gone Nikolay looked back at his laptop's screen and then at the paper he used to keep track of today's sorting and furthermore...

Nikolay: Who would have thought you need a special type of points to get troops and resources from G&K... Talk about making me feel like a goddamn child playing an RTS game...

His eyes looked around the paper's numbers and calculations, all drawn and written with his red pen and then marked with several black lines of a marker underneath the number of command points he needed.

Nikolay: It would be just plainly easier to get vehicles by simply buying them... But then again I wouldn't get the crew if I did that...

He mumbled tapping away with his pen, it almost seemed that as soon as he cleared a problem out of the board a new one appeared and threatened the stability of the whole board up to that point, that sensation clearly was reinforced and seen by everyone else in the base as they only saw Nikolay and R5 out of the office only for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Nikolay: If everything goes correctly Persica will supply me with a third of what I need to make a stable foundation but that's just guards and simple support troops... I still need the experienced pilot dolls in G&K and human personnel to give more time for the troops to train and actually rest

His mind kept thinking back and forth but it always ended up in the same thing, how to trick G&K and gain rapid access to commanding points? It's not like there is a lending system and if there even was one he didn't have anyone to do that, if only Polaris didn't decide to appear recently and waited for at least a month or two to let him settle down he wouldn't have to be overworking himself now even with poor health, at least a good thing came out of all this, his nervous system finally adapted back to his new mechanical arm from all the writing, signing and sorting he was doing.

Two knocks snapped him out of his thoughts and made him raise an eyebrow as his eyes gaze lifted from the paper towards the door, it definitely wasn't R5 she just went away like a minute or two ago, and furthermore, she doesn't even knock this early in the day because he already told her he is free until midday which by that time he is already being requested or has plans.

Nikolay: Oh right I got a reunion with R3s today as well as one with R2s... Come in

He said rubbing his face a bit while the person who knocked entered, upon finishing sobering up his eyes found themselves between the stare of WIST-94, making him tilt his head slightly as he wondered what she needed, they already gave him the document he requested yesterday as he specified.

Nikolay: Huh, you need something?

WIST-94 inhaled deeply before opening her eyes wide and looking at Nikolay, in her HUD a display of the dialogue rules Pr-15 made for her to ensure she would get what the three polish dolls needed.

"Yahoo commander, I was wondering if we could talk!"

WIST-94: ...

Nikolay: You feeling alright...?

"Come on what you waiting for"

WIST-94: I was wondering if we could talk...

"Ey that ain't the dialogue!"

WIST-94 now displayed a twisted smile as Pr-15 crossed WIST-94 cables, quite clearly an annoyed aura growing around her, this strange behavior, however, was quickly noticed by Nikolay who wondered what do to or even how to feel about this.

Nikolay: Uh sure...

"You see I was wondering if ya could help me out"

"Come on don't mess this up!"

WIST-94: Screw this gówno (shit)... Actually, can I simply stay in here for a while, I'm just feeling a bit sick from hanging around my coworkers...

Nikolay: Ah no wonders your strange behavior sure sit down I was gonna have my coffee break with R5 now

"WIST that ain't the damn scrip--!"

WIST-94 nodded as she disconnected from the inner comms and sat down on the sofa of the office, closing the door behind her and taking out her phone secretly to just do the thing her own way, why the hell did she even agree on following that damn stupid script and plan Pr-15 and MSBS made.

WIST-94: Sounds nice, and sorry for my disturbance

Nikolay: No don't worry its good to have familiar faces around this plain office

R5: I brought a pack of cookies that Fang had left uneaten Nikolay--... Oh WIST, I'm interrupting something?

R5 opened the door and entered the room, a coffee pot in one hand and the other holding tightly onto an already opened pack of chocolate cookies, the doll and Nikolay however shook their head in denial as the assistant closed the door behind her, reassuring to her she didn't just cut right through an important conversation.

Nikolay: She simply wanted to get a rest from her office so she went ahead and invited herself to ours

R5: Ahhh, I see, let me get you a paper cup of coffee as well

Said R5 rapidly as she walked past Nikolay's desk and reached the small table near the shelves behind his working place. On the table, she put away the cookies for now and took the two coffee cups belonging to her and him as well as one paper cup from the pile for their guest. Nikolay while waiting looked back at his laptop and kept tapping away with his pen, not noticing how WIST-94 sneakily took a photo of him and R5.

R5: Here

Let out the doll as she left a small plate with a pair of the cookies and his mug full of coffee on the desk, Nikolay thanked her and took one of the cookies taking a bite of it, and then gulping it down with the hot drink.

R5: And here

She let out yet again this time as she approached WIST-94 and offered her the paper cup filled with the brown liquid and a small plate of the cookies as well. WIST nodded and mumbled thanks as she put the plate on her lap and with one of her hands kept a hold of the cup, leaving the other one free to still be able to take photos.

Yet again the polish doll didn't waste the slim open opportunity and took a photo dissimulating her movements as if she adjusted herself to drink the coffee more comfortably.

R5: Oh right I saw R3s on my way here she asked me where was that reunion of yours and I said to her it was the same underground workshop in which we got the augmentations installed, should I try and go back to tell her another place or...?

Nikolay: Ah no don't worry, as long as you didn't tell her about your reunion with me and what it's about the rest doesn't matter besides they are rather quick so no you did good, did she ask anything else?

R5: Hmm, no we just had a rapid small talk while walking after that

Nikolay: Hm

WIST-94: Well I recovered my sanity now thank you for the coffee

Said the doll cutting their talks short as she got up and left the still full plate of cookies on a flat surface so it wouldn't fall onto the floor and excused herself with her empty paper cup.

R5: O-oh you're not gonna take a cookie?

WIST-94: I'm not hungry thank you

R5: Hm...

The slam of the door closing shut left the two people inside silent as they simply looked at how rapidly WIST-94 recovered from her somewhat strange behavior which they associated with stress but if it really was stress would she really take so little to recover?

Nikolay: *Sigh* Don't worry about her, just let her be pretty sure she just wanted a small breather and accepted the snacks out of politeness

R5: Hmm...


Pr-15: Here you are! The script! My god!

WIST-94: Can you shut up and look at my dm's?

Pr-15: ...?

MSBS: Oh, oh ho ho, this is good I see you didn't lose your touch even with a phone

WIST-94: You doubt a professional? Although I would have taken even more if you both didn't insist on that weird script Pr-15 made

Pr-15: It was flawless!

Said Pr-15 looking up from MSBS phone which currently had open the direct messages and was scrolling through the most recent ones, those being around the 10 photos WIST-94 took off Nikolay without him noticing, making it look even more natural.

WIST-94: Flawless as the talent of a child who recently learned to write with crayons and only uses the red one and blue to get that purple effect due that he lost the purple grape crayon

Pr-15: Agh!

MSBS: That's oddly specific but accurate

WIST-94: Then why did you approve of it?

MSBS: Because for the giggles

WIST-94: ... I despise you

MSBS: Hmhm, anyway this is great material let's wait some days before posting them on the forums so Nikolay doesn't suspect anything

WIST-94: *Sigh* And next time if we must do this don't even follow the absurd ideas of Pr-15 just for giggles

MSBS: Sure, sure, oh yeah is he happy with the report result?

WIST-94: Who? Nikolay? Yeah, he thanked us for the good job, although I'm still expectant to see if recruiting more personnel like that is a good idea

Pr-15: I mean in a way, that's how we landed here, so shouldn't be much bother

WIST-94: We however already had specialized background and were already in search of a job, and furthermore he reached out for us, not us for him

Pr-15: He ain't stupid WIST-94 let him manage his base as he wants I doubt he will pick anyone and even more doubt someone that is ill-suited for what he wants

WIST-94: I suppose


Alisa: Uhhhhh...

Alyona: You said everything was easy to clean...

Alisa: I mean it always is but this is definitely new...

Both dolls stood frozen each one to the side of the door frame looking inside the illuminated bathroom, the mess inside quite clearly caused on purpose as a sink was overflowing with water, several mirrors were wet and dirtied and a trail of small blood upon the flooded floor led to the back wall they had in front of them at the end of the room from the basins.

Alyona: You know anyone that frequents this area?

Alisa: No if I knew someone I would have went ahead and searched for them already

Alyona: Leaving me behind to clean the mess... Cheeky trickster

Alisa: How did you know?

Alyona: *Sigh*

Alyona simply took one of the mops from the cleaning cart they rolled around with them while patrolling and cleaning the halls of the base and currently unused rooms. Patting Alisa in the back she send her forward into the bathroom as the doll herself entered the room as well and went ahead to shut the sink.

Alyona: Let's get to cleaning I guess we can inform of this later

Alisa: Ghm... *Sigh* Alrightttttt

Simply said Alisa as she started to mop the floor as well, their movements becoming a constant back and forth between the bathroom and cleaning cart to wring out the mops from the collected water, which wasn't little by any means, the whole process taking them about 40 minutes, however as soon as they finish them backed off from the bathroom and sat down on the hall leaning sticking their backs against the wall as they waited for the floor to dry seeing how slippery it was to just risk falling over while cleaning the basins and mirrors.

Alyona: It looked straight out of a horror movie don't ya think?

Alisa: You know I don't like those movies...

Alyona: But you have seen some

Alisa: Ahhhh I guess

Alyona smiled with a little muffled giggle accompanying it as her lips curved slightly however her eyes settled back on the bathroom yet again as she thought about who could have made this mess, more importantly, how would they clean what seemed to be small bloodstains across the edge of one of the basins.

Alyona: Hm, we should come back later with some more cleaning supplies and make sure everything is good in this one

Alisa: I mean we already have enough cleaning supplies

Alyona: Bleach, mops, brooms, and a rather small bucket which we had to wiggle back and forth to empty out of water isn't suited for cleaning something like this

Alisa: Ghmm...

Let out the doll as she shifted her gaze to her right-hand side with a rather unpleased face her sister noticed this and gave her a side look which lasted for a bit longer than usual which ended up in her humming as she acknowledged something.

Alyona: I see you grew lazier while we spent our days here in base huh

Alisa: I mean... No

Alyona: Then?

Alisa: I'm bored...

Simply replied the doll back with a small groan and proliferated in force sigh both of which exited her mouth simultaneously. Alyona's eyes widened as to be certain, Alisa getting bored? That's a rare sight to see, especially in a huge and diverse environment such as their base, from all the new dolls and faces they quite recently met to their yet to be explored surrounding areas, you could rest assured that saying this environment seemed more entertaining compared to their previous one in the Urals wasn't an overstatement.

Alyona: You... are bored?

Alisa: Yeah... Besides I'm having more bad dreams recently than ever

She simply mumbled in an almost silent yet somewhat emotion-filled whisper, Alyona stared at her for a while before humming and looking back inside the bathroom.

Alyona: Any particular reason keeping you bored?

Alisa: ... Everything is... Too normal...

Then it was when Alyona realized what was happening, she was experiencing monotony first hand for the very first time, taking into account that before every day as a scavenger was constant time management play and most importantly a very rapid-paced changing agenda it seemed plausible for a hyperactive and in need of a stimulus to keep itself focused person would start to feel more than anything unsure and furthermore unhappy in an enclosed constant yet steady moreover not unpredictable environment such as a military base in which tasks were spread out and boundaries set to keep a good grip on the situation apart from having control on the overall morale of the people who lived there.

Alyona: Hm... Wanna go ask Nikolay if we can go have a fishing trip like last year?

Alisa's eyes suddenly lited up with a glint of interest and energy she seemed to almost keep on standby, like a bear hibernating and waiting for winter to pass.

Alisa: If we can I wouldn't mind...

She said trying to keep her excitement at bay however it was impossible as it was clear as water from her now somewhat more alive tone of voice she had. Alyona rolled her eyes realizing how easily manipulated her sister is and let out a soft sigh that escaped from her lips currently with a small smile displayed on them.

Alyona: But only after we finish this week's work

Alisa: ... Hmmm, alright!

Alyona: Heh well let's go get some more cleaning supplies then

Said Alyona getting up and taking the "caution wet floor" sign from their cleaning cart and placing it right in the middle of the door frame that lead inside the bathroom so no one would enter and accidentally slip. Meanwhile, Alisa reorganized the cart so she could more easily tow it back to the little room in which the materials needed to maintain the base clean where. In a matter of just a minute, both dolls walking away back towards that room to get the necessary cleaning supplies while waiting for the floor inside the bathroom to dry.


Merak: ... It had to be you...

Alioth: Of course

Simply replied the woman with a sly smile as Merak's Caleò class mechanoids started following Alioth orders and starting to dispose of unnecessary materials the ship crates contained. Merak kept looking at her sister, unamused, her liberty yet again taken by the purple eyed woman who stood firmly in front of her illuminated by the snow and ice as the rays of the sun bounced off the whiteness of the landscape.

Merak: I will very much enjoy your failure when it comes

Alioth: When it does

Said Alioth remarking Merak's own words, although filled with anger and spitefulness she quickly turned them around to get her even more rilled up.

Alioth: Until then enjoy the peacefulness of main base and swallow down your pride and ill manners with my success

Merak gritted her teeth almost wanting to jump on Alioth's neck and get rid of that high almost noble arrogant attitude in one fell swoop. If anyone was able to look at them right now they would think they are looking at a mirror in which a single person was reflected due to the identical body composition of both women moreover their identical Polaris hologram uniform, however, the distinctive took place as soon as you tried to look at them in a more spiritual way, both auras colliding between each other setting an awkward, tense and more violent atmosphere. The mechanoids didn't mind this as they really didn't have an emotion module to care about their leader's mood shenanigans so in the end, it all came down to the two, but who was gonna stop them, they were alone after all.

"Alioth please behave yourself, you ain't a rich brat are you?"

Alioth: Hmmph...

Well or so it would be if Vega didn't ask Fomalhaut to monitor the troop exchange through their own very eyes and minds.

Merak: Oh no you are wrong Fomalhaut, she is, and quite the spoiled one, a good ass beating would teach her some manners

Alioth: Ho? You perhaps want to eat snow because I can remodel your bad temper with just a good old beating as well

"You two want to get disconnected?"

Both women suddenly froze and stopped even thinking for a second, the simple sentence that Fomalhaut said with such ease reaching them inmideatly but taking a bit to process, their sudden calm made the voice inside their head giggle greatly, Fomalhaut quite pleased with how effective that threat was.

"That's what I thought, now be good girls while I go and keep doing my own thing, I can trust and rest assured that when I disconnect you two won't do anything stupid, and simply will stick to your orders right?"

The two stayed silent as Fomalhaut laughed this time and disconnected, both woman now gritting their teeth as they went separate ways opposite from each other. Alioth with the now quite large group of combined mechanoids forces and Merak with just only her two personal guard mechanoids of the Palatine class, who kept her monitored as the three directed themselves back to base.

Meanwhile, Fomalhaut kept peeking through their minds for a little while longer, having faked her disconnection, just to make sure. You never know what the rageful temper of Merak may do when she is not monitored, and besides, Vega specified to keep track of Alioth's progress.

Fomalhaut: *Sigh* She really gonna take over two sites and raise such a large force?... Ay-ay-ay Vega, why would you let her do this they both are going to blow our cover either way

She simply mumbled as her metallic claws kept tapping away on the table, her mechanoids meanwhile doing the job she for such a long time was waiting for since she was planning her return to Polaris main base. Recover her original body, apparently nowhere to be found, however she knew what files she needed to search for around this big pile of messy report crates and blood stained room.

Fomalhaut: Hm... Now that I think of it... They may have left it at a testing site... If Alioth finds it she better not scrap it or she getting scrapped herself...

Mumbled Fomalhaut, getting uneasy from just thinking how vulnerable her old body was now; alone, unaware of anything, an empty carcass easy prey for a scavenger and the people who seek to destroy it.

Fomalhaut: Agh! They had to out me just like a corporation getting rid of an obsolete AI... If only I had it now, if only... All Polaris under control yet again, under a sole being... Ah yes, I just need to imagine that, it will calm down my boiling blood for sure

She said giggling a bit yet again, maybe so many years trapped down in an old facility made her go crazy.


Scrolling through her phone silently; the rain kept hitting the glass of the bar, the rain droplets rolling down the windows and giving a gloomy atmosphere to the outside world, although the city was pretty loud and alive the inside such as this establishment were awfully silent, to not say she was the only client, with a whiskey glass on hand and mobile phone on the other, the blueish light of the screen kept reflecting on her eyes and glasses. Her thumb in a constant motion that kept the phone scrolling through the net she has been here for about 2 hours now, simply scrolling and drinking, not finding what she wanted however that didn't stop her, maybe it was the alcohol or just her inner stubbornness on finding a suited job for her something she could feel like right at home. A sigh exited her mouth as she didn't find anything yet, simply going back up she reloaded the page and started looking again, this time however something caught her eye, the announcement looked promising but were the contents what she searched for?

???: Combat ready Doll needed with experience...

A try wouldn't hurt, she did find what she was searching for in the end.

???: Copy the link... Send... And wait for a response *Sigh*

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