cognitive, take two

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"Tara, did you get a message from Emily?"

"Yeah, do you have any idea what it's about?"

"Well, let's find out."

We made our way into Emily's office to see her and Stephen waiting patiently for us. "What's going on?" Tara questioned.

Stephen handed us a recent picture of none other than Peter Lewis. "Where was this taken?"

"Tegucigalpa, Honduras."

"That puts him in Latin America!" I said a little too excitedly.

"Which is why I need Tara to go and conduct another cognitive on Reid. If he can put Scratch in that motel room, we can put him on a watchlist."

It was like music to my ears. We were one step closer to figuring this whole situation out. One step closer to having Spencer in my arms at last.

"The prison is on lockdown, though. The only way I could get you in was for medical purposes. You are a doctor doing a check up on her patient."

"I'll make sure to pack my stethoscope."

I left work with a bit of a pep in my step that day. When I got home, I noticed some mail from Spencer. I gave Delilah her letter and went off to read what Spencer had wrote me today.

Dear Ariel,

I am a monster. I've done things in here that make me sick to my stomach and make me hate everything about myself. I poisoned the heroine they made me move. I didn't want to hurt them, but I wanted them to just leave me alone. I'm trying to survive, just like the rest of them. What makes me any better than everyone else in here? I had to hurt people in order to stay alive and this just proves to me that I don't deserve the privilege of going back to living a normal life. I can't sleep, I can't think straight, it's all becoming too much. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve Delilah. I don't deserve the BAU, my family, none of it. I wish I wasn't such a screw up. Maybe then I'd still be with you and not stuck in this personal hell. I love you, so fucking much. Forever and Always, Spencer

A monster? Not deserving of love? Whatever is happening to him in there is slowly taking away the man I fell in love with and I hate it. I sent a quick text to Tara before I went to make dinner.

Just got Spencer's latest letter. He sounds terrible. Please make sure he's okay tomorrow. Let him know I still love him.

The next morning, we had a case in Arizona. It was a doozy, that was for sure. We couldn't figure out how our victims were dying and it was stressing everyone out. It also didn't help that we were down Emily and Tara.

I was bunked up with JJ at the hotel the team was staying at. She could tell something was off, well, more than usual. "What's going on?"

I set down my book, looking over at JJ. She had that 'worried mom' look, which meant one way or another she'd get you to talk about your problems.

"Spencer's latest letter. He told me that he did things in order survive and he thinks it makes him a monster. He thinks he doesn't deserve a normal life with us after all of this. I just want him here. He doesn't deserve this."

She got up and sat next to me, pulling my hand into her own.

"I know you feel helpless right now. You want to take away his pain but there's no way you can. When we get him out, I know that you and that beautiful daughter of yours is going to remind him everyday for the rest of his life that he is a good person. That he deserves a life of happiness with you both."

I wiped my tears away and pulled JJ into a hug.

"Sorry about this. He's your friend too and I know you're struggling and I haven't-"

"Don't, Ariel. I'm doing okay, the whole team is getting through this together. I talk to Will about how I'm feeling about all this all the time. So I am getting by and I don't need to be another one of your worries. We understand that you've got it worse than us. It's okay."

"Thank you, JJ. I appreciate it."

She gave me one last hug before we went off to bed.

The next day, I was stumped about this case. The more and more I looked at the pictures, the more theories I developed.

Then my team found me later in a dark room with a small model in front of me. "What's all this?" Luke asked.

"Well," I started, preparing to explain my breakthrough. "This case was starting to bother me. Nothing was making sense and I was getting frustrated. So, I did what I always do in these situations. I ask myself one question, 'What Would Spencer Reid Do?' Then, it all made sense."

I used my flashlight to show my teammates that the unsub was using the victims to create a sundial. We were all relieved to have another clue to push the investigation forward.

After my demonstration, JJ came up to me and patted my shoulder. "Even when he's not here in person, the Reids are always managing to solve the case." I smirked at her as she walked away. Even when he's miles away, the thought of him makes everything clearer.

We had eventually solved the case and were on our way back home. Back at Quantico, Tara was pacing around the bullpen. "Tara, what's up?" I knew the look on her face meant she had some bad news. I just hope it wasn't too horrible.

"I got farther with Reid in the cognitive. But there's one big problem. He remembers who was in the room with him, but it wasn't Scratch. It was a woman."

This changed everything. The whole team was brainstorming, trying to figure out where to go from here. While I was glad Spencer was remembering more, this just throws another wrench into the investigation.

Emily sent us all home, wanting us to rest before we went at the case hard. But I didn't sleep well that night. All I could think about was where to go from here.

The next morning was a rude awakening. Stephen's friend had been poisoned, along with other victims as well, and I got the news that Spencer's trial had been moved back 6 weeks. The hits just kept on coming.

We worked hard and eventually found our unsub. Stephen's friend didn't make it, but at least he got to see his son before he passed. The scene made me want to run home and hug my daughter as tightly as I could in my arms.

But it just kept on getting worse.

I got a frantic call from my father. "Diana's gone."

"What? Dad what happened?"

"There was a new nurse. She said Cassie had hired her to take over. She was taking Diana out on a little walk, but they never came back. Everytime I've tried to call, it goes straight to voicemail."

I froze up and frantically signaled my teammates.

"Don't worry, dad. We'll figure this out. You and Cheryl should grab Delilah and come to the BAU."

I explained the situation to my teammates. They were all immediately concerned. Then, Emily got a call from Fiona.

"He wants to talk to me and Fiona, it sounded urgent."

"What happened?"

"A nurse brought his mom to the prison to visit him. He's worried that she's in trouble."

Emily was quickly on her way to the prison and I was left a worried mess.

"I hadn't been over to visit in a few days. I should have seen the new nurse and maybe I would have noticed something was wrong. This is all my fault."

The team sat me down and tried to slow my rapidly increasing breaths.

"Ariel, this isn't your fault," said Rossi, trying to help me calm down. "Nobody knows what's going on. But we're gonna figure it out and we're gonna fight this."

I just hoped they were right. I couldn't take anymore of this suffering.

What horrible thing did we do that God decided the Reid's needed to be punished for? Because from where I'm standing, this is absolute torture.

Things are heating up! Sorry about the short chapter, but I hope you'll like what's coming soon!

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