mazel tov

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I've met a lot of psychopaths in my day, but none like her. There were always gonna be unsubs that you had to jump through hoops with, play their games until you can mess them up and then take them down.

But the damage she had been doing mentally to Spencer was beyond crazy. She was practically the devil.

Spencer had tried walking her through a scenario, one she got bored of very quickly.

"Let's speed this up," she stated as she slammed her hands on the table. She stood up and walked around to Spencer, placing herself in his lap.

I could tell that he was uncomfortable and even took notice of how his hands were nowhere near touching any place on her body. She started moving her hand up to his chest, trying to make herself as seductive as she could be in the ugly prison garbs.

"Out of all the pain I could have capitalized on, what did I pick? Was it the death of your mentor? SSA Jason Gideon?"

"No, because we found the man who killed him."

She started to move her face towards his ear, he lips dangerously too close. I knew I had no reason to feel jealous, but it wasn't fun to see another woman practically throwing herself at him.

"Or is it the guilt of not seeing Agent Morgan and his son."

"I was in prison."

"Yeah, but you had time before that," she spoke quietly in his ear.

"Truthfully, I was distracted. I was trying to figure out a way to help my mom. But I know that Morgan, Savannah, and little Bobby would understand."

Cat then got up and moved back to her seat. Spencer gave me a quick look back before returning his gaze towards her.

"Good job, Spence," I muttered as I pulled out my phone, dialing Rossi.

"What's up, Ariel?"

"So Cat has deep information on Spence. She knew about Gideon and Morgan leaving. But he tripped her up, he said the wrong name of Morgan's son and she didn't correct him."

"That would be in Spencer's personal file," Emily jumped in. "It would have relevant team information, but would withhold Morgan's son's name for privacy. Thanks, Ariel."

I hung up and returned my focus on Spencer and Cat. He was lost in thought, using as much of his brain power as he possibly could.

"What else would you not want me to admit?... Love."

She froze at his realization. If this bitch really wanted Spencer to admit that he was in love with her, I'd have to shoot myself in the foot.

"You want me to admit I'm in love with you, is that what this is about?"

You could tell she was angry with how pushy his statement was.

"Look, I love my fairytales as much as the next girl, but that's not why I did all this. I had Lindsey leave a clue for you in your mom's scrapbook."

The chromosomes? What was she getting at.

"I had to make sure I was positive. Well," she paused and placed her hands on her stomach. "Until I tested positive."

"Wait, you're pregnant?" I could tell he was confused. Frankly, so was I. How the hell did she get pregnant?

"Actually, we're pregnant."

My blood went cold at her words. I could see Spencer tense up as well.

"Mazel tov!" she said cheerily.

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